Abkürzung | Bedeutung | Gruppe |
A |
A | ADMD-Name (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
A | Aktiva | BWL |
A | Ampere (Maßeinheit: Stromstärke) | Maßeinheit |
a | Ar (Maßeinheit: Fläche) | Maßeinheit |
A | Arbeit | VWL |
A | Austria (Österreich) | Autokennzeichen |
a.A. | auf Anfrage | |
a.a.O. | am angegeben Ort | |
a.D. | außer Dienst | |
a.F. | alte Fassung | |
a.G. | auf Gegenseitigkeit | |
a.u. | arbitrary unit (willkürliche Einheiten) | |
A/D | Analog/Digital | |
A/S | Aktieselskab (dänische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
A2DP | Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
A4WP | Alliance for Wirelesse Power | Organisation |
AA | Anonyme Alkoholiker | Organisation |
AA | Antialiasing | IT |
AA | Auswärtiges Amt | Behörde |
AA | Auto Answer | |
AAA | American Automobile Association | Organisation |
AAA | Australian Automobile Association | Organisation |
AAA | Authentication, Authorizing, Accounting | |
AAA | Autonomous Administrative Area | |
AAAAA | Anonym Association Against Acronym Abuse | Organisation |
AAAAAA | Association for the Abolition of Abused Abbreviations and Asinine Acronyms | Organisation |
AAAI | American Association of Artificial Intelligence | Organisation |
AAC | Advanced Audio Coding | IT |
AAC | Apple Assistance Center | IT |
AACE | Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education | Organisation |
AACS | Advanced Access Content System | IT |
AAD | Address Adder | IT |
AAD | Akademischer Austauschdienst | |
AAE | Allgemeine Anschalterlaubnis | TK |
AAE | Automatische Anrufeinrichtung | TK |
AAL | Absolute Assembly Language | IT |
AAL | ATM Adaption Layer | IT |
AALPDU | AAL Protocol Data Unit | IT |
AAM | Automatic Acoustic Management | |
AAMOF | As a matter of fact (Tatsache ist) | Usenet |
AAP | Advanced Adaptive Protocol | IT |
AAP | Applications Access Point (DEC) | IT |
AAP | Association of American Publishers | Organisation |
AAP | Autonomous Administrative Point | IT |
AAPI | Audio Applications Programming Interface | IT |
AARP | Appletalk Address Resolution Protocol | IT |
AAS | Arithmetic Assignment Statement | IT |
AASP | ASCII Asynchronous Support Package | IT |
AAT | Average Access Time | |
AATIS | Arbeitskreis Amateurfunk und Telekommunikation in der Schule | Organisation |
AAUI | Apple Attachment Unit Interface | IT |
AAVD | Automatic Alternate Voice Data | IT |
AB | Aktiebolaget (schwedische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
AB | Allgemeine Bedingungen | Recht |
AB | Anfangsbestand | BWL |
AB | Anrufbeantworter | TK |
AB | Außenbeitrag | VWL |
AB | Ausser Betrieb | |
ABAP | Advanced Business Application Programming (SAP) | IT |
ABB | ASEA Brown Boveri | Unternehmen |
Abb. | Abbildung | |
ABC | Activity Based Costing | |
ABC | American Broadcasting Company | Medien |
ABC | Applications of Broadband Communication | |
ABC | Australian Broadcasting Commission | Medien |
ABC | Automatic Brightness Control | |
ABC (-Waffen) | atomar, biologisch, chemisch | |
ABCS | Advanced Business Communications via Satellite | |
ABCS | Army Battle Command System | |
ABD | Automatic Baudrate Detection | IT |
ABEND | Abnormal End | IT |
ABF | Adobe Binary Screen Font | IT |
ABF | Applications By Forms | IT |
ABG | Allgemeines Berggesetz | Recht |
ABGB | Allgemeines Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch (Österreichische Privatrechtskodifikation, die am 1. 6. 1811 verkündet wurde) | Recht |
Abi | Abitur | |
ABI | Application Binary Interface | IT |
ABIC | Access Bus Industry Group | |
ABIS | Autmatisches Rohkarosserien Oberflächeninspektionssystem | |
ABK | Arbeitskreis Bildkommunikation | Organisation |
Abk. | Abkürzung | |
ABlEG | Amtsblatt der Europäischen Gemeinschaften | Recht |
ABM | anti ballistic missile | |
ABM | Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahme | |
ABM | Asynchronous Balanced Mode | IT |
ABN | Australian Bibliographic Network | Organisation |
ABNF | Augmented Backus-Naur Form | |
ABNS | Application Based Network Services | IT |
ABR | Available Bit Rate | IT |
ABS | Antiblockiersystem | |
Abs. | Absatz | |
Abschn. | Abschnitt | |
AbsichG | Gesetz über Maßnahmen zur außenwirtschaftlichen Absicherung | Recht |
ABT | Abort (Abbruch) | IT |
ABWL | Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre | BWL |
AbzG | Gesetz betreffend die Abzahlungsgeschäfte, Abzahlungsgesetz | Recht |
AC | Access/Automatic Control | IT |
AC | Accumulator | |
Ac | Actinium | Chemisches Element |
AC | Air Conditioner | |
AC | Alternating Current (Wechselstrom) | |
AC | Analogue Computer | IT |
AC | Application Context | IT |
AC | Audio Codec | IT |
AC | Authentication Center | IT |
ACA | Application Control Architecture (DEC) | IT |
ACAE | Association des Constructeurs Eurpéens d' Automobiles | Organisation |
ACAP | Application Configuration Access Protocol | IT |
ACARS | Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System | |
ACAS | Application Control Architecture Services | IT |
ACATS | Advisory Committee on Advanced Television Systems | Organisation |
ACC | Accumulator | |
ACC | Acetylcystein | Medizin |
ACC | Acoat Color Codification-System | |
ACC | Active Clearance Control | |
ACC | Area Communication Controller | IT |
ACCU | Association of C and C++ Users | Organisation |
ACD | Automated/Automatic Call Distributor/Distribution | IT |
ACD | Automatic Call Distribution (Informatik, Call-Center) | IT |
ACDF | Access Control Decision Function | IT |
ACDI | Asynchronous Communication Device Interface | IT |
ACDP | Australian Committee on Data Processing | Organisation |
ACE | Additional Core Enhancements | IT |
ACE | Advanced Computing Environment | IT |
ACE | Adverse Channel Enhancement | IT |
ACE | American Cinema Editors | Organisation |
ACE | Automatic Calling Equipment | IT |
ACE | Automatic Computing Engine | IT |
ACELP | Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction | IT |
ACF | Access Control Field | IT |
ACF | Advanced Communication Function | IT |
ACFC | Address and Control Field Compression | IT |
ACG | Arbitrary Code Guard | IT |
ACH | Airline Clearing House | |
ACH | Automated Clearing House | IT |
ACI | Access Control Information | IT |
ACI | Advanced Chip Interconnection | IT |
ACI | American Computer Innovators | Organisation |
ACIA | Access Control Inner Administrative Area | IT |
ACIA | Asynchronous Communication Interface Adapter | IT |
ACIAS | Automated Calibration Internal Analysis System | IT |
ACID | Atomar, Consistent, Isolated, Durable | IT |
ACID | Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability | IT |
ACIS | American Committee for Interoperable Systems | Organisation |
ACK | Acknowledge (Einverstanden, Zustimmung) | Usenet |
ACK | Amsterdam Compiler Kit | IT |
ACL | Access Control List | IT |
ACL | Agent Communication Language | IT |
ACL | Application Connectivity Link | IT |
ACL | Asynchronous Connection-Less | IT |
ACLU | American Civil Liberties Union (amerikanische Bürgerrechtsorganisation) | Organisation |
ACM | Association for Computing Machinery | IT |
ACMS | Application Control Management System | IT |
ACONET | Akademisches Computer-Netz (Österreich) | IT |
ACP | Automatic Channel Programming | IT |
ACP | Auxiliary Control Process | IT |
ACPI | Advanced Configuration and Power Interface | IT |
ACR | Attenuation to Crosstalk Ratio | IT |
ACROSS | Automated Cargo Release and Operations Service System | IT |
ACS | Admission Control Service | IT |
ACS | Asynchronous Communication Server | IT |
ACS | Auto-Configuration-Server | IT |
ACSA | Access Control Specific Area | IT |
ACSE | Access Control Service Element | IT |
ACSE | Association Control Service Element/Entity | IT |
ACSnet | Australian Computer Science Network | IT |
ACT | Advanced Communication for Training | |
ACT | Applied Computerized Telephony | TK |
ACTA | American Council of Trustees and Alumni | Organisation |
ACTA | America's Carriers Telecommunication Association | Organisation |
ACTEF | ACcess TEchnologies Forum | IT |
ACTS | Advanced Communications Technologies and Services | IT |
ACTS | Automated Computer Time Service | IT |
ACTV | Advanced Compatible Television | |
ACU | Access Control Unit | IT |
ACU | Automatic Calling Unit | IT |
AD | Active Directory | IT |
AD | Adendum | |
AD | Administrative Domain | IT |
AD | Anno Domini | |
AD2P | Advanced Audio Distribution Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
ADA | Adobe Developers Association | IT |
ADA | Automatic Data Acquisition | |
ADAC | Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil Club | Organisation |
AdaIC | Ada Information Clearinghouse | IT |
ADaM | Automatischer Datenmessplatz | |
ADB | Apple Desktop Bus | IT |
ADC | Adaptive Data Compression | |
ADC | Add with Carry | IT |
ADC | Analog to Digital Converter | IT |
ADC | Application Development Classes | IT |
ADCCP | Advanced Data Communication Control Procedure | IT |
ADD | Adapter Device Driver | IT |
ADD | Attention Deficit Disorder (siehe ADHS) | Medizin |
ADDS | Active Directory Domain Services | IT |
ADDX | Assoziation Deutschsprachiger DXer | Organisation |
ADE | Application Development Environment | IT |
ADEPA | Agence Nationale pour le Developpement de la Production Automatisee | Behörde |
ADF | Address Distribution Facility | |
ADF | Automatic Document Feed | IT |
ADFC | Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrradclub | Organisation |
ADGB | Allgemeiner Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund | Organisation |
Adgo | Allgemeine Deutsche Gebührenordnung | Recht |
ADHD | Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (siehe ADHS) | Medizin |
ADHS | Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung | Medizin |
ADI | Acceptable Daily Intake (Erlaubte Tagesdosis) | Medizin |
ADI | Agence de l'Informatique | Organisation |
ADI | Autodesk/AutoCAD Device Interface | IT |
ADL | Address Data Latch | IT |
ADL | Adventure Definition Language | IT |
ADLAT | Adaptive Lattice Filter | IT |
ADLC | Adaptive Lossless Data Compression | IT |
ADM | Add/Drop-Multiplexer | IT |
ADM | Aggregate Data Manager | IT |
ADM | Algorithmic Decision Making | |
ADM | Application Development Modul | IT |
ADM | Asynchronous Disconnected Mode | IT |
ADM | Automatic Drive Maintenance | IT |
ADMD | Administrative Management Domain (X.400) | IT |
ADN | Allgemeiner Deutscher Nachrichtendienst | Medien |
ADO | ActiceX Data Objects | IT |
ADP | Automatic Data Processing | IT |
ADPCM | Adaptive Data Pulse Code Modulation | IT |
ADR | Address | IT |
ADR | Advanced Digital Recording | IT |
ADR | American Depository Receipt (Finanzmarkt) | |
ADRC | Adaptive Dynamic Range Coding | IT |
ADRD | Automatic Data Rate Detection | IT |
ADS | Active Directory Service | IT |
ADS | Administration and Data Server | IT |
ADS | Aktiver Diagnose-Stecker | |
ADS | Allgemeine Deutsche Seeversicherungsbedingungen | Recht |
ADS | Alternate Data Streams | IT |
ADS | Application Development System | IT |
ADS | Aufmerksamkeitsdefizitstörung | Medizin |
ADS | AutoCAD Development System | IT |
ADS | Automatic Distribution System | IT |
ADSC | Address Status Changed | IT |
ADSC | Adobe Document Structure Conventions | IT |
ADSI | Active Directory Service Interface | IT |
ADSL | Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Line | IT |
ADSM | Adstar Distributed Storage Manager (IBM) | IT |
ADSP | AppleTalk Data Stream Protocol | IT |
ADSR | Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release | |
ADT | Abrechnungsdatenträger | IT |
ADT | Abstrakter Datentyp | IT |
ADT | Application Data Type | IT |
ADTV | Advanced Definition Television | TV |
ADU | Analog Digital Umsetzer | |
ADU | Automatic Dialing Unit | IT |
ADW | Application Development Workbench | IT |
ADX | Automatic Data Exchange | IT |
ADxVerz | Amtliches Verzeichnis der DATEX-Teilnehmer | TK |
AE | Anwendungsentwicklung | IT |
AE | Application Entity | IT |
AE | Applications Engineer | IT |
AEA | Association of European Airlines | IT |
AEB | Analogue Expansion Bus | IT |
AEC | Architectural and Engineering Construction | IT |
AEC | Ars Electronica Center | IT |
AECG | Advanced Embedded Codes Gateway | IT |
AECOM | Asociatión Española de Codificatión de Mensajes | Organisation |
AED | Abfrageeinrichtung für Datenverkehr | IT |
AED | ALGOL Extended for Design | IT |
AED | Automatisierter Externer Defibrillator | Medizin |
AEEC | Airlines Engineering Electronics Committee | IT |
AEF | Address Extension Facilities | IT |
AEG | Allgemeine Elektizitätsgesellschaft | Unternehmen |
AEH | Advanced Encapsulated Hypertext | IT |
AEI | Additional Equipment Interface | IT |
AEIOUS | Advanced Enhanced Interface for Open Universal Systems | IT |
AEM | Automatic Emulation Management | IT |
AEP | AppleTalk Echo Protocol | IT |
AES | Advanced Encryption Standard | IT |
AES | Application Environment Specification/Services | IT |
AET | Abstract Window Toolkit | IT |
AET | Advanced Educational Technology | IT |
AET | Application Entity Title | IT |
AF | Assured Forwarding | IT |
AF | Audio Frequency | IT |
AF | Auxiliary Carry Flag | IT |
AfA | Absetzung für Abnutzung | BWL |
AfaA | Absetzung für außergewöhnliche Abnutzung | BWL |
AFAIAA | As Far As I Am Aware | Usenet |
AFAIC | As Far As I am Concerned | Usenet |
AFAIK | As Far As I Know (Soweit ich weiß) | Usenet |
AFAIR | As Far As I Remember (Soweit ich mich erinnere) | Usenet |
AFB | Adobe Font Binary | IT |
AFB | Air Force Base | |
AFC | Automatic Font Change | IT |
AFC | Automatic Frequency Control | |
AFD | Automatic File Distribution | IT |
AFG | Arbeitsförderungsgesetz | Recht |
AFI | Authority and Format Identifier | IT |
AFII | Association for Font Information Interchange | Organisation |
AFIN | Association Francaise des Informaticiens | Organisation |
AFIPS | American Federation of Information Processing Societies | Organisation |
AFJ | April Fool's Joke (Aprilscherz) | Usenet |
AFK | Away From Keyboard (Away From Keyboard) | Usenet |
AFM | Adobe Font Metrics | IT |
AFN | American Forces Network | Medien |
AFNOR | Association Francaise de Normalisation | Organisation |
AFP | Advanced Function Printing | IT |
AFP | AppleTalk Filing Protocol | IT |
AfP | Archiv für Pressrecht | Zeitschrift |
AFR | Air-Fuel Ratio (Verbrennungsluftverhältnis) | |
AFR | Alternate Frame Rendering | IT |
AFR | Annualized Failure Rate (jährliche Ausfallrate) | IT |
AFR | Automatische Frequenzregelung | |
AFS | Advanced Freephone Service | TK |
AFS | Andrew File System | IT |
AFSK | Audio Frequency Shift Keyer/Keying (Modulation) | |
AFTP | Anonymous FTP (Internet) | IT |
AFTR | Address Family Transition Router | IT |
AFuG | Amateurfunkgesetz | Recht |
AFUU | Association Francaise des Utilisateurs d'UNIX | Organisation |
AFUUSO | Association Francaise des Utilisateurs d'UNIX et des Systemes Ouverts | Organisation |
AFuV | Amateurfunkverordnung | Recht |
AG | Aktiengesellschaft | |
AG | Amtsgericht | Behörde |
AG | Arbeitsgemeinschaft | |
aG | außergewöhnlich Gehbehindert | Recht |
Ag | Silber | Chemisches Element |
AGA | Advanced Graphics Adapter/Architecture | IT |
AGAF | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Amateurfunkfernsehen | Organisation |
AGC | Automatic Gain Control | IT |
AGCS | Advanced Graphic Chip Set | IT |
AGCW | Arbeitsgemeinschaft CW | Organisation |
AGDX | Arbeitsgemeinschaft DX e. V., Erlangen | Organisation |
AGE | Automatische Gebührenerfassung | TK |
AGFA | Aktiengesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation | Unternehmen |
AGfJ | Arbeitsgemeinschaft freier Jugendverbände | Organisation |
AGFMB | Arbeitsgemeinschaft Freier Mailboxen | Organisation |
AGFPL | Aladdin Ghostscript Free Punlic License | IT |
AGI | Address Generation Interlock | IT |
AGM | Absorbent Glass Matt | |
AGP | Accelerated Graphics Port | IT |
AGP | Advanced Graphics Package | IT |
AGP | Advanced Graphics Port | IT |
AGTIVE | Applications of Graph Transformations with Industrial Relevance | Organisation |
AGU | Address Generation Unit | IT |
AGUI | Advanced Graphical User Interface | IT |
AgV | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Verbraucherverbände | Organisation |
AGV | Automatic Guided Vehicle | IT |
AGV | Autonomously Guided Vehicle | IT |
Ah | Amperestunde | IT |
AH | Authentication Header | IT |
AHC | Advanced High Speed CMOS | IT |
AHCI | Advanced Host Controller Interface | IT |
AHDL | Altera Hardware Description Language | IT |
AHK | Anschaffungs- und Herstellkosten | BWL |
AI | Active Interface | IT |
AI | Adobe Illustrator | IT |
AI | Amnesty International | Organisation |
AI | Analog Input | |
AI | Artificial Intelligence (Künstliche Intelligenz) | IT |
AIA | Application Integrated Architecture (DEC) | IT |
AIAG | Automative Industry Action Group | Organisation |
AIBD | Association of International Bond Dealers | Organisation |
AICPA | American Institute of Certified Accountants | Organisation |
AID | Alarm Identification on Demand | IT |
AIDA | Attention, Interest, Desire, Action | |
AIDS | Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome | Medizin |
AIDS | Automatic Installation and Diagnostic Service | IT |
AIFF | Audio Interchange File Format | IT |
AIG | Auslandsinvestitionsgesetz | Recht |
AII | Active Input Interface | IT |
AIIM | Association for Information and Image Management | Organisation |
AIK | Angewandte Informatik Karlsruhe e. V. | Organisation |
AIM | Advanced Informatics in Medicine | Organisation |
AIM | Apple, Intel, Motorola | Unternehmen |
AIM | Automatic Interface Management in Medicine | |
AIMB | As I Mentioned Before | Usenet |
AIMD | Additive Increase/Multiplicative Decrease | IT |
AIMM | AGP Inline Memory Module | IT |
AIN | Advanced Intelligent Networks | IT |
AIN | Auto Insert Notification | IT |
AIP | Association of Internet Professionals | Organisation |
AIPS | Astronomical Image Processing System | |
AIR | Asociación Interamericana Radiodifusión | Organisation |
AIRA | American Internet Registrants Association | Organisation |
AIS | Alarm Indication Signal | |
AIS | Application Integration Services | |
AISB | Association of Imaging Service Bureaus | Organisation |
AISI | As I See It | Usenet |
AISP | Association of Information Systems Professionals | |
AIT | Advanced Information Technology | |
AIT | Advanced Intelligent Tape | |
AIUI | As I Understand It | Usenet |
AiW | Assistenzarzt in Weiterbildung | Medizin |
AIX | Advanced Interactive Executive (IBM) | IT |
Ajax | Asynchronous JavaScript and XML | IT |
AK | Anschaffungskosten | BWL |
aka | also known as | Usenet |
AKI | Arbeitskreis Informatik | |
Akku | Akkumulator, Stromspeicher | |
AKS | Arbeitskreis Schule | |
AktG | Aktiengesetz | Recht |
AKW | Atomkraftwerk | |
AKz | Amtskennziffer | TK |
Al | Aluminium | Chemisches Element |
AL | Application Layer | IT |
AL | Arbeitslose | VWL |
AL | Arbitrated Loop | |
AL | Artificial Life | |
AL | Assembly Language | IT |
Al | Chemisches Zeichen für Aluminium | Chemisches Element |
ALA | American Library Association | Organisation |
ALAT | Alanin-Aminotransferase (auch ALT) | |
ALC | Arithmetic and Logic Circuit | IT |
ALC | Automatic Level Control | |
ALDC | Advanced Lossless Data Compression | IT |
ALE | Address Latch Enable | IT |
ALE | Application Link Enabling | IT |
ALEX | Advertising Link Exchange | IT |
ALEX | Altlasten-Expertensystem | |
ALEX | Automatic Labour Exchange | |
ALEX | Automatic Login Executor | IT |
ALGOL | Algorithmic Language | IT |
ALI | Automatic Link Intelligence | IT |
ALK | Amtliche Liegenschafts Karte | |
ALM | Application Loadable Modul | |
ALOE | Apple Library for Object Embedding | |
ALQ | Arbeitslosenquote | VWL |
ALS | Advanced Low Power Schottky | |
ALSA | Advanced Linux Sound Architecture | IT |
ALT | Alanin-Aminotransferase (auch ALAT) | |
ALT | Alternate | |
Alu | Aluminium | Chemisches Element |
ALU | Arbeitslosenunterstützung | |
ALU | Arithmetic Logic Unit (Arithmetisch-logische Einheit, Rechenwerk) | IT |
ALV | Arbeitslosenversicherung | |
ALWR | Arbeitskreis der Leiter Wissenschaftlicher Rechenzentren | Organisation |
AM | Amendment to an International Standard | |
Am | Americium | Chemisches Element |
AM | Amplitude Modulation (amplitudenmoduliert) | |
AM | Anschlussmodul | |
AM | Anwendungsmodul | |
AMANDDA | Automated Messaging and Directory Assistance | |
AMBA | Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture | IT |
AMD | Active Matrix Display | IT |
AMD | Administration Management Domain | IT |
AMD | Advanced Micro Devices | IT |
AMDS | Amplitude Modulation Data System | IT |
AME | Advanced Metal Evaporated | |
AMEL | Active Matrix Electro-Luminescence | |
AMF | All Media Floppy | IT |
AMG | Arzneimittelgesetz | Recht |
AMH | Automated Materials Handling | IT |
AMI | Alternate/Alternative Mark Inversion | IT |
AMI | American Megatrends Inc. | Unternehmen |
AMIS | Audio Messaging Interchange Specification | IT |
AML | ACPI Machine Language | IT |
AML | Advanced Mobile Location | TK |
AMLCD | Active Matrix Liquid Crystal Display | |
AMMA | Advanced Memory Management Architecture | |
AMO | Administration and Maintenance Order | |
AMP | Accelerated Mobile Pages | IT |
AMP | Asymmetric Multi Processing | IT |
AMPAS | Academy Of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences | Medien |
AMPS | Advanced Mobile Phone System | TK |
AMQP | Advanced Message Queuing Protocol | IT |
AMR | Anisotrope Mageneto Resistance | |
AMR | Audio Modem Riser | |
AMS | Andrew Message System | |
AMT | Apple Media Toolkit | IT |
AMTEC | Ausstellung für Amateurfunktechnik, Elektronik, Computer | |
Amtor | Amateur microcomputer teleprinting over radio | |
AMTRAS | Agent Mediated Trading System | |
AMTSO | Anti Malware Testings Standards Organization | Organisation |
AN | Access Network | |
AN | Accession Number | |
ANAC | Automatic Number Announcement Circuit | |
ANDF | Architecture Neutral Distribution Format | |
ANF | Additional Network Feature | |
ANFSCD | And Now For Something Completely Different | Usenet, Slang |
Anh. | Anhang | |
ANI | Automatic Number Identification | TK |
ANIS | Analoger Anschluss an einer ISDN-Vermittlungsstelle | TK |
ANL | Automatic Noise Limiter | |
Anl. | Anlage | |
Anm. | Anmerkung | |
ANPX | Advanced News Picture indeX | IT |
ANR | Automatic Network Routing | IT |
ANS | Access Network System | IT |
ANS | Advanced Networks and Services | IT |
ANSA | Advances Network Systems Architecture | |
ANSI | American National Standards Institute | Organisation |
ANTC | Advanced Networking Test Center | Organisation |
ANW | International Academic Networking Workshop | Organisation |
ANWB | Algemene Nederlandse Wielrijdersbond (Allgemeiner niederländischer Radfahrerverbund) | Organisation |
ANZUS | Australia, New Zealand, USA, Pazifikpakt | Organisation |
AO | Abgabenordnung | Recht |
AO | Analogue Output | |
AO/DI | Always Online/Dynamic ISDN | TK |
AOC | Advice Of Charge | |
AOC | Airline Operator's Committee | Organisation |
AOC | Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée (Kontrollierte Herkunftsbezeichnung) | |
AOC | Australian Olympic Committee | Organisation |
AOCE | Apple Open Collaboration Environment | |
AOE | Application Operating Environment (AT&T) | IT |
AOI | Active Output Interface | |
AOK | Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse | Organisation |
AOL | America Online | Unternehmen |
AON | Active Optical Network | IT |
AOR | Atlantic Ocean Region | |
AOS | Add Or Subtract | |
AOS | Array Of Structures | |
AOSP | Android Open Source Project | IT |
AOW | Asia and Oceania Workshop | |
AP | Access Point (WLAN) | IT |
AP | Adjunct Process | IT |
AP | Administrative Point | IT |
AP | Application Process | IT |
AP | Application/Adjunct Processor | IT |
AP | Associated Press | |
AP | Automatic Pagination | |
APA | Adaptive Packet Assembly | IT |
APA | All Points Addressable | IT |
APA | Amateur Press Association | Organisation |
APA | Arithmetic Processing Accelerator | IT |
APAA | Aggressive Packet Adaptive Assembly | IT |
APAR | Authorized Program Analysis Report (IBM) | IT |
APAREN | Address Parity Enable | |
APaRT | Automated Packet Recognition/Translation | |
APC | Airborne Public Correspondence | |
APC | Application Protocol | IT |
APC | Arbeitsplatzcomputer | IT |
APC | Association for Progressive Communications | Organisation |
APC | Automated Production Protocol | IT |
APCUG | Association of PC Users Groups | Organisation |
APDA | Apple Programmers and Developers Association | Organisation |
APDU | Application Protocol Data Unit | IT |
APE | Abgesetzte Periphere Einheit | IT |
APEX | Advanced Packet Exchange | IT |
APF | AppleTalk Filing Protocol | IT |
APG | Automated Password Generator | IT |
API | Alpha Processor Inc. | Unternehmen |
API | Application Programming Interface | IT |
APIA | Application Program Interface Association | Organisation |
APIC | Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller | IT |
APIPA | Automatic Private IP Addressing | IT |
APIS | Advance Passenger Information System | |
APIS | Arzt Praxis Informationssystem | |
APL | A Programming Language | IT |
APL | Abschlusspunkt Linientechnik | TK |
APL | Application Programm Library | IT |
APM | Advanced Power Management | IT |
APN | Access Point Name | IT |
APN | Allgemeine Pharmanummer | |
APN | Deutschen Auslands-Depeschendienst | |
APNIC | Asian Pacific Network Information Center | Organisation |
APOL | Alternate Person On Line | IT |
APOP | Authenticated Post Office Protocol | IT |
APP | Application Portability Profile | IT |
APP | Automatic Page Positioning | IT |
APPC | Advanced Program to Program Communication/Converter | IT |
APPC | Advanced Program-to-Program Communcation | IT |
APPI | Advanced Peer-to-Peer Internetworking | IT |
APPN | Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking | IT |
APS | Acoustic Parking System | |
APS | Adenosinphosphosulfat | Chemie |
APS | Advanced Photo System | |
APS | Advanced Planning System | |
APS | Allgemeines Präferenzsystem | Recht |
APS | Ammoniumpersulfat | Chemie |
APS | Angst-Panik-Syndrom | Medizin |
APS | Anti-Phospholipid-Syndrom | Medizin |
APS | Application Packaging Standard | IT |
APS | Approach Lighting System | |
APS | Assembly Programming System | IT |
APS | Association for Psychological Science | Organisation |
APS | Astra Platform Services | |
APS | Asynchronous Protocol Specification | IT |
APS | Auto Pilot System | |
APS | Automatic Position Select | |
APS-C | Advanced Photo System Classic (Seitenverhältnis ca. 3:2 (wie Kleinbild)) | |
APSE | Ada Project Support Environment | IT |
APS-H | Advanced Photo System Type H (Seitenverhältnis ca. 16:9 (volle APS-Negativgröße)) | |
APS-P | Advanced Photo System Panorama (Seitenverhältnis ca. 3:1 („Panoramaformat“)) | |
APT | Address Pass Through | IT |
APT | Adobe Postscript Point | IT |
APT | Advanced Parallel Technology | IT |
APT | Advanced Photoscale Technology | IT |
APT | Application Program Title | IT |
APT | Automatically Programmed Tools | IT |
APU | Abgabepreis pharmazeutischer Unternehmer | |
APU | Air Processing Unit | |
APU | Attached Processing Unit | IT |
APU | Audio Processing Unit | IT |
APU | Auxiliary Power Unit | |
APU | Auxiliary Processor Unit | IT |
AQL | A Query Language | IT |
AQL | Acceptable Quality Limit (Annehmbare Qualitätsgrenzlage) | |
Ar | Argon | Chemisches Element |
ARA | AppleTalk Remote Access | IT |
ARAP | Advanced Research Project Agency | Organisation |
ARAP | Aktive Rechungsabgrenzungsposten | BWL |
ARAP | Apple Remote Access Protocol | IT |
ARB | Adaptive Rate Based | IT |
ARB | Allgemeine Versicherungsbedingungen für die Rechtsschutzversicherung | Recht |
ARB | Architecture Review Board | |
ArbZG | Arbeitszeitgesetz | Recht |
ARC | Advanced RISC Computing | IT |
ARC | Audio Return Channel | |
ARC | Authenticated Received Chain | IT |
ARCA | Advanced RISC Computing Architecture | IT |
ARCNET | Attached Resource Computing Network | IT |
arCom | ADMD der Schweizerischen PTT | Unternehmen |
ARD | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunkanstaltenten Deutschlands | Medien |
ARDF | Amateur Radio Direction Finding | |
ARGE | Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Versicherungsvereine auf Gegenseitigkeit | Organisation |
ARGE | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für die Grundsicherung Arbeitssuchender | Behörde |
ARIN | American Registry for Internet Numbers | Behörde |
ARIS | Aggregate Route-bases IP-Switching | IT |
ARL | Adjusted Ring Length | IT |
ARLL | Advanced Run Length Limited | IT |
ARM | Account Resource Management | IT |
ARM | Activation Request Maintenance | IT |
ARM | Application Response Measurement | IT |
ARM | ARPANET Reference Model | IT |
ARM | Associate in Risk Management | |
ARM | Asynchronous Response Mode | IT |
ARMA | Association of Record Managers and Administrators | Organisation |
ARMD | ATAPI Removable Media Device | IT |
ARMM | Automated Retroactive Minimal Moderation | |
ARMS | Architecture for Reliable Managed Storage | IT |
ARNE | Automated Remote Network Evaluation | IT |
ARNS | AppleTalk Remote Network Server | IT |
ARP | Address Resolution Protocol (TCP/IP) | IT |
ARPA | Advanced Research Projects Agency (heute DARPA) | Organisation |
ARPA | Auto Radar Plotting Aid | IT |
ARPA | Average Revenue Per Advertiser | |
ARPANET | Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (Forschungsnetz der DARPA, Vorläufer des Internets) | IT |
ARPL | Adjust Requested Privilege Level | IT |
ARPU | Average Revenue per User | |
ARQ | Automatic Repeat on Request | IT |
ARR | AutomaticRepeat/Retransmission Request | IT |
ARRL | American Radio Relay League | |
ARS | Adaptive Rate System | |
ARS | Address Retrieval System | |
ARS | Automatic Route Selection | |
ART | Another Ray Tracer | IT |
Art. | Artikel | |
ARTIC | A Real-Time Interface Coprocessor (IBM) | IT |
ARU | Audio Response Unit | IT |
As | Arsen | Chemisches Element |
AS | Authentication Server | IT |
AS | Autonomous System | IT |
AS3AP | ANSI SQL Standard Scalable and Portable | IT |
ASA | Adaptive Security Algorithm | IT |
ASA | Advanced SCSI Architecture | IT |
ASA | American Standards Association | Organisation |
ASAM | Arbeitskreis zur Standardisierung von Automatisierungs- und Messsystemen | Organisation |
ASAP | Advanced Streaming and Prediction | IT |
ASAP | As Soon As Possible (so bald wie möglich) | Usenet |
ASAP | Automatic Switching And Processing | IT |
ASB | Alarm-Signal-Bearbeitung | IT |
ASC | Accredited Standards Committee (ANSI) | IT |
ASC | American Society Of Cinematographers | Organistion |
ASC | Aquaculture Stewardship Council | Organisation |
ASC | Authorized Service/Support Center | IT |
ASCI | Accelerated Strategic Computing Initiative | IT |
ASCII | American Standard Code for Information Interchange | IT |
ASCIIZ | ASCII String, Zero Terminated | IT |
ASCOM | Asynchronous Communication Control Program | IT |
ASE | Advanced Server Environment | IT |
ASE | Application Service Element | IT |
ASEA | Allmänna Svenska Electricitets-Aktiebolag, Schweden | Unternehmen |
ASEAN | Association of South East Asian Nations | Organisation |
ASF | Active Movie Streaming Format | IT |
ASF | Aspect Source Flag | IT |
ASF | Automatic System Facility (Datenbanken) | IT |
ASH | Almquist Shell | |
ASI | Adapter Support Interface (IBM) | IT |
ASI | Alarm-Signal-Initialisierung | |
ASI | Application Specific Instruction | |
a-Si:H | amorphes Silizium (Solarzellen) | |
ASIC | Application Specific IC | |
ASIC | Application Specific Integrated Circuit | |
ASID | Access, Searching and Indexing of Directories | |
ASIN | Amazon Standard Identification Number | |
ASIO | Audio Stream I/O | |
ASIO | Australian Security Intelligence Organisation | Behörde |
ASIS | American Society for Industrial Security | |
ASIT | Advanced Security and Identification Technology | |
ASK | Akademische Software Kooperation | Organisation |
ASK | Amplitude Shift Keying | |
ASL | ACPI Control Method Source Language | IT |
ASL | Adaptive Speed Levelling | IT |
ASL | Architectural Space Laboratory | |
ASLR | Adress Space Layout Randomisation | IT |
ASM | Application Specific Memory | IT |
ASM | Automated Storage Management | IT |
ASMR | Autonomous Sensory Meridian Response | Medizin |
ASN | Access Stack Node | IT |
ASN.1 | Abstract Syntax Notation One (ISO, CCITT) | IT |
ASO | Active Sideband Optimum | |
ASO | Address Supporting Organization | |
ASP | Abstract Service Primitive | |
ASP | Active Server Pages (Microsoft) | IT |
ASP | Advanced Signal Processor | IT |
ASP | AppleTalk Session Protocol | IT |
ASP | Application Service Provider | IT |
ASP | Association of Shareware Professionals | Organisation |
ASPEC | Adaptive Spectral Perceptual Entropy Encoding | |
ASPI | Advanced SCSI Programming Interface | IT |
ASPS | Advanced Signal Processing System | IT |
ASQ | Automated Software Quality | |
ASQF | Arbeitskreis Software Qualität Franken e.V. | Organisation |
ASR | Ada Software Repository | |
ASR | Anti-Schlupf-Regelung | |
ASR | Automatic Send Receive | IT |
ASR | Automatic Speech Recognition | IT |
ASS | Acetylsalicylsäure | Medizin |
ASS | Ammonsulfatsalpeter | |
ASS | Aural Style Sheet | IT |
ASSR | Autonome Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik | Staat |
AST | Anwendungsschnittstelle | |
AStG | Außensteuergesetz | |
AStG | Außensteurgesetz | Recht |
ASTRA | Association Tunesienne des Radio Amateurs | Organisation |
ASU | Abgas-Sonderuntersuchung | |
ASU | Asynchron/Synchron-Umsetzer | |
ASVG | Allgemeines Sozialversicherungsgesetz | Recht |
AT | Advanced Technology | IT |
At | Astat | Chemisches Element |
AT | Atomic Time | |
AT | Attention | IT |
AT&S | Austria Technologie & Systemtechnik | Unternehmen |
AT&T | American Telephone & Telegraph Company | Unternehmen |
ATA | Advanced Technology Attachment | |
ATA | AT Bus Attachment | |
ATAPI | AT-Bus Attachment Packet Interface | |
ATAS | Academy of Television Arts & Sciences | Medien |
ATAWAD | Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device | |
ATC | Adaptive Transform Coding | |
ATC | Address Translation Cache | |
ATDM | Asynchronous Time Division Multiplexing | |
ATDMA | Asynchronous Time Division Multiple Access | |
ATE | Automated/Automatic Testing Equipment | |
ATF | Asynchronous Transfer | |
ATF | Automatic Track Finding/Following | |
ATFSM | Ask The Friendly System Manager | Usenet |
ATI | Advanced Techcom Incorporated | |
ATIP | Absolute Time in Pregroove | |
ATIS | A Tools Integration Standard | IT |
ATIS | Automatic Transmitter Identification System | |
ATK | Andrew Toolkit | |
ATKIS | Amtlich Topograpisches Kartographisches Informations System | |
ATL | Active Template Library | |
ATL | Address Translation Cache | |
ATLAS | Abreviated Test Language for All Systems | |
ATM | Adobe Typeface Manager | |
ATM | Asynchronous Transfer Mode | IT |
ATM | At The Moment | Usenet |
ATM | Automatic Teller Machine | |
ATMARP | ATM Address Resolution Protocol | |
ATM-CC | ATM Crossconnect | |
ATMP | Ascend Tunnel Management Protocol | IT |
ATOM | Advanced Terminal for Operation and Maintenance | IT |
ATP | Adaptive Tolerant Protocol | IT |
ATP | AppleTalk Transaction Protocol | IT |
ATP | Available to Promise | |
ATPG | Automatic Test Pattern Generator | |
ATR | Answer To Reset | |
ATR | Automatic Terminal Recognition | |
ATRAC | Adaptive Transform Acoustic Coding | |
ATRC | Adaptive Technology Resource Center (University of Toronto) | |
ATS | Abstract Test Suite | |
ATS | Administrative Terminal System | |
ATS | Advanced Training Solution | |
ATS | Author Title Subject | |
ATS | Automated Targeting System | |
ATSC | Advanced Television Systems Committe | Organisation |
ATST | At The Same Time | Usenet |
ATT | At This Time | Usenet |
ATT | Attenuator | |
ATTC | Advanced Television Test Center | |
ATV | Advanced/Amateur Television | |
ATW | Advanced Windowing Toolkit | |
AU | Abgasuntersuchung | |
AU | Afrikanische Union | Organisation |
AU | Altsprachlicher Unterricht | |
AU | Anerkenntnisurteil | |
AU | Anfangsunterricht | |
AU | Angereichertes Uran | Chemie |
AU | Arbeitsunfähigkeitsbescheinigung | Recht |
au | atomic units (Atomare Einheiten) | |
AU | Audio Unit | |
Au | Gold | Chemisches Element |
AUA | Architecture Unifiee d'Applications | |
AUC | Area under the curve | Medizin |
AUC | Authentication Centre | |
AUDIT | Automated Data Input Terminal | IT |
AUE | Andrew User Environment | IT |
Aufl. | Auflage | |
AufwAG | Aufwerungsausgleichsgesetz | Recht |
AUG | Apollo/Arcnet User Group | |
AUGE | Apple User Group Europe | IT |
AUI | Attachment Unit Interface (Ethernet) | IT |
AUP | Acceptable/Appropriate Use Policy (Internet) | IT |
AUP | Appropriate Use Policy (Internet) | IT |
AuslInvG | Auslandsinvesitionsgesetz | Recht |
AUTEX | Automatische Telex- und Teletexauskunft der DBP | TK |
AUX | Apple UNIX | IT |
AUX | Auxiliary | |
AV | Anlagevermögen | BWL |
AV | Antivirus | |
AV | audio-visuell | |
AVA | Anruf-Variante | |
AVA | Audio Visual Authoring (IBM) | IT |
AVAS | Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System | |
AVC | Advanced Video Coding | |
AVC | Audio Visual Connection (IBM) | IT |
AVC | Automatic Volume Control | |
AVCD | Audio Visual Computer Display | |
AVCHD | Advanced Video Codec High Definition | |
AVCTP | Audi/Video Control Transport Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
AVD | Alternate Voice or Data | |
AvD | Automobilclub von Deutschland | Organisation |
AVERT | Antivirus Emergency Response Team (NAI) | Unternehmen |
AVerzTxTtx | Amtliches Telex- und Teletexverzeichnis der DBP | TK |
AVG | Angestellterversicherungsgesetz | Recht |
AVG | Average | |
AVI | Audio Video/Visual Interleaved (Microsoft) | IT |
AVI | Audio Visual Interleaved (Microsoft) | IT |
AVI | Audiovisuelle Integration | |
AVIA | Architecture for Virtual Interfaces for Applications | |
AVK | Audio-Video Kernel | IT |
AVL | Adelson Velskii Landis (Suchbäume) | IT |
AVN | Adobe Virtual Network | IT |
AVON | Amtliches Verzeichnis der Ortsnetze | TK |
AVRCP | Audio/Video Remote Control Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
AVRO | Allgemeine Vereiniging Radio Omroep (Niederlande) | Medien |
AVS | Application Visualization System | IT |
AVSP | Advanced Video Signal Processor | IT |
AVSS | Audio-Video Subsystem Software | |
AWA | A While Ago | Usenet |
AWA | Administrative Wertanalyse | BWL |
AWACS | Airborne Warning and Control System | |
AWADO | Automatischer Wechselschalter in der Anschlußdose | TK |
AWB | A While Back | Usenet |
AWD | Automatische Wähleinrichtung für Datenverbindungen | TK |
AWDL | Apple Wireless Direct Link | IT |
AWE | Address Windowing Extensions | |
AWE | Advanced Workstation Environment | |
AWF | Ausbildung, Weiterbildung, Fortbildung | |
AWF | Ausschuß für Wirtschaftliche Fertigung | |
AWG | American Wire Gauge | |
AWGTHTGTTA | Are we going to have to go through this again? (Müssen wir das nochmal durchkauen?) | Usenet |
AWK | Aho, Weinberger, Kernighan | |
AWL | Anweisungsliste | |
AWM | Advanced Wave Memory | |
AWO | Arbeiterwohlfahrt | |
AWOL | absent without official leave (Unerlaubte Abwesenheit von der Truppe) | |
AWS | Anrufweiterschaltung | |
AWS | Anwendungssoftware | |
AWS | Apple Workgroup Server | |
AWT | Abstract Window Toolkit | |
AWT | Abstract/Advanced Window/Windowing Toolkit | |
AWU | Auto Wake Up | |
AWV | Ausschuß für wirtschaftliche Verwaltung in Wirtschaft und öffentlicher Hand e.V. | Organisation |
AX | Automatic Transmission | |
AXE | Applications Execution Environment | |
AXFR | Asynchronous Full Transfer Zone | IT |
AXU | Application Specific Execution Unit | |
AYOR | At Your Own Risc | Usenet |
AZ | Arbeitszeit | |
AZ | Azimut | |
AZO | Arbeitszeitordnung | |
B |
B | Basis (Transistor) | Elektronik |
B | Belgien | Autokennzeichen |
B | Bor | Chemisches Element |
B/F | Background/Foreground | |
B2B | Business-To-Business | |
B2C | Business-To-Customers | |
B4N | Bye For Now | Usenet |
Ba | Barium | Chemisches Element |
Ba | Baschaffung aktuell | Zeitschrift |
BA | Berufsakademie | |
BA | Bundesanstalt für Arbeit | Behörde |
BA | Busankoppler | |
BAB | Berufsausbildungsbeihilfe | |
BAB | Betriebsabrechnungsbogen | BWL |
BAB | Bundesautobahn | |
BAC | Balanced Asynchronous Class | |
BAC | Basic Access Control | |
BAC | Blood Alcohol Content (Blutalkoholgehalt) | Medizin |
BACP | Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol | |
BAD | Broken As Designed | |
BAföG | Bundesausbildungsförderungsgesetz | Recht |
BAG | Bundesarbeitsgericht | Behörde |
BAI | Basic Rate Interface | |
BAKT | Basisanschlusskonzentrator | |
BAL | Basic Assembly Language | |
BAM | Block Availability Map | |
BAM | Boyan Action Module | |
BAnz. | Bundesanzeiger | Recht |
BAP | Bandwidth Allocation Protocol | |
BAPI | Business Application Programming Interface | |
BAPT | Bundesamt Post und Telekommunikation, Mainz | |
BAR | Bundes Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Rehabilitation | Organisation |
BARF | Biologically appropriate raw food (Biologisches Artgerechtes Rohes Futter) | |
BARRnet | Bay Area Regional Research Network | |
BARTS | Bell Atlantic Regional Timesharing | |
BAS | Bild-Austast-Synchron-Signal | |
BAS | Btx Anwendungsschnittstelle | |
BASF | Badische Anilin und Soda Fabrik | |
BASF | Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik | |
bash | Bourne-Again SHell | |
BASIC | Beginner's All-Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code | |
BASM | Built-In Assembler | |
BAT | Baby AT Board | |
BAT | Bundesangestelltentarif | |
BATC | Block Address Translation Cache | |
BauGB | Baugesetzbuch | Recht |
BayObLG | Bayerisches Oberstes Landesgericht | Behörde |
BAZ | Bearbeitungszelle | BWL |
BAZ | Belegauswertung von Zahlungsvorgängen | |
BB | Bandwidth Broker | |
BB | beschränkt balanciert (Baum) | IT |
BB | Betriebs-Berater | Zeitschrift |
bB | bezahlt Brief (Finanzmarkt) | |
BBC | British Broadcasting Corporation (Großbritannien) | Medien |
BBergG | Bundesberggesetz | |
BBL | Be Back Later | |
BBN | Bolt, Beranek and Newman, Cambridge, Mass. (Internet) | IT |
BBNS | Broadband Network Services (Internet) | IT |
BBP | Benzylbutylphthalat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
BBQ | Barbeque | |
BBR | Backbone Ring | |
BBR | Burnt Beyond Recognition | |
BBRAR | Broadband Remote Access Router | IT |
BBS | Bulletin Board System (Schwarzes-Brett-System) | IT |
BC | Begin Chain | |
BCC | Blind Carbon Copy | |
BCC | Block Check Character (Mail) | |
BCCH | Broadcast Control Channel | |
BCD | Binary Coded Decimal (Binär codierte Dezimalzahl) | |
BCE | Bell Canada Enterprises | |
BCFSK | Binary Coded Frequency Shift Keying | |
BCH | Bose-Chaudhuri-Hocquenghem | |
BCH | Bundesverband Computerhersteller e.V. | Organisation |
BCI | Batibus Club International (-Code) | |
BCI | Broadcast Interference | |
BCL | Batch Command Language | |
BCL | Broadcast Listener | |
BCNF | Boyce/Codd noram form (Datenbanken) | |
BCNU | Be Seeing You | Usenet |
BCP | Best Current Practice | IT |
BCP | Binary/Byte/Bridging Control Protocol | |
BCP | Bulk Copy Program | |
BCP | Byte Control Protocol | |
BCPL | Basic Computer/Combined Programming Language | |
BCR | Byte Count Register | |
BCS | Banking Communication Standard | IT |
BCS | Binary Synchronous Communications | |
BCS | Black Check Sequence | |
BCS | Boeing Computer Services | |
BCS | British Computer Society | Organisation |
BCTS | Backup Courier Time Server | |
Bd. | Band | |
BDA | Bund Deutscher Architekten | Organisation |
BDA | Bundesvereinigung der Deutschen Arbeitgeberberbände | |
BdB | Bundesverband deutscher Banken | |
BDC | Backup Domain Controller (Windows NT) | IT |
BDE | Betriebsdatenerfassung | |
BDE | Borland Database Engine | |
BDEF | Bundesverband Deutscher Eisenbahn-Freunde | |
BDF | Bitmap Distribution Format | |
BdF | Bundesministerium der Finanzen | |
BDI | Bundesverband der deutschen Industrie | |
BD-J | Blu-ray Disc Java | IT |
BDK | Beans Development Kit | |
BDK | Bund Deutscher Karneval | Organisation |
BDLA | Bund Deutscher Landschaftsarchitekten | Organisation |
BDLC | Burroughs Data Link Control | |
BDM | Bund Deutscher Mädel | Organisation |
BDOS | Basic Disk Operating System | |
BdP | Bund der Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder | Organisation |
BDP | Bund Deutscher PfadfinderInnen (ehm. Bund Deutscher Pfadfinder) | |
BDS | BeiDou Satellite System | |
BDSG | Bundesdatenschutzgesetz | Recht |
BDW | Block Descriptor Word | |
BE | Back End | |
Be | Beryllium | |
BE | Beschaltungseinheit | |
BE | Burst Error | |
BEB | Binary Exponential Backoff | |
BECN | Backward Explicit Congestion Notification | |
BEDO | Burst EDO | |
BEE | Bertelsmann Electronic Edition | |
BEER | Binary Error Exchange Rate | |
BEFFE | Bindegewebseiweißfreies Fleischeiweiß | |
BEL | Bell (ASCII-Zeichen Nr. 7) | IT |
BELLCORE | Bell Communications Research, Inc. | |
BelWue | Baden extended LAN Wuerttemberg | |
BEM | Boundary Element Method | |
BEP | Bertelsmann Electronic Publishing | |
BEP | Break Even Point | |
BER | Basic Encoding Rules | |
BER | Bit/Block Error Rate | |
Berkom | Berliner Kommunikationssystem | |
BerlFG | Berlin-Förderungsgesetz | |
BerlinFG | Berlinförderungsgesetz | Recht |
BERT | Bit Error Rate Test/Tester | |
BESYS | Bell Operating System | |
BETC | Between Chain | |
BetrVG | Betriebsverfassungsgesetz | Recht |
BEV | Barrier Equivalent Velocity | |
BEV | Battery Electric Vehicle | |
BEV | Bundeseisenbahnvermögen | |
BewG | Bewertungsgesetz | |
BF | Bad Flag, Boundary Function | |
BfA | Bundesanstalt für Angestellte | Behörde |
BfArM | Bundesinstitut für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte | Behörde |
BFBI | Brute Force and Bloody Ignorance | IT |
BFD | Berufsförderungsdienst (Bundeswehr) | |
BFD | Bidirectional Forwarding Detection | IT |
bfd | Binary Format Description Language | IT |
BFD | Build Floppy Disk | IT |
BfD | Bundesbeauftragter für Datenschutz | |
BFD | Bundesfinanzdirektion | Behörde |
BFD | Bundesfreiwilligendienst | Behörde |
BFH | Bundesfinanzhof | Recht |
BFI | Brute Force and Ignorance | IT |
BFM | Bundesfinanzministerium | |
BFMI | Brute Force and Massive Ignorance | IT |
BFN | British Forces Network | IT |
BFN | Bye for now (Erstmal Tschüss) | Usenet |
BFO | Beat Frequency Oscillator | IT |
BFR | Bitfehlerrate (Bitfehlerhäufigkeit) | IT |
BFR | Brominated Flame Retardants (Bromierte Flammschutzmittel) | |
BfR | Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung | Behörde |
BFR | Bundesverband Freier Radios | Organisation |
BFS | Breadth First Search | |
BfS | Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz | Behörde |
BFS | Bundesverband zur Förderung der Schwimmausbildung | Organisation |
BFT | Binary File Transfer | |
BFT | Bundesverband freier Tankstellen | Organisation |
BFTP | Batch/Background File Transfer Protocol | |
BFU | Betriebsführungsumsetzer | |
BFuP | Betriebswirtschafliche Forschung und Praxis | Zeitschrift |
BFV | Betriebs-Führungs-Vorfeldrechner | |
bG | bezahlt Geld (Finanzmarkt) | |
BGA | Ball Grid Array | |
BGB | Bürgerliches Gesetzbuch | Recht |
BGBl. | Bundesgesetzblatt | |
BGH | Bundesgerichtshof | Behörde |
BGHZ | Entscheidungen des Bundesgerichtshofes in Zivilsachen | |
BGI | Borland's Graphics Interface | |
BGM | Background Menu | |
BGN | Board on Geographic Names (USA) | Organisation |
BGP | Border Gateway Protocol (Internet) | IT |
BHCA | Busy Hour Call Attempts (Internet) | IT |
BHO | Bundeshaushaltsordnung | |
BHP | Bayerische Hacker-Post | |
BHT | Branch History Table | |
BI | Binary Input | |
Bi | Bismut | Chemisches Element |
BI | Breidbart Index | |
BI | Business Intelligence | |
BIB | Bus Interface Board | |
BIBOP | Big Bag Of Pages | |
BIC | Bank Identifier Code (Bankleitzahl) | |
B-ICI | Broadband Inter Carrier Interface | |
BiCMOS | Bipolar Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor | |
BICS | Beratungsstelle für informationstechnische Bildung und Computereinsatzin Schulen, Berlin | |
BIDS | Broadband Internet Delivery System | |
BIGFON | Breitbandiges Integriertes Glasfaser-Fernmelde-Ortsnetz | |
BILLI | Buried Implanted Layer for Lateral Isolation | |
BIM | Begin of Information Marker | |
BiMOS | Bipolar Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
BIND | Berkeley Internet Name Domain | |
BioIS | Biometrisches IdentifikationsSystem | |
BIOS | Basic Input/Output System | IT |
BIP | Basic Image Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
BIP | Bit-Interleaved Parity | |
BIP | Bruttoinlandsprodukt | VWL |
BIPM | Bipartite Matching Code | |
BIPM | Bureau International des Poids et Mesures | |
BIPOC | Black, Indigenous und People of Colour | |
BiRiLiG | Bilanzrichtlinien-Gesetz | |
BIS | Border Intermediate System | |
BIS | Business Information System | |
B-ISDN | Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network | |
BIST | Built-In Self Test | |
BISYNC | Binary Synchronous Communication Protocol (IBM) | IT |
BIT | BInary digiT (IBM) | IT |
BIT | Business Information Technology | |
BITNET | Because It's Time Network | |
BIU | Basic Information Unit | |
BIU | Bus Interface Unit | |
BIX | Byte Information Exchange | |
BIZ | Bank für Internationalen Zahlungausgleich | |
BJC | Bubblejet Color | |
BJOERN | Balanced Job Execution on Remote Network | |
Bk | Berkelium | Chemisches Element |
BK | BitKeeper | |
BK | Bürokommunikation | |
BKA | Bundeskriminalamt | Behörde |
BKS | Bundesverband Kabel + Satellit | |
BKZ | Bereichskennzahl (Datex, Btx) | |
BL | Backlit (Datex, Btx) | |
BL | Betriebslenkung | |
BLADE | Basic Linear Algebra for Distributed Environments | IT |
BLAM | Binary Logarithmic Arbitration Method | IT |
BLAS | Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms/Subroutines | IT |
BLAST | Blocked Asynchronous Transmission | IT |
BLC | Beam Landing Correction | IT |
BLE | Bluetooth Low Energy (Bluetooth) | IT |
BLER | Block Error Rate | IT |
BLK | Betriebs-Lenkungs-Konzentrator | |
BLK | Block | |
BLM | Bayerische Landeszentrale für Neue Medien, München | Behörde |
BLMC | Buried Logic Macrocell | |
BLOB | Binary Large Object | IT |
BLZ | Bankleitzahl | |
BM | Bitonic Merge | IT |
BMC | Block Multiplex Channel | IT |
BMC | Bulk Mail Center | |
BMDO | Ballistic Missile Defense Organisation | Organisation |
BMFT | Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technik | Behörde |
BMGS | Bundesministerium für Gesundheit und Soziale Sicherung | Behörde |
BMIC | Bus Master Interface Controller (Intel) | IT |
BMP | Batch Message Processing Program (Intel) | IT |
BMP | Bean Managed Persistance | |
BMP | Bitmap (Grafikformat) | IT |
BMPT | Bundesministerium für Post- und Telekommunikation | Behörde |
BMS | Broadcast Message Server | IT |
BMUG | Berkeley MacIntosh Users Group | |
BMW | Bayerische Motorenwerke | Unternehmen |
BMWF | Bundesministerium für Wirschaft und Finanzen | Behörde |
BMX | Bicycle Moto Cross | |
BNC | Bayonet Neill Concelman (Steckersystem) | |
BNC | Bayonet Nut Coupling | |
BNC | British Naval Connector | |
BND | Bundesnachrichtendienst | Behörde |
BNF | Bachus-Naur-Form | |
BNF | Big Name Fan | |
BNFSCD | But Now For Something Completely Different | Usenet |
BNG | Broadband Network Gateway | IT |
BNI | Before Next Interaction | IT |
BNK | Betriebsführungs-Netzknoten | |
BNPF | Begin Negative Positive Finish | |
BNS | Broadband Network Services | |
BNU | Basic Networking Utilities | |
BO | Binary Output | IT |
BO | Bit Oxide | |
BOA | Basic Object Adapter | |
BOART | Bus Oriented Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter | |
BOB | Bayerische Oberlandbahn | Unternehmen |
BOB | Box Of Bits | |
BOB | Break-Out Box | |
BOC | Bell Operating Company | |
BOD | Bandwidth On Demand | |
BOD | Books On Demand | |
BODTF | Business Object Domain Task Force | |
BOF | Basic Oxygen Furnace | |
BOF | Begin Of File | IT |
BOF | Benutzeroberfläche | IT |
BOF | Buffer Overflow | IT |
BOfH | Bastard Operator From Hell | IT |
BOFS | Birds of a Feather Session | |
BOG | BIND Operations Guide | IT |
BOL | Bertelsmann Online | Unternehmen |
BOM | Begin Of Message | |
BOM | Business Object Model | |
BOM | Byte Order Mark | |
BöMaPr | Börsen- oder Marktpreis | BWL |
BOMP | Bill of Material Processor | |
BON | Business Object Notation | |
BONT | Broadband Optical Network Termination | |
BOOM | Binocular Omni-Oriented/Orientation Monitor | |
BOOTP | Bootstrap Protokoll (Internet) | IT |
BOP | Begin Of Partition (Internet) | IT |
BOP | Bit Oriented Protocol | |
BOS | Basic Operating System | |
BOS | Behörden und Organisationen mit Sicherheitsaufgaben | |
BOS | Bottom Of Stack | |
BOT | Back On Topic | |
BOT | Begin Of Tape/Table | |
BOT | Begin Of Transaction | |
BOT | Broadcast on Television | |
BP | Bandpass | |
BP | Base Pointer | |
BP | Breakpoint | |
BP | British Petrol | Unternehmen |
BPA | Bahnpostamt | |
BPA | Bisphenol A (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
BPA | British Press Association | Organisation |
bpa | Bundesverband privater Anbieter sozialer Dienste | Organisation |
BPatG | Bundespatentgericht | Behörde |
BPB | BIOS Parameter Block | |
BPD | Bank-Parameter-Datei | |
BPI | Bits per Inch | |
bpi | bits pro inch | |
BPjS | Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften | Behörde |
BPL | Bedienplatz | |
BPL | Branch Prediction Logic | |
BPL | Bugs Per Line | |
BPM | beats per minute | |
BPM | Bundespostministerium | Behörde |
BPMR | Bit Pattern Magnetic Recording | IT |
BPO | Betriebsprüfungsordnung | |
BPP | Basic Printing Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
BPP | Binary Packing Problem | IT |
BPP | Bit Per Pixel | IT |
BPR | Business Process Reengineering | |
bps | bits per second | IT |
BPS | Bits pro Sekunde | IT |
BPSK | Binary Phase Shift Keying | |
BPU | Branch Prediction Unit | |
BPW | Bruttoproduktionswert | VWL |
BQS | Berkeley Quality Software | |
BR | Bad Register | |
Br | Brom | Chemisches Element |
BR | Bundesrat | |
BRAGO | Bundesrechtsanwaltsgebührenordnung | Recht |
BRAM | Broadcast Recognizing Access Method | |
BRAS | Broadband Remote Access Server | IT |
BRB | Be Right Back | Usenet |
BRD | Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Staat |
BRE | Basic Regular Expression | |
BREP | Boundary Representation | |
BRG | Bilanzrichtlinien-Gesetz | |
BRI | Basic-Rate Interface (ISDN) | TK |
BRI | Brain Response Interface | IT |
BRIM | Bridge Router Interface Module | IT |
BRL | Ballistics Research Laboratory | |
BRM | British Racing Motors | Organisation |
BRM | Business Reply Mail | |
BRP | Border Router Protocol | |
BRS | Big Red Switch | |
BRS | Break Request Signal (IBM PC) | IT |
BRS | Business Recovery Services | |
BRT | Bruttoregistertonne | |
BS | Backspace | |
BS | Base Station | |
BS | Betriebssystem | |
BS | Bitonic Sort | |
BSA | Business Software Alliance | Organisation |
BSAM | Basic Sequential Access Method | |
BSB | Blockate State Block | |
BSc | Bachelor of Science | |
BSC | Base Station Controller | |
BSC | Binary Synchronous Communication (IBM) | IT |
BSC | British Society Of Cinematographers | Organistion |
BSCI | Business Social Compliance Initiative | Organisation |
BSCW | Basic Support for Cooperative Work (IBM) | IT |
BSD | Basic Standard Definiton | |
BSD | Berkeley Software/System Distribution | |
BSD | Berkley Software Design | |
BSDL | Boundary Scan Description Language | |
BSE | Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (Rinderwahnsinn) | Medizin |
BSF | Bit Scan Forward | IT |
BSI | Britisch Standards Institute | Behörde |
BSI | Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Informationstechnik | Behörde |
BSIG | Bluetooth Special Interest Group | IT |
BSM | Bracket State Manager | |
BSMTP | Batch Simple Message Transfer Protocol | |
BSMTP | Batched Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | |
BSP | Binary Space Partitioning | |
BSP | Bruttosozialprodukt, Bruttoinländerprodukt | VWL |
BSP | Byte Stream Protocol | |
Bsp. | Beispiel | |
bspw. | beispielsweise | |
BSR | Bit Scan Reverse | |
BSR | Board of Standards Review | |
BSRAM | Burst Static RAM (ANSI) | IT |
BSS | Base Station Subsystem | |
BSS | Basic Service Set | |
BSS | Basic Station Subsystem | |
BSS | Blank Storage Space | |
BSS | Block Storage Segment | |
BSS | Broadband Switching System | |
BSSID | Basic Service Set Identifier | IT |
BStBl | Bundessteuerblatt | Recht |
BStBl. | Bundessteuerblatt | |
BStU | Bundesstelle für die Stasi Unterlagen | Behörde |
BSU | Basic Striping Unit | |
BSV | Bundesschuldenverwaltung | |
BSY | Busy | |
BSYNC | Binary Synchronous Communications | IT |
BT | Bit Test | IT |
BT | British Telecom/Telecommunications | Unternehmen |
BT | Bundestag | Behörde |
BTAC | Branch Target Address Cache | |
BTAIM | Be That As It May | Usenet |
BTAM | Basic Telecommunication Access Method (IBM) | IT |
BTB | Branch Target Buffer (IBM) | IT |
BTC | Bit Test and Complement | |
BTC | Biting The Carpet | Usenet |
BTHOM | Beats The Hell Outta Me | IT |
BTI | Britisch Telecom International | Unternehmen |
BTIC | But Then, I'am Crazy | IT |
BTK | Back To Keyboard | IT |
BTL | Bell Telephone Laboratories | Unternehmen |
BTLB | Block TLB | |
BTMA | Busy Tone Multiple Access | |
BTMG | Betäubungsmittelgesetz | Recht |
BTO | Built To Order | |
BTP | Batch Transfer Program | |
BTR | Bit Test and Reset | |
Btrfs | B-tree Filesystem (auch: Butter Filesystem) | IT |
BTS | Base Transceiver Station | |
BTS | Base Transceiver Station/System | |
BTS | Bit Test and Set | |
BTSOOM | Beats The Shit Out Of Me | |
BTU | Basic Transmission Unit | |
BTW | By The Way | Usenet |
BTX | Bildschirmtext (Datex-J) | IT |
BUAF | Big Ugly ASCII Font | IT |
BUAG | Big Ugly ASCII Graphic | IT |
BUF | Buffer | IT |
BUMS | Broadband Unified Messaging System | IT |
BUND | Bund für Umwelt- und Naturschutz Deutschland (auch B.U.N.D.) | Organisation |
BUrlG | Bundesurlaubsgesetz | Recht |
BUS | Bild und Schrift | |
BUS | Binary Utility System | IT |
BUS | Broadcast and Unknown Server | IT |
BUUG | Belgian UNIX Users Group | IT |
BÜVO | Beitragsüberwachungsverordnung | Recht |
BV | Besloten Vennootschap (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung, Niederlande) | |
BVB | Bundesverband Informations- und Kommunikationssysteme | Organisation |
BVDW | Bundesverband Digitale Wirtschaft | Organisation |
BVerfG | Bundesverfassungsgericht | Behörde |
BVerfGE | Entscheidungen des Bundesverfassungsgerichts (Amtliche Sammlung) | Recht |
BVG | Bundesverfassungsgericht | Behörde |
BVIT | Bundesverband Informationstechnologien, Bonn | Organisation |
BVK | Bundesverband Kamera | Organisation |
BWIN | Breitband Wissenschafts-Netz | |
BWL | Betriebswirtschaftslehre | |
BWM | Block Write Mode | IT |
BWQ | Buzz Word Quotient | |
BWSN | Baden-Württembergisches Schulnetz | Organisagtion |
BWV | Bach-Werkeverzeichnis | |
BYKT | But you knew that (Aber das weißt Du ja) | Usenet |
BYOD | Bring Your Own Device | IT |
BZ | Betriebszentrale | |
BZR | Befehlzählregister | |
BZRG | Bundeszentralregistergesetz | Recht |
BZT | Bundesamt für Zulassungen in der Telekommunikation | |
BZV | Bargeldloser/Belegorientierter Zahlungsverkehr | |
BZV | Befristeter Zählervergleich | |
bzw. | beziehungsweise | |
C |
C | C (Programmiersprache) | IT |
C | Country (X.400-Adressierung, Land) | IT |
C | Kohlenstoff | Chemisches Element |
C | Kollektor (Transistor) | Elektronik |
C | privater Konsum | VWL |
c.p. | ceteris paribus | |
c/o | care of (zu Händen von) | |
C/R | Command Response | |
C3I | Command, Control, Communication, Intelligence | |
Ca | Calcium | Chemisches Element |
CA | Certification Authority | |
CA | Collision Avoidance | |
CA | Common Applications | |
CA | Computer Animation | |
CA | Computer Associates | |
CA | Conditional Access | |
CAA | Computer Aided Assembling/Anthropometrics/Animation | IT |
CAAD | Computer Aided Architectural Design | IT |
CAB | Cabinet | IT |
CAB | Computer Aided Breakfast (Microsoft) | IT |
CABEB | Capture Aviodance Binary Exponential Backoff | IT |
CAC | Computer Aided Consulting/Computing/Creativity/Christmas/Crime | IT |
CACM | Communication of the ACM | IT |
CAD | Class Association Diagram | IT |
CAD | Computer Aided Design (Computergestütztes Design) | IT |
CADAM | Computer Aided Design And Manufacturing | IT |
CADAPSO | Canadian Assosciation of Data Processing Organizations | Organisation |
CADD | Computer Aided Design and Drafting | IT |
CADD | Computer Aided Drug Design | IT |
CADE | Computer Aided Data Entry | IT |
CADEP | Computer Aided Design of Electronic Products | IT |
CADIC | Computer Aided Design of Integrated Circuits | IT |
CADIS | Computer Aided Design Interactive System | IT |
CADMAT | Computer Aided Design, Manufacturing and Testing (Siemens) | IT |
CADMOS | Computerorientiertes Administrations- und Organisationssystem | IT |
CADOS | Computer Aided Design of Systems | IT |
CAE | Common Application Environment | IT |
CAE | Computer Aided Engineering | IT |
CAE | Computer Aided/Assisted Education | IT |
CAF | Computer Aided Fishing | IT |
CAF | Computer and Academic Freedom | IT |
CAFE | Conditional Access For Europe | IT |
CAFE | Corporate Average Fuel Economy | |
CAG | Column Adress Generator | IT |
CAH | Computer Aided Holidays/Homework/Hausaufgaben | IT |
CAI | Common Air Interface | IT |
CAI | Computer Aided Industry | IT |
CAI | Computer Aided Inspiration | IT |
CAI | Computer Aided/Assisted Instruction | IT |
CAIP | Canadian Association of Internet Providers | IT |
CAIS | Common APSE Interface Set | IT |
CAIT | Computer Aided Inspection and Testing | IT |
CAK | Computer-Anwendungen Karlsruhe | IT |
CAL | Client Access License | IT |
CAL | Common Assembly Language | IT |
CAL | Computer Aided Life/Learning | IT |
CAL | Computer Aided Lunch | IT |
CAL | Computer Animation Language | IT |
CAL | Conversational Algebraic Language | IT |
CALAS | Computer Aided Laboratory Automation System | IT |
CALEA | Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act | IT |
CALIES | Computer Aided Locomotion by Implanted Electrical Stimulation | IT |
CALL | Computer Aided Language Learning | IT |
CALL | Computer Assisted Language Learning | IT |
CALLE | Control Application Link Layer Engieering | IT |
CALM | Collected Algorithms for Learning Machines | IT |
CALS | Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistics Support | IT |
CALTECH | California Institute of Technology | Organisation |
CAM | Central Address Memory | |
CAM | Common Access Method (ANSI) | IT |
CAM | Common/Communication Access Method | |
CAM | Computer Aided Manufacturing | IT |
CAM | Concentrator Access Modul | |
CAM | Content Addressable Memory | |
CAM | Content Adressable Memory | |
CAMAC | Computer Aided Measurement And Controlling | |
CAMAC | Computer Automated Measurement And Control | |
CAMD | Computer Aided Molecular Design | |
CAMEL | Computer Assisted Education Language | |
CAML | Categorial Abstract Machine Language | |
CAMP | Compiler for Automatic Machine Programming | |
CAMP | Computer Assisted Movie Production | |
CAN | Campus/Complete Area Network | |
CAN | Cancel | |
CAN | Cancel Line | |
CAN | Car Area Network | |
CAN | Controller Area Network | |
CAN | Customer Access Network | |
CANS | Computer Assisted Network System | |
CANUNET | Canadian University Computer Network | |
CAO | Computer Aided Administration and Organization | |
CAO | Computer Aided Office | |
CAO | Computer Aided Optimization | |
CAP | Carrierless AM/PM | |
CAP | Carrierless Amplitude/Phase modulation | |
CAP | Central Arbitration Point | |
CAP | Columbia AppleTalk Package | |
CAP | Communication Application Platform | |
CAP | Computer Aided Planning | |
CAP | Computer Aided Production | |
CAP | Computing for Analysis Project | |
CAP | CTM Access Profile | |
CAPD | Computer To Assist Persons with Disabilities | |
CAPI | Common Application Programming Interface | |
CAPISCE | Computer Architecure for Production Information Systems in a Competitive Environment | |
CAPP | Computer Auded Process Planning | |
CAPPC | Computer Aided Production Planning and Control | |
CAPPP | Computer Aided Process and Production Planning | |
CAPS | Capitals | |
CAPS | Cassette Programming System | |
CAPS | Computer Assisted Problem Solving | |
CAPSC | Computer Aided Production Scheduling and Control | |
Captcha | Completely automated public Turing test to tell computers and humans apart (Vollautomatischer öffentlicher Turing-Test zur Unterscheidung von Computern und Menschen) | IT |
CAQ | Computer Aided Quality Assurance/Control | |
CAR | Channel Address Register | |
CAR | Computer Aided Retrieval | |
CAR | Computer Assisted Radiology | |
CARA | Computer Aided Radio Amateur | |
CARAM | Content Addressable Random Access Memory | |
CARDIS | Cargo Data Interchange System | |
CARE | Computer Aided Reliability Estimation | |
CARE | Computer Aided Reverse Engineering | |
CARLOS | Cancer Registry Lower Saxony | |
CARO | Computer Anti-Virus Research Organization | |
CARS | Computer Aided Risc Simulation | IT |
CARS | Computer Aided Routing System | IT |
CAS | Column Access Strobe | IT |
CAS | Column Address Select/Strobe (siehe auch RAS) | IT |
CAS | Communicating Applications Specification | IT |
CAS | Computer Aided Service/Selling | IT |
CAS | Computer Algebra System | IT |
CAS | Conditional/Control/Communication Access System | IT |
CAS | Court of Arbitration for Sport (Internationaler Sportgerichtshof ) | Organisation |
CASD | Computer Aided System Design | IT |
CASE | Common Application Service Element | IT |
CASE | Computer Aided Software Engineering | IT |
CASE | Computer Aided System Evaluation | IT |
CASL | Crosstalk Application Scripting Language | IT |
CASSIS | Classified And Search Support Information System | IT |
CAST | Carlisle Adams/Stafford Tavares | |
CAST | Competence Center for Applied Security Technology | Organisation |
CAST | Computer Aided Software Testing | |
CAT | Character Assignment Table | |
CAT | Common Allocation TAble | |
CAT | Computer Aided Teaching/Testing/Telecommunication/Translation/Transscription | |
CAT | Computerized Axial Tomography | |
CAT | Concatenate | |
CATIA | Computer Graphic Aided Three Dimensional Interactive Application | |
CATP | Computer Aided Technical Publishing | |
CATS | Computer Aided/Assisted Teaching/Training System | |
CATS | Computer Automated Test System | |
CATT | China Academy of Telecommunication Technology | |
CATV | Cable Television | |
CATV | Common/Community Antenna Television | |
CAU | Command and Arithmetic Unit | |
CAU | Control/Controlled/Concentrator Access Unit | |
CAUCE | Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email | |
CAV | Computer Aided Verification | |
CAV | Constant Angular Velocity | |
CAVE | Cave Automatic Virtual Environment (Umdrehung bei Festplatten) | |
CAVE | Computer Aided Vision Engineering | |
CAW | Channel Address Word | |
CB | Call Back | |
CB | Citizens' Band | |
CBAC | Context Based Access Control | |
CBC | Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Kanada) | Medien |
CBC | Cipher Block Chaining (Kryptographie) | |
CBCR | Channel Byte Count Register | |
CBD | Cannabidiol | Chemie |
CBD | cash before delivery | |
CBD | Central Business District | |
CBD | Commerce Business Daily | |
CBD | Component Based Development | IT |
CBDS | Connectionless Broadband Data Service | |
CBEMA | Computer Business Equipment Manufacturers' Association | |
CBI | Charles Babbage Insitute | |
CBI | Computer Based Instruction | |
CBIP | Compressed Binaries IBM PC | |
CBIP | Current Book In Progress | |
CBIS | Computer Based Information Systems | |
CBL | Communication By Light | |
CBL | Computer Based Learning | |
CBO | Coupling Between Object Classes | |
CBOT | Chicage Board Of Trade (Finanzmarkt) | |
CBR | CAS before RAS | |
CBR | Constant Bit Rate | |
CBR | Constant/Continuous Bit Rate | |
CBR | Content Based Retrieval | |
CBS | Cell Broadcast Service | |
CBS | Columbia Broadcasting System (USA) | Medien |
CBT | Code Based Tree | |
CBT | Computer Based Training | |
CBT | Core Based Tree | |
CBW | Convert Byte to Word | |
CBX | Common Branch eXtender | |
CBX | Computer-controlled/Computerized Branch Exchange | |
CC | Cable Connector | |
CC | Call/Communication Center | |
CC | Carbon Copy (Mail) | IT |
CC | Chain/Channel Command | |
CC | Chip-Carrier (Montagerahmen für Chip) | IT |
CC | Classification Code | |
CC | Clearing Center (EDI) | |
CC | Closed Captioning (Untertiteleinblendung im TV) | |
CC | Cluster/Communications Controller | |
CC | Common Criteria | |
CC | Compact Cassette | |
CC | Condition Command/Code (for IT Security Evaluation) | IT |
CC | Congestion Control | |
CC | Connected Client | |
CC | Country Code | |
CC | Creative Commons | IT |
CC | Crossconnect | |
CC | Cyclic Check | |
CCB | Channel Command/Control Block | |
CCB | Cyclic Check Byte | |
CCBS | Completion of Call to Busy Subscriber (Rückruf bei Besetzt) | TK |
CCC | Ceramic Chip Carrier | |
CCC | Chaos Computer Club | Organisation |
CCC | Computer Chess Competition | |
CCC | Conference Control Channel | |
CCC | Credit Card Calling | |
CCCH | Common Control Channel | |
CCD | Charge Coubled Device | |
CCD | Class Communication Diagram | |
CCEP | Commercial COMSEC Endorsement Program | |
CCF | Capsulated Colour Filter | |
CCF | Chain Command Flag | |
CCF | Cold Cathode Flourescent | |
CCFL | Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamp | |
CCFT | Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube | |
CCI | Center for Copyright Information | |
CCI | Common Client Interface | |
CCIR | Comite Consultatif International des Radiocommunications | |
CCIRN | Committee for Intercontinental Research Networks | |
CCIS | Command and Control Information System | |
CCITT | Comité Consultatif International Télégraphique et Téléphonique (heute ITU) | Organisation |
CCL | Common Command Language | |
CCL | Communications Command Language | |
CCL | Connection Control Language | |
CCM | Color Management System | |
CCM | Computer Controlled Manufacturing | |
CCMP | Counter Mode with Cipher Block Changing Message Authentication Code Protocol (WLAN-Verschlüsselung) | IT |
CCN | Cluster Controller | |
CCN | Cordless Communication Network | |
CCNG | Computer Communications Networks Group | |
CCNR | Completion of Call on No Reply (Rückruf bei Nichtmelden) | TK |
CCNUMA | Cache Coherent Non-Unified Memory Architecture | |
CCNUMA | Cache Coherent NUMA | |
CCP | CAN Calibration Protocol | |
CCP | Capacitively Coupled Plasma | |
CCP | Carbonless Copy Paper | |
CCP | Change Capital Partners | |
CCP | Compliance Checking Programm | IT |
CCP | Compression Control Protocol | |
CCR | Cash Conversion Rate | |
CCR | Center for Constitutional Rights | Organisation |
CCR | Chip Card Reader | IT |
CCR | Commitment, Concurrency, Recovery | IT |
CCR | Complementary Color Reduction | |
CCR | Configuration Control Registers | IT |
CCR | Continuity of Care Record | Medizin |
CCR | Current Cell Rate | |
CCR | Customer Carry-In Repair | |
CCRN | Coordinating Council on Research Networks | |
CCRSE | Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery Service Element | |
CCS | Calculus of Communicating Systems | |
CCS | CAPI Connection Service | |
CCS | Central cord syndrome (Zentromedulläres Syndrom) | Medizin |
CCS | Cervicocephales Syndrom (Zervikalsyndrom) | Medizin |
CCS | Combined Charging System | |
CCS | Combined Combustion System | |
CCS | Common Channel Signalling | |
CCS | Computerized Charging System | IT |
CCS | Continuos Composite Servo | |
CCSA | Checkpoint Certified Security Administrator | |
CCSE | Checkpoint Certified Security Engineer | |
CCSR | Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility | |
CCSY | Cooperative Computing System Program | IT |
CCT | Computerized Communication Terminal | IT |
ccTLD | country code Top Level Domain | IT |
CCU | Central Communication/Control Unit | |
CCUT | Computer Center at the University of Tokyo | |
CCVR | Centre de Calcul Vectoriel pour la Recherche | |
CCW | Channel Command Word | |
CCW | Continuous Composite Write | |
Cd | Cadmium | Chemisches Element |
CD | Call Deflection (Once Disc) | |
CD | Carrier Detect | |
CD | Chained Data | |
CD | Change Direction | |
CD | Collision Detection | |
CD | Colour Display | |
CD | Committee Draft | |
CD | Compact Disc | |
CD | Corporate Design | |
CD | Corps Diplomatique | |
CDA | Christen Democratisch Appèl (Niederlande) | Partei |
CDA | Communications Decency Act | |
CDA | Compound Document Architecture | |
CDATA | Character Data (DEC) | IT |
CDC | Casting Directors Society Of Canada | Organistion |
CDC | Control Data Corporation | |
CD-DA | CD Digital Audio (USA) | |
CDDI | Copper Distributed Data Interface | |
CDE | Common Desktop Environment | |
CDE | Compact Disc Erasable | |
CDE | Complex Data Entry | |
CDE | Cooperative Development Environment | |
CDF | Channel Definition File/Format | |
CDF | Channel Defintion Format | |
CDF | Comma Delimited Format | |
CDF | Common Data File/Format | |
CDF | Compound Document Framework | |
CDF | Cyberspace Description Format | |
CDFS | CD File System | |
CDI | Compact Disc Interactive | |
CD-i | CD Interactive | |
CDIF | Case Data Interchange Format | |
CDIO | Concours de Dressage International Officiel | |
CDL | Component Definition Language (Corba) | |
CDL | Computer Design Language | |
CDM | Code Division Multiplex | |
CDM | Compressed Data Mode | |
CDMA | Code Division Multiple Access | |
CDMP | Certified Disability Management Professional | |
CDN | Content Delivery Network | IT |
CDO | Collaboration Data Objects | |
CDOS | Concurrent Disk Operating System | |
CDPD | Cellular Digital Packet Data | |
CDR | Call Detail Record/Recording | |
CDR | Common Data Representation | |
CDR | Corel DRaw | |
CD-R | CD Recordable | IT |
CD-R | Compact Disk Recordable | |
CDRA | Character Data Representation Architecture | |
CDRAM | Cached DRAM | |
CD-RDx | Compact Disk Read Only Memory Data Exchange Standard | |
CDRFS | Compact Disc Recordable File System | |
CDRL | Contract Data Requirements List | |
CDROM | Compact Disk Read Only Memory | |
CD-ROMXA | CD-ROM Extended Architecture | |
CD-RW | Compact Disc Read Write | |
CDS | Cell Directory Service | |
CDS | Current Directory Structure (OSF) | IT |
CDSA | Common Data Security Architecture | |
CDT | Center for Democracy and Technology | |
CdTe | Cadmiumtellurid (Solarzellen) | |
CDTV | Commodore Dynamic Total Vision (USA) | |
CDTV | Compact Disk Television | |
CDU | Christlich-Demokratische Union | Politik |
CDV | Cell Delay Variation | |
CD-V | Compact Disk Video | |
CDVT | Cell Delay Variation Time | |
CDVT | Cell Delay Variation Tolerance | |
CD-WO | Compact Disk Write Once | |
CD-WORM | CD Write Once Read Many | |
CD-XA | CD eXtended Architecture | |
CE | Cache Enable | |
CE | Clear Entry | |
CE | Collision Elimination | |
CE | Compact Edition | |
CEA | Consumer Electronics Association | Organisation |
CEB | Comite Electrotechnique Belge | |
CeBIT | Centrum für Büro und InformationsTechnik | |
CeBIT | Centrum für Büro- und Informations-Technik | |
CEBus | Consumer Electronics Bus | |
CEC | Commission of the European Communities | Organisation |
CEC | Consumer Electronics Control | |
CECC | Electronic Components Committee | |
CECMG | Central Europe Computer Measurement Group | |
CEDEX | Courrier d'entreprise distribution exceptionelle | |
CEFIC | Conseil Européen des Féderations de líndustrie Chimique | |
CEFIC | EDIFACT-Subset Chemical Industry | |
CEG | Continuous Edge Graphics | |
CEI | Conducted Electromagnetic Interference | |
CELP | Code Excited Linear Prediction | |
CELT | Constrained-Energy Lapped Transform | TK |
CEMEC | Committee of European Associations of Manufacturers of ElectronicComponents | Behörde |
CEMM | Compaq Expanded Memory Manager | |
CEN | Comite Europeen de Normalisation | Behörde |
CENELEC | Comite Europeen de Normalisation Electrotechnique | Behörde |
CENTR | Council of European National Top level domain Registries | Behörde |
CEO | Chief Executive Officer | |
CEOP | Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre | Organisation |
CEP | Connection End Point | |
CEPEC | Committee of European Associations of Manufacturers of Passive ElectronicComponents | |
CEPIS | Council of European Professional Informatics Societies | |
CEPT | Conference Europeenne des Administrations des Postes et des Telecommunications | |
CERA | Climate and Environmental Data Retrieval and Archive | |
CERN | Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire (Europäisches Kernforschungszentrum, Genf) | Organisation |
CERT | Computer Emergency Response Team | |
CES | Circuit Emulation Service | IT |
CES | Coast Earth Station | |
CES | Consumer Electronics Show | |
CESC | Component Encoding Stream Construction | |
CESG | Communications Electronics Security Group | |
CESH | Competence Center Electronic Shopping | |
CEST | Central European Summer Time | |
CET | Central European Time | |
Cf | Californium | Chemisches Element |
CF | Call Forwarding | |
CF | Compact Flash | |
CFB | Call Forwarding Busy (Card) | |
CFB | Cipher FeedBack | |
CFC | Cipher Feedback Chaining | |
CFCA | Community Fisheries Control Agency | Behörde |
CFD | Call For Discussion | |
CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics (Computational Fluid Dynamics) | IT |
CFDP | Coherent File Distribution Protocol | |
CFF | Compagnie Francaise de Ferraille S.A. | |
CFG | Configuration (Internet) | IT |
CFH | COBOL File Handler | |
CFM | Common Functional Model | |
CFM | Configuration Management | |
CFML | Cold Fusion Markup Language | |
CFNR | Call Forwarding No Reply | |
CFOR | Conversational FORTRAN | |
CFP | Computer, Freedom and Privacy | |
CFR | Controlled Ferro Resonant | |
CFR | Cost and Freight (Incoterms) | |
CFRI | California Federation of Research Internets | |
CFU | Call Forwarding Unconditional | |
CFV | Call For Votes | |
CG | Computer Graphics (Computer Graphics) | IT |
CGA | Color Graphics Adapter | |
CGA | Color Graphics Array | IT |
CGE | Compagnie General d'Electricite | |
CGI | Common Gateway Interface | |
CGI | Common Gateway/Graphic Interface | |
CGI | Computer Generated Image | |
CGI | Computer Graphics Interface | |
CGM | Computer Graphics Metafile | |
CGMIF | Computer Graphics Metafile Interchange Format | |
CGMS | Copy Generation Management System | |
CGN | Carrier-grade NAT (NAT auf Betreiber-Ebene) | IT |
CGPP | Computer Grahics: Principles and Practise | |
CGS | Computer Graphics Society | |
CGS | Continuous Grain Silicon | |
CGU | Computer Graphics Unit | |
CGW | Customer/Campus Gateway | |
CH | Confederation Helvetica | Autokennzeichen |
CH | Confoederatio Helvetica (siehe Schweiz) | Autokennzeichen |
CHAOS | Cheap Array of Obsolete Systems | |
CHAP | Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol | TK |
CHARM | Character Mode | |
CHCK | Channel Check | |
CHI | Computer Human Interaction/Interface | |
CHIL | Current Hogging Injection Logic | |
CHILD | Computer Having Intelligent Learning and Development | |
CHILL | CCITT High Level Language | |
CHIO | Concours Hippique International Officiel (Internationaler Offizieller Pferdesport-Wettbewerb) | |
CHKPT | Checkpoint | |
CHL | Current Hogging Logic | |
CHM | Cooperative Hypermedia | |
CHMSL | Center High Mounted Stop Lamp | |
CHMSL | Centre High Mount Stop Lamp (Drittes Bremslicht) | |
CHOP | Channel Operator | |
CHPC | Center for High Performance Computing | |
CHRP | Common Hardware Reference Platform | |
CHS | Cylinders, Heads, Sectors | |
CHV | Card Holder Value | |
CI | Call Intrusion | |
CI | Cell Identity | |
CI | Command Interpreter | |
CI | Computer Interconnect | |
CI | Congestion Indicator | |
CI | Corporate Identity | |
CIA | CAN In Automation | |
CIA | Central Intelligence Agency | Behörde |
CIA | Computer Interface Adapter | |
CIAC | Computer Incident Advisory Capability | |
CIAM | Computerized Integrated and Automatic Manufacturing | |
CIAO | Critical Infrastructure Assurance Center | |
CIB | Computer Integrated Bureaucracy | |
CIB | Computer Integrated Business | |
CIC | Coordination and Information Center | |
CICS | Customer Information Control System (CSNet) | |
CID | Configuration, Installation, Distribution (IBM) | IT |
CID | Customer Identifier | |
CIDAS | Conversational Interactive Digital Analog Simulator | |
CIDCAM | CIM System with Distributed Data Base and Configurable Moduls | |
CIDEX | Courrier Individuel à Distribution Exceptionnelle | |
CIDF | Control Interval Definition Field (VSAM) | IT |
CIDIF | Centre International pour le Developpement de l'Inforoute en Francais | Behörde |
CIDP | Computer Industry Development Potential | |
CIDR | Classless Inter-Domain Routing | IT |
CIE | Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage | Behörde |
Cie | Companie (kaufmännische Gesellschaft) | |
CIEDS | Computer Integrated Electron Design Series (Farbmodell) | IT |
CIF | Cell in Frames | |
CIF | Common Intermediate Format | |
CIF | Computer Integrated Facilities | |
CIF | Cost, Insurance, Freight (Incoterms) | |
CIFS | Common Internet File System | IT |
CIG | Code Integrity Guard | IT |
CIL | Computerintegrierte Logistik | |
CIM | Common Information Model | |
CIM | CompuServe Information Manager | |
CIM | Computer Input Microfilm | |
CIM | Computer Integrated Manufacturing | |
CIM | Custom Install Manager | |
CIMOM | CIM Object Manager | |
CIMOSA | CIM Open System Architecture (Informatik) | |
CINT | Call Interception | |
CIO | Chief Information Officer | |
CIOCS | Communication Input/Output Control System | |
CIOP | Common Inter-ORB Protocol | IT |
CIOS | Communication Institute for Online Scholarship | |
CIP | Cataloguing In Publication | |
CIP | Classical IP | |
CIP | Command Interface Port | |
CIP | Common Indexing Protocol | |
CIP | Compatible Independent Peripherals | |
CIP | Computer Aided Intuition Guided Programming | |
CIP | Computer Integrated Processing | |
CIP | Concert Internet Plus | IT |
CIPA | Camera and Imaging Products Association | Organisation |
CIPA | International Scientific Committee for Cultural Heritage Documentation | Organisation |
CIPS | Canadian Information Processing Society | Organisation |
CIR | Committed Information/Interface Rate | |
CIRC | Circular Reference | |
CIRC | Cross Interleaved Reed Solomon Code | |
CIRS | Critical Incident Reporting System (Berichtssystem über kritische Vorkommnisse) | Medizin |
CIRSC | Cross Interleave Solomon Code | |
CIS | Card Information Structure | |
CIS | Cascade Inline Scripting | |
CIS | CASE Integration Services | |
CIS | Client Information Server | |
CIS | CompuServe Information Service | |
CIS | Computer Information System | |
CIS | Computerized Information Service | |
CIS | Contact Image Sensor | |
CIS | Kupferindiumdiselenid (Solarzellen) | |
CISA | Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act | Recht |
C-ISAM | C-Index Sequential Access Method | IT |
CISC | Complex Instruction Set Computer | IT |
CISE | Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate | |
CISPA | Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act | Recht |
CISPR | Comite International Special des Perturbations Radioelectriques | |
CISS | Centre for Intelligence and Security Studies | Organisation |
CISS | Committee International des Sports Sourds | Organisation |
CISS | Continuous Ink Supply System | IT |
CIT | California Institute of Technology | Organisation |
CIT | Cash-In-Transit | |
CIT | Comité international des transports ferroviaires | Organisation |
CIT | Component Integration Test | IT |
CITAB | Computer Instruction and Training Assistance for the Blind | |
CITED | Copyright In Transmitted Electronic Documents | |
CITIS | Contractor Integrated Technical Information Service | |
CIX | Central Internet Exchange | |
CJSC | Closed Joint Stock Company (Russische Geschlossene Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
CKD | Count-Key-Data (Festplatten-Architektur) | IT |
CKSM | Checksum | |
CL | Cache Latency | IT |
CL | Capability List | |
Cl | Chlor | Chemisches Element |
CL | Computational Linguistics | |
CL | Connectionless Service | |
CL | Control Language | |
CLA | Carry Lookahead Adder | |
CLAA | Carry Look Ahead Adder | |
CLAG | Carry-Look-Ahead Generator | |
CLAR | Channel Local Address Register | |
CLASP | Computer Language for Aeronautics and Space Programming | |
CLASS | Custom Local Area Signalling Service | |
CLC | Clear Carry Flag | |
CLCC | Closed Loop Congestion Control | |
CLCS | Current Logic Current Switching | |
CLDATA | Cutter Location Data | |
CLE | Certified Linux Engineer/Expert | |
CLEF | European Commercial Licensed Evaluation Facilities | |
CLF | Common Log Format | |
CLI | Call Level Interface | |
CLI | Calling Line Identification | |
CLI | Call-Level Interface | |
CLI | Command Line Interface/Interpreter | |
CLICS | Computer Linked Information for Container Shipping | |
CLID | Calling Line Identification | TK |
CLIP | Calling Line Identification Presentation (Übermittlung der Rufnummer des Anrufers) | TK |
CLIP | Corporate Learning Improvement Process | |
CLIR | Calling Line Identification Restriction (Unterdrückung der Rufnummer des Anrufers) | TK |
CLIRO | Calling Line Identification Restriction Override (Ignorieren der Rufnummernunterdrückung) | TK |
CLIST | Command List | IT |
CLK | Clock | IT |
CLLM | Consolidated Link Layer Management | IT |
CLNP | ConnectionLess Network Protocol | IT |
CLNP | Connection-Less Networking Protocol | IT |
CLNS | ConnectionLess Mode Network Service (OSI) | IT |
CLNS | ConnectionLess Network Service | IT |
CLOB | Character Large Object | IT |
CLOE | Common LISP Operating Environment | IT |
CLOO | Reverse Object Oriented Logical Channel | IT |
CLOS | Common LISP Object System | IT |
CLP | Cell Loss Payload/Priority | IT |
CLP | Cell Loss Priority | IT |
CLP | Constraint Logic Programming | IT |
CLR | Cell Loss Ratio | IT |
CLR | Clear | IT |
CLR | Computer Language Research | IT |
CLS | Clear Screen | IT |
CLS | Connectionless Server | IT |
CLSR | Computer Law & Security Report | |
CLT | Communcations Line Terminal | |
CLT | Computer Language Translator | IT |
CLTD | Clock and Tones Distribution | IT |
CLTP | ConnectionLess Transport Protocol | IT |
CLTS | Clear Task Switch Flag (OSI) | IT |
CLTS | ConnectionLess Transport Service | |
CLU | Central Logic Unit | IT |
CLUT | Color Look-up Table | |
CLV | Constant Linear Velocity | |
CLW | Certified Linux Wizard | IT |
CM | Central Memory | |
CM | Communications Manager | |
CM | Configuration Management (IBM) | IT |
CM | Connection Machine | |
cm | Controller Magazin | |
CM | Corrective Maintenance | |
Cm | Curium | Chemisches Element |
cm | Zentimeter | |
CMA | Concert Multi-thread Architecture | |
CMAR | Control Memory Address Register | |
CMC | Common Mail Call | |
CMC | Common Messaging Calls | |
CMC | Complement Carry Flag | |
CMC | Computer Mediated Communication | |
CMD | Compatibility Mode Drivers | |
CMDF | C Memo Distribution Facility | |
CMDS | Computer Misuse Detection System | |
CME | Center for Media Education | |
CMF | Command File | |
CMIIW | Correct me if I'm wrong (Korrigier mich, wenn ich falsch liege) | Usenet |
CMIP | Common Management Information Protocol | IT |
CMIS | Common Management Information Service | IT |
CML | Chemical Markup Language | IT |
CML | Current Mode Logic | |
CMM | Capability Maturity Model | |
CMM | Color Management Module | |
CMMU | Cache Memory Management Unit | |
CMOL | CMIP Over LLC | |
CMOS | Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor | IT |
CMOT | Common Management Information Protocol over TCP/IP | |
CMP | Container Managed Persistence | |
CMPS | Compare Word String | |
CMR | Cell Misinsertion Rate | |
CMR | Container Managed Relations | |
CMR | Corporate Message Recovery | |
CMS | Code Morphing Software | |
CMS | Code/Connection Management System | |
CMS | Color Management System | |
CMS | Compiler Monitor System | |
CMS | Content Management System | |
CMS | Conversational Monitor System | |
CMT | Cellular Mobile Telephone | |
CMT | Connection Management | |
CMU | Carnegie-Mellon-University, Pittsburgh, USA | |
CMW | Compartment Mode Workstation | |
CMX | Communication Method SINIX | |
CMYK | Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black (Farbmodell) | |
CN | Common Name (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
CN | Corporate Network | |
CNA | Certified NetWare Administrator | |
CNAME | Canonical Name | |
CNASI | Centre for Networked Access to Scholarly Information | |
CNB | Collective Notebook | |
CNC | Complete Network Centre | |
CNC | Computerized Numerical Control | IT |
CND | Caldera Network Desktop | |
CNE | Certified NetWare Engineer/Expert | |
CNE | Certified Novell Engineer (Novell) | IT |
CNET | Centre National d'Etudes des Telecommunications | |
CNF | Chomsky Normal Form | |
CNG | Calling | TK |
CNG | Comfort Noise Generator | |
CNG | Compressed Natural Gas (komprimiertes Erdgas) | |
CNG | Cryptography API Next Generation | IT |
CNI | Centre National d'Informatique | |
CNI | Certified NetWare Instructor | |
CNI | Coalition for Networked Information | |
CNI | Communications Network International | |
CNIDR | Clearinghouse for Networked Information Discovery and Retrieval | |
CNIP | Calling Name Identification Presentation (Übermittlung des Namens des Anrufers) | TK |
CNIR | Calling/Connected Name Identification Restriction | TK |
CNM | Customer Network Management | |
CNMA | Communications Network for Manufacturing Application | |
CNN | Cable News Network (USA) | Medien |
CNN | Controlled Not Not | |
CNP | Corporate Network Provider | |
CNR | Communication Network Riser | |
CNRI | Corporation for National Research Initiatives | |
CNRS | Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (Frankreich) | Behörde |
CNS | Color Naming System | |
CNS | Communications Network System | |
CNSA | China National Space Administration | Behörde |
CNSS | Core Nodal Switching Subsystem | |
CO | Call Offer (Internet) | IT |
CO | Command Output | |
CO | Communication Outlet | |
CO | Crystal Oscillator | |
Co | Kobalt | Chemisches Element |
Co. | Company (internationaler Gebrauch) | Recht |
COA | Compound OLAP Architecture | |
COAD | Chronic Obstructive Airway Disease | Medizin |
COARA | Communication of Oita Amateur Research Association | Organisation |
COBOL | Common Business Oriented Language | IT |
COBRAS | Client-Oriented Branch Reporting and Analysis System | |
CoC | Certificate of Conformity | |
COC | Code of Conduct | |
COC | Coded Optical Character | IT |
Cocomo | Constructive Cost Model | |
CODASYL | Conference on Data Systems Languages | |
CODEC | COmpression/DECompression | |
CODINE | Computing in Distributed Networked Environments | |
CODIT | Code Division Testbed | |
COE | Common Operating Environment | |
COFDM | Coded Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing | |
COFEE | Computer Online Forensic Evidence Extractor | IT |
COFF | Common Object File Format | |
COGO | Coordinate Geometry | |
COIN | Console Interrupt Request (Programmiersprache) | |
COL | Caldera Open Linux | |
COL | Collision | |
COLD | Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease | Medizin |
COLD | Computer Output to Laser Disc | |
COLP | Connected Line Identification Presentation (Anzeige der Rufnummer des Angerufenen) | TK |
COLR | Connected Line Identification Restriction (Unterdrückung der Rufnummer des Angerufenen) | TK |
COLT | Communications Line Terminator | |
COLT | Computer Oriented Language Translator | |
COLT | Control Language Translator | |
COM | Communication | |
COM | Component Object Model | |
COM | Computer Output Microfilm | |
COM | Continuation Of Message | |
COMAL | Common Algorithmic Language | |
COMDEX | Computer Dealers' Exposition | |
COMECON | Council for Mutual Economic Assistance/Aid | |
COMMS | Customer Oriented Manaufacturing Management System | |
COMN | Common Object Modelling Language | |
CO-mode | Connection-Oriented mode | |
COMPACT | Computer Planning and Control Technique | |
COMPSAC | International Computer Software and Applications Conference | |
COMSAT | Communications Satellite Corporation | |
COMSEC | Communications Security | |
COMSL | Communications System Simulation Language | |
COMSOAL | Computer Method of Sequencing Operations for Assembly Lines | |
COMTRAN | Commercial Translator | |
CON | Console (IBM) | IT |
CONP | Connected Name Identification Presentation | |
CONQUEST | Conference on Quality Engineering in Software Technology | |
CONS | Connection Oriented Network Service | |
COOL | C++ Object Orientated Language | |
COOL | Control Oriented Language | |
COPA | Child Online Protection Act | |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (Chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankung) | Medizin |
COPE | Computer Performance Evaluation | |
COPICS | Communications Oriented Production and Control System | |
COPP | Certified Output Protection Protocol | IT |
COPS | Common Open Policy Service | |
COR | Confirmation Of Receipt | |
CORAL | Computer Online Real-Time Applications Language | |
CORBA | Common Object Request Broker Architecture | |
CORDIS | Community Research and Development Information Service | |
CORE | Council Of Registrars | |
CORNET | Corporate ISDN Network Protocol (Internet) | IT |
Corp. | Corporation (internationaler Gebrauch, vor allem USA) | Recht |
CORS | Cross-Origin Resource Sharing | IT |
COS | Card Operating System | |
COS | Class of Service | |
COS | Common Object Services | |
COS | Compatible Operation System | |
COS | Complementary Switching | |
COS | Corporation for Open Systems | |
COSE | Common Open Software/Systems Environment (OSI) | IT |
COSINE | Cooperation for OSI Networking in Europe | |
COSMOS | Complementary Symmetric Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
COSMOS | Computer Oriented System for Management Order Synthesis | |
COS-MOS | Complementary Symmetry Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
CoSN | Consortium for School Networking | |
COSO | Charge One Site Only | |
COSS | Common Object Services Specification | |
CoSy | Conferencing System | |
COT | Customer Owned Tooling | |
COTS | Coin Operated Telephone System | |
COTS | Connection Oriented Transport Service | |
Council | for Mutual Economic Assistance/Aid (englisch für RGW) | |
CP | Card Punch | |
CP | Central/Communications/Customized Processor | |
CP | Check/Control Point | |
CP | Chlorinated Paraffins (Chlorparaffine) | Chemie |
CP | Choke Packet | |
CP | Circuit Package | |
CP | Complete Partitioning | |
CP | Continuous Path | |
CP | Control Program | |
CP/M | Control Program / Microcomputer | |
CP/M | Control Programm for Microcomputers | |
CPA | Certified Public Accountant | |
CPA | Code Parasite Autopropageable | |
CPA | Critical Path Analysis | |
CPAN | Comprehensive Perl Archive Network | |
CPC | Computer Process Control | |
CPCS | Common Part Convergence Sublayer | |
CPD | Constructive Page Description | |
CPDE | Computer Products Distribution & Logistics Europe | |
CPDP | Cellular Digital Packet Data | IT |
CPE | Central Processing Element | IT |
CPE | Computer Performance Evaluation | IT |
CPE | Customer Provided/Premises Equipment | IT |
CPFSK | Continuous Phase Frequency Shift Keying | IT |
CPG | Clock Pulse Generator | IT |
CPI | Center for Public Integrity | Organisation |
cpi | characters per inch | |
CPI | Clocks Per Instruction | |
CPI | Common Programming Interface | IT |
CPI | Consumer Price Index | |
CPI | Cost Performamce Index | |
CPI | Cour Pénale Internationale (Internationaler Strafgerichtshof) | Behörde |
CPI | Cycles per Instruction | IT |
CPI-C | Common Programming Interface for Communications | IT |
cpl | characters per line | IT |
CPL | Combined Programming Language | IT |
CPL | Current Privilege Level | IT |
CPLD | Complex Programmable Logic Device | IT |
CPM | Critical Path Method | |
CPN | Customer Premises Network | |
CPPS | Critical Path Planning and Scheduling | |
CPS | Critical Path Scheduling | |
cps | cycles/characters per second | |
CPSC | Consumer Product Safety Commission | Behörde |
CPSR | Computer Professionals for Social Responsibilty | |
CPST | Control Point Spanning Tree | |
CPT | Carriage Paid To | |
CPT | Cisco Protocol Translator | |
CPT | Command Pass Thru | |
CPT | Common Point of Trust | |
CPT | Critical Path Technique | |
CPTWG | Copyright Protection Technical Working Group | |
CPU | Central Processing Unit | IT |
CPV | Common Procurement Vocabulary | |
CQL | Channel Queue Limit | |
CQM | Class Queue Management | |
CR | Carriage Return | |
Cr | Chrom | Chemisches Element |
CR | Computer und Recht | Zeitschrift |
CR/LF | Carriage Return/Line Feed | |
CRA | Current Record of Area | |
CRAM | Card Random Access Memory | |
CRC | Chemical Rubber Company | Firma |
CRC | Class Responsibility Collaboration (Softwaremodellierung) | |
CRC | Cyclic Redundancy Check | IT |
CRCG | Fraunhofer Center for Research in Computer Graphics | |
CRD | Color Rendering Dictionary | |
CREN | Corporation/Computer Research Education Network | |
CRF | Cross Reference File | |
CRID | Content Reference Identifier | |
CRIM | Centre de Recherche Informatique de Montreal | |
CRIMM | Continuity RIMM | |
CRISP | Complex Reduced Instruction Set Processor | |
CRL | Certificate Revocation List | |
CRM | Change Request Management | |
CRM | Customer Relationship Management | |
CROM | Control Read Only Memory | |
CRQ | Command Response Queue | |
CRR | Current Record of Record | |
CRS | Cell Relay Service | |
CRS | Computer Reservation System | |
CRS | Current Record of Set | |
CRT | Cathode Ray Tube | |
CRT | Chinese Remainder Theorem | |
CRTC | Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission | |
CRU | Current Record of Run Unit | |
CRV | Code Rule Violation | |
CRx | Control Register x | |
CS | Call Sign | |
Cs | Cäsium | Chemisches Element |
CS | Chip Select | |
CS | Circuit Switching | |
CS | Clear Screen | |
CS | Clear to Send | |
CS | Code Segment | |
CS | Computer Science | |
CS | Continuous Servo | |
CS | Convergence Sublayer | |
CS1 | Capability Set 1 | |
CS80 | Command Set 80 | |
CSA | Calendaring and Scheduling API (Hewlett-Packard) | IT |
CSA | Call Path Service Architecture | |
CSA | Casting Society Of America | Organistion |
CS-ACELP | Conjugate Structure Algebraic Code Excited Linear Prediction | |
CSAIL | Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory | Organisation |
CSAR | Channel System Address Register | |
CSB | Channel Status Byte | |
CSC | Canadian Society Of Cinematographers | Organistion |
CSC | Center for Scientific Computing | |
CSCD | Current Sensing Completition Detection (Elektrotechnik) | |
CSCW | Computer Supported Cooperative/Collaborative Work | |
CSD | Circuit Switched Data | TK |
CSD | Corrective Service Disk | |
CSDC | Code Segment Descriptor Cache (IBM) | IT |
CSDN | Circuit Switched Data/Digital Network | |
CSE | Customer Suppoirt Engineer | |
CSEC | Communications Security Establishment Canada | Behörde |
CSEL | Cable SELect | |
CSF | Compagnie Sans Fil | |
CSFB | Circuit Switched Fallback | TK |
CSFR | Ceska a Slovenska Federativna Republika | Staat |
CSG | Constructive Solid Geometry | |
CSG | Constuctive Solid Geometry | |
CSI | Common Synchronous Interface | |
CSIC | Computer System Interface Circuit | |
CSIC | Customer Specific IC | |
CSID | Calling Station Identifier | |
CSIO | Concours de Saut International Officiel | |
CSIP | Compressed Sources IBM PC | |
CSLIP | Compressed Serial Line Internet Protocol | |
CSMA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access | |
CSMA/CA | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Avoidance | |
CSMA/CD | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection | |
CSMA/CE | Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Elimination | |
CSMP | Continuous System Modelling Program | |
CSN | Card Select Number | |
CSN | Customer Service Number | |
CSNet | Computer and Science Network | |
CSNW | Client Service for Netware | IT |
CSO | Central Services Organization | |
CSP | Chip Scale/Size Packaging | |
CSP | Commercial Subroutine Package | |
CSP | CompuCom Speed Protocol | |
CSP | Content Security Policy | IT |
CSP | Cross System Production (IBM) | IT |
CSP | Cryptographic Service Provider | |
CSR | Cell Switch Router | IT |
CSR | Command Status Register | IT |
CSR | Control and Status Register Management | IT |
CSR | Corporate Social Responsibility | |
CSRF | Cross Site Request Forgery | IT |
CSRG | Computer Systems Research Group | |
CSS | Cascading Style Sheet (HTML) | IT |
CSS | Centralized Structure Store | |
CSS | Client-Server-System | |
CSS | Code Storage Segment | |
CSS | Computer Scheduling System | |
CSS | Content Scrambling System | |
CSS | Critical Systems Support | |
CSSL | Continuous System Simulation Language | |
CSSR | Ceskoslovenska Socialisticka Republika (Tschechsolowakei) | Staat |
CSTA | Computer Supported Telephony Application | |
CSTS | Computer Supported Telecommunication/Telephony Standard | |
CSU | Channel Service Unit | |
CSU | Christlich Soziale Union | Politik |
CSU | Control and Service Unit | |
CSU | Customer Service Unit | |
CSV | Comma Separated Values | |
CSW | Channel Status Word | |
CT | Call Transfer | |
CT | Chipcard Terminal | |
CT | Clock Time | |
CT | Computer Telephony/Tomography | |
CT | Cordless Telephone | |
CT | Cut Through | |
CTAN | Comprehensive TeX Archive Network | |
CTAPI | Card Terminal API | |
CTB | Communication Toolbox | |
CTB | Computer Based Training (Apple) | IT |
CTC | Channel To Channel | |
CTCP | Client To Client Protocol | |
CTCPEC | Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria | |
CTCSS | Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System | |
CTD | Cell Transfer Delay | |
CTI | Computer Telephony Integration | |
CTIA | Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association | Organisation |
CTL | Complementary Transistor Logic | |
CTM | Clock and Tone Module | |
CTM | Cordless Terminal Mobility | |
CTN | Corporate Telecommunication Network | |
CTO | Chief Technical Officer | |
CTO | Chief Technology Officer | |
CTOS | Corporate Telecommunications and Office Systems | |
CTP | Composite Theoretical Performance | |
CTPA | Coax to Twisted Pair Adapter | |
CTR | Common Technical Regulations | |
CTR | Current Transfer Ratio | |
CTRL | Control | |
CTS | Clear To Send | |
CTS | Common Transport Semantics | |
CTS | Courier Time Server | |
CTSS | Compatible/Cray Time-Sharing System | |
CTY | Console Teletype | |
CU | Control Unit | |
Cu | Kupfer | Chemisches Element |
CU | See you (Seh' Dich) | Usenet |
CU2 | See you too (Seh' Dich auch) | Usenet |
Cu2O | Kupferoxidul (Halbleiter) | Chemisches Element, Halbleiter |
CUA | Common User Access | IT |
CUA | Commonly Used Acronym (IBM) | IT |
CUA | Computer Users Association | |
CUCN | Communication Controller Node | |
CUD | Call User Data | |
CUDA | Compute Unified Device Architecture (Nvidia) | IT |
CUDF | Call User Data Field | |
CUG | Closed/Closet User Group | |
CUI | Character/Common User Interface | |
CUL | See You Later (IBM) | IT |
CUNY | City University of New York | Organisation |
CUP | Communications User Program | |
CUSI | Configurable Unified Search Index | |
CUSP | Customer Programming Language | |
CUSSNET | Computer Use in Social Sciences Network | |
CUT | Control Unit Terminal | |
CUU | Computerunterstützter Unterricht | |
CV | Class Viewer | |
CV | Commanditaire vennootschap (Kommanditgesellschaft, Niederlande) | |
CVD | Compact Video Disk | |
CVDM | Convex Virtual Disk Manager | |
CVE | Collaborative Virtual Environment | |
CVE | Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (Bekannte Sicherheitslücken und Bedrohungen) | IT |
CVF | Compressed Volume File | |
CVGA | Color Video Graphics Array (Microsoft) | IT |
CVJM | Christlicher Verein Junger Männer | |
CVP | Collaborative Virtual Prototyping | |
CVS | Concurrent Versions System | |
CVW | CodeView for Windows | |
CW | Call Waiting (Anklopfen) | TK |
CW | Continuous Wave | |
CW | Control Word | |
CWI | Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica | |
CWIS | Campus Wide Information System | |
CWMP | CPE WAN Management Protocol | IT |
CWP | Communication Word Processor (Internet) | IT |
CXI | Common X Interface | |
CYK | Cocke, Younger, Kasami | Informatik |
CYL | Cylinder | |
CYL | See you later (Bis später) | Usenet |
CYMK | cyan yellow magenta black (Farbmodell) | |
D |
D | Bundesrepublik Deutschland | Autokennzeichen |
D | Domain defined attribute (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
d | Tag | |
D.C. | District of Columbia | Staat, Land |
d.h. | das heißt | |
D.O.P. | Denominazione d’Origine Protetta | |
D/A | Digital/Analog (Farbmodell) | |
D2T2 | Dye Diffusion Thermal Transfer | |
D64S | ISDN-Festverbindung 64 kbit/s (Drucker) | |
D66 | Democraten 66 (Niederlande) | Partei |
DA | Default Address | |
DA | Destination Address | |
DA | Directory Agent | |
DAA | Data Access Arrangement | |
DAA | Decimal Adjust for Addition | |
DAA | Digest Access Authentication | |
DAAD | Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst | Organisation |
DAB | Digital Audio Broadcasting | IT |
DAC | Data Acquisition and Control | IT |
DAC | Design Automation Conference | |
DAC | Digital Audio Copy | IT |
DAC | Digital-Analog-Converter | IT |
DAC | Discretionary Access Control | IT |
DAC | Distributed Academic Computing | IT |
DAC | Dual Attachment Concentrator | IT |
DACD | Directory Access Control Domain | IT |
DACS | Digital Access and Cross-connect System | IT |
DACT | Data Compression Technology | IT |
DAD | Draft Addendum | |
DAE | Digital Audio Extraction | IT |
DAF | Delivery At Frontier | |
DAF | Destination Address Field | IT |
DAG | Deutsche Angestelltengewerkschaft | Organisation |
DAG | Directed Acyclic Graph | |
DAGM | Deutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung | Organisation |
DAI | Distributed Artificial Intelligence | |
DAISY | Dialog- Auskunfts- und Informationssystem | |
DAISY | Digital Accessible Information System | IT |
DAISY | Dynamisches Auskunfts- und Informationssystem | |
DAK | Deutsche Angestelltenkrankenkasse | Organisation |
DAKfCBNF | Deutscher Arbeitskreis für CB- und Notfunk | Organisation |
DAL | Data Access Layer | IT |
DAL | Database Abstraction Layer | IT |
DAL | Design Assurance Level | |
DAM | Data Acquisition and Monitoring | IT |
DAM | Direct Access Method | IT |
DAM | Draft Amendment | |
DAN | Domestic/Desk Area Network | |
DANE | DNS-based Authentication of Named Entities | IT |
DANTE | Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V. | Organisation |
DaNzKo | Datennetzkoordinator | IT |
DAO | Data Access Object | IT |
DAO | Disc At Once | |
DAP | Data Access Protocol | IT |
DAP | Directory Access Protocol | IT |
DAP | Division Advisory Panel | |
DAP | Document Application Profile | IT |
DAR | Digital Audio Radio | |
DARC | Deutscher Amateur-Radio Club | |
DARI | Database Application Remote Interface | |
DARPA | Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency | Organisation |
DAS | Decimal Adjust for Subtraction | |
DAS | Dual Attached Station | |
DASA | Daimler-Benz Aeronautics and Space Agency | Unternehmen |
DASAT | Datenübertragung via Satellit | |
DASD | Direct Access Storage Device | |
DASH | Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP | IT |
DASP | Drive active Slave present | |
DASS | Direct Access Secondary Storage | |
DAT | Digital Audio Tape | |
DAT | Disk Array Technology | |
DATACOM | Data Communications | |
DATC | Drake Authorized Testing Center | |
Datel | Data Telecommunication | Organisation |
Datev | Datenverarbeitungsorganisation der steuerberatenden Berufe | Organisation |
Datex-J | Data Exchange for Jedermann (früher: BTX) | IT |
Datex-L | Data Exchange by Lines | IT |
Datex-M | Data Exchange Multi-Megabit | IT |
Datex-P | Data Exchange in Packages | IT |
DATV | Digital Amateur Television | |
DAU | Digital Analog Umsetzer | IT |
DAU | Digital Announcement Unit | IT |
DAU | Digital-Analog-Umsetzer | |
DAU | Dümmster Anzunehmender User | IT, Slang |
DAV | Data Available | IT |
DAV | Deutscher Alpenverein | Organisation |
DAVIC | Digital Audio Video Council | |
DAVID | Digital Audio Video Interactive Decoder | |
DAVID | Digital Audio VIsual Council | |
DAWG | Directed Acyclic Word Graph | |
DAX | Deutscher Aktienindex | |
DB | Data Base/Buffer | IT |
DB | Datenbank | IT |
DB | Dechkungsbeitrag | BWL |
DB | Deutsche Bahn | Unternehmen |
dB | Dezibel (Maßeinheit: Lautstärke) | Maßeinheit |
DB2 | DataBase 2 | IT |
DBA | Database Access/Agent/Administrator | IT |
DBA | Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen | Recht |
DBC | Data Bus Controller | IT |
DBCES | Dynamic Bandwidth Utilization in 64 kBit/s Time Slot Trunking over ATM Using Circuit Emu | IT |
DBCS | Double-Byte Character Set | IT |
DBE | Data Base Engine | IT |
DBH | Data Base Handler | IT |
DBI | Data Base Interface | IT |
DBM | Data Base Manager (Class) | IT |
DBML | Data Base Markup Language | IT |
DBMS | Data Base Management System | IT |
DBP | Deutsche Bundespost | Unternehmen |
DBP | Dibutylphthalat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
DBR | Deckungsbeitragsrechnung | BWL |
DBS | Data Base Server | IT |
DBS | Datenbank Management System | IT |
DBS | Deutscher Bildungsserver | |
DBS | Direct Broadcasting Satellite | |
DBT | Defect Based Test | IT |
DBU | Deckungsbeitrag des Umsatzes (in Prozent) | BWL |
DBV | Deutsches Bücherverzeichnis | |
DC | Digital Cash | |
DC | Direct Connect | IT |
DC | Direct Current (Gleichstrom) | |
DC | Distribution Center | |
DC | Domain Controller | IT |
DC | Dual Core | IT |
DC | Dublin Core | |
DC | Duplicate Content | IT |
DCA | Data Center Administration | |
DCA | Defense Communications Agency | Behörde |
DCA | Department of Consumer Affairs | Behörde |
DCA | Digital Computer Association | |
DCA | Distributed Communications Architecture | |
DCA | Document Content Architecture | |
DCAF | Distributed Console Access Facility | |
DCB | Data Control Block | IT |
DCB | Disk Coprocessor Board | IT |
DCC | Data Communication Channel | IT |
DCC | Data Country Code | IT |
DCC | Differential Chain Code | IT |
DCC | Digital Command Control | IT |
DCC | Digital Compact Cassette | |
DCC | Direct Client Connection | IT |
DCC | Direct Client to Client | IT |
DCC | Display Combination Code | IT |
DCCA | Distributed Component Computing Architecture | IT |
DCCH | Dedicated Control Channel | IT |
DCCS | Distributed Capability Computing System | IT |
DCD | Data Carrier Detect | IT |
DCE | Data Communication Equipment | IT |
DCE | Dichlorethen | Chemie |
DCE | Distributed Computing Environment | IT |
DCE | Dynamic Content Elements | IT |
DCF | Data Count Field | IT |
DCF | Device Configuration File | IT |
DCF | Discounted Cash-Flow | |
DCF | Distributed Coordination Function (WLAN) | IT |
DCF | Document Composition Facility | |
DCF | Dose conversion factor (Dosiskonversionsfaktor) | |
DCF | DRM Content Format | IT |
DCFL | Direct Coupled FET Logic | |
DCI | Data Context Interaction | |
DCI | Detective Chief Inspector | |
DCI | Display Control Interface | IT |
DCIM | Data Center Infrastructure Management | IT |
DCIM | Digital Camera Images | IT |
DCL | Data Control Language | IT |
DCL | Declaration (SQL) | IT |
DCL | Device Clear | |
DCL | Digital Cinema Initiatives | Organisation |
DCL | Digital Command Language | |
DCLZ | Data Compression Lempel Ziv (DEC) | IT |
DCM | Data Communication Multiplexer | |
DCM | Distributed Computing Model | |
DCME | Digital Circuit Multiplication Equipment | |
DCNA | Data Communication Network Architecture | |
DCOM | Distributed Component Object Model | |
DCOP | Desktop COmmunication Protocol | |
DCP | Data Collecting Platform | |
DCS | Data Collection/Control System | |
DCS | Defined Context Set | |
DCS | Desktop Color Separations | |
DCS | Diagnostic Communication System | |
DCS | Digital Cellular System | |
DCT | Diskrete Cosinus Transformation | |
DCTL | Direct Coupled Transistor Logic | |
DCU | Data Cache Unit | |
DCV | Destination Coded Vehicle | |
DD | Data Dictionary | |
DD | Digital Display | |
DD | Double Density | IT |
DDA | Deutsche Daten-Autobahn | |
DDA | Digital Differential Analyzer | |
DDA | Distributed Database Architecture | |
DDA | Domain Defined Attributs (X.400) | IT |
DDB | Device Dependent Bitmap | |
DDBMS | Distributed Data Base Management System | |
DDC | Dewey Decimal Classification | |
DDC | Display Data Channel | |
DDCMP | Digital Data Communication Message Protocol | |
DDCS | Distributed Database Connection Services (DEC) | IT |
DDD | Deutscher Depeschendienst | Unternehmen |
DDD | Direct Distance Dialing (IBM) | IT |
DDE | Direct Data Entry | |
DDE | Distributed Debugging Environment | IT |
DDE | Dynamic Data Exchange | IT |
DDEML | Dynamic Data Exchange Manager Library | IT |
DDH | Distributed Document Handling (Microsoft) | IT |
DDI | Device Driver Interface | IT |
DDI | Direct Dialing In (Direkte Durchwahl) | TK |
DDIF | Digital Document Interchange Format | IT |
DDK | Device Driver Kit | IT |
DDK | Driver Development Kit (Microsoft) | IT |
DDL | Data Definition Language | IT |
DDL | Data Description Language | IT |
DDL | Display/Document Description Language | IT |
DDM | Distributed Data Manager/Management | |
DDN | Defense Data Network | |
DDNS | Distributed/Dynamic Domain Name/Naming Service | IT |
DDoS | Distributed Denial Of Service | IT |
DDP | Datagram Delivery Protocol | |
DDP | Delivered Duty Paid (Incoterms) | |
DDP | Deutsche Demokratische Partei | Politik |
DDP | Distributed Data Processing | |
DDPT | Disk Drive Parameter Table | |
DDR | Deutsche Demokratische Republik | |
DDR | Double Data Rate (RAM-Speicher) | IT |
DDR-InvG | DDR-Investitionsgesetz | |
DDR-SDRAM | Double Data Rate SDRAM | |
DDS | Dataphone Digital Service | |
DDS | Digital Data Service | |
DDS | Digital/Distributed Data Service/Storage | |
DDS | Direct Digital Service | |
DDS | Disk Definition Structure (Frequenz-)Synthes) | |
DDSD | DFN Directory Services Deutschland | |
DDT | Dichlor-diphenyltrichloräthan | Chemie |
DDT | Dynamic Debugging Tool | |
DDTA | Digital Distributed Transaction Architecture | |
DDU | Deliverdd Duty Unpaid (Incoterms) | |
DDV | Datendirektverbindung | |
DDV | Dialog Data Validation | |
DDVT | Dynamic Dispatch Virtual Tables | |
DDX | Dialog Data eXchange | |
DDX-P | Digital Data Exchange, Packet-switching Network | |
DE | Discard Eligible | |
DEA | Data Encryption Algorithm | IT |
DEA | Data-Envelopment-Analysis | BWL |
DEA | Deterministischer Endlicher Automat | IT |
DEA | Deutsche Erstausgabe | |
DEA | Deutschsprachige Erstaufführung | |
DEA | Drug Enforcement Administration | Behörde |
DEBI | Direct Memory Access Extended Bus Interface | |
DEC | Device Clear | |
DEC | Digital Equipment Corporation | Firma |
DECT | Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication | TK |
DECT-ULE | DECT Ultra Low Energy | TK |
DED | Darkness Emitting Diode | |
DEE | Datenendeinheit/-einrichtung | |
DEET | Diethyltoluamid | Medizin |
DEF | Data Exchange Format | |
DEF | Destination Element Field | |
DEG | Datenendgerät | |
DEHA | Diethylhexyladipat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
DEHOMAG | Deutsche Hollerith-Maschinen-Gesellschaft | Unternehmen |
DEHP | Diethylhexylphthalat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
DEK | Data Encryption Key | |
DEL | Decode Encode Language | |
DEL | Delete | |
DELTA | Developing European Learning Through Technology Advance | |
DELUG | Deutsche LINUX User Group | |
DEM | Digital Elevation Model | |
DEN | Directory Enabled Networks | |
DEN | Document Enabled Networking | |
DENIC | Deutsches Network Information Center | |
DEP | Data Execution Prevention | IT |
DEP | Diethylphthalat | Chemie |
DEQ | Delivered Ex Quay (Incoterms) | |
deque | Double-Ended QUEue | |
dergl. | dergleichen | |
DES | Data Encryption Standard (Datenverschlüsselungs-Standard) | IT |
DES | Data Entry Sheet | |
DES | Delivered Ex Ship (Incoterms) | |
DESIRE | Development of a European Service for Information on Research and Education | |
DESY | Deutsches Elektronensynchroton | Unternehmen |
DET | Device Execute Trigger | |
DET | Directory Entry Table | |
DEV | Device | |
DEVO | Datenerfassungsverordnung | |
DF | Data/Destination Field | |
DF | Device/Double Flag | |
DFA | Deterministic Finite Automaton | |
DFB | Deutscher Fußballbund | Organisation |
DFB | Distributed Feedback | |
DFBI | Depth First Begin Index | |
DFC | Data Flow Control | |
DFCE | Defense Control Element | |
DFD | Data Flow Diagram, Datenflußdiagramm | |
DfD | Datenanwendung für Dritte | |
DFD | Datenflussdiagramm | |
DFEI | Depth First End Index | |
DFF | Deutscher Fernsehfunk | Medien |
DFG | Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | |
DFI | DSP Format Identifier | |
DFKI | Deutsches Forschungszentrum für KI, Kaiserslautern | |
DFL | Deutsche Fußball Liga | Organisation |
DFN | Deutsches Forschungsnetz e. V. | |
DFP | Digital Flat Panel | |
DFR | Double Frequency Recording | |
DFS | Depth First Search | |
DFS | Distributed File System | |
DFS | Dynamic Frequency Selection | IT |
DFT | Design For Test | |
DFT | Diagnostic Function Test | |
DFT | Discrete Fourier Transformation | |
DFT | Distributed Function Terminal | |
DFU | Data File Utility | |
DFÜ | Datenfernübertragung | |
DFUe | Datenfernübertragung | |
DFV | Datenfernverarbeitung | |
DG | Datagram | |
DGA | Direct Graphics Access | |
DGB | Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund | Organisation |
DGC | Distributed Garbage Collection | |
DGCCRF | Direction générale de la concurrence, de la consommation et de la répression des fraudes | Behörde |
DGfK | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Kartographie | Organisation |
DGIS | Direct Graphics Interface Standard | |
DGL | Device-independent Graphics Library | |
DGN | Deutsche Gesellschaft für Netzdienste (HP) | |
DGPS | Differential Global Positioning System | |
DGT | Direction Generale des Telecommunications | |
DGUV | Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung | Organisation |
DGzRS | Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Rettung Schiffbrüchiger | Organisation |
DH | Diffie Hellmann Algorithm | |
DHB | Deutscher Handballbund | Organisation |
DHCP | Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol | |
DHIK | Deutscher Industrie- und Handelskammertag | Organisation |
DHL | Dalsey, Hillblom, Lynn | Firma |
DHRVVF | Ducking, Hiding and Running Very Very Fast | Usenet |
DHS | Department Of Homeland Security | Behörde |
DHSD | Duplex High Speed Data | IT |
DHTML | Dynamic HyperText Markup Language | |
DI | Data In | |
DI | Decoder Identification | |
DI | Destination Index | |
DI | Direktinvestition | BWL |
DIA | Deutsche Informatik Akademie | |
DIA | Display Industry Association | |
DIA | Document Interchange Architecture | |
DIB | Device Independent Bitmap (IBM) | IT |
DIB | Directory Information Base | |
DIB | Dual Independent Bus | |
DIBP | Diisobutylphthalat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
DIC | Device-Independent Color | |
DICE | Document InterChange Engine | |
DICOM | Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (Digitale Bildverarbeitung und -kommunikation in der Medizin) | IT |
DID | Digital Image Design | |
DID | Direct Inward Dialing | |
DIDIX | Digital Divide Index | |
DIDP | Diisodecylphthalat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
DIF | Data/Directory Interchange Format | |
DIFS | Distributed Inter Frame Space | |
DIG | Digital Imposition Geometry | |
DIGI | Deutsche Interessengemeinschaft Internet e. V. | |
DIHT | Deutscher Industrie- und Handelstag | |
DII | Dynamic Invocation Interface | |
DII | Dynamic Invokation Interface | |
DIIP | Direct Interrupt Identification Port | |
DIL | Dual-In-Line (Montagerahmen für Chip) | |
DIMDI | Deutsches Inst. für Medizinische Information und Dokumentation | |
DIME | Direct Memory Execute | |
DIMM | Dual Inline Memory Module | IT |
DIN | Deutsche Industrienorm | |
DIN | Deutsches Institut für Normungswesen (Berlin) | Organisation |
DINP | Diisononylphthalat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
DIO | Data Input and Output | |
DIP | Dialup Internet Protocol | |
DIP | Dual Inline Package (Schalter) | |
DIP | Dual In-line Package/Pin | |
DIP | Dual-In-line Package | |
DIPL | Drain Induced Barrier Lowering | |
DIR | Dynamic Invokation Routine | |
DIRC | Digital Inter Relay Communication | |
DIRx | Device Identification Register x | |
DIS | Digital Immune System (Cyrix CPUs) | |
DIS | Draft International Standard (Symantec) | |
DIS | Dynamic Impedance Stabilization (ISO) | |
DISC | Disconnect | |
Disco | Digital Secure Communication (frame) | |
DI-SCSI | Differential SCSI (Bosch/Ascom) | |
DISOSS | Distributed Office Support System | |
DISP | Directory Information Shadowing Protocol (IBM) | IT |
DISP | Displacement | |
Diss. | Dissertation | |
DIT | Depth of Inheritance Tree | |
DIT | Directory Information Tree (MS Exchange Server) | IT |
DITR | Deutsches Informationszentrum für Technische Regeln | |
DIV | Data In Virtual | |
DIV | Digitale Vermittlungsstelle | |
DIVO | Digitale Vermittlungsstelle Ortsnetz | |
DIW | Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (Berlin) | Organisation |
DI-W-SCSI | Differential Wide SCSI | |
DIX | DEC, Intel, Xerox | IT |
DIY | Do It Yourself | |
DJ | Deutsches Jungvolk | Organisation |
DJ | Diskjockey | |
DJU | Deutsche Journalisten- und Journalistinnen-Union | Organisation |
DK | Dänemark | Autokennzeichen |
DKE | Deutsche Elektrotechnische Kommission im DIN und VDE | IT |
DKE | Deutsche Kommission für Elektrotechnik | Organisation |
DKE | Deutscher Kleinempfänger (»Volksempfänger«) | |
DKG | Digitales Kartengerät | |
DKI | Device Kernel Interface | |
DKIM | Domain Keys Identified Mail | IT |
DKRZ | Deutsches Klima-Rechenzentrum | |
DKZ | Datenkonzentrator | IT |
dl | Deziliter | |
DL | Distribution List | |
DL | Download | IT |
DLA | Defense Logistics Agency | |
DLC | Data Link Control | IT |
DLC | Digital Loop Carrier | IT |
DLC | Down Line Control | IT |
DLCI | Data Link Connection Identifier | IT |
DLCX | Data Link Control Exchange | IT |
DLD | Detailed Level Design | |
DLE | Data Link Escape | IT |
DLF | Deutschlandfunk | Medien |
DLL | Data Link Layer | IT |
DLL | Dynamic Link Library (Windows) | IT |
DLM | Distributed LAN Monitoring | |
DLM | Dynamic Link Module | |
DLNA | Digital Living Network Alliance | Organisation |
DLP | Data Load Partition | |
DLP | Digital Light Processing | |
DLP | Digital Light Processor | |
DLPI | Data Link Provider Interface | |
DLR | Dependent LU Requester | |
DLR | DOS LAN Requester | |
DLRG | Deutsche Lebensrettungsgesellschaft | Organisation |
DLS | Dependent LU Server | |
DLS | Distributed Load Sharing | |
DLSG | Deutsche Lehrsoftware Gemeinschaft | Organisation |
DLSw | Data Link Switching | |
DLT | Digital Linear Tape | |
DLV | Deutscher Leichtathletik-Verband | Organisation |
DM | Data Mining | |
DM | Data/Disconnected Mode | |
DM | Deutsche Mark | |
dm | Dezimeter | |
DM | Dialogue Management | |
DM | Distributed Monitor | |
DMA | Digital Markets Act | Recht |
DMA | Direct Memory Access | |
DMA | Document Management Alliance | |
DMAC | Direct Memory Access Controller | |
DMAN | Differential Manchester | |
DMARC | Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and Conformance | IT |
DMB | Digital Multimedia Broadcast | |
DMBG | DM-Bilanzgesetz | Recht |
DMC | Digital Media Center | |
DMC | Direct Memory Controller | |
DMC | Distributed Management Chain | |
DMCA | Digital Millenium Copyright Act | Recht |
DMD | Device Manager Driver | |
DMD | Digital Mirror Device | |
DMD | Direct Manipulation Device | |
DMD | Directory Management Domain | |
DME | Distributed Management Environment | |
DMEB | DM-Eröffnungsbilanz | BWL |
DMI | Desktop Management Interface (OSF) | IT |
DMI | Digital Multiplexed Interface | |
DML | Data Manipulation Language | |
DML | Distributed Mode Loudspeaker | |
DMM | Digital Multimeter | |
DMMS | Dynamic Memory Management System | |
dmmv | Deutscher MultiMedia Verband | Organisation |
DMOS | Double Diffused MOS | |
DMP | Dot Matrix Printer | |
DMQS | Display Mode Query and Set | |
DMS | Data/Desktop/Document Management Software/System | IT |
DMS | Defence Massage System | |
DMS | Dokumenten-Management-Server | IT |
DMSD | Digital Multi-Standard Decoding | |
DMSP | Distributed Mail System Protocol | IT |
DMT | Descrete MultiTone modulation | |
DMT | Deutsche Montan Technologie | |
DMT | Direct MultiTone | |
DMT | Discrete Multi Tone | |
DMTF | Desktop Management Task Force (Modulation) | |
D-MTU | Default Maximum Transmission Unit | |
DMUX | Demultiplexer | |
DMY | Day Month Year (Datumsangabe) | |
DMZ | Demilitarized Zone | |
DN | Distinguished Name | IT |
DNA | Deoxyribonucleic Acid (Desoxiribonukleinsäure) | Chemie |
DNA | Digital Network Architecture | |
DNA | Document Enabled Network | IT |
DNB | Deutsche Nationalbibliographie | |
DNC | Direct Numerical Control | BWL |
DNC | Direct/Distributed Numerical Control | |
DNCRI | Division of Networking and Communications Research and Infrastructure | Organisation |
DND | Do Not Disturb | |
DNDO | Do Not Disturb Override | |
DNF | Disjunktive Normalform | |
DNG | Datennetzabschlussgerät | |
DNI | Desktop Network Interface | IT |
DNIC | Data Network Identification Code | IT |
DNIS | Dialed Number Identification Service | |
DNKZ | Datennetz-Kontrollzentrum | IT |
DNLC | Directory Name Lookup Cache (DBP) | IT |
DNM | Datennetzabschlussmodul | |
DNMS | Datennetz-Management-Software | |
DNOP | Dioctylphthalat (Weichmacher) | Chemie |
DNPG | Digital Networks Product Group | |
DNS | Desoxyribonukleinsäure | Chemie |
DNS | Domain Name Server | IT |
DNS | Domain Name Service | IT |
DNS-B | Daten-Netz-Signalisierung Typ B | |
DNSO | Domain Name Supporting Organization | Organisation |
DNT | Do Not Track | IT |
DNUG | Deutsche Notes User Group | Organisation |
DNVP | Deutschnationale Volkspartei | Politik |
DO | Data Out | IT |
DO | Distributed Object | IT |
DOAG | Deutsche Oracle-Anwender-Gruppe | Organisation |
DOC | Distributed Objects Computing | |
DOC | Documentation | |
DOCSIS | Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification | IT |
DOD | Department of Defence (US-Verteidungsministerium) | Behörde |
DOD | Digital Optical Disc | |
DOD | Drop On Demand | |
DOE | Distributed Objects Everywhere | |
DOF | Depth of Field | IT |
DoH | DNS over HTTPS | IT |
DOI | Digital Object Identifier | IT |
DOL | Direct Object Linking | IT |
DOM | Document Object Model | IT |
DOMF | Distributed Object Management Facility | IT |
DOP | Degenerate Oligonucleotide Primed | Chemie |
DOP | Director of Photography | |
DOP | Dynamic Order Processing | IT |
DOR | Digital Optical Recording | |
DoS | Denial Of Service | IT |
DOS | Disk Operating System | IT |
DOS | Distributed Operating System | IT |
DOSB | Deutscher Olympische Sportbund | Organisation |
DOSEM | DOS Emulator/Emulation | |
DOSS | Dedicated Office Systems and Services | |
DoT | DNS over TLS | IT |
DOT | Document Template | IT |
DOT | Documents to Think with | Usenet |
DoW | Day Of Week | |
DOW | Direct Overwrite | |
DP | Data Processing | |
DP | Digital Person | |
DP | Distributed Printing | |
DP | Draft Proposed Standard | |
DPA | Demand Protocol Architecture (ISO) | |
DPA | Deutsche Presseagentur | Organisation |
DPA | Differential Power Analysis | |
DPA | Document Printing Application | |
DPAM | Demand Priority Access Method | |
DPAREN | Data Parity Enable | |
DPB | Drive Parameter Block (IBM) | IT |
DPC | Deferred Procedure Call | |
DPC | Direct Program Control | |
DPC | Display Controller | |
DPCM | Differenz-PCM | |
DPD | Deutscher Paketdienst | Unternehmen |
DPDS | Data Processing Distributed Systems | |
DPE | Data Parity Error | |
DPG | Deutsche Postgewerkschaft | |
DPI | Distributed Protocol Interface | |
dpi | Dots Per Inch | |
DPL | Descriptor Privilege Level | |
DPL | Distributed Program Link | |
DPMA | Data Processing Management Association | |
DPMA | Deutsches Patent- und Markenamt | Behörde |
DPMI | DOS Protected Mode Interface | |
DPMS | Display Power Management Signalling/Standard | |
DPMS | DOS Protected Mode Service | |
DPN | Deutsches Provider Netzwerk | |
DPO | Data Phase Optimization | |
DPP | Device Provisining Protocol | IT |
DPS | Digital Print System | |
DPS | Display Postscript | |
DPSK | Differential Phase Shift Keying | |
DPT | Drive Parameter Table | |
DPU | Data Parallel Unit | |
DPWV | Deutscher Paritätischer Wohlfahrtsverband | Organisation |
DQCB | Distributed Queue Control Bus | |
DQDB | Distributed Queue Double/Dual Bus | |
DQL | DataEase Query Language | |
DQPSK | Differential Quadrature Phase Shift Keying | |
DR | Data Received | |
DR | Digital Research | |
DR | Disaster Recovery | |
DR | Dynamic Reconfiguration | |
Dr. | Doktor | Titel |
DRA | Deutsches Rundfunk-Archiv | |
DRA | Directory Replication Agent | |
DRAM | Dynamic Random Access Memory | IT |
DRAW | Direct Read After Write | |
DRB | DRAM Row Boundary | |
DRCS | Dynamically Redefinable Character Set | |
DRDA | Distributed Relational Database Architecture | |
DRDA | Distributed Remote Database Access (IBM) | IT |
DRDW | Direct Read During Write | |
DRG | Diagnosis Related Groups | |
DRI | Declarative Referential Integrity | |
DRI | Defense Research Internet | |
DRI | Direct Rendering Infrastructure | |
DRI | Direct Rendering Infrastructure | IT |
DRK | Deutsches Rotes Kreuz | Organisation |
DRL | Daytime Running Light | |
DRL | Dynamically Reconfigurable Logic | |
DRM | Digital Radio Mondiale | |
DRM | Digital Righs Management | |
DRM | Digital Rights Managment | IT |
DRO | Data Request Output | |
DRO | Destructive Read Out | |
DRP | DEC's Routing Protocol | |
DRQ | DMA Request | |
DRS | Data Relay Satellite | |
DRS | Druckstation | |
DRV | Drive | |
DRx | Debug Register x (Laufwerk) | |
DS | Data Segment/Send/Strobe | |
DS | Differentiated Service | |
DS | Directory Service (MS Exchange Server, Verzeichnisdienst) | IT |
DS | Directory Service, Verzeichnisdienst | |
DS | Distributed Services | |
DS | Distribution Service (OSF) | IT |
DS | Distribution System (Cable TV) | |
DS | Double Sided | |
DS | Drive Select | |
DS02 | ISDN-Festverbindung 128 kbit/s | |
DS-3 | Digital Signal Level 3 | |
DSA | Data Service Adapter | |
DSA | Data/Digital Signature/Standard/Storage Architecture/Algorithm | |
DSA | Digital Signature Algorithm | |
DSA | Directory Server/System Agent | |
DSAB | Distributed Systems Architecture Board (X.500) | IT |
DSAF | Destination Subarea Address Field | |
DSAP | Destination Service Access Point | |
DSAS | Data Sharing Architecture System | |
DSB | Datenschutzbeauftragter | |
DSB | Deutscher Schachbund | Organisation |
DSB | Deutscher Sportbund | Organisation |
DSC | DECT Standard Cipher | TK |
DSC | Desired State Configuration | IT |
DSC | Digital Selective Calling | |
DSC | Digital Still Camera | |
DSC | Display Stream Compression | IT |
DSC | Document Structuring Convention | |
DSCBS | Data Set Control Blocks | |
DSCP | Differentiated Services Code Point | IT |
DSCS | Defense Satellite Communications System | |
DSD | Direct Stream Digital | |
DSDC | Data Segment Descriptor Cache | |
DSDD | Double Sided Double Density | |
DSE | Data Storage Equipment (Floppy) | |
DSE | Data Switching Exchange | |
DSE | Directory Service Entity | |
DSE | DSA Specific Entry | |
DSEA | Display Station Emulation Adapter | |
DSECT | Data/Dummy Control Section | |
DSG | Digital Signal Generator | |
DSH | Desparately Seeking Help | |
DSHD | Double Sided High Density | IT |
DSI | Detailed Spectrum Investigation (Floppy) | |
DSI | Digital Sspeech Interpolation | |
DSI | Dynamic Skeleton Interface | |
DSIS | Distributed Support Information Standard | |
DSL | Digital Subscriber Line | IT |
DSL | Domain Specific Language | IT |
DSL | Dynamic System Language | IT |
DSLAM | Digital Subscriber Line Access Multiplexer | IT |
DSLB | Digital Subscriber Line Board | IT |
DSLM | Digital Single Lens Mirrorless | |
DSLR | Digital Single-Lens Reflex | |
DSM | Daten-Signal-Multiplexsystem | IT |
DSM | Demand Side Management | |
DSMIT | Distributed SMIT | |
DSMN | Directory Service Manager for NetWare (MS Exchange Server) | IT |
DSN | Deep Space Network (IBM) | IT |
DSN | Delivery Status Notification | |
DSN | Digital Switching Network | |
DSO | Deutsche Stiftung Organtransplantation | Organisation |
DSO | Digital Sampling Oscilloscope | |
DSO | Dynamic Shared Object | |
DSOM | Distributed System Object Model | |
DSP | Defense Support Program | |
DSP | Digital Signal Processing/Processor | |
DSP | Digital Signal Processor | IT |
DSP | Digitaler Signalprozessor | |
DSP | Digtal Signal Processing (Digitale Signalverarbeitung) | IT |
DSP | Directory System Protocol | |
DSP | Domain Specific Part | |
DSPU | Downstream Physical Unit | |
DSQ | Digital Squelch | |
DSQD | Double Sided Quad Density | |
DSR | Device Status Register/Report | |
DSR | Digitale Spiegelreflex | |
DSR | Digitales Satelliten-Radio | |
DSR | Document Search and Retrieval | |
DSS | Data Storage Segment | |
DSS | Decision Support System | |
DSS | Digital Satellite System | |
DSS | Digital Signature Standard | |
DSS | Digital Subscriber Signalling | |
DSS | Directory and Security Services | |
DSS1 | Digital Subscriber System 1 | |
DSSI | Digital Storage Systems Interconnect | TK |
DSSS | Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum | IT |
DSSSL | Document Style Semantics and Specification Language | |
DST | Datenstation | |
DST | Daylight Saving Time | |
DST | Direct Stream Transfer | |
DST | Distributed SmallTalk | |
DSTN | Double Super Twisted Nematic | |
DSTN | Dual Scan Twisted Nematic | |
DStR | Deutsches Steuerrecht | Zeitschrift |
DStZ | Deutsche Steuerzeitung | Zeitschrift |
DSU | Data Service Unit | |
DSU | Data/Digital Service Unit | |
DSUWG | Data Systems Users' Working Group | |
DSVD | Digital Simultaneous Voice and Data | |
DSW | Data/Device Status Word | |
DSW | Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitz | Organisation |
DSW | Deutsche Schutzvereinigung für Wertpapierbesitzer | |
DSW | Deutsches Sozialwerk | Organisation |
DT | Deutsches Theater (Berlin) | Organisation |
DTA | Datenträger-Austausch | |
DTA | Direct Tape Access | |
DTA | Disk Tranfer Area | |
DTAB | Demountable Tape Automated Bonding | |
DTAG | Deutsche Telekom AG | |
DTAUS | Datenträgeraustausch-Verfahren | |
DTAZV | Datenträgeraustausch Auslandszahlungsverkehr | |
DTB | Deutscher Tennisbund | Organisation |
DTB | Deutscher Turnerbund | Organisation |
DTC | Desktop Communication | |
DTC | Distributed Transaction Coordinator | |
DTCP | Digital Transmission Content Protection | IT |
DTD | Document Type Definition (XML) | IT |
DTDS | Disaster Tolerant Disk System | |
DTE | Data Terminal Equipment | |
DTE | Data Terminal/Terminating Equipment | |
DTE | Dumb Terminal Emulator | |
DTE-C | Data Terminal Equipment-Character Mode | |
DTF | Digital Tape Format | |
DTG | Deutsche Telefongesellschaft | Unternehmen |
DTL | Designated Transit List (Sony) | |
DTL | Diode Transistor Logic | |
DTLA | Dynamic Transmit Level Adjustment | |
DTLB | Dual Translation Lookaside Buffer | |
DTM | Desktop Manufacturing | |
DTM | Deterministic Turing Machine | |
DTMB | Digital Terrestrial Multimedia Broadcast (China) | |
DTMF | Desktop Management Task Force | |
DTMF | Dial/Dual Tone Multi-Frequency | |
DTMF | Dual-Tone MultiFrequency | |
DTN | Delay Tolerant Networking | IT |
DTP | Data Transfer Process | |
DTP | Desktop Publishing | |
DTP | Distributed Transaction Processing | |
DTPS | Dialer Token Pairs | |
DTR | Data Terminal Ready | |
DTR | Data Transfer Rate | |
DTR | Dedicated Token Ring | |
DTR | Digital Trunk | |
DTS | Digital Theatre Sound System | |
DTS | Direct To SOM | |
DTS | Distributed Time Server/Service | |
DTSB | Deutscher Turn- und Sportbund | Organisation |
DTTB | Deutscher Tischtennisbund | Organisation |
DTTB | Digital Terrestrial TV Broadcasting | |
DTV | Digital Television | |
DTX | Discontinuous Transmission | |
DUA | Directory User Agent | |
DUAT | Direct User Access Terminal (X.500) | IT |
DuD | Datenschutz und Datensicherheit | Zeitschrift |
DUe | Datenübertragung | IT |
DUeE | Datenübertragungseinheit | IT |
DUI | Driving under the influence | |
DUN | Dial-Up Networking | IT |
DUNDIS | Direction of United Nations Databases and Information Systems | Organisation |
DUST | Datenumsetzerstelle | |
DÜVO | Datenübermittlungsverordnung | Recht |
DV | Datenverarbeitung | |
DV | Digital Video | |
DV | Distance Vector | |
DVA | Datenverarbeitungsanlage | |
DVA | Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt | Unternehmen |
DVA | Distance Vector Algorithm | |
DVB | Digital Video Broadcast | |
DVB-C | Digital Video Broadcast Cable | |
DVB-H | Digital Video Broadcast Handheld | |
DVB-IPI | Digital Video Broadcast Internet Protocol Infrastructure | |
DVB-S | Digital Video Broadcast Satellite | |
DVB-SI | Digital Video Broadcasting - Service Information | |
DVB-T | Digital Video Broadcast Terrestrial | |
DVC | Digital Video Cassette | |
DVCR | Digital Video Cassette Recording | |
DVD | Deutsche Vereinigung für Datenschutz | Organisation |
DVD | Digital Versatile Disc | |
DVD-R | DVD Recordable | |
DVD-RW | DVD ReWritable | |
DVE | Digital Video Effects | |
DVGW | Deutscher Verein des Gas- und Wasserfaches | Organisation |
D-VHS | Digital VHS | |
DVI | Deutsches Video Institut | Organisation |
DVI | DeVice Independent | |
DVI | Digital Video/Visual Interactive/Interface | |
DVI | Digital Visual Interface | |
DVL | Digital Video Link | |
DVM | Digitaler Voltmeter | |
DVMRP | Distance Vector Multicast Routing Protocol | |
DVP | Demokratische Volkspartei | Politik |
DVR | Digital Video Recorder | |
DVST | Datenvermittlungsstelle | |
DVU | Deutsche Volksunion | Politik |
DVV | Datenverarbeitungsverantwortlicher | |
DW | Data Warehouse/Warehaousing | |
DW | Deutsche Welle | Medien |
DWD | Deutscher Wetterdienst | Organisation |
DWDM | Dense Wavelength Division Multiplexing | |
DWI | Driving while Intoxicated | |
DWIM | Do What I Mean | Usenet |
D-WiN | Deutsches WissenschaftsNetz | |
DWM | Diskless Workstation Managent | |
DWMT | Discrete Wavelet Multi Tone | |
DWPD | Drive Writes per Day (Schreibzugriffe pro Tag) | IT |
DWT | Directory Watch | |
DWT | Discrete Wavelet Transformation | |
DX | Directory Exchange | |
DX | Weitverkehr | |
DXA | Directory Exchange Agent (MS Exchange Server, Verzeichnissynchronisations-Agent) | IT |
DXB | Drawing Exchange Binary | |
DXC | Data Exchange Control | |
DXF | Data eXchange File | |
DXF | Data/Drawing Exchange Format | |
DXF | Drawing Exchange Format | |
DXG | Datexnetzabschlussgerät | |
DXI | Data Exchange Interface | |
Dy | Dysprosium | Chemisches Element |
DYNPRO | Dynamisches Programm | |
DZWir | Deutsche Zeitschrift für Wirtschaftsrecht | |
E |
E | Emitter (Transistor) | Elektronik |
E | Erwerbstätige | VWL |
E | Spanien | Autokennzeichen |
e. | Km. eingetragener Kaufmann | |
e.g. | Exempli Gratia, zum Beispiel | |
e.V. | eingetragener Verein | |
E/A | Eingabe/Ausgabe | |
EA | Extended Address/Attribute | |
EAC | Eurasian Conformity | IT |
EAC | European Activities Committee | |
EACSL | European Association for Computer Science Logic | Organisation |
EAD | Ethernet-Anschlussdose | |
EAF | Export Address Table Access Filtering | IT |
EAFB | European Anti-Fraud Office (Europäisches Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung) | IT |
EaGB | Einkünfte aus Gewerbebetrieb | Recht |
EAI | Enterprise Application Integration | |
EAI | External Authoring Interface | |
EAIM | European Alliance for Information Management | |
EaKV | Einkünfte aus Kapitalvermögen | Recht |
EaLuF | Einkünfte aus Land- und Forstwirtschaft | Recht |
EAM | Electronic Accounting Machinery | |
EAMR | Energy-Assisted Magnetic Recording | IT |
EAN | European Advanced Networking | |
EAN | European Article Number | |
EansA | Einkünfte aus nichtselbstständiger Arbeit | Recht |
EANTC | European Advanced Networking Test Center | |
EAP | Extensible Authentication Protocol | IT |
EAR | Enterprise Application Repository | |
EARBA | Enhanced Adaptive Rate Based Algorithm | |
eARC | Enhanced Audio Return Channel | |
EARN | European Academic Research Network | |
EAROM | Electrically Alterable Read Only Memory | |
EARS | Electronic Access to Reference Services | |
EaSA | Einkünfte aus selbstständiger Arbeit | Recht |
EASA | European Advertising Standards Alliance (Europäische Allianz der Werbeselbstkontrolle) | Organisation |
EASA | European Architecture Students Assembly | |
EASA | European Aviation Safety Agency (Europäische Agentur für Flugsicherheit) | Behörde |
EASKT | Einzelanschluss-Konzentrator | |
EATA | Enhanced AT Bus Attachment | IT |
EaVuV | Einkünfte aus Vermietung und Verpachtung | Recht |
EAX | Environmental Audio eXtension | |
EAX | Extended AX | |
EAZ | Endgeräteauswahlziffer | |
EB | Endbestand | BWL |
EB | Eröffnungsbilanz | BWL |
EBA | European Broadcasting Area | |
EBC | EISA Bus Controller (ISDN) | TK |
EBCDIC | Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code | |
EBCOT | Embedded Block Coding with Optimized Truncation (IBM) | IT |
EBD | Emergency Boot Disk | |
EBI | Equivalent/Extended Background Input/Investigation | |
EBICS | Electronic Banking Internet Communication Standard | |
EBITDA | Earnings before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization (Gewinn vor Zinsen, Steuern, Abschreibungen auf Sachanlagen und Abschreibungen auf immaterielle Vermögensgegenstände) | BWL |
EBNF | erweiterte Bachus-Naur-Form | |
EBONE | Teilnetz des Internets | |
EBR | Excessive Burst Rate | |
EBT | Electronic Benefits Transfer | |
EBU | European Broadcasting Union | Organisation |
EBV | Elektronische Bildverarbeitung | |
EBVO | Eigenbetriebsverordnung | |
EC | Echo Cancellation | |
EC | Educational Computer | |
EC | Electronic Cash/Commerce | |
EC | End Chain | |
EC | Error Checking | |
EC | European Community | |
EC | Exchange Carrier | |
EC | Executive Commitee | |
ECA | Event, Condition, Action | |
ECARF | European Centre for Allergy Research Foundation (Europäischen Stiftung für Allergieforschung) | Organisation |
ECAS | Exchange Card Architecture Specification | |
ECB | Electronic Code Book | |
ECC | Elliptic Curve Cryptography | |
ECC | Error Check/Correction Circuit/Code | |
ECC | Error Checking and Correction | |
ECC | Error Correction Code | |
ECCHR | European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (Europäisches Zentrum für Verfassungs- und Menschenrechte) | Behörde |
ECD | Enhanced Colour Display | |
ECDIS | Electronic Chart Display and Information System | IT |
ECDL | European Computer Driving Licence | |
ECE | Economic Commission for Europe (Wirtschaftskommission für Europa der Vereinten Nationen) | Organisation |
ECE | Einkaufs-Center-Entwicklungsgesellschaft | |
ECE | Endothelin-Converting Enzyme | |
ECF | Enhanced Connectivity Facility | |
ECHA | European Chemicals Agency (Europäische Chemikalienagentur) | Behörde |
ECHO | European Community Host Organisation | |
ECI | Europäisches Computer Informationszentrum, Bonn | |
ECI | External Call Interface | |
ECIS | European Conference on Information Systems | |
ECL | Emitter-Coupled Logic | |
ECL | Execution Control List | |
ECM | Enhanced Coprocessor Mount | |
ECM | Entity Coordination Management | |
ECM | Error Correcting/Correction Mode | |
ECM | Error Correction Mode | |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturers Association | |
ECMA | European Computer Manufacturer's Association | |
ECN | Explicit Congestion Notification | |
ECO | Electron Coupled Oscillator | |
ECO | Electronic Commerce Forum | Organisation |
ECODU | European Control Data Users Group (Verband der deutschen Internet-Wirtschaft) | Organisation |
ECOOP | European Conference on Object Oriented Programming | |
ECP | Enhanced/Extended Capabilities Port | |
ECP | Excessive Cross-Posting (Microsoft) | IT |
ECPA | Electronic Communications Privacy Act | Recht |
ECPMF | European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (Europäisches Zentrum für Presse- und Medienfreiheit) | Organisation |
ECRC | European Computer Industry Research Centre | |
ECS | Embedded Computing System | |
ECS | European Common Standard | |
ECSA | Exchange Carriers Standards Association | |
ECSI | European Custom Systems Integration | |
ECT | Explicit Call Transfer (Vermitteln im Amt) | TK |
ECTF | Enterprise Computer Telephony Forum | |
ECU | EISA Configuration Utility | |
ECU | European Chess Union | Organisation |
ECU | European currency unit | |
ED | Edge Device | |
ED | Erase Display | |
EDA | Electronic Design Automation | |
EDA | Embedded Document Architecture | |
EDA | Explorative Datenanalyse | |
EDAC | Error Detection And Correction | |
EDAP | Extraordinary Data Availability and Protection | |
EDC | Enhanced Data Correction | |
EDC | Error Detection Code | |
EDD | Enhanced Disk Device | IT |
EDDC | European Dependable Computing Conference | |
EDDC | Extended Distance Data Cable | |
Edeka | Einkaufsgenossenschaft Deutscher Einzelhandels Kaufleute | |
EDGE | Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolutions | TK |
EDI | Electronic Data Interchange | |
EDIBDB | EDIFACT-Subset Baumärkte | |
EDID | Extended Display Identification Data | IT |
EDIFACT | Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport | |
EDIS | Electronic Data Interchange Services | |
EDK | Exchange Developement Kit | IT |
EDL | Edit Decision List | |
EDL | Electrical Double Layer (Elektrochemische Doppelschicht) | |
EDL | Electrodeless Discharge Lamp (Ektrodenlose Entladungslampe) | |
EDLC | Ethernet Data Link Control | |
EDM | Engineering Data Management | |
EDMS | Enterprise Desktop Mangement Services | |
EDO | Enhanced/Extended Data Out/Output | |
EDO-RAM | Extended Data Out RAM | |
EDP | Electronic Data Processing | |
EDPS | Enhanced DPS | |
EDR | External Developer Relaease | |
EDRAM | Enhanced DRAM | |
EDS | Electronic DIP Switch | |
EDS | Elektronisches Datenvermittlungssystem | |
EDS | Experimental Distributed System | |
EDSI | Enhanced Small Device Interface | |
EDSRA | Earth Data System Reference Application | |
EDSS | European Digital Subscriber System | |
EDTV | Enhanced Definition Television (Digitales Fernsehformat) | |
EDTV | Enhanced/Extended Definition Television | |
edu | educational | |
EDV | Elektronische Datenverarbeitung | IT |
EDVAC | Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer | |
EE | Endeinrichtung | |
EEC | Extended Error Correction | |
EEG | Elektroenzephalo-gramm /-graphie | Medizin |
EEHLLAPI | Entry Emulator HLLAPI | |
EEM | Extended Memory Management | |
EEMA | European Electronic Messaging Association | |
EEMEA | Eastern Europe, Middle-East, Africa (Wirtschaftsraum) | |
EEMS | Enhanced Expanded Memory Specification/Support | |
EENA | European Emergency Number Association | Organisation |
EEPLD | Electrically Erasable Programmable Logic Device | |
EEPROM | Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory | IT |
EES | Escrowed Encryption Standard | |
EF | Externer Fehler | |
EFA | Extended File Attribute | |
EFAC | Extended File Access Control | |
EFB | Enhanced Flooded Batteries | |
EFCI | Explicit Forward Congestion Identification | |
EFF | Electronic Frontier Foundation | Organisation |
EFI | Electromechanical Frequency Interference | |
EFI | Extensible Firmware Interface | IT |
EFIP | European Federation of Interconnection and Packaging | |
EFISC | Enhanced Fast Instruction Set Computer | |
EFL | Emitter Follower Logic | |
EFM | Eight-to-Fourteen Modulation (Aufzeichnungsverfahren bei Audio-CDs) | |
EFR | Enhanced Full Rate | |
EFS | Electronic Filing System | |
EFS | Encrypting File System | IT |
EFSA | European Food Safety Authority (Europäische Behörde für Lebensmittelsicherheit) | Behörde |
EFSF | Europäischen Finanzstabilisierungsfazilität | Politik |
EFT | Electronic Funds Transfer | |
EFT | Euro File Transfer | |
EFTA | European Free Trade Association (Europäische Freihandelsassoziation) | Organisation |
EFTP | Easy File Transfer Protocol | |
EFTS | Electronic Funds Transfer System | |
EFUe | Emissionsdaten-Fernübertragung | |
eG | Eingetragene Genossenschaft | |
EG | Europäische Gemeinschaft (ehemals: EWG Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft) | Organisation |
EG | Evangelisches Gesangbuch | |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Adapter | |
EGA | Enhanced Graphics Array | |
EGB | Europäischer Gewerkschaftsbund | |
EGC | Enhanced Group Call | |
EGCG | Epigallocatechingallat | Chemie |
eGK | Elektronische Gesundheitskarte | |
EGMR | Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte | Behörde |
EGN | Einzelgebührennachweis | TK |
EGNOS | European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service | IT |
EGP | Exterior Gateway Protocol | |
EGPE | Extended Generalized Programming Environment | IT |
EGW | Edge Gateway | |
EHEC | Enterohämorrhagische Escherichia Coli | Medizin |
EHKP | Einheitliches höheres Kommunikationsprotokoll | |
EHS | Elektonische Handelssysteme (Informatik, Finanzmarkt) | |
EHSA | European Home Systems Association | Organisation |
EHW | Evolvable Hardware | |
EIA | Electronic Industries Association | |
EIAJ | Electronics Industry Association of Japan | |
EIB | European Installation Bus | |
EIBA | European Installation Bus Association | |
EIBF | Europäische und Internationale Buchhändlervereinigung | Organisation |
EIBIEM | Enhanced Interactive Business Integrating Environment Manager | |
EICAR | European Institute of Computer Anti-Virus Research | |
EICTA | European Information and Communications Technology Industry Association | Organisation |
EID | Electronic Information Display | |
EIDE | Enhanced IDE | |
EIES | Electronic Information Interchange System | |
EIES | European Information Exchange Service | |
EIF | European Internet Foundation | |
EIFS | Extended Inter Frame Space | |
EIGRP | Enhanced Interior Gateway Routing Protocol | |
EIN | European Informatics Network | |
EIP | Extended Internet Protocol | IT |
EIR | Equipment Identity Register | |
EIRP | Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power | |
EIS | Electronic Information Services | |
EIS | Electronic Invoicing Solution | |
EIS | Electronics Industrie Association | |
EIS | Executive Information System | |
EISA | Extended Industy Standard Architecture | |
EISS | Europäisches Institut für Systemsicherheit | |
EIT | Encoded Information Types | |
EIT | Event Information Table (siehe DVB-SI) | |
EITI | European Interconnect Technology Initiative | |
EITO | European Information Technology Observatory | |
EIU | Ethernet Interface Unit | |
EIUF | European ISDN User Forum | |
EJB | Enterprise Java Beans | |
EJO | Electronic Journal Online | |
EK | Eigenkapital | BWL, Bilanzierung |
EK | Einzelkosten | BWL, KLR |
EKD | Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland | Organisation |
EKG | Elektrokardiogramm | Medizin |
EKG | Evangelisches Kirchengesangbuch (veraltet) | |
EKT | Envelope-Kanal-Teiler | |
EL | Electroluminiscent | |
EL | Elevation (Display) | |
EL | Erase Line | |
ELAN | Educational/Elementary Language | |
ELAN | Emulated LAN | |
ELAN | Emulated Local Area Network | |
ELANC | Enhanced LAN Controller | |
ELC | Embedded Linux Consortium | |
ELD | Electro-Luminescence Display | |
ELD | Electroluminescent Display (aktives LCD) | |
ELF | Executable and Linking Format | |
ELF | Extremely Low Frequency | |
ELFEXT | Equal Level Far End Crosstalk | |
ELOD | Erasable Laser Optical Disk | |
ELS | Entry Level System | |
ELSPA | European Leisure Software Publishers Assosciation | Organisation |
ELSTER | ELektronische STeuerERklärung | |
EM | Electronic Mail | |
EM | End of Medium | |
EM | Expanded Memory | |
EMA | Electronic Messaging Association | Organisation |
EMA | Enterprise Management Architecture | |
EMAC | European Market Awareness and Education Committee | |
EMACS | Editing Macros | |
EMAIL | Electronic Mail | |
EMB | Enhanced Master Burst | |
EMB | Extended Memory Block | |
eMBB | Enhanced Mobile Broadband | TK |
EMC | Electromagnetic Compatibility | |
EMC | Extended Math Coprocessor | |
EME | Encrypted Media Extensions | IT |
EMEA | Europe, Middle-East, Africa (Wirtschaftsraum) | |
EMEA | European Medicines Agency | Organisation |
EMF | Eclipse Modeling Framework | |
EMF | Electromagnetic Force | |
EMF | Enhanced Metafile | |
EMF | European Multimedia Forum | Organisation |
EMFBI | Excuse Me For Butting In | Usenet |
EMHS | Electronic Message Handling Systems | |
EMI | Electric + Musical Industries | |
EMI | Electromagnetic Interference | |
EMI | External Memory Interface | |
EMIB | Embedded Multi-Die Interconnect Bridge | IT |
EMM | Enterprise Mail Manager | |
EMM | Expanded Memory Manager | |
EMMA | European Mobile Media Association | Organisation |
EMMA | Extensible MultiModal Annotation markup language | IT |
eMMC | embedded Multimedia Card | IT |
EMMS | Electronic Media Management System | |
EMP | Electromagnetic Pulse | |
EMP | Excessive Multiple Posting | |
EMP | Excessive Multi-Posting/Multiple Posting | |
EMPB | European MultiProtocol Backbone | |
EMR | Electromagnetic Radiation | |
EMRK | Europäische Menschenrechtskonventionen | |
EMS | Electronic Mail System | |
EMS | Electronic Message Service | |
EMS | Email Management System | |
EMS | Expanded Memory Specification | |
EMSD | Efficient Mail Submission and Delivery | |
EMUG | European MAP Users Group | |
EMV | Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit | |
EMV | Europay International, MasterCard und VISA | |
EMVG | Gesetz über die elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit von Geräten | Recht |
EMX | Enterprise Mail Exchange | |
EN | End Node | |
EN | European Norm | |
ENA | Electronic Networking Association | |
ENCMM | Ethernet Network Control + Management Module | |
ENIAC | Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator | |
ENISA | Agentur der Europäischen Union für Cybersicherheit | Behörde |
ENITH | European Network for Information Technology in Human Services | |
ENL | European Network Laboratories | |
ENP | Ethernet Node Processor | |
ENPA | European Newspaper Publishers Association | Organisation |
ENQ | Enquiry | |
ENS | Enterprise Network System/Services/Switch | |
ENSS | European Navigation Satellite System | |
ENSS | Exterior Nodal Switching Subsystem | |
EntwLStG | Entwicklungsländer-Steuergesetz | Recht |
EO | Europe Online (Internet) | IT |
EO | Evangelische Omroep (Niederlande) | Medien |
EOA | End Of Address | IT |
EOB | End Of Block | IT |
EOC | Embedded Operations Channel | |
EOC | End Of Character/Conversion | |
EOC | End of Content | |
EOCB | Electrical-Optical Circuit Board | |
EOD | End Of Data | IT |
EOD | End of Discussion | Usenet |
EOF | End Of File | IT |
EOF | Enterprise Objects Framework | |
EOI | End Of Interrupt | IT |
EOI | End Or Identify | IT |
EOJ | End Of Job | IT |
EOL | End Of Line | IT |
EOL | End Of List | IT |
EOL | Europa Online | |
EOM | End Of Message | IT |
EOM | Erasable Optical Memory | |
EON | Enhanced Information Concerning Other Networks | |
EOR | End Of Record | |
EOR | Exclusive Or (auch: XOR) | |
EOS | Educational Online Sources | IT |
EOS | End Of String | |
EOT | End of Tape/Transaction/Transmission/Table/Text | |
EOU | End Of User | |
EOUG | European Oracle Users Group | |
EP | Erwerbspersonen | VWL |
EPA | Enhances Performance Architecture | |
EPA | Environmental Protection Agency | Behörde |
EPG | Electronic Program Guide | |
EPG | Europäische Grüne Partei | Partei |
EPG | Europäische Politische Gemeinschaft | Organisation |
EPI | External Presentation Interface | |
EPIC | Electronic Privacy Information Center | Organisation |
EPIC | European Professional Informatics Certificate | |
EPIC | Explicit Parallel Instruction Computing | |
EPIRB | Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon | |
EPK | Ereignigesteuerte Prozeßketten | |
EPL | Effective Prvilege Level | |
EPLD | Erasable Programmable Logic Device | IT |
ePMR | Energy-Assisted Perpendicular Magnetic Recording | IT |
EPOS | Electronic Personal Online Shopper | |
EPP | Enhanced Parallel Port | IT |
EPP | Erwerbspersonenpotential | VWL |
EPP | Ethernet Packet Processor | IT |
EPPT | European Printer Performance Test | |
EPRCA | Enhanced Proportional Rate Control Algorithm | |
EPRML | Enhanced Partial Response Maximum Likelihood | |
EPROM | Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory | IT |
EPS | Electronic Publishing System | IT |
EPS | Encapsulated PostScript | IT |
EPS | Enterprise Parallel Server | IT |
EPSF | Encapsulated Postscript File Format | IT |
EPSI | Encapsulated Postscript Interchange Format | IT |
EPSMA | European Power Supply Manufacturers Association | Organisation |
EPSS | Experimental Packet Switching Service | IT |
EPUB | Electronic Publication | |
EQEUL | Embedded Query Language (Ingres) | IT |
ER | Einkaufsrechnung | |
ER | Entity Relationship | |
Er | Erbium | Chemisches Element |
ER | Error Report | |
ER | Explicit Rate | |
ER | Externer Rechner | |
ERA | Elementarer/Eingeschränkter Regulärer Ausdruck | |
ERBIS | Einheitliches Rechnerunterstütztes Betriebsführungssystem | |
ERC | European Radiocommunication Committee | |
ERC | Explicit Route Control | |
ERC | External Relations Committee | |
ERCIM | European Research Consortium for Informatics and Applied Mathematics | |
ERD | Emergency Repair Disc | IT |
ERD | Entity Relationship Diagram | |
ERESC | European Register of Stolen Computers | |
ERIC | Educational Resources Information Center | |
Erl. | Erlaß | |
Erl. | Erläuterung | |
ERLL | Enhanced Run Length Limited | |
ERM | EMC and Radio Matters | |
ERM | Entity Relationship Model | |
ERM | Entity-Relationsship-Modell | |
ERMES | European Messaging System | |
ERMES | European Radio Message Service/System | |
ERN | Explicit Route Number | |
EROM | Erasable Read Only Memory | IT |
ERP | Effective Radiated Power | |
ERP | Enterprise Resource Planning | IT |
ERP | European Recovery Program | |
ERR | Error | |
ERSP | Electronic Reservation Services Provider | |
ERU | Emergency Recovery Unit | |
Es | Einsteinium | Chemisches Element |
ES | Elektronische Signatur | |
ES | End System | |
ES | Enhanced Security | |
ES | Extra Segment | |
ESA | Enterprise System Architecture | |
ESA | European Space Agency (Europäische Weltraumbehörde) | Organisation |
eSATA | External Serial Advanced Technology Attachment | IT |
eSATAp | External Power over Serial Advanced Technology Attachment | IT |
ESB | Einseitenband, Single Side Band | |
ESC | Escape | IT |
ESC | European Support Center | |
ESC/I | Epson Standard Code for Image Readers | |
ESC/P | Epson Printer Language | |
ESCD | Extended Setup Configuration Data | |
ESCON | Enterprise System Connection | |
ESD | Electronic Software Distribution | |
ESD | Electronic System Design | |
ESD | ElectroStatic Discharge | |
ESD | Entry Systems Division | |
ESDA | Electronic System Design Automation | |
ESDC | Extra Segment Descriptor Cache | |
ESDI | Enhanced Small Device Interface | |
ESDRAM | Enhanced SDRAM | |
ESDS | Entry-Sequenced Data Set (ESDS) | |
ESE | Expert System Environment | |
ESF | Eureka Software Factory | |
ESF | Extended Superframe Format | |
ESH | End System Hello | |
ESHG | Elektrische Systemtechnik für Heim und Gebäude (PDU) | |
ESI | Enhanced Serial Interface | |
ESIG | European SMDS Interest Group | |
ESIOP | Environment-Specific Inter-ORB Protocol | |
ES-IS | End System to Intermediate System Protocol | |
ESL | Extended Shelf Life | |
ESM | Ethernet Switching Module (OSI) | IT |
ESM | Europäische Stabilitäts-Mechanismus | Politik |
ESMS | European Satellite Multimedia Services | |
ESMTP | Enhanced Simple Message Transfer Protocol | |
ESMTP | Extended SMTP | |
ESOC | European Space Operation Centre (Internet) | IT |
ESOSL | Endless snorts of stupid laughter (Endlose Ausbrüche dummen Gelächters) | Usenet |
ESP | Electronic Shock Protection | |
ESP | Encapsulated Security Payload | |
ESP | Enhanced Serial Port | |
ESPRIT | European Strategic Programme for Research in Information Technology | |
ESS | Electronic Switching System | |
ESS | Environmental Stress Screening | |
ESS | Extended Service Set | |
ESSI | European Systems & Software Initiative | |
ESTA | Electronic System for Travel Authorization | |
EStDV | Einkommensteuer-Durchführungsverordnung | Recht |
EStG | Einkommensteuergesetz | Recht |
EStR | Einkommensteuerrichtlinien | Recht |
ESU | Electrostatic Unit | |
ESV | Elektronikschrottverordnung | Recht |
ETA | Estimated Time of Arrival (voraussichtliche Ankunftszeit) | |
ETB | End of Transmission Block | |
etc. | et cetera, und so weiter | |
ETCS | European Train Control System | |
ETD | Erlaubte Tagesdosis | Medizin |
ETDD | Electrical Time Division Demultiplexer/Demultiplexing | |
ETDM | Electrical Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing | |
ETE | Estimated Time Enroute/Elapsed | |
ETF | Enriched Text Format | IT |
ETH | Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule | |
ETI | Extended Terminal Interface | |
ETICS | Economics and Technologies for Inter-Carrier Services | Organisation |
eTIN | Electronic Taxpayer Identification Number (Lohnsteuerliches Ordnungsmerkmal) | Recht |
ETL | Extract, Transform, Load | |
ETM | Event/Trigger-Mechanismus | |
ETM | Exchange Telephone Manager | |
ETOL | Evil Twin On Line | |
ETOX | EPROM Tunnel Oxide | |
ETP | Electronic Trading Partner | |
ETP | Extended Thermal Plate | |
ETR | Early Token Release | |
ETS | EIB Tool Software | |
ETS | Electronic Tracking System | |
ETS | European Telecommunication Standard | |
ETS | Executable Test Suite | |
ETSA | European Telecommunication Services Association | Organisation |
ETSC | European Telecommunications Standardization Institute | Behörde |
ETSI | European Telecommunications Standards Institute | Behörde |
ETX | End of Text | IT |
EU | Einzelunternehmung | BWL |
EU | Elektronische Unterschrift | |
EU | Europäische Union | Organisation |
Eu | Europium | Chemisches Element |
EU | Execution Unit | |
EUC | Enhanced/Extended UNIX Code | |
EUCS | Edinburgh University Computing Service | |
EuGH | Europäischer Gerichtshof | Behörde |
EULA | End User License Agreement | |
EUnet | European UNIX Network | |
Euratom | European Atomic Energy Community | Organisation |
EURIBOR | European Interbank Offered Rate | |
EurOpen | Dachverband europäischer UNIX-Anwendervereinigungen | |
EUUG | Extragalactic/European Unix User Group | |
EUV | Extreme Ultra Violet | |
EV | Etagenverteiler | |
EV | European Videotelephony | |
EVA | Eingabe, Verarbeitung, Ausgabe | |
EVA | Elektronische Fahrplan- und Verkehrsauskunft | |
EVA | Elektronischer Verkehrslotse für Autofahrer | |
EVA | Empfangs- und Verteilanlage | |
EVA | Enhanced Video Adapter | |
EVAS | EDV-gestütztes Vereins-Administrations-System | |
EVC | Enhanced Video Connector | |
EVE | European Video Telephony | |
EVE | Exklusiver Verzeichnis-Eintrag | |
EVGA | Extended Video Graphics Array/Adapter | |
EVL | Electronic Visualization Laboratory, Chicago | |
EVN | Einzelverbindungsnachweis | |
EVO | Elektro-Schrott-Verordnung | |
EVS | Event Service | |
evtl. | eventuell | |
EVU | Elektrizitäts-/Energieversorgungsunternehmen (OSF) | IT |
EWG | Europäische Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft | Organisation |
EWICS | European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems | |
EWIV | Europäische Wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung | Organisation |
EWOS | European Workshop on Open Systems | |
EWS | Employee Written Software (OSI) | IT |
EWS | Euro Waste Service | |
EWSD | Elektronisches Wählsystem, digital (IBM) | IT |
EWSM | Elektronisches Wählsystem für MANs | |
EWSP | Elektronisches Wählsystem für Paketvermittlung | |
EWU | Europäische Währungsunion | |
Ex | Exporte | VWL |
EXAPT | Extended Subset of APT | |
EXCH | Exchange | |
EXFCB | Extended File Control Block | |
EXP | Exponent | |
EXT | External | |
EXTRN | External Reference | |
EXUG | European X User Group | |
EXW | Ex Works | |
EZ | Ermittlungszeitraum | |
EZB | Europäische Zentralbank | Organisation |
EZS | Erzeugerzählsystem | |
EZU | Europäische Zahlungsunion | |
EZV | Elektronischer Zahlungsverkehr | |
F |
F | Farad | Physik |
F | Fluor | Chemisches Element |
F | Frankreich | Autokennzeichen |
f. | folgende | |
F2F | Face to Face | |
FA | Fernamt | TK |
FA | Fernmeldeamt | |
FA | Finanzamt | |
Fa | Firma | |
FA | From ARPANET | |
FA | Full Adder | |
FAA | Fragebogen zur Arbeitsanalyse | BWL |
FAB | Fabrication Plant | |
FABS | Fast Access Btree Structure (Chip) Fabrication Plan) | |
FAC | File Access Code | |
FACCH | Fast Associated Control Channel | |
FACNET | Federal Acquisition Network | |
FACT | Federation Automatic Coding Technologies | |
FAE | Field Apllications Engineer | |
FAF | File Attribute File | |
FAFWOA | For A Friend Without Access | |
FAG | Fernmeldeanlagengesetz | Recht |
FAL | File Access Listener | |
FAMA | Fachausschuß für moderne Abrechnungssysteme | |
FAMOS | Floating Gate Avalanche MOS | |
FAN | Family Area Network | |
FAO | Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (Welternährungsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen) | Organisation |
FaP | Fahrerlaubnis auf Probe | |
FAP | File Access Protocol | IT |
FAPI | Family Application Program Interface | |
FAPL | Format and Protocol Language | |
FAQ | Foire Aux Questions | |
FAQ | Frequently Asked Questions (Häufig gestellte Fragen) | IT |
FAQL | FAQ List (Netnews) | |
FARNET | Federation of American Research Networks | |
FAS | Free Alongside Ship (Incoterms) | |
FASC | Future of the Amateur Service Committee | |
FASIC | Function- and Algorithm-Specific Integrated Circuit | |
FASL | Fujitsu-AMD Semiconductor Ltd. | |
FAST | Fast Access Stationary Tape Guide Transport | |
FAT | File Allocation Table | |
FAW | Forschungsinstitut für anwendungsorientierte Wissensverarbeitung | |
FAXT | Far End Crosstalk | |
Fax-TAM | Fax and Telephone Answering Machine | |
FAZ | Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung | Medien |
FB | Fine Business | |
FBAS | Farb-Bild-Austast-Synchronsignal | |
FBE | Free Buffer Enquiry | |
FBI | Federal Bureau of Investigation | Behörde |
FBLINU | Forum für blinde und sehbehinderte Internetnutzer | |
FBRM | Fractional Bit Rate Modulation | |
FBS | Fernbedienungs- und Steuerungssystem | |
FC | Federal Criteria | |
FC | Fibre Channel | |
FC | Frame Control | |
FC | Fußball-Club | |
FCA | Fibre Channel Association | |
FCA | Free Carrier (Incoterms) | |
FCAL | Fibre Channel Arbitrated Loop | |
FCAPS | Faults, Configuration, Accounting, Performance, Security | |
FCB | File Control Block | IT |
FCC | Federal Communications Commission | Organisation |
FCC | File Carbon Copy | |
FCCSET | Federal Coordination Committee on Science, Engineering and Technology | Organisation |
FCD | Floating Car Data | |
FCD | Foundation for Communication for the Disabled | Organisation |
FCEV | Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles | |
FCFS | First Come First Served | |
fci | flux changes per inch | |
FCKW | Fluor-Chlor-Kohlenwasserstoff | |
FCKW | Fluorchlorkohlenwasserstoffe | Chemie |
FCLC | Fibre Channel Loop Community | |
FCP | Fibre Channel Protocol | |
FC-PGA | Flip Chip Pin Grid Array | |
FCRAM | Fast Cycle RAM | |
FCS | Fibre Channel Standard | |
FCS | First Customer Shipment | |
FCS | Frame Check/Checking Sequence | |
FCS | Frame Control Sequence | |
FCSI | Fiber Channel Systems Initiative | |
FCT | Fast CMOS Technology | |
FCT | Firewall Configuration Tool | |
FCVC | Flow Controlled Virtual Channel | |
FD | Floppy Disk | |
FD | Full Duplex | |
FDA | Food and Drug Administration (US-Behörde für Lebens- und Arzneimittel) | Behörde |
FDC | First Day Cover (Ersttagsbrief) | |
FDC | Floppy Disk Controller | |
FDCA | Furandicarbonsäure | Chemie |
FDD | Floppy Disk Drive | |
FDDI | Fiber Distributed Data Interface | |
FDDI/UTP | FDDI Unshielded Twisted Pair | |
FDDT | FDDI Full Duplex Technology | |
FDE | Full Duplex Ethernet | |
FDES | Full Duplex EtherSwitch | |
FD-FDDI | Full Duplex FDDI | |
FDGB | Freier Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund | Organisation |
FDI | Flash Data Integrator | |
FDISK | Fixed Disk | |
FDJ | Freie Deutsche Jugend | Organisation |
FDL | File Definition Language | |
FDL | Freie Dokumentationslizenz | IT |
FDM | Fasziendistorsionsmodell | Medizin |
FDM | Finite-Differenzen-Methode | |
FDM | Flight Data Monitoring | |
FDM | Frequency Division Multiplexing | |
FDM | Fused Deposition Modeling | |
FDMA | Frequency Division Multiple/Multiplex Access | |
FDP | Freie Demokratische Partei | Politik |
FDR | Frame Drop Rate | |
FDS | Flat Datacenter Storage | IT |
FDSE | Full Duplex Switched Ethernet | |
FDT | Formal Description Technique | |
FDX | Forms Data eXchange | |
FDX | Full Duplex | |
FDX | Full-DupleX transmission | |
Fe | Eisen | Chemisches Element |
FE | Finite Elemente | |
FE | Format Effektor | |
FE | Frame/Framing Error | |
FE | Front End | |
FE | Funktionseinheit | |
FEA | Fast Ethernet Alliance | |
FEAL | Fast Data Encipherment Algorithm | |
FEBE | Far End Block Error | |
FEC | Forward Error Correction | |
FECN | Forward Explicit Congestion Notification | |
FED | Fachverband Elektronik Design | |
FED | Field Emission Device | |
FED | Field Emission Display | |
FEI | International Federation of Equestrian Sports | Organisation |
FEM | Finite-Elemente-Methode | |
FEP | Front End Processor | |
FER | Forward Error Correction | |
FER | Frame Erasure Rate | |
FeRAM | Ferroelectric Random Access Memory | IT |
FERF | Far End Receive Failure | |
FET | Feldeffekt-Transistor | |
FET | Field Effect Transistor | |
FEXT | Far End Crosstalk | |
FF | Fertigfabrikate | |
FF | Fieldbus Foundation | |
FF | Flip-Flop | |
FF | Form Feed | |
ff. | fortfolgende | |
FFAPI | File Format Application Programming Interface | |
FFDT | FDDI Full Duplex Technology | |
FFG | Gesetz über die freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit | Recht |
FFI | Flexible Fertigungsinsel | |
FFI | Foreign Function Interface | |
FFL | Folder Forms Library | |
FFOL | FDDI Follow-On LAN | |
FFS | Fast File System | |
FFS | Flexible Fertigungssysteme | |
FFS | For Free Server | |
FFT | Fast Fourier Transformation | |
FFTP | Fast Food Transfer Protocol | |
FFZ | Flexible Fertigungszelle | |
FG | Feature Group | |
FG | Frame Ground | |
FGC | First Global Commerce | |
FGDC | Federal Geographic Data Committee | |
FGF | Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk | |
FGO | Finanzgerichtsordnung | Recht |
FGV | Fernmeldegebührenvorschriften | |
FH | Fachhochschule | |
FH | Frame Handler | |
FHS | Filesystem Hierarchy Standard | |
FHS | For Heaven's Sake | Usenet |
FHSS | Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum | IT |
FI | Feature Interaction | |
FIAT | Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino | Unternehmen |
FIAWOL | Fandom Is A Way Of Life | Usenet |
FIB | Focused Ion Beam | |
FIBA | Foundation for Intelligent Physical Agents | |
FIBOR | Frankfurt Interbank Offered Rate | |
FID | Format Identifier/Identification | |
FIF | Fachinformation in Fachhochschulen | |
FIF | Fractal Image Format | |
FIFA | Fédération Internationale de Football Association (Weltfußballverband) | Organisation |
FIFF | Forum Informatiker für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung | Organisation |
FIFO | First In First Out | IT |
FILO | First-In Last-Out | IT |
FIMS | Forms Integration Management Standard | |
FIN | Fahrzeug-Identifizierungsnummer | |
FIN | FINish bit in TCP segment | IT |
FIN | Finnland | Autokennzeichen |
FinTS | Financial Transaction Services | |
FIP | File Processor Buffering | |
FIPS | Federal Information Processing Standard | |
FIQ | Fast Interrupt Request | |
FIR | Fast InfraRed | |
FIR | Finite Impulse Response | |
FIR | Full INTRA-frame Request | |
FIR | Internationale Föderation der Widerstandskämpfer | |
FIRP | Federal Internetworking Requirements Panel | |
FIRST | Forschungsinst. für Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik, Berlin (NIST) | |
FIRST | Forum of Incident Response and Security Teams | |
FISA | Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act | Recht |
FISH | First In, Still Here | |
FISMA | Federal Information Security Management Act | Recht |
FIT | Fachauschuss für Information und Telekommunikation | |
FIT | Failures In Time | |
FIT | Fingerprint Identification Technology | |
FITB | Fill In The Blank | |
FITL | Fiber In The Loop | |
FITNR | Fixed In The Next Release | |
FITS | Flexible Image Transport System | |
FITUG | Förderverein Informatik und Gesellschaft e. V. | |
FIZ | Fachinformationszentrum | |
FK | Fremdkapital | BWL |
FKK | Freikörperkultur | |
FKTG | Fernseh- und Kinotechnische Gesellschaft | |
FL | Fertigungslohn | BWL |
FLA | Fair Labour Association | Organisation |
Flac | Free Lossless Audio Codec | IT |
FLAG | Fiberoptic Link Around the Globe | |
FLC | Ferro-electric Liquid Crystal | |
FLI | Font Library | |
FLIT | Flexowriter Interrogation Tape | |
FLOF | Full Level One Feature | |
FLOP | Floating Point Operation | |
FLOPS | FLoating point Operations Per Second | |
FLP | Fast Link Pulse | |
FLUVIS | Fluid Dynamics Visualization in a Virtual Windtunnel | |
FLV | Flash Video | IT |
FLV | Friend Leukemia Virus | Medizin |
FM | Facility/Fault/Function Management | |
Fm | Fermium | Chemisches Element |
FM | Fertigungsmaterial | BWL |
FM | Finanzministerium | |
FM | Frequency Modulation | |
FM | Frequenz moduliert | |
FM | Frequenzmodulation, Frequency Modulation | |
FMC | Flexible Manufacturing Cell | |
FMC | Flight Management Computer | |
FMD | Funkmessdienst | |
FME | Funkmeldeempfänger | |
FMEA | Fehlermöglichkeit- und Einflußanalyse | |
FMH | Function Management Header | |
FMI | Fixed Mobile Integration | |
FMP | Flow Management Protocol | |
FMP | Functional Multiprocessor/-processing | |
FMS | Facility/File/Forms Management System | |
FMS | Fernmeldesystem | |
FMS | Field Bus Message Specification | |
FMS | Fieldbus Message Specification | |
FMS | Flexible Manufacturing System | |
FMT | Fine grain MultiThreading | |
FMV | Full Motion Video | |
FN | Fachnachrichten des Instituts der Wirtschaftsprüfer | |
FN | Fiber Node | |
FNA | Fehler Netz Analyse | |
FNC | Federal Networking Council | |
FNS | Food and Nutrition Service | Behörde |
FNT | Forum innovative Technologieunternehmen | |
FO | Fernmeldeordnung | |
FOAF | Friend Of A Friend | |
FOB | Free On Board (Incoterms) | |
FOC | Fiber Optic Cable | IT |
FoD | Fax on Demand | |
FOIRL | Fiber Optic Inter Repeater Link | |
FOLED | Flexible Organic Light Emitting Display | |
FOOBAR | FTP Operation Over Big Address Records | |
FOR | Free On Rail (Incoterms, veraltet) | |
FORTRAN | FORmula TRANslator | |
FORTWIHR | Forschungsverbund für technisch-wissenschaftliches Hochleistungsrechnen | |
FOSI | Formatting Output Specification Instance | |
FOSSIL | Fido-Opus-Seadog Standard Interface Layer | |
FOT | Free On Truck (Incoterms, veraltet) | |
FOUT | Flash of Unstyled Text | IT |
FOV | Field Of View | |
FP | Fixed Part | |
FP | Flat-Pack (Montagerahmen für Chip) | |
FP | Floating Point | |
FPAD | Field Programmable Address Decoder | |
FPAL | Field Programmable Array Logic | |
FPD | Flat Panel Display | |
FPDP | Front Panel Data Port | |
FPGA | Field Programmable Gate Array | |
FPIC | Field Programmable Interconnect Circuit | |
FPL | Field Programming Logic and Applications | IT |
FPLA | Field Programmable Logic Array | |
FPLD | Field Programmable Logic Device | |
FPLMTS | Future Public Land Mobile Telecommunications System | |
FPLS | Field Programmable Logic Sequencer | |
FPM | Fast Packet Multiplexing | |
FPM | Fast Page Mode | |
FPML | Field Programmable Macro Logic | |
FPM-RAM | Fast Page Mode RAM | |
FPNW | File- and Printservices for Netware (MS Windows NT) | IT |
FPÖ | Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs | Politik |
FPODA | Fixed Assignment PODA | |
FPP | Fast Parallel Port | |
FPP | Fixed Path Control | |
FPP | Floating Point Processor | |
FPS | Fast Packet Switching | |
FPS | First Person Shooter | |
FPS | For Pay Server | |
FPS | Frames per Second | |
FPT | Force/Forced Perfect Termination | |
FPU | Floating Point Unit | |
FPU | Floating Point Unit, Gleichkomma-Einheit | |
FQDN | Fully Qualified Domain Name | |
FQHN | Fully Qualified Host Name | |
FR | Frame Relay | |
Fr | Francium | Chemisches Element |
FRAD | Frame Relay Access Device | |
FRAD | Frame Relay Assembler/Disassembler | |
FRAM | Ferroelectric RAM | |
FRAM | Ferroelectric/Ferromagnetic Random Access Memory | |
FRAND | Fair, Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory (fair, vernünftig und nicht diskriminierend) | |
FRC | Full Rate Channel | |
FRC | Functional Redundancy Checking | |
FRDS | Failure Resistant Disk System | |
FRE | Full Regular Expression | |
FreqNPAV | Frequenznutzungsplanaufstellungsverordnung | |
FreqNPAVBV | Frequenznutzungsplanaufstellungsverordnungsbeauftragtenversammlung | |
FRF | Frame Relay Forum | |
FRICC | Federal Research Internet Coordinating Committee | Organisation |
FRMR | Frame Reject | |
frpi | flux reversals per inch | |
FRS | File Record Segment | |
FRS | Frame Relay Service | |
FRU | Field Replaceable Unit | |
FS | File Separator | IT |
FS | File System | IT |
FS | Finite State | |
FS | Font Server | |
FSA | Finite State Automaton | |
FSAA | Full Screen AntiAliasing | IT |
FSAN | Full Services Access Network | IT |
FSB | Front Side Bus | |
FSB | Functional System Block | |
FSC | Financial Service Center | |
FSC | Foreign Sales Corporation | |
FSC | Forward Schedule of Change | IT |
FSCSI | Fast SCSI | IT |
FSD | File System Driver | |
FSF | Free Software Foundation | |
FSFE | Free Software Foundation Europe | Organisation |
FSFO | Failsave Failover | |
FSK | Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle | Medien, Deutschland |
FSK | Frequency Shift Keying | |
FSM | Finite State Machine (Modulation) | |
FSME | Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis | Medizin |
FSN | File System Navigator | |
FSP | File Service Protocol | |
FSS | Fixed Satellite Services | |
FSU | Free Software Union | |
ft | foot (Maßeinheit) | |
FT | Free Term | |
FTA | Final Type Approval | |
FTA | Free To Air (unverschlüsselt) | Medien |
FTAM | File Transfer Access and Management | |
FTASB | Faster Than A Speeding Bullet | |
FTB | Front To Back Algorithm | |
FTBP | File Transfer Body Part | |
FTC | Fax Transfer Centre | |
FTC | Federal Trade Commission | Behörde |
FTDS | Failure Tolerant Disk System | |
FTL | Faster Than Light | |
FTLS | Formal Top Level Specification | |
FTP | File Transfer Protocol | IT |
FTP | Foiled Twisted Pair | |
FTPI | Flux Transitions Per Inch | |
FTS | Fahrerlose Transportsysteme | |
FTS | Fidonet Transport Standard | |
FTTB | Fiber To The Building | IT |
FTTC | Fiber To The Curb | IT |
FTTG | Fiber To The Galaxy | IT |
FTTH | Fiber To The Home | IT |
FTZ | Fernmeldetechnisches Zentralamt | Behörde |
FU | Freie Universität | |
FU | Functional Unit | |
FUBAR | Fouled Up Beyond All Recognition | |
FUBB | Fouled Up Beyond Belief | |
FUBS | Fido Used Book Squad | |
FUD | Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (Angst, Unsicherheit und Zweifel) | |
FUD | Flussdiagramm | |
FuE | Forschung und Entwicklung | |
FUI | File Update Information | |
FUNET | Finnish University and Research Network | |
FUNI | Frame based/Relay User Network Interface | |
FUP | Funktionsplan | |
FURA | Föreningen Ume{aa} Radioamatörer | |
FÜV | Fernmeldeverkehrs-Überwachungs-Verordnung | |
FV | Festverbindung | |
FVF | Flexible Vertex Format | |
FVIT | Fachverband Informationstechnik im ZVEI | |
FVIT | Fachverband Informationstechnologie | |
FVT | Full Video Translation | |
FVV | Feste virtuelle Verbindung | |
FVWM | Free Virtual Window Manager | |
FWEE | Fernwirkendeinrichtung | |
FWEG | Fernwirkendgerät | |
FWH | FirmWare Hub | |
FWI | Frequently Wanted Information | |
FWIW | For What It's Worth | |
FWLSt | Fernwirkleitstelle | |
FXO | Foreign Exchange Office | |
FXS | Foreign Exchange Station | |
FXU | Fixed Point Unit | |
FYA | For Your Amusement | |
FYI | For Your Information (Zu Deiner/Ihrer Information) | Usenet |
FZI | Forschungszentrum Informatik, Karlsruhe (Internet) | IT |
G |
g | Gramm (Maßeinheit) | |
G | Staatsausgaben | VWL |
G | Vorname (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
g.g.A. | Geschützte geographische Angabe | Recht |
g.t.s. | Garantiert traditionelle Spezialität | Recht |
g.U. | Geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung | Recht |
Ga | Gallium | Chemisches Element |
GA | Galliumarsenid | |
GA | Gesamtwirtschaftliche Angebotsfunktion | VWL |
GaAs | Galliumarsenid (Halbleiter) | Chemisches Element, Halbleiter |
GAB | Group Audio Bridging | |
Gabico | Ganz billiger Computer | |
GAC | Government Advisory Committee | |
GAE | German Application Environment | |
GAFA | Google, Apple, Facebook und Amazon | |
GAFIA | Get Away From It All | |
GAIN | German Advanced Integrated Network | IT |
GAK | Government Access to Keys (IBM) | IT |
GAL | Gate/Generic Array Logic | |
GAL | Generic Array Logic | |
GAL | Get A Life | |
GAL | Grüne/Alternative Liste | Politik |
GALIA | Groupement pour l’Amélioration des Liaisons dans l’Industrie Automobile | |
GAMM | Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik | |
GAN | Global/Galactic Area Network | |
GANA | Gemeinkosten Aufwand Nutzen Analyse | BWL |
GAP | General Accounting Principles | |
GAP | Generic Access Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
GARP | Generic Attribute Registration Protocol | |
GARP | Group Address Resolution Protocol | |
GART | Graphics Address Remapping Table | |
GAS | Gallium Arsenide | |
GAT | Geek of All Trades | |
GAT | Generic Application Template | |
GATT | General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs | |
GAU | Größter anzunehmender Unfall | |
GAVDP | Generic Audio/Video Distribution Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
GB | Gigabyte | IT |
GB | Großbritanien | Autokennzeichen |
GBB | Generic Blackboard System | |
GBF | Geschäftsbuchführung | BWL |
GBG | Geschlossene Benutzergruppe | |
GBN | Global Business Network (Btx, Datex-J) | |
GBO | Grundbuchordnung | Recht |
GbR | Gesellschaft bürgerlichen Rechts | |
GC | Game Computer | |
GC | Garbage Collection | |
GCA | Graphic Communications Association | |
GCAD | Geographical Computer Aided Design System | |
GCC | Generic Conference Control | |
GCC | GNU C Compiler | |
GCHQ | Government Communications Headquarters (GB) | Behörde |
GCI | General Circuit Interface | |
GCL | Golden Common LISP | |
GCN | Global Challenge Network | |
GCP | Gain-Controlled Presensing | |
GCP | Global Company Prefix | |
GCR | Gray Component Replacement | |
GCR | Group Coded Recording | |
GCRA | Generic Cell Rate Algorithm | |
GCS | Geek of Computer Science | |
GCT | Gate Controlled Thyristor | |
Gd | Gadolinium | |
GDA | Generic Directory Application Programming Interface | |
GDA | Global Data Area | |
GDA | Global Directory Agent | |
GDBA | Gewerkschaft Deutscher Bundesbahnbeamten und Anwärter | Organisation |
GDDM | Graphics Data Display Manager | |
GDE | Generic Decryption Engine | |
GDI | Global Domain Identifier (X.400) | IT |
GDI | Graphical Device Inferface | |
GDI | Graphical Device/Display Interface | |
GDMO | Guidelines for the Definition of Managed Objects | |
GDN | Government Data Network (OSI) | IT |
GDOS | Graphics Device Operating System | IT |
GDP | Generalized Drawing Primitive | |
GDPdU | Grundsätze zum Datenzugriff und zur Prüfbarkeit digitaler Unterlagen | IT |
GDR | Global Data Router | |
GDS | Global Directory Service | |
GDT | Global Descriptor Table | |
GDTRC | Global Descriptor Table Register Cache | |
GDV | Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft | |
GE | Geek of Engineering | |
GE | Geldeinheit | BWL |
GE | General Electric Company | |
Ge | Germanium | Chemisches Element, Halbleiter |
GE | Gewerbeertrag | BWL |
GE | Gigabit Ethernet | |
GEA | Gigabit Ethernet Alliance | |
GECOS | General Electric Comprehensive Operating System | |
GEIE | Groupement européen d'intérêt économique (Europäische Wirtschaftliche Interessenvereinigung) | Organisation |
GEIS | General Electric Information Services | |
GEM | Global Enterprise Management | |
GEM | Graphics Environment Manager | |
gem. | gemäß | |
GEMA | Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte | Behörde |
GEMS | Global Enterprise Management of Storage | |
GEN | Global European Network | |
GENCOD | Groupement d’études de normalisation et de codification | Organisation |
GenG | Genossenschaftsgesetz | |
GEO | Geostationary Earth Orbit | |
GERT | Graphical Evaluation Revue Technique | |
Ges. | Gesetz | |
GesmbH | GmbH in Österreich (Östereich) | Recht |
GESt | Gewerbeertragsgesetz | |
GEW | Gewerkschaft für Erziehung und Wissenschaft | Organisation |
GewO | Gewerbeordnung | |
GewStG | Gewerbesteuergesetz | |
GewStR | Gewerbesteuerrichtlinien | |
GEZ | Gebühreneinzugszentrale | Behörde |
GFC | Generic Flow Control | |
GFLOPS | Giga-FLoating point Operations Per Second | |
GFSK | Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying | |
Gf-TA | Glasfaser-Teilnehmeranschluss | IT |
GG | Grundgesetz | Recht |
ggf | gegebenenfalls | |
GGI | Generic Graphical Interface | |
GGP | Gateway-Gateway Protocol | |
GGS | Gütegemeinschaft Software e. V., Köln | |
GGSN | Gateway GPRS Support Node | |
GHN | Get Hold Next | |
GHU | Get Hold Unique | |
GI | Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. | |
GIBN | Global Interoperability for Broadband Networks | |
GID | Group Identifier/Identification | |
GIF | Graphics Interchange Format | IT |
GIFT | GNU Image Finding Tool | |
GIGO | Garbage In, Garbage/Gospel Out | |
GII | Global Information Infrastructure | IT |
GILS | Government Information Locator Service | |
GIMP | GNU Image Manipulation Program | |
GIMPS | Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search | |
GINA | Graphical Identification aNd Authorization | |
GIOP | General Inter-ORB Protocol | |
GIP | Global Internet Project | |
GIP | GPS/GSM Interworking Profile | |
GIPS | Giga-Instructions Per Second | |
GIS | Geographic Information System | |
GIS | Geoinformationssystem | |
GIWIST | Gee I Wish I'd Said That | |
GIX | Global Internet Exchange | IT |
GK | Gemeinkosten | BWL |
GKG | Gerichtskostengesetz | Recht |
GKK | Gauß Krüger Koordinaten | |
GKR | Gemeinkostenrahmen industrieller Verbände | |
GKS | Graphical Kernel System | |
GKSt | Gewerbekapitalsteuer | |
GKV | Geschäftskundenvertrieb | |
GKV | Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung | |
GL | Generation Language | |
GL | Graphics Language (Telekom) | |
GLASS | Globally Accessible Services | |
GLONASS | Global Navigation Satellite System | |
GLU | General Logic Unit | |
GLUT | GLUTtony | |
GM | General MIDI | |
GM | General Motors | Unternehmen |
GmbH | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung | |
GmbH | Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (Deutschland) | Recht |
GmbHG | Gesetz über die GmbH | Recht |
GmbHG | GmbH-Gesetz | |
GMC | General Motors Corporation | Unternehmen |
GMCH | Graphics Memory Controller Hub | |
GMD | Generalmusikdirektor | |
GMD | Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung | |
GMDS | Global Managed Data Services | |
GMDSS | Global Maritime Distress and Safety System | |
GME | Gesellschaft Mikroelektronik im VDE | |
GMHS | Global Message Handling System | |
GMII | Gigabit Media Independent Interface | |
GML | Generalized Markup Language | |
GMR | Giant Mageneto Resistance | |
GMR | Giant Magneto Resistive | |
GMRP | GARP Multicast Registration Protocol | IT |
GMS | Global Messaging Service | |
GMS | Global System for Mobile Communcation | TK |
GMSC | Gateway Mobile services Switching Center (Novell) | IT |
GMSK | Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying | |
GMT | General Mean Time (früher Greenwich Mean Time) | |
GMT | Greenwich Mean Time (Modulation) | |
GN | Gesamtwirtschaftliche Nachfragefunktion | VWL |
GNA | Globewide Network Academy | |
GNC | General Nutrition Compagnies Inc. | |
GND | Ground | |
GNF | Greibach Normal Form | |
GNF | Greibach Normalform | Informatik |
GNI | Gesellschaft für Angewandte Neuroinformatik | |
GNIS | Geographic Names Information System (USA) | |
GNN | Global Network Navigator | |
GNOME | GNU Network Object Model Environment | |
GNOME | GNU's Network Object Model Environment | |
GNSS | Global Navigation Satellite System | |
GNU | GNU - not UNIX | |
GNU | Gnu´s not Unix | IT |
GNU | GNU's Not Unix | |
GO | Geek of Other | |
GoB | Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Buchführung | |
GOBS | Grundsätze ordnungsgemässer DV-gestützter Buchführungssysteme | |
GOC | General Operators Certificate | |
GoDV | Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Datenverarbeitung | |
GoI | Grundsätze ordnungsgemäßer Inventur | |
GOK | God only knows (Das weiß Gott allein.) | Usenet |
GOLEM | Genetically Organized Lifelike Electro Mechanics | |
GoS | Grundsätze ordnungsgemässer Speicherbuchführung | |
GOSIP | Government Opens Systems Interconnection Profile | |
GOT | Global Offset Table (OSI) | IT |
GOTS | Gesellschaft für Orthopädisch-Traumatologische Sportmedizin | Organisation |
GOTS | Global Organic Textile Standard | |
gov | Government; Internet-Domain: Behörden in USA | |
GP | Gas Plasma | |
GP | General Purpose | |
GPA | Graphics Performance Accelerator | |
GPA | Ground Plane Antenna | |
GPC | General Purpose Computer | |
GPEN | Global Privacy Enforcement Networks | |
GPF | General Protection Fault | IT |
GPG | GNU Privacy Guard | IT |
GPGPU | General Purpose Computation on Graphics Processing Unit | IT |
GPI | General Purpose Interface | IT |
GPI | Graphics Programming Interface | IT |
GPIB | General Purpose Interface Bus | IT |
GPL | General Public License | IT |
GPL | GNU Public License | IT |
GPP | Generic Packetized Protocol (GNU) | |
GPRS | General Packet Radio Service | TK |
GPS | Global Positioning System | IT |
GPT | Generative Pretrained Transformer | |
GPT | Glutamat-Pyruvat-Transaminase | |
GPT | GUID Partition Table | IT |
GPU | Graphic Processor Unit | IT |
GPV | Gesetzliche Pflegeversicherung | Recht |
GPV | Graphics Processing Unit | IT |
GQL | Graphical Query Language | |
GQM | Goal, Question, Metric | |
GR | Griechenland | Autokennzeichen |
GR+D | Grinning, Running + Ducking | |
GRA | Group Random Access | IT |
GRE | Generic Routing Encapsulation | IT |
GRE | Graphics Engine | IT |
GREAT | Graphical Environment And Desktop | |
GREP | Global Regular Expression and Print | |
GrEStG | Grunderwerbsteuergesetz | |
GRIB | Gridded Binary | |
GRS | Generic Record Syntax (Datenformat) | IT |
GRUR | Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht | Zeitschrift |
GRV | Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung | VWL |
GS | Geek of Science | |
GS | Geprüfte Sicherheit | |
GS | Group Separator | IT |
GSA | General Services Administration | |
GSA | Global Security Architecture | |
GSCE | General Certificate of Secondary Education | |
GSE | Gemeinkosten Systems Engineering | BWL |
GSF | Ghostscript Font | |
GSL | Graphics Subroutine Library | |
GSM | Global System for Mobile Communications | TK |
GSM | Groupe Spéciale Mobile | TK |
GSMA | Global Scheduling Multiple Access | |
GSMA | Groupe Spéciale Mobile Association | Organisation |
GSMP | General/Generic Switch Management Protocol | |
GSNW | Gateway Service for Netware | IT |
GSOC | German Space Operations Center | |
GSR | Gigabit Switching Router | |
GSS | Group Support System | |
GST | Gebäudesystemtechnik | |
GST | Gesellschaft für Sport und Technik | Organisation |
GSTN | Global Switched Telephone Network | |
GSX | Graphics System Extension | |
GT | Global Teach | |
GTAZ | Gemeinsames Terrorismusabwehrzentrum | Behörde |
GTE | Geometry Transfer Engine | |
GTIN | Global Trade Item Number | |
GTL | Gunning Transceiver Logic | |
gTLD | generic Top Level Domain | |
GTO | Gate Turn Off | |
GTS | Global Telecommunication System | |
GTS | Global Time Server/Service | |
GU | Gabelumschalter | |
GU | Geek Undecided | |
GUD | Grand Unified Debugger | |
GUI | Graphical User Interface | IT |
GUID | Globally Unique Identifier (128 Bit Code) | IT |
Gulag | Glawnoje Uprawlenije Lagerej (russisch: Hauptverwaltung der Lager) | |
GULP | Graph Unification Logic Programming | |
GUMM | Gurus of UNIX Meeting of Minds | |
GUN | Gemeinschaft der UNIX-Anwender Niederrhein | |
GUP | Generic Ultimate Protocol | |
GUS | Gemeinschaft Unabhängiger Staaten | Staat |
GUUG | German Unix User Group | |
GUUG | German/Galactic Unix User Group | |
GUV | Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung | VWL |
GuV | Gewinn- und Verlustrechung | BWL |
GV | Gebäudeverteiler | |
GVH | Gesamtverzeichnis deutschsprachiger Hochschulschriften (Internet) | IT |
GVIF | Gigabit Video InterFace | IT |
GVIP | Geometric and Video Image Proccessor | IT |
GVO | Gentechnisch Veränderter Organismus | |
GVPN | Global Virtual Private Network | IT |
GVPP | Generic Visual Perception Processor | IT |
GVU | Gesellschaft für die Verfolgung von Urheberrechtsschutzverletzungen | Organisation |
GVU | Graphics Visualization and Usability | |
GVV | Gewählte virtuelle Verbindung | |
GW | Gateway | |
GW | Gleichwelle | |
GW | Grenzwelle | |
GWA | Gemeinkosten-Wertanalyse | BWL |
GWA | Gesamtverbund Werbeagenturen | |
GWART | Gateway Address Routing Table (MS Exchange) | IT |
GWB | Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen, Kartellgesetz | |
GWIN | Gigabyte Wissenschafts-Netz | |
G-WIN | Gigabit-Wissenschaftsnetz | |
GWL | Gateway Link | |
GWM | Generic Window Manager | |
GWP | GNOME Word Processor | |
GZS | Gesellschaft für Zahlungssysteme | |
H |
H | Haben | BWL |
h | Henry | Physik |
H | Hydrogen, Wasserstoff | Chemisches Element |
h | Stunde (Zeiteinheit) | |
H | Wasserstoff | Chemisches Element |
H. | Heft | |
h.c. | honoris causa (lat., ehrenhalber) | |
HA | Halbaddierer | IT |
HA | Half Adder | |
ha | Hektar (Flächeneinheit) | |
HA | High Availability/Aperture | |
HACMP | High Availability Cluster Management Protocol | |
HACMP | High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing | |
HADOPI | Haute autorité pour la diffusion des œuvres et la protection des droits sur internet (Französische Behörde gegen Urheberrechtsverletzungen im Internet) | Behörde |
HAK | Hugs And Kisses (IBM) | IT |
HAL | Hard Array Logic | IT |
HAL | Hardware Abstraction Layer | |
HAL | Hardware Array Logic (Elektrotechnik) | |
HAL | House Programmed Array Logic | |
HAMR | Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording | IT |
HAND | Have a nice day (Einen schönen Tag noch!) | Usenet |
HandwO | Handwerksordnung | |
HANFS | Highly Available Network File System | |
HAP | Herstellerabgabepreis der Arzneimittelpreisverordnung | |
Hapag | Hamburg-Amerikanische Paketfahrt-Aktiengesellschaft | Unternehmen |
HAREC | Harmonized Amateur Radio Examination Certificate | |
HAs | Hauptanschluss | |
HASP | Houston Automatic Spooling Priority | |
HaustürWG | Gesetz über den Widerruf von Haustürgeschäften und ähnlichen Geschäften | |
HAVO | Hoger Algemeen Voorgezet Onderwijs (Niederlande: Allgemeinbildender Unterricht der Sekundarstufe, vergleichbar mit der Realschule) | NL |
HB | Handelbilanz | BWL |
HB | Home Banking | |
HBA | Host Bus Adapter | |
HBBTV | Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV | |
HBC | Home Banking Computer | |
HBCI | Home Banking Computer Interface | |
HBES | Home and Building Electronic Systems | |
HBFG | Hochschulbauförderungsgesetz | |
HBR | Harvard Business Review | |
HBS | Home Bus System | |
HBV | Gewerkschaft Handel, Banken und Versicherungen | |
HCA | Heartbeat Collision Avoidance | |
HCCSM | High Performance Common Channel Signalling Modul | |
HCF | Hot Cathode Flourescent | |
HCI | Human Computer Interaction/Interface | |
HCI | Human-Computer Interaction (Konferenz) | |
HCL | Hardware Compatibility List | |
HCMOS | High Speed CMOS | IT |
HCRP | Hardcopy Cable Replacement Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
HCT | Home Communication Terminal | |
HD | Hard Disk | IT |
HD | Heavy Duty | |
HD | High Definition (hohe Auflösung) | |
HD | High Density | IT |
HDA | Head Disk Assembly | |
HDA | High Definition Audio | |
HdB | Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft | |
HDC | Hard Disk Controller | IT |
HDCD | High Definition Compatible Digital | |
HDCD | High Density CD | |
HDCP | High Bandwidth Digital Content Protection | |
HDD | Hard Disk Drive | IT |
HDD | High Definition Display | |
HDD | Highly Doped Drain | |
HDE | Hauptverband des Deutschen Einzelhandels | Organisation |
HdF | Halt die Fresse | Slang |
HDF | HDSL Dual Framer | |
HDF | Hierarchical Data Format | IT |
HDH | HDLC Distant Host | |
HDI | Head to Disk Interference | |
HDI | Herrmann-Dominanz-Instrument | |
HDIT | High bandwidth Differential Interconnect Technology | |
HDLC | High Level Data Link Control | IT |
HDM | Hardware Device Module | |
HDMI | High Definition Multimedia Interface (Schnittstelle für Video- und Audiodaten) | |
HDML | Handheld Device Markup Language | IT |
HDN | Hochgeschwindigkeits-Datennetz | IT |
HdO | Handwörterbuch der Organisation | |
HDPLD | High Density Programmable Logic Device | |
HdR | Handwörterbuch des Rechnungswesens | BWL |
HDR | Header | IT |
HDR | High Dynamic Range | |
HdS | Handwörterbuch der Sozialwissenschaften | |
HDSC | High Density Signal Carrier | |
HDSDI | High Definition Serial Digital Interface | |
HDSL | High Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line | |
HDSL-RA | HDSL Rate Adaptive | |
HDTP | Handheld Device Transport Protocol | |
HDTV | High Definition Television | |
HdW | Handwörterbuch der Wirtschaftswissenschaften | |
HDW | Hardware | |
HDX | Half Duplex | |
HE | Head End | |
He | Helium | Chemisches Element |
HEC | Header Error Control | |
HECTOR | Heterogeneous Computer Together | |
HEL | Hardware Emulation Layer | |
HEMP | High-level Entity Management Protocol | |
HEMS | High-level Entity Management System (Internet) | IT |
HEMT | High Electron Mobility Transistor | |
HEO | Highly Elliptical Orbit | |
HERF | High Energy Radio Frequency | |
HES | Home Electronic System | |
HEV | Hybrid Electric Vehicle | |
HEVC | High Efficiency Video Coding | IT |
hex | hexadezimal (Siemens) | |
Hf | Hafnium | Chemisches Element |
HF | Halbfabrikate | BWL |
HF | High Frequency/Functionality | |
HF | Hochfrequenz | |
HFC | Hybrid Fiber Coax | |
HfD | Hauptanschluss für Direktwahl/Direktruf (Netzwerk) | IT |
HFP | Hands Free Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
HFPA | Hollywood Foreign Press Association | Organisation |
HFR | High Frame Rate | IT |
HFrG | Gesetz über den Betrieb von Hochfrequenzgeräten | |
HFS | Hierarchical File System | |
HFT | High Function Terminal | |
Hg | Quecksilber | Chemisches Element |
HGA | Head Gimbal Assembly | |
HGA | Hercules Graphics Adapter | |
HGA | High Gain Antenna | |
HGB | Handelsgesetzbuch | Recht |
HGC | Hercules Graphics Card | |
HGC | Hercules Graphics Card/Controller | |
HGÜ | Haager Übereinkommen über Gerichtsstandsvereinbarungen | Recht |
HGÜ | Hochspannungs-Gleichstrom-Übertragung | |
HHI | Heinrich-Hertz-Institut, Berlin | |
HHOK | Ha Ha Only Kidding | |
HHOS | Ha Ha Only Serious | Usenet |
HID | Human Interface Device | IT |
HIFD | High Density Floppy Disk | |
HiFi | High Fidelity | |
HIFI | Hypertext Interface For Information | |
HiFo | Highest in - first out | |
HIL | Human Interface Link | |
HINFO | Host Information (HP) | |
HIPER | High Performance European Radio | |
HIPERLAN | HIgh PErformance Radio LAN | |
HIPI | High Performance Parallel Interface | |
HIV | Human Immunodeficiency Virus | Medizin |
HJ | Hitler-Jugend | Organisation |
HJR | Hepatojugulärer Reflux | Medizin |
HK | Herstellungskosten | BWL |
hkg | Hektokilogramm | |
HKS | Hyperkinetische Störung | Medizin |
HL | Halbleiter (800 Mbit/s) | IT |
hl | Hektoliter (Maßeinheit) | |
HL | Hop Level | |
HLCO | High Low Close Open (Flow Control) | |
HLKO | Hager Landeskriegsordnung | |
HLL | High Level Language | IT |
HLLAPI | HLL Application Program Interface | |
HLM | Heterogeneous LAN Management | |
HLQ | High Level Qualifier | |
HLR | Home Location Register | |
HLRS | Höchstleistungsrechenzentrum Stuttgart | |
HLRZ | Hochleistungs-Rechenzentrum | |
HLS | Hue, Lightness/Luminance, Saturation (GMD) | |
HLT | Halt (Farbmodell) | |
HLW | Herz-Lungen-Wiederbelebung | Medizin |
hM | herrschende Meinung | |
HMA | Heads of Medicines Agencies | |
HMA | High Memory Area | IT |
HMA | Hub Management Architecture | |
HMAC | Keyed Hashing For Message Authentication | |
HMD | Head Mounted Display | |
HMD | Head/Helmet Mounted Display | |
HMI | Horizontal Motion Index | |
HMMP | HyperMedia Management Protocol | |
HMMS | HyperMedia Management Scheme | |
HMOM | HyperMedia Object Manager | |
HMOS | High Density Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
HMOS | High Speed Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
HMP | Heterogeneous Multi-Processing | |
HMP | Host Monitoring Port | |
HMP | Host Monitoring Protocol | |
H-MUX | Hybrid Multiplexer | |
HNAP | Home Network Administration Protocol | IT |
HNO | Hals-, Nasen- und Ohrenheilkunde | Medizin |
HO | Handelsorganisation | |
Ho | Holmium | Chemisches Element |
HOB | Hierarchical Operational Binding | |
HO-DSP | High-Order DSP | |
HOH | HDSL Overhead Bit Handling | |
HOP | Homecast Open Protocol | |
HOPTE | High Order Path Terminating Equipment | |
HOS | Health Online Service | |
HOT | High Occupancy/Toll | Verkehr |
HOV | High-occupancy vehicle lanes (Fahrgemeinschaftsspur) | Verkehr |
HP | Hewlett Packard | |
HP | Hewlett-Packard | |
HP | Hochpass | |
HPC | Handheld Peronal Computer | |
HPC | High Power Charger | |
H-PC | Handheld PC | |
HPCC | High Performance Computing and Communications | |
HPCS | High Performance Communication Server | |
HPDPS | Hewlett-Packard Distributed Print Service | |
HPET | High-Precision Event Timer | IT |
HPF | High Performance FORTRAN | |
HP-FL | Hewlett-PackardFiber Optic Link | |
HPFS | High Performance File System | IT |
HPGL | Hewlett-Packard Graphics Language | IT |
HPI | Host Port Interface | |
HPIB | Hewlett-Packard Interface Bus | |
HPKP | HTTP Public Key Pinning | IT |
HPL | Home Product Link | |
HPM | Hyper Page Mode | |
HPOFS | High Performance Optical File System | |
HPPA | Hewlett-Packard Precision Architecture | |
HPPI | High Performance Parallel Interface | |
HPPS | Hewlett-Packard Payment Scheme | |
HPR | High Performance Routing | |
HPSB | High Performance Serial Bus | |
HPSL | Hewlett-Packard Support Line (FireWire) | |
HPSN | High Performance Scalable Networking | |
HQ | High Quality | |
HR | Hessischer Rundfunk | Medien, Deutschland |
HRC | Half Rate Channel | |
HRC | Hybrid Ring Control | |
HRG | High Resolution Graphics | |
HRIS | Human Resource Information System | |
HRM | Hopwise Reliable Multicast | |
HRMS | Human Resource Management System | |
HRN | Heterogenes Rechnernetz | |
HRR | Heiliges Römisches Reich Deutscher Nation | Staat |
HRS | Hotel Reservation Service | |
Hrsg. | Herausgeber | |
hrsg. | hrrausgegeben | |
HRTF | Head Related Transfer Function | |
HRZ | Hochschul-Rechenzentrum | |
HS | High Speed | |
HSA | Heterogeneous System Architecture | IT |
HSB | Hue, Saturation, Brightness | |
HSC | High Speed Channel/Connect | IT |
HSCSD | High Speed Circuit Switched Data | TK |
HSD | High Speed Data | IT |
HSDPA | High Speed Downlink Packet Access (Datentransfer bei UMTS) | TK |
HSDT | High Speed Data Transport | IT |
HSI | Hayes Synchronous Interface | |
HSI | High-speed Serial Interface | |
HSI | Hue, Saturation, Intensity | |
HSIK | How should I know? (Woher soll ich das wissen?) | Usenet |
HSLAN | High Speed Local Area Network | IT |
HSL-FX | Hierarchical Specification Language - Function Extension | IT |
HSM | Herzschrittmacher | |
HSM | Hierarchical Storage Management | |
HSMD | High Speed Mobile Data | |
HSOPA | High Speed OFDM Packet Access | TK |
HSP | Headset Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
HSP | Headset Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
HSP | High Speed Peering | |
HSP | High Speed Printer | |
HSP | High Speed Publishing | |
HSPA | High Speed Packet Access (Datentransfer bei UMTS) | TK |
HSPS | High Speed Peripheral Shelf | |
HSSDC | High Speed Serial Data Connection/Connector | |
HSSI | High Speed Serial Interface | |
HST | High Speed Technology/Telegraphy | |
HSTR | High Speed Token Ring | |
HSTS | HTTP Strict Transport Security | IT |
HSUPA | High Speed Uplink Packet Access (Datentransfer bei UMTS) | TK |
HSV | Hue, Saturation, Value | |
HT | High Tension (Farbmodell) | |
HT | Horizontal Tabulator | |
HTCC | High Temperature Cofired Ceramic | |
HTH | Hope that helps (Hoffe, das hilft) | Usenet |
HTH | Hope This/That Helps | |
HTML | Hyper Text Markup Language | IT |
HTML | Hyptertext Markup Language | |
HTPS | High Temperature Poly Silicium | |
HTSI | Host Transport Service Interface | |
HTTP | Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol | IT |
HTTPS | Hyper-Text Transfer Protocol Secure (Internet) | IT |
HTX | HTML Extensions (Internet) | IT |
HÜP | Hausübergabepunkt | TK |
HUS | Hämolytisch-Urämisches Syndrom | Medizin |
HUS | Hinweise für umsetzbare Stauwarnanlagen | Verkehr |
HV | Hauptversammlung | |
HVC | Hue, Value, Chroma | |
HVD | High Voltage Differential (Farbmodell) | |
HVDC | High Voltage Direct Current | |
HVP | Horizontal + Vertical Position (SCSI) | IT |
HVV | Hamburger Verkehrsverbund | Unternehmen |
HVV | Hyperlink Vector Voting | |
HW | Hardware | IT |
HWA | Handwörterbuch der Absatzwirtschaft | |
HWANS | Hinweisansage | |
HWB | Handwörterbuch der Betriebswirtschaft | |
HWCP | Hardware Code Page | |
HWF | Handwörterbuch der Finanzwirtschaft | |
HWID | Hardware Identifier | |
HWP | Handwörterbuch des Personalwesens | |
HWProd | Handwörterbuch der Produktion | |
HWR | Handwörterbuch des Rechnungswesens | |
HWStR | Handwörterbuch des Steuerrechts | |
HWV | Händel-Werkeverzeichnis | |
HWWA | Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Hamburg | |
HYTAS | Hybrides Teilnehmer-Anschlusssystem | TK |
HYTEA | HYperText Authoring Environment | IT |
Hz | Hertz (Frequenz) | |
I |
I | Information | |
I | Initiale (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
I | Italien | Autokennzeichen |
I | private Investitionen | VWL |
I | Strom | Physik |
i.A. | im Auftrag | |
i.a.W. | in anderen Worten | |
i.d.F. | in der Fassung | |
i.d.F.v. | in der Fassung vom | |
i.d.R. | in der Regel | |
i.e. | Id Est | |
i.e. | id est, that is, das ist | |
i.e.S. | im engeren Sinne | |
i.L. | in Liquidation | |
i.O. | in Ordnung | |
i.V.m. | in Verbindung mit | |
i.w.S. | im weiteren Sinne | |
I/O | Input/Output (frame) | |
I+A | Identification + Authentication | |
I²C | Inter Integrated Circuit bus | |
I2O | Intelligent Input/Output | |
I2P | Invisible Internet Project | IT |
I3 | IMA Interoperability Initiative | |
I4DL | Interface, Inheritance, Implementation, Installation Definition Language | |
IA | Information Appliance | |
IA | Interworking Implemantation Agreement | |
IA | Issuing Authority | |
IA5 | International Alphabet 5 | |
IAAS | Institut für Angewandte Analysis und Stochastik, Berlin | |
IAB | International Academy of Broadcasting | |
IAB | Internet Activities Board | |
IAB | Internet Activity Board | |
IAB | Internet Advertising Bureau | Organisation |
IAB | Internet Architecture Board | IT |
IAC | In Any Case | |
IAC | Interapplication Communication | IT |
IAC | Internet Application Components (SAP R/3) | IT |
IAE | In any event (Auf jeden Fall) | Usenet |
IAE | ISDN Anschalteinheit/Anschlusseinheit | IT |
IAEA | International Atomic Energy Agency | Organisation |
IAF | Frauenhofer-Institut für angewandte Festkörperphysik | |
IAFA | Internet Anonymous FTP Archive | |
IAG | Industry Advisory Group | |
IAHC | International Ad Hoc Committee (Novell) | IT |
IAL | Intel Architecture Labs (Internet) | IT |
IAL | International Algebraic Language | |
IALA | Intel Application Launch Accelerator (ALGOL) | |
IAMCE | ISDN Access Module Control Element | |
IAN | Integrated Access Node | |
IANA | Internet Assigned Numbers Authority | Organisation |
IANAL | I am not a lawyer (Ich bin doch kein Anwalt) | Usenet |
IAP | Inner Administrative Point | IT |
IAP | ISDN Access Internetworking Profile | TK |
IAR | Institut für Automation und Robotik | |
IARC | International Age Rating Coalition | Organisation |
IARC | International Agency for Research on Cancer (Internationale Agentur für Krebsforschung) | Organisation |
IARP | International Amateur Radio Permission | |
IARU | International Amateur Radio Union | Organisation |
IAS | Information Access Service | |
IAS | International Accounting Standards | |
IASS | Internet Alphaserver System Software | |
IAT | Import Address Table | |
IATA | International Air Transport Association | Organisation |
IAUG | International AIX Users Group | |
IB | In Betrieb | |
IBA | Independent Broadcasting Authority | Organisation |
IBAC | In Band Adjacent Channel | |
IBAN | International Bank Account Number (Internationale Bankkontonummer) | |
IBC | Illinois Benedictine College | |
IBC | International Broadcasting Convention | Organisation |
IBCN | Integrated Broadband Communication Network | |
IBFD | Interessengemeinschaft Blinder Funkamateure Deutschlands | Organisation |
IBIS | Integriertes Börsenhandels- und Informationssystem | |
IBL | Input Buffer Limit | |
IBM | International Business Machines | Unternehmen |
IBN | International Booking Network | |
IBOC | In Band On Channel | |
IBR | Image Based Rendering | |
IBS | Integriertes Banken-System | |
IBTD | I Beg To Differ | Usenet |
IC | I See | Usenet |
IC | Incoming Call | IT |
IC | Information Center | |
IC | Input/Integrated Circuit | |
IC | Instruction Cache | |
IC | Integrated Circuit | |
IC | Integrated Circuits, Integrierte Schaltung | |
IC | Intercity | Bahn |
IC | Interexchange Carrier | |
IC | Interrupt Controller | |
ICA | Image Component Attribute | |
ICA | Independent Computing Architecture | |
ICA | Intelligent Channels/Console Architecture | |
ICA | Intelligent Communication Adapter | |
ICA | Interface Connector Assembly | |
ICALP | International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming | |
ICAM | Integrated Computer Aided Manufacturing | |
ICAN | Individual Customer Access Network | |
ICANN | Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers | Organisation |
ICAO | International Civil Aviation Organization (Internationale Zivile Luftfahrtorganisation) | Organisation |
ICAP | Integrated Computer Aided Production | |
ICARE | International Council for Amateur Radio in Education | |
ICAS | Information Communication Assistance System | |
ICAS | Intel Communicating Applications Specifications | |
ICBA | Independent Community Bankers of America | Organisation |
ICBA | Institution of Commercial and Business Agents | Organisation |
ICBA | International Center for Biosaline Agriculture | Organisation |
ICBF | Internationales Centrum für Begabungsforschung | Organisation |
ICC | Integrated Circuit Card | |
ICC | Intelligent Channel Controller | |
ICC | International Chamber of Commerce | |
ICC | International Color Consortium | |
ICC | International Conference on Communications | |
ICCCM | Inter-Client Communications Conventions Manual | |
ICCHP | International Conference on Computers for Handicapped Persons | |
ICCS | Integrated Communications Cabling System | |
ICCT | International Council on Clean Transportation | Organisation |
ICD | Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator | Medizin |
ICD | Information Cluster Display | IT |
ICD | Interface Control Document | IT |
ICD | International Classification of Diseases | Medizin |
ICD | International Code Designator | IT |
ICD | International List of Causes of Death | Medizin |
ICE | In-Circuit Emulator/Emulation | |
ICE | Inter Client Exchange | |
ICE | Intercity Express | Bahn |
ICE | Interworking Public Key Certification Infrastructure for Europe | IT |
ICH | I/O Controller Hub | IT |
ICH | IATA Clearing House (Abrechnungszentrale der IATA-Luftverkehrsgesellschaften) | Organisation |
ICH | Intelligent Corruption Handling | IT |
ICH | International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use | |
ICI | Interface Control Information | |
ICI | International Cocoa Initiative | Organisation |
ICIJ | International Consortium of Investigative Journalists | Organisation |
ICIP | ICI Protocol | |
ICL | Interface Clear | |
ICM | Image Color Matching | |
ICM | Intellectual Capital Management (IBM) | IT |
ICMP | Internet Control Message Protocol | |
ICNIRP | International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection | Organisation |
ICO | Intermediate Circular Orbit | |
ICOCBW | I Could, Of Course, Be Wrong | |
ICP | Initial Connection Protocol | IT |
ICP | Input Control Procedure | |
ICP | Integrated Channel Processor | |
ICP | Interconnection Partner | |
ICP | Internet Cache Protocol | |
ICP | Internet Content Provider | IT |
ICPP | International Conference on Parallel Processing | |
ICR | Intelligent Character Recognition | IT |
ICRA | Internet Content Rating Association | |
ICS | IBM Cabling System | |
ICS | Incremental Change Synchronization | |
ICS | Integrated Communication Services | |
ICS | Internet Connecting Sharing | |
ICS | Internet Connection Sharing (Microsoft) | IT |
ICS | Intuitive Command Structure | |
ICSA | International Customer Service Association | |
ICSL | Internet Communication Search Language | |
ICT | Information and Communication Technology | |
ICTF | Internet Content Task Force | |
ICU | Instruction Cache Unit | |
ICU | Instruction Control Unit | |
ICU | ISA Configuration Utility | |
ICV | Integrity Check Value | |
ICX | Inter Cartridge Exchange | |
ID | Identification | |
ID | Identifier | |
ID | IDentity | |
ID | Identity, Identifier, Identification oder Instruction Decode | |
ID | Instruction Decode | |
IDA | Independent/Intelligent Disk/Drive Array | |
IDAPI | Integrated Database Application Programming Interface | |
IDC | Insulation Displacement Connector | |
IDC | International Data Corporation | Unternehmen |
IDC | Internet Database Connector | |
IDD | International Direct Dialling | |
IDE | Integrated Development Environment | |
IDE | Integrated Device Electronics | IT |
IDE | Integrated Drive Electronics | |
IDE | Interactive Design and Engineering | |
IDE | Interface Design Enhancement | |
IDEA | International Data Encryption Algorithm | IT |
IDEF | I-CAM Definition Method No. 1 Extended | |
IDF | Intel Developer Forum | |
IDF | Intel Developer's Forum | |
IDF | Intermediate Distribution Frame | |
IDI | Initial Domain Identifier | |
IDI | ISDN Driver Interface | |
IDIMT | Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks (Konferenz) | |
IDK | Interessengemeinschaft Datenkommunikation | |
IDL | Interactive Data Language | |
IDL | Interface Definition Language | |
IDL | Internet Definition Language | |
IDMC | Internet Control Message Protocol | |
IDMS | Integrated Database Management System | |
IDN | Integrated Digital Network (Integriertes Datennetz) | IT |
IDN | Internationalized Domain Name | IT |
IDNA | Internationalizing Domain Names in Applications | IT |
IDOC | Intermediate Document | |
IDP | Initial Domain Part | |
IDP | Integrated Data Processing | |
IDP | Internet Datagram Protocol | |
IDPF | International Digital Publishing Forum | Organisation |
IDR | Intergalactic Digital Research | |
IDR | Intermediate Data Rate Service | |
IDRP | Inter-Domain Routing Protocol | |
IDRP | Internet-Domain Routing Protocol | |
IDS | Information Delivery System | |
IDS | Intelligent Decision Server | |
IDS | Inter Data Systems (IBM) | IT |
IDS | Internal Directory System | |
IDS | Intrusion Detection System | |
IDSL | ISDN Digital Subscriber Line | |
IDT | Improved Definition Television | |
IDT | Interrupt Descriptor Table | |
IDTRC | Interrupt Descriptor Table Register Cache | |
IDU | Interface Data Unit | |
IdW | Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer | |
IE | Internet Explorer | |
IEB | Institute of Electronic Business, Berlin | |
IEC | International Electrotechnical Commission | Organisation |
IECC | Intercultural E-mail Classroom Connections | |
IECQ | IEC Quality Assessment System for Electrical Components | |
IEDM | International Electron Device Meeting | |
IEEE | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers | Organisation |
IEEE/CS | IEEE Computer Society | |
IEF | Information Engineering Facility | |
IEMMC | Internet Electronic Mail Marketing Council | |
IEN | Internet Experimental Note | |
IERS | International Earth Rotation and Reference System Service | Organisation |
IES | Information Exchange System | |
IESG | Internet Engineering Steering Group | |
IET | Image Enhancement Technology | |
IETF | Internet Engineering Task Force | Organisation |
IETM | Interactive Electronic Technical Manual | |
IEU | Integer Execution Unit | |
IEW | Information Engineering Workbench (KnowledgeWare Inc.) | |
IEX | Imaging Extensions for XWS | |
IF | Intermediate Frequency | |
IFA | Internationale Funk-Ausstellung | |
IFC | Integrated Factory Control | |
IFC | Internet Foundation Classes | |
IFD | Image File Directory | IT |
IFF | Interchange File Format | IT |
IFF | Interessengruppe Funkamateure im Fernverkehr | Organisation |
IFF | Internet Fast Forward | |
IFFT | Inverse Fast Fourier Transformation | |
IFG | Incoming Fax Gateway | |
IFG | Inter Frame Gap | |
IFIP | International Federation for Information Processing | Organisation |
IFL | Integrated Fuse Logic (Elektrotechnik) | |
IFL | Internet For Learning | |
IFMP | Ipsilon Flow Management Protocol | |
IFPI | International Federation of the Phonographic Industry | Organisation |
IFRS | International Financial Reporting Standards | Recht |
IFS | Installable File System | |
IFS | Inter Frame Space (OS/2) | IT |
IFS | Internal Field Separator | |
IFU | Instruction Fetch Unit | |
IFU | Internationale Fernmeldeunion | |
IFV | Internationaler Fernmeldevertrag | |
IFVV | Internationale feste virtuelle Verbindungen | |
IfW | Institut für Weltwirtschaftsforschung | Organisation |
IfW | ISDN for Workgroups | |
IfWfW | ISDN for Windows for Workgroups (Microsoft) | IT |
IGA | Integrated Graphics Adaptor/Array (Microsoft) | IT |
IGBT | Insulated/Insulator Gate Bipolar Transistor | |
IGC | Institute for Global/Galactic Communications | |
IGC | Integrated Graphics Controller | IT |
IGCSE | International General Certificate of Secondary Education | |
IGD | Fraunhofer-Institut für Grafische Datenverarbeitung | Organisation |
IGeL | Individuelle Gesundheitsleistung | Recht |
IGES | Initial Graphics Exchange Specification | IT |
IGMP | Internet Group Management Protocol | IT |
IGN | IBM Global Net | |
IGP | Interior Gateway Protocol | IT |
IGRP | Internet/Interior Gateway Routing Protocol (Internet) | IT |
IHG | Investitionshilfegesetz | |
IHK | Industrie- und Handelskammer | Organisation |
IID | Inaural Intensity Difference (Cisco) | |
IID | Interface Identifier | |
IIF | Image Interchange Facility | |
III | Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan | |
IIL | Integrated Injection Logic | |
IIOP | Internet Inter-ORB Protocol | |
IIP | Internet Printing Protocol | |
IIP | ISDN Intermediate Interworking Profile | |
IIPS | Irrevocably Interruptible Power Supply | |
IIR | Immediate Impulse Response | |
IIRC | if I remember correctly (Wenn ich mich richtig erinnere) | Usenet |
IIS | Internet Information Server (Microsoft) | IT |
IISP | Interim Inter Signalling/Switch Protocol | |
IITF | Information Infrastructure Task Force | |
IIWM | If It Were Me/Mine | Usenet |
IJCAI | International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence | IT |
IK | Interchange Key | |
IK-CAPE | Industriekooperation Computer Aided Process Engineering | |
IKE | Internet Key Exchange | |
IKEA | Ingvar Kamprad Elmtaryd Agunnaryd | Firma |
IKOE | Institut für Kommunikationsökologie, Hamburg | |
IKON | Interkerkelijke Omroep Nederland (Niederlande) | Medien |
IKR | Industriekontenrahmen | |
IKT | Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie | |
ILEC | Incumbent Local Exchange Carrier | |
ILETS | International Law Enforcement Telecommunications Seminar | |
ILLAB | Ich Liege Lachend Am Boden | Usenet |
ILM | Industrial Light And Magic, Inc. | Unternehmen |
ILMI | Interim Local Management Interface | |
ILO | International Labour Organization | Organisation |
ILP | Instruction Level Parallelism | |
Im | Importe | VWL |
IM | Information Modeling | |
IMA | Interactive Multimedia Association | |
IMA | Internationale Multimedia Akademie | |
I-MAC | Isochronous MAC (Karlsruhe) | |
IMACS | International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation (FDDI) | |
IMAO | In My Arrogant Opinion | |
IMAP | Internet Message Access Protocol | IT |
IMAP4 | Internet Message Access Protocol, Version 4 | IT |
IMBE | Improved Multi-Band Excitation | |
IMC | Internet Mail Consortium | |
IMCEA | Internet Mail Connector Encapsulated Address (MS Exchange Server) | IT |
IMCO | In My Considered Opinion (So wie ich das sehe) | Usenet |
IMDS | Image Data Stream | IT |
IME | In My Experience (Meiner Erfahrung nach) | Usenet |
IME | In-Movie Experience | |
IME | Input Method Editor | IT |
IMEI | International Mobile Equipment Identifier/Identity | TK |
IMEISV | International Mobile station Equipment Identity and Software Version Number | TK |
IMG | Image | |
IMHO | In My Humble Opinion (Meiner bescheidenen Meinung nach) | Usenet |
IMI | Internet MSS Interface | IT |
IMIMG | ISDN Memorandum of Understanding Implementation Management Group | |
IMNSCO | In My Not So Considered Opinion | Usenet |
IMNSHO | In My Not So Humble Opinion (Meiner nicht ganz so unbedeutenden Meinung nach) | Usenet |
IMO | In My Opinion (meiner Meinung nach) | Usenet |
IMO | International Maritime Organization | IT |
IMOBO | In My Own Biased Opinion | |
IMP | Inter/Interface Message Processor | IT |
IMPA | Intelligent Multi-Port Adaptor | |
IMS | Information Management System (IBM) | IT |
IMS | Integrated Media Service | |
IMS | Intermediate Maintenance Standards | |
IMS | Internet Mail Service (MS Exchange Server) | IT |
IMSI | International Mobile Subscriber Identity | TK |
IMSP | Internet Message Support Protocol | |
IMT | International Mobile Telecommunications | |
IMTC | International Multimedia Teleconferencing Consortium | Organisation |
IM-UAPDU | Interpersonal Messaging User Agent Protocol Data Unit | IT |
IMX | Interoperability Material Exchange | IT |
In | Indium | Chemisches Element |
IN | Individual Network e. V. | Organisation |
IN | Input | IT |
IN | Intelligentes Netz | |
INA | Individual Number Allocation | |
INA | Information Networking Architecture | IT |
INA | Initiative Nachrichtenaufklärung | Organisation |
INA | Institut National de l'Audiovisuel (Französisches Rundfunkarchiv) | Behörde |
INA | Intelligent Networking Architecture | IT |
INA | nternationale Akademie für innovative Pädagogik, Psychologie und Ökonomie | Organisation |
InARP | Inverse Address Resolution Protocol (Telekom) | |
InAs | Indiumarsenid (Halbleiter) | Chemisches Element |
InATMARP | ATM Address Resolution Protocol | |
INC | In Chain | |
INC | Increment | |
INC | Internet Computer | |
Inc. | Incorporated (internationaler Gebrauch, vor allem USA) | Recht |
INCA | Interleaved Native Compiled Architecture | IT |
INCI | International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (Internationale Nomenklatur für kosmetische Inhaltsstoffe) | |
incl. | inclusive | |
INCO | International Champer of Commerce | Organisation |
Incore | INternet COntent Rating for Europe | |
INES | International Nuclear Event Scale (Internationale Bewertungsskala für nukleare Ereignisse) | |
INET | International Networking Conference | Organisation |
Ing. | Ingenieur | |
INGRES | Interactive Graphics and Retrieval System | |
INH | Intelligent Networking Hub | |
INKA | Individual Network Region Karlsruhe | Organisation |
inkl. | inklusive | |
INM | Integrated Network Management | |
INMARSAT | International Maritime Satellite Organization | Organisation |
INMAS | Interface Management System | IT |
INMS | Integrated Network Management Services | |
INN | International Network News | |
Inode | Index Node | |
INPO | In No Particular Order (In keiner besonderen Reihenfolge) | Usenet |
INPOL | Informationssystem der Polizei | IT |
INRI | Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum | |
INRIA | Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique | Organisation |
INS | Input String | IT |
INS | Instance Object | |
INS | International Network Services | |
INS | Internet News Service (MS Exchange Server) | IT |
InSb | Indiumantimonid (Halbleiter) | Chemisches Element, Halbleiter |
INT | Integer | |
INT | Internal | |
INT | Interrupt | IT |
INTA | International Trademark Association | Organisation |
INTA | Interrupt Acknowledge | IT |
INTAP | Interoperability Technology Association for Information Processing, Japan | Organisation |
intel | INTegrated ELectronics | Firma |
Internet | International Network, Internetwork | |
InterNIC | Internet Network Information Center | Organisation |
InvZulG | Investitionszulagengesetz | Recht |
INWG | Internet Working Group | IT |
INXS | InterNet eXchange System | IT |
IO | Management Zeitschrift Industrielle Organisation | Zeitschrift |
IOC | Input Output Controller | |
IOC | International Olympic Committee (Internationales Olympisches Komitee) | Organisation |
IOCP | Input Output Completion Port | |
IOCS | Input/Output Control System | |
IOCTL | Input/Output Control | |
IOCTL | IO-ConTroL | |
IOD | Information Object Definition | |
IODD | Input/Output Device Description | IT |
IOE | Input Output Engine | |
IOFEXT | Input Output Far End Crosstalk | |
IOK | Internationales Olympisches Komitee | Organisation |
IOMMU | Input Output Memory Management Unit | |
IONL | Internal Organization of the Network Layer | |
IOP | Input Output Processor (Ein-/Ausgabe Prozessor) | IT |
IOPL | Input/Output Priviledge Level | |
IOPS | Input/Output per Second (Ein-/Ausgaben pro Sekunde) | IT |
IOQD | In Order Queue Depth | |
IOR | Indian Ocean Region | |
IOS | International Organization for Succulent Plant Study (Internationale Organisation für Sukkulentenforschung) | Organisation |
IOS | Internetwork Operating System | IT |
IOSGA | Input/Output Support Gate Array | |
IOTA | Islands On The Air | |
IOW | In Other Words (Mit anderen Worten) | Usenet |
IP | Information Provider | IT |
IP | Instruction Pointer | |
IP | Intellectual Property | |
IP | Intelligent Peripherals | |
IP | Internet Protocol | IT |
IPAE | IP Address Encapsulation | IT |
IPAVS | IP-Adressen-Verwaltungs-System | IT |
IPC | Instructions per Clock | |
IPC | Integrated Passive Component | |
IPC | Inter Personal Computer | IT |
IPC | Interprocess Communicaion | |
IPCC | Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change | |
IPCI | Industrial PCI | IT |
IPCP | Internet Protocol Control Protocol | IT |
IPDS | Intelligent Printer Data Stream | IT |
IPE | Institut für Physikalische Elektronik | Behörde |
IPE | Integrated Picture Environment | IT |
IPEI | International Portable Equipment Identity | TK |
IPES | Improved Proposed Encryption Standard | IT |
IPF | Information Presentation Facility | |
IPG | In Plane Gate Transistor | |
IPG | Inter Packet Gap | IT |
IPI | Image Processing and Interchange | IT |
IPI | Intelligent Peripheral Interface | IT |
IPL | Information Processing Language | IT |
IPL | Initial Program Loader (Programmiersprache für künstliche Intelligenz) | IT |
IPL | Interrupt Priority Level | |
IPM | Intelligent Power Mode/Module/MOS | |
IPM | Interpersonal Message (X.400) | IT |
IPMS | Interpersonal Messaging System | |
IPMV95 | Integrated Packet Trunk Module V.95 Interface | |
IPN | Interpersonal Notification (X.400) | IT |
IPng | Internet Protocol Next Generation | IT |
IPNS | ISDN PBX Networking Specification (IPv6) | TK |
IPON | Intelligent Passive Optical Network | |
IPP | Internet Presence Provider | |
IPP | Internet Printing Protocol | |
IPPM | Integriertes Produktions-Prozessmodell) | |
IPRA | Internet Policy Registration Authority | |
IPS | inch per second | |
IPS | In-Plane Switching (LCD-Display-Technik) | IT |
IPSE | Integrated Project Support Environment | |
IPSec | IP Security | |
IPSI | Interoperable Produkt-Service-Interface | |
IPTC | International Press Telecommunications Council | |
IPTO | Information Processing Techniques Office | |
IPTO | Information Processing Techniques/Technology Office | |
IPU | Image Processing Unit | |
IPU | Imposition Processing Unit | |
IPv4 | Internet Protocol Version 4 | |
IPv6 | Internet Protocol Version 6 | IT |
IPVR | Institut für parallele und verteilte Höchstleistungsrechner, Stuttgart | |
IPW | Incremental Packet Writing | |
IPX | Internet/Internetwork Packet Exchange | |
IPX | Internetwork Packet eXchange (Novell) | IT |
IPXCP | Internetwork Packet Exchange Control Protocol | |
IQL | Indifferente Qualitätslage | |
IQL | Interactive Query Language | |
IQWiG | Institut für Qualität und Wirtschaftlichkeit im Gesundheitswesen | Behörde |
IR | Information Retrieval | |
IR | Infrared (Infrarot) | |
IR | Interface Repository | |
IRA | Irish Republican Army | Politik |
IRAC | Indpendent Review Advisory Committee | |
IRAF | Image Reduction and Analysis Facility | |
IRB | Instruction Recoder Buffer | |
IRB | Instrumentation Request Broker | |
IRC | Internet Relay Chat | IT |
IRD | Integrated Receiver Decoder | |
IRD | Internet Resource Directory | IT |
IrDA | InfraRed Data Association | |
IRDS | Information Resource Dictionary System | |
IRG | Implicit Regeneration | |
IRICE | Integrated Remote Interface Control Element | |
IRIS | Interregional Information Society Initiative | |
IRL | In Real Life | |
IRL | Inter Repeater Link | IT |
IrLAP | InfraRed Link Access Protocol | |
IRLED | Infrared Light Emitting Diode | |
IrLMP | InfraRed Link Management Protocol | |
IRM | Information Resource Management | |
IrOBEX | Infrared Object Exchange protocol | IT |
IRQ | Interrupt ReQuest | |
IRS | Information Retrieval System | |
IRS | Internal Revenue Service | Behörde |
IRSG | Internet Research Steering Group | Organisation |
IRTF | Internet Research Task Force | Organisation |
IS | In Service | |
IS | Information Separator/System | |
IS | Informationsspeicher (MS Exchange) | IT |
IS | Informationssystem | |
IS | Integrated Service | |
IS | Interactive Service | |
IS | Intermediate System (Telecommunication) | |
IS | International Standard | |
IS | Interrupt Status (ISO) | |
ISA | Industry Standard Architecture | IT |
ISA | Instruction Set Architecture | |
ISA | Integrated Services Architecture | |
ISA | Interactive Services Association | |
ISAD | Information Society and Development (Konferenz) | |
ISAF | Institut für Schweißtechnik und Trennende Fertigungsverfahren (TU Clausthal) | Organisation |
ISAF | International Security Assistance Force | Organisation |
ISAKMP | Internet Security Association Key Management Protocol | Organisation |
ISAM | Index Sequential Access Method | |
ISAPI | Internet Server Application Programming Interface | IT |
ISBN | Internationale Standardbuchnummer | Medien |
ISC | Instruction Set Computer | |
ISC | Internet Service Center | |
ISC | Internet Software Consortium | Organisation |
ISD | Image Section Descriptor | |
ISD | Instructional System Design | |
ISDB | Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting (Japan) | |
ISDN | Integrated Services Digital Network | TK |
ISDN | Isosorbitdinitrat | Chemie |
ISE | Frauenhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme | |
ISESS | International Symposium on Environmental Software Systems (Konferenz) | |
ISH | Information Superhighway | |
ISH | Intermediate System Hello PDU | |
ISI | Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California | Behörde |
ISI | Inter Symbol Interference | |
ISI | Internally Specified Index | |
ISIN | International Securities Identification Number | |
IS-IS | Intermediate System to Intermediate System Protocol | |
ISL | Initial System Loader (OSI) | IT |
ISL | Interactive System Language | |
ISL | Intersatellite Link | |
ISLAN | Integrated Services Local Area Network | |
ISM | Industrial, Scientific, Medical | |
ISMP | Internet Mail Support Protocol (Applications) | IT |
ISN | Initial Sequence Number | |
ISN | Internet School/Shopping Networking | |
ISO | International Standardization Organization | Organisation |
ISO IP | ISO Internetwork Protocol | |
ISOC | Internet Society | |
ISODE | ISO Development Environment | |
ISP | Image Synthesis Processor (OSI) | IT |
ISP | International Standardized Profile | |
ISP | Internet Service Provider | IT |
ISP | Interrupt Stack Pointer | |
ISP | Interrupt Status Port | |
ISPBX | ISDN Private Branche Exchange | |
ISPF | Interactive Structured Programming Facility | |
ISPI | Institut für Integrierte Publikationssysteme, Darmstadt (IBM) | IT |
ispLSI | in-system-programmable LSI | |
ISPO | Information Society Project Office | |
ISR | Information Storage and Retrieval | |
ISR | Interactive Service Report | |
ISR | Intermediate Session Routing | |
ISR | Interrupt Service Routine | |
ISRC | International Standard Recording Code | |
ISRO | Indian Space Research Organisation | Organisation |
ISS | Information System Study | |
ISS | International Space Station (Internationale Raumstation) | |
ISSA | Information Systems Security Association | |
ISSCC | International Solid State Circuits Conference | |
ISSE | Internet Streaming SIMD Extension | IT |
ISSN | International Standard Serial Number | Medien |
ISSO | Information System Security Officer | |
ISSP | International Social Survey Programme | |
ISSP | Internet Satellite Service Provider | |
ISSP | Inter-Switch Signalling Protocol | |
ISSS | IBM Speech Server Services | |
ISST | Fraunhofer-Institut für Software- und Systemtechnik | Organisation |
IST | Information Society Technologies | |
ISTM | It Seems To Me | Usenet |
ISTR | I Seem To Remember | Usenet |
ISU | Industry Solution Unit | IT |
ISU | International Skating Union (Internationale Eislaufunion) | Organisation |
ISUP | ISDN User Part (IBM) | IT |
ISUS | Information Services and User Support | |
ISV | Independent Software Vendor | IT |
ISVR | Intel Smart Video Recorder | |
ISWL | International Short Wave League | |
ISWYM | I See What You Mean | Usenet |
IT | Informationstechnologie | |
ITA | Interface Test Adapter | |
ITA | Interim Type Approval | |
ITAC | ISDN Terminal Adapter Circuit | |
iTAN | Indizierte Transaktionsnummern-Liste | |
ITAR | International Traffic in Arms Regulations | |
ITB | Information Technology Branch | |
ITB | Intermediate Text Block | |
ITCI | International Council of Toy Industries | Organisation |
ITD | Inaural Time Difference | |
ITE | Informationstechnische Einrichtung | |
ITF | Isochronous Transfer | |
ITG | Informationstechnische Gesellschaft im VDE | Organisation |
ITI | Interactive Terminal Interface | |
ITIF | Information Technology and Innovation Foundation | Organisation |
ITLB | Instruction TLB | |
ITM | Internet Transaction Mix | |
ITO | Indium Tin Oxide | |
ITR | Internet Talk Radio | IT |
ITS | Incompatible Time-Sharing System | |
ITS | Institute for Telecommunication Sciences | Organisation |
ITS | Intelligent Transport System | |
ITS | International Telecommunications Society | |
ITS | Internet Transaction Server (SAP R/3) | IT |
ITSEC | Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria/Certification | |
ITSEM | Information Technology Security Evaluation Manual | |
ITSP | Internet Telephony Service Provider | |
ITSTC | Information Technology Steering Committee | |
ITT | Invitation To Transmit | |
ITU | Intelligent Thermal Update (Arcnet) | IT |
ITU | International Telecommunication Union | Organisation |
ITUG | International Telecommunications Users Group | Organisation |
ITU-T | International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication Standardisation Bureau | Organisation |
ITV | Independent Television (Großbritannien) | Medien |
ITV | Interactive Television | |
ITWM | Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik | |
ITX | Intermediate Text Block | |
IU | Integer Unit | IT |
IUCN | International Union for Conservation of Nature (Internationale Naturschutzorganisation) | Organisation |
IUG | Informix User Group | |
IuK | Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik | |
IuKDG | Informations- und Kommunikationsdienste-Gesetz | Recht |
IUPAC | International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry | Organisation |
IUPAP | International Union of Pure and Applied Physics | Organisation |
IUR | International User Requirements | |
IUT | Implementation under Test | |
IV | Informationsverarbeitung | IT |
IV | Initialisation Vector | |
IVBB | Informationsverbund Bonn-Berlin | Organisation |
IVCA | International Visual Communication Association | Organisation |
IV-DENIC | InteressenVerbund DE-NIC | Organisation |
IVDLAN | Integrated Voice and Data Local Area Network | IT |
IVHS | Intelligent Vehicle Highway System | IT |
IVIS | Interactive Video Information System | IT |
IVN | Internationaler Verband der Naturtextilwirtschaft | Organisation |
IVN | Intervening Network | IT |
IVOD | Interactive Video On Demand | IT |
IVP | Installation Verification Image | |
IVR | Interactive Voice Response | |
IVS | IBM Verkabelungssystem | IT |
IVS | Interactive Visualization System | |
IVS | Interactive Voice Response | IT |
IVT | Interrupt Vector Table | |
IVV | Independent Verification and Validation | |
IW | Information Warfare | |
IWAN | International Working Conference on Active Networks | Organisation |
IWBNI | It Would Be Nice If | Usenet, Slang |
IWF | Inter Working Function (Telefon) | |
IWF | Internationaler Währungsfond | |
IWO | Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung | |
IWTCS | International Workshop on Testing of Communication Systems | Organisation |
IWU | Interworking Unit | |
IWV | Impulswahlverfahren | TK |
IXA | Internet eXchange Architecture | IT |
IXF | Integrated Exchange Format | IT |
IXI | International X.25 Interconnect | IT |
IXI-PS | IXI Production Service | IT |
IYSWIM | If You See What I Mean | Usenet, Slang |
J |
J | Japan | Autokennzeichen |
J2SE | Jave 2 Standard Edition | IT |
JA | Jump Address | IT |
JAD | Joint Application Design | |
JAE | Java Application Environment | IT |
JAF | JavaBeans Activation Framework | IT |
JAM | Jyacc Application Manager | IT |
JANET | Joint Academic Network | |
JAR | Java Archive | IT |
JARS | Java Applet Rating Service | |
JASON | Journal Articles Sent On Demand | |
JAXA | Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency | Organisation |
JAXP | Java API for XML Parsing optional package | IT |
JBC | Journal of Biological Chemistry | Medien |
JBIG | Joint Bi-level Image experts Group | |
JBOD | Just a Bunch of Disks (Nur ein Haufen Festplatten) | IT |
JCA | Java Cryptography Architecture | IT |
JCALS | Joint Computer Aided Acquisition and Logistic Support System | IT |
JCB | Job Conrol Block | IT |
JCC | Java Competence Center | IT |
JCE | Java Cryptography Extension | IT |
JCL | Job Control Language | IT |
JCS | Job Control System (IBM) | IT |
JCT | Job Control Table | IT |
JDB | Java Debugger | IT |
JDBC | Java Data Base Connectivity | IT |
JDK | Java Developers Kit | IT |
JECC | Japan Electronic Computer Center | |
JEDEC | Joint Electronic Devices Engineering Council | Organisation |
JEIDA | Japan Electronics Industry Department Association | Organisation |
JEIDA | Japan/Japanese Electronics Industry Development Association | |
JES | Job Entry System | |
JESA | Japan Engineering Standard Association | |
JESSI | Joint European Submicron Silicon Initiative | |
JET | Joint Engine Technology (Microsoft) | IT |
JFC | Java Foundation Class | IT |
JFC | Java Foundation Classes | IT |
JFET | Junction Field Effect Transistor | |
JFIF | JPEG File Interchange Format (Grafikformat) | IT |
JFS | Journal/Journaled File System | |
JFS | Journaling File System | |
JFT | Job File Table | |
JGFET | Junction Gate Field Effect Transistor | |
JGG | Jugendgerichtsgesetz | Recht |
JIB | Job Information Block | |
JICST | Japan Information Center of Science and Technology | Organisation |
JINI | Java Intelligent Network Infrastructure | IT |
JIT | Java Informations Tage | IT |
JIT | Just In Time | |
JIT | Just-In-Time compiler (Compiler) | |
JJ | Josephson Junction | |
JMLC | Joint Modular Languages Conference | |
JMP | Job Monitor Protocol | |
JMS | Java Messaging Service | |
JMS | Job Management System | |
JNDI | Java Naming and Directory Interface | |
JNDSPI | Java Naming and Directory Service Provider Interface | |
JNI | Java Native Interface | |
JNLP | Java Network Launching Protocol | |
JNT | Java Network Technology | |
JNT | Joint Network Team, UK | |
JOL | Job Orientation Language | |
JOSS | Joint Object Services Submission | |
JOTA | Jamboree On The Air | |
JPEG | Joint Photographic Experts Group | Organisation |
JPG | Joint Photographic Experts Group | Organisation |
JPL | Java Perl Lingo | |
JPL | Jet Propulsion Laboratory | |
JPL | Jyacc Procedural Language | |
JRE | Java Runtime Environment | |
JS | JavaScript | IT |
JSAPI | Java Speech API | IT |
JSDK | Java Servlet Development Kit | IT |
JSM | Job Stream Manager | |
JSNM | Just Stark Naked Magic | |
JSP | Java Server Pages | IT |
JSQL | Java SQL | IT |
JT | Job Table | |
JTA | Java Transaction API | IT |
JTAP | JTC1 TAG Application Portability Study Group | |
JTAPI | Java Telephony Application Programming Interface | IT |
JTC | Joint Technical Committee | |
JTM | Job Transfer and Management/Manipulation (ISO/IEC) | IT |
JTM | Job Transfer and Manipulation | |
JTS | Java Transaction Service | IT |
JUG | Java User Group | Organisation |
JUGD | Java User Group Deutschland | Organisation |
JUGFET | Junction Gate Field Effect Transistor | |
JUH | Johanniter Unfall Hilfe | Organisation |
Juli | Junge Liberale | Politik |
JUNET | Japanese UNIX Network | IT |
JUST | Joint Users of Siemens Telecommunications | |
JV | Job Variable | |
JVM | Java Virtual Machine | IT |
JVMDI | Java Virtual Machine Debugger Interface | IT |
JvNC | John-von-Neumann Computer | |
JWD | Janz Weit Draussen | |
JWG | Jugendwohlfahrtsgesetz | Recht |
JWS | Java Workshop | |
JZ | Juristenzeitung | Zeitschrift |
K |
k | Kilo (Maßeinheit: Gewicht) | Maßeinheit |
K | Sachkapital | VWL |
k.A. | keine Angabe | |
K.K. | Kabushiki Kaisha (japanische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
K.O. | Knock out | |
k.u.k. | kaiserlich und königlich (z.B. Regierungsangestellter, Hoflieferant etc.) | |
K+R | Kernighan + Ritchie | |
K-12 | Kindergarten through 12th grade | |
KAD | Kontoauszugsdrucker | |
Kap. | Kapitel | |
KapErhG | Kapitalerhöhungsgesetz | Recht |
KapErhStG | Kapitalerhöhungssteuergesetz | Recht |
KapErtrSt | Kapitalertragsteuer | Recht |
KapVSt | Kapitalverkehrsteuer | Recht |
KartStV | Kartellsteuerverordnung | Recht |
KB | Keyboard | |
KB | Kilobyte | IT |
KB | Knowledge Base | |
kbps | Kilobit/byte per second (Microsoft) | IT |
KBS | Knowledge Based System | |
KC | Kids' Computer | |
kCal | Kilokalorie (Maßeinheit: Energie) | Maßeinheit |
KCL | Kyoto Common Lisp | |
KCS | Kansas City Standard | |
KDC | Key Distribution Center | |
KDE | K Desktop Environment | IT |
KdF | Kraft durch Freude | Organisation |
KDNF | Kanonisch disjunktive Normalform (Logik) | |
KDT | Key Definition Table | |
KDVR | Koreanische Demokratische Volksrepublik | Politik |
KdW | Kaufhaus des Westens | Unternehmen |
KEA | Key Exchange Algorithm | |
KED | Kundenenddokumentation | |
KEF | Kritische Erfolgsfaktoren | |
KES | Key Escrow System | |
KF | Family Key | |
Kfz | Kraftfahrzeug | |
kg | Kilogramm (Maßeinheit: Masse) | Maßeinheit |
KG | Kommanditgesellschaft | |
KGaA | Kommanditgesellschaft auf Aktien | Recht |
KGB | Komitee Gosudarstwennoj Besopasnosti (Geheimdienst der UdSSR) | Behörde |
KH | Krankenhaus | |
KHM | Kunsthochschule für Medien, Köln | |
kHz | Kilohertz (Maßeinheit: Frequenz) | Maßeinheit |
KI | Künstliche Intelligenz | IT |
KIBO | Knowledge In, Bullshit Out | |
KIS | Knowbot Information Service | IT |
KISS | Keep It Simple/Small and Stupid/Simple | |
KIT | Kernel Software for Intelligent Terminals | |
kJ | Kilojoule (Maßeinheit: Energie) | Maßeinheit |
KK | Kontokorrent-Konto | |
KKK | Ku Klux Klan | Organisation |
KKNF | Kanonisch konjunktive Normalform (Logik) | |
KKW | Kernkraftwerk | |
KLOC | Kilo Lines Of Code | |
KLR | Kosten- und Leistungsrechung | BWL |
KM | Kammermusiker | |
km | Kilometer (Maßeinheit: Länge) | Maßeinheit |
KMD | Kirchenmusikdirektor | |
KMU | Kleine und Mittlere Unternehmen | |
KNF | Konjunktive Normalform (Logik) | |
KNI | Katmai New Instructions | |
KNMI | Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut | |
KNVB | Koninklijke Nederlandse Voetbal Bond (Niederländischer Fußballverband) | Organisation |
KO | Konkursordnung | |
KOALA | Konstanzer Ausleih- und Anfragesystem | |
KOP | Kontaktplan | |
KOZ | Kürzeste Operationszeit | |
KPA | Key Process Area | IT |
KPD | Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands | Politik |
KPdSU | Kommunistische Partei der Sowjetunion | Politik |
KQML | Knowlege Query and Manipulation Language | |
Kr | Nettokreditaufnahme | VWL |
KRINKO | Kommission für Krankenhaushygiene und Infektionsprävention | Organisation |
KRO | Katholieke Radio Omroep (Niederlande) | Medien |
KRP | Kostenrechnungspraxis | Zeitschrift |
KRS | Kernighan + Ritchie Standard | |
KRS | Knowledge Retrieval System | |
KS | Session Key | |
KSAM | Keyed Sequential Access Method | |
KSDS | Key-Sequenced Data Set (VSAM) | IT |
ksh | Korn SHell | |
KSK | Kommando Spezialkräfte | |
KSR | Keyboard Send Receive | |
KSS | Kommunikations System Studie | |
KStDV | Körperschaftsteuerdurchführungsverordnung | |
KStG | Körperschaftsteuergesetz | |
KStR | Körperschaftsteuerrichtlinien | |
KSZE | Konferenz über Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa | Organisation |
KT | Kommunikationstechnik | |
KTA | Korean Telecommunication Authority | |
KtK | Kommission für den Ausbau des technischen Kommunikationssystems | |
KTW | Krankentransportwagen | |
KU | Unit Key | |
KUNO | Kriminalitätsbekämpfung im unbaren Zahlungsverkehr durch Nutzung nichtpolizeilicher Organisationen | |
KUUG | Karlsruher UNIX User Group | |
KV | Kabelverzweiger | |
KV | Karnaugh Veitch | |
KV | Karnaugh-Veitch (Logik) | |
kV | Kilovolt (Maßeinheit: elektrische Spannung) | Maßeinheit |
KV | Köchelverzeichnis (Werkverzeichnis Mozarts) | Musik |
KVB | Kölner Verkehrsbetriebe | Unternehmen |
KVP | Kontinuierlicher Verbesserungsprozess (Diagramm) | |
KVStG | Kapitalverkehrsteuergesetz | |
kW | Kilowatt (Maßeinheit: Leistung) | Maßeinheit |
KW | Kurzwahl | |
KW | Kurzwelle | |
KW | Kurzwort | |
KWG | Kreditwesengesetz | |
KWIPS | Kilo Whetstones Per Second | |
KZ | Konzentrationslager | |
KZU | Kennzeichenumsetzer | |
L |
l | Liter | Maßeinheit |
l | Lohnsatz | VWL |
L | Luxemburg | Autokennzeichen |
L2F | Layer 2 Forwarding | IT |
L2TF | Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol | IT |
L2TP | Layer 2 Tunelling Protocol | IT |
LA | LAN Analyzer | |
LA | Location Area | |
LAA | Locally Administered Address | |
LAB | Logic Array Block | |
LAC | L2TP Access Concentrator | IT |
LAC | Location Area Code | TK |
LAD | Leistungsanschlusseinheit, digital | |
LADDR | Layered Device Driver Architecture | |
LADE | Language Definition Environment | |
LAG | Lastenausgleichsgesetz | |
LAI | LAN Automatic Inventory | |
LAI | Location Area Identity | |
LALL | Longest Allowed Lobe Length | |
LAM | Lobe Attachment Unit | |
LAME | LAME ain't an MP3 Encoder | |
LAMP | Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP | |
LAN | Local Area Network | IT |
LANE | LAN Emulation | |
LANE | LAN Emulation/Emulator | |
LANL | Los Alamos National Laboratory | |
LAP | Link Access Protocol | |
LAP | Link Access Protocol/Procedure | |
LAPB | Link Access Procedure for Balanced Mode | |
LAPB | Link Access Procedure, Balanced | |
LAPD | Link Access Procedure for the D Channel | |
LAPM | Link Access Procedure for Modems | |
LAPM | Link Access Procedure for Modems Protokoll | |
LAPM | Link Access Protocol for Modems | |
LAPS | LAN Adapter and Protocol Support | |
LAR | Load Access Right (IBM) | IT |
Laser | Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation | |
LASIC | Laser Application Specific Integrated Circuit | |
LAST | Local Area Storage Transport | |
LAT | Local Area Transport (DEC) | IT |
LATA | Local Access and Transport Area (DEC) | IT |
LAU | Lobe Access Unit | |
LAVC | Local Area VAX Cluster | |
LAWN | Local Area Wireless Network | |
LBA | Linear Beschränkter Automat | IT |
LBA | Logical Block Addressing | IT |
LBB | Logic Building Block | IT |
LBC | Local Bus Controller | IT |
LBM | Local Bus Master | IT |
LBS | Landesbausparkasse | Unternehmen |
LBT | Listen Before Talk | |
LBT | Local Bus Target | |
LBV | Leistungsbedarfsvorhersage | |
LBX | Low Bandwidth X | |
LC | Live Camera | |
LCA | Logic Cell Array | IT |
LCA | Losely Coupled Architecture | |
LCCM | LAN Client Control Manager | |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Device/Display | |
LCD | Liquid Crystal Display | |
LCF | LAN Configuration Facility | |
LCF | Lightweight Client Framework | |
LCG | Linear Congruent Generator | |
LCHU | Low Cost Home User | |
LCI | Logical Channel Indentifier | |
LCM | LEAF Creation Method | |
LCN | Logical Channel Number | |
LCOM | Lack of Cohesion in Methods | |
LCOS | Liquid Crystal On Silicon | |
LCP | Link Control Protocol | IT |
LCR | Least Cost Router (Internet, PPP) | IT |
LCRD | Low Cost Removable Drive | |
LCS | Linux Compatibility Standard | |
LCS | Liquid Crystal Shutter | |
LCU | Last Cluster Used | |
LD | Low Delay | |
LDA | Local Delivery Agent | |
LDA | Logical Device Address | |
LDAP | Lightweight Directory Access Protocol | IT |
LDAPD | LDAP Daemon | |
LDCM | LAN Desk Client Manager | |
LDD | Lightly Doped Drain (Intel) | IT |
LDF | Linear Display File | |
LDIF | LDAP Data Interchange Format | |
LDIF | Lightweight Directory Interchange Format | |
LDLN | Long Distance Learning Network | |
LDM | Long Distance Modem | |
LDP | Linux Documentation Project | |
LDR | Light Dependent Resistor | |
LDS | Landesamt für Datenverarbeitung und Statistik | |
LDSG | Landesdatenschutzgesetz | Recht |
LDSL | Low bit rate Digital Subscriber Line | |
LDT | Lightning Data Transfer | |
LDT | Local Descriptor Table | |
LDTR | Load Descriptor Table Register | |
LDTRC | Load Descriptor Table Register Cache | |
LDTV | Limited Definition Television | |
LE | Leistungseinheit | |
LE | Link Encapsulation | |
LEAF | Law Enforcement Access Field | |
LEARP | LAN Emulation Address Resolution Protocol | |
LEC | LAN Emulation Client | |
LECS | LAN Emulation Client/Configuration Server/Service | |
LECS | LAN Emulation Configuration Server | |
LED | Light Emitting Diode | |
LEDA | Library of Efficient Data types and Algorithms | |
LEF | Library Exchange Format | |
LEL | Link Embedded and Launch-to-edit | |
LEM | Language Extension Module | |
LEMP | Lightning Electromagnetic Pulse | |
LEN | Low Entry Networking/Node | |
LEO | Link Everything Online | |
LEO | Low Earth Orbit/Orbiting | |
LEP | Light Emitting Polymer | |
LER | Label Edge Router | |
LER | Light Emitting Resistor | |
LES | LAN Emulation Server | |
LES | Land-Erdfunkstelle | |
Lex | lexical analyser | |
LF | Line Feed | |
LF | Login Facility | |
LF | Low Frequency | |
LFD | Large Format Display | IT |
lfd. | laufend | |
LFF | Large Form Factor | |
LFI | Last File Indicator | |
LFK | Landesanstalt für Kommunikation | Behörde |
LFN | Long File Names | IT |
LFO | Low Frequency Oscillator | |
LFP | Large Format Printing | |
LFS | Large File Support | |
LFS | Local File System | |
LFSA | List of Frequently Seen Acronyms | |
LFSR | Linear Feedback Shift Register | |
LFU | Least Frequently Used | |
LFV | Logical File Viewer | |
LG | Landgericht | |
LGA | Low Gain Antenna | |
LGBT | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender | |
LGN | Logical Group Node | |
LGPL | Library General Public License (GNU) | IT |
LH | Link Header | |
LHC | Large Hadron Collider (Großer Hadronen-Speicherring) | |
LHM | Ladehilfsmittel | BWL |
LHO | Landeshaushaltsordnung | |
LIBOR | London Interbank Offered Rate | |
LIC | Logical Link Control | |
LICS | Lotus International Character Set | |
LID | Logical Input Device | |
LIDAR | Light Detection and Ranging | |
LIDE | LED Indirect Exposure | |
LIEP | Large Internet Exchange Packet | |
LIF | Low Insertion Force (Novell) | IT |
Liffe | London International Financial Futures and Options Exchange (Finanzmarkt) | |
LIFO | Last in - first out | |
LIFO | Last In, First Out | |
LIFO | Last-In First-Out (Speicher) | |
LILO | Last In, Last Out | |
LILO | Last-In Last-Out (Speicher) | |
LILO | LInux LOader | |
LILO | LInux-bootLOader | |
LIM | Light Intensity Modulation | |
LIM | Load Information Manager | |
LIM | Lotus, Intel, Microsoft | |
LIM | Lotus-Intel-Microsoft | |
LIMDOW | Laser Intensity Modulation Direct Overwrite (Expanded-Memory-Spezifikation) | |
LIMS | Laboratory/Library Information Management System | |
Linux | Linus' Unix | |
LIP | Large Internet Packet | |
LIP | Line Interconnection Point | |
LIPS | Logical Inferences per Second | |
LIPX | Large Internet Packet Exchange | |
LIRA | Literature Retrieval Agent | |
LIS | Logical IP Subnet | |
LIS | Logical IP Subnetwork | |
LISP | List Processing | |
LISP | LISt Processing language (Programmiersprache) | |
LISP | LISt Processor (Listenverarbeiter, Programmiersprache) | IT |
LISP | Lots of Irritating Superfluous Parentheses | |
LITA | Library and Information Technology Association | |
LITI | Laser Induced Thermal Imaging | IT |
LITTA | Latvian Information Technology and Telecommunications Association | |
LIVE | Linux Verband | |
LJR | Landesjugendring | Organisation |
LK | Linienkoppler | |
LKA | Landeskriminalamt | Behörde |
LKM | Loadable Kernel Modul | |
LKS | Loadable Kernel Server | |
LL | Leased Line | |
LL | Local Loopback | |
LLA | Link Level Access | |
LLC | Limited Liability Company (US-amerikanische Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung) | Recht |
LLC | Loadline Calibration | IT |
LLC | Logical Link Control (IEEE 802) | IT |
LLC2 | Logical Link Control Class 2 | |
LLDP | Link Layer Discovery Protocol | IT |
LLF | Low Level Format | |
LLNL | Lawrence Livermoore National Laboratories | |
LLP | Link Layer Protocol | |
LLTA | Lots and Lots of Thundering Applause | |
LMAO | Laughing my ass off (Ich lach mir den Arsch ab) | Usenet |
LMAP | Lightweight Mail Access Protocol | IT |
LMBCS | Lotus Multibyte Character Set | |
LMDS | Local Multipoint Distribution Services (Funktechnik) | |
LME | Layer Management Entity | |
lmi | leistungsmengeninduziert | |
LMI | Local Management Interface | |
lmn | leistungsmengenneutral | |
LMP | Link Management Protocol | |
LMS | Laser Magnetic Storage | |
LMS | License Management Service | |
LMSC | LAN/MAN Standards Committee (OSF) | IT |
LMU | Logical Network Management Unit (IEEE) | IT |
LN | Logical Network | |
LNB | Low Noise Block Converter | |
LNC | Low Noise Converter | |
LNG | Liquified Natural Gas | |
LNNI | LAN emulation Network to Network Interface | |
LNP | Local Network Protocol | |
LNS | L2TP Network Server | |
LOB | Large Object | |
LOC | Lines Of Code | |
LOC | Loop On-Line Control | |
LOCIS | Library Of Congress Information System | |
LOD | Level Of Detail | |
LOF | List Of Figures | |
LOF | Loss of Frame | |
LOFO | Lowest in - first out | |
LOL | Laughing Out Loud (Laut lachend) | Usenet |
LOL | Lots Of Luck (Viel Glück) | Usenet |
LON | Local Operating Network | IT |
LONG BUD | Lightweight Open Naming with Global Bearing Using Directory | |
LOP | Logikplan | |
LOP | Loss of Pointer | IT |
LORE | Line Oriented Editor | |
LOS | Line of Sight | |
LOS | Loss of Signal | |
LOT | List Of Tables | |
LOWFER | Low Frequency Experimental Radio | |
LP | Line Printer | |
LP | Logical Partition | |
LP | Low Power/Profile | |
LPB | Local Peripheral Bus | |
LPC | Linear Predictive Coding | |
LPC | Local Procedure Call | |
LPC | Low Pin Count | |
LPCM | Linear Pulse Code Modulation | |
LPD | Landespostdirektion | Behörde |
LPD | Line Printer Daemon | |
LPD | Low Power Device | IT |
LPG | Landespressegesetz | Recht |
LPG | Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft | |
LPG | Langperiodisches Gitter | |
LPG | Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Flüssiggas (Autogas)) | |
lpi | lines per inch | |
LPI | Lower Prediction Interval | |
LPL | Lotus Programming Language | |
lpm | lines per minute | |
LPN | Logical Page Number | |
LPO | Logical Post Office | |
LPP | Licensed Program Product | |
LPQ | Line Printer Queue | |
LPR | Line Printer Remote | |
LPRS | Low Power Radio Service | |
LPS | Labeled Switch Path | |
lps | lines per second | |
LPS | Low Power Schottky | |
LPT | Line Printer (Semiconductor) | |
LQ | Letter Quality | |
LQM | Link Quality Monitoring | |
LQR | Link Quality Report | |
LRC | Local Register Cache | |
LRC | Longitudinal Redundancy Check | |
LRE | Limited Regular Expression | |
LRI | Least Recently Loaded | |
LRPC | Lightweight Remote Procedure Call | |
LRU | Last Recently Used | |
LRU | Least Recently Used (Cache/Paging-Algorithmus) | IT |
LRU | Lowest Replaceable Unit | |
LRZ | Leibniz-Rechenzentrum München | |
LSA | Line Sharing Adapter | |
LSA | Link State Algorithm/Advertisement | |
LSA | Local Security Authority | |
LSA | lötfrei, schraubfrei, abisolierfrei | |
LSAP | Link Service Access Point | IT |
LSB | Least Significant Bit | IT |
LSB | Linux Standard Base | |
LSB | Lower Side Band | |
LSC | Least Significant Character | IT |
LSD | Least Significant Digit | IT |
LSD | Lysergsäurediethylamid | Chemie |
LSEL | Link Selector | |
LSF | Lichtschutzfaktor | |
LSF | Load Sharing Facility | |
LSF | Log Structured File | |
LSI | Large Scale Integration (Elektrotechnik) | IT |
LSID | Local Session Identifier | |
LSM | Linux Software Map | |
LSO | Landing Signal Officer (Landesignaloffizier) | |
LSO | Linux Standards Organization | Organisation |
LSO | Local Shared Objects | IT |
LSP | Leitsätze für die Preisermittlung auf Grund der Selbstkosten bei Leistungen für öffentliche Auftraggeber | |
LSP | Lightweight Submission Protocol | |
LSP | Link State Packet/PDU | |
LST | Linux Support Team | |
LStDV | Lohnsteuer-Durchführungsverordnung | Recht |
LStR | Lohnsteuerrichtlinien | Recht |
LSX | Lotus Script Extensions | |
LSZH | Low Smoke Zero Halogen | |
LT | Lease Time | |
LT | Line Termination | |
LT | Link Trailer | |
LT | Lower Test | |
lt. | laut | |
LTCCLow | Temperature Cofired Ceramic | |
Ltd. | Limited (Limited liability (beschränkte Haftung)) | Recht |
LTE | Lichttechnische Einrichtungen | |
LTE | Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium | Physik |
LTE | Long Term Evolution | TK |
LTI | Laser Thermal Imaging | |
LTO | Linear Tape Open | |
LTP | Linux Test Project | IT |
LTPS | Low Temperature Poly Silicium | |
LTS | Last Time Shipment | |
LTS | Lasttrennschalter | |
LTS | Long Term Support | IT |
LTU | Lufttransport-Unternehmen Düsseldorf | Unternehmen |
LU | Logical Unit | |
LUB | Least Upper Bound | |
LUF | Lowest Usable Frequency | |
LUG | Local User Group | |
LUN | Logical Unit Number | |
LUNI | LAN Emulation User Network Interface | IT |
LüP | Länge über Puffer | Bahn |
LUT | Local User Terminal | |
LUT | Look Up Table | |
LUUG | Lunar UNIX Users Group | |
LV | Logical Volume | |
LVA | Landesversicherungsanstalt | Organisation |
LVD | Low Voltage Differential | IT |
LVDS | Low Voltage Differential Signaling | IT |
LVM | Logical Volume Manager | IT |
LVN | Landesverwaltungsnetz Baden-Württemberg | |
LVTTL | Low Voltage Transistor Transistor Logic | |
LW | Langwelle | |
LW | Laufwerk | IT |
LW | Long Wave | |
LW | Long Wire Antenna | |
LWD/MO | Lead Writing Device/Manual Option | |
LWL | Lichtwellenleiter | |
LWL | Long Wave Laser | |
LWP | Lightweight Process | |
LWS | Landeswohnungs- und Städtebaugesellschaft | |
LWX | LAN WAN Exchange | IT |
LZB | Landeszentralbank | |
LZW | Lempel, Ziv, Welch | |
M |
M | Geldmenge | VWL |
m.E. | meines Erachtens | |
m.W. | meines Wissens | |
M2FM | Modified Double Frequency Modulation | |
M4IF | MPEG-4 Industry Forum | |
MA | Management Agent | |
MAB | Maschinelles Austauschformat für Bibliotheken | |
MAC | Machine Aided Cognition | |
MAC | Mandatory/Medium/Media/Memory Access Control/Controller, | |
MAC | Media Access Control (IEEE 802) | IT |
MAC | Membership Advisory Committee | |
MAC | Message Authentication Code | |
MAC | Multi Access Computer | |
MAC | Multiply Accumulator Unit | |
MACP | Motion Adaptive Color Plus | |
MACS | Mixed Aloha Carrier Sense | |
MACS | Modem Access Control System | |
MACUL | Michigan Association of Computer Users in Learning | |
MAD | Militärischer Abschirmdienst | Behörde |
MADCAP | Multicast Address Dynamic Client Allocation Protocol | |
MAE | Macintosh Application Environment | |
Mailbox | Elektronischer Briefkasten | |
MAJC | Micro Architecture for Java Computing | |
MAJC | Microprocessor Architecture for Java Computing (gesprochen magic) | |
MAMR | Microwave Assisted Magnetic Recording | IT |
MAN | Manchester | |
MAN | Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Nürnberg | Unternehmen |
MAN | Metropolitan Area Network (Coding) | |
MANIAC | Mathematical Analyzer Numerical Integrator And Computer | |
MAP | Maintenance Analysis Procedure | |
MAP | Management Access Protocol | |
MAP | Manufacturing Automation Protocol | |
MAP | Manufacturing Package | |
MAP | Message Access Protocol | |
MAP | Mobile Application Part | |
MAP/TOP | MAP Technical Office Protocol | |
MAPI | Machinery Allied Products Institute | BWL |
MAPI | Mail API | |
MAPI | Mail/Message/Messaging Application Programmer/Programming Interface | |
MAPI | Messaging Application Programming Interface | IT |
MAPICS | Manufacturing, Accounting and Production Information Control System | |
MAPS | Multidisciplinary Associaton for Psycodelic Studies | Organisation |
MAR | Memory Address Register (IBM) | IT |
MARBI | Machine-Readable Bibliographic Information Committee | Organisation |
MARC | Machine-Readable Cataloging | |
MarkenG | Markengesetz | Recht |
MARS | Message Archiving and Retrieval Service | |
MARS | Multicast Address Resolution Server | IT |
Mars_NWE | Martin Stovers Netware Emulator | |
MAS | Maschinenausleihstation | |
MASE | Message Administration Service Element | |
MASFET | Metal-Alumina Silicon Field Effect Transistor | |
MASM | Macro Assembler | |
MAU | Medium Attachment Unit | IT |
MAU | Multistation Access Unit | IT |
MAVT | Mobile Audio Visual Terminal | |
MAZ | Magnetbildaufzeichnung | |
MB | Megabyte | IT |
MBCS | MultiByte Character Set | IT |
MBFT | Multipoint Binary File Transfer | IT |
MBONE | Multicast Backbone | IT |
Mbps | Megabits/bytes per second (Millionen Bits Pro Sekunde) | IT |
MBR | Master Boot Record | IT |
MBR | Master of Business Research | |
MBR | Membranbelebungsreaktor | |
MBR | Memory Buffer Register | IT |
MBS | Maximum Burst Size | |
MBS | Mobile Broadband System | |
MBX | Mailbox | IT |
MC | Miniature Card | |
MC | Motion Compensation | |
MC | Moving coil | |
MC | Multi Carrier/Cast | |
MCA | Micro Channel Architecture (Bus-System) | IT |
MCA | Mission Critical Application (IBM) | IT |
MCA | Motion Capture and Analysis | |
MCA | Multiprocessor Communication Adapter | |
MCB | Memory Control Block | |
MCBSP | Multi Channel Buffered Serial Port | |
MCC | Memory Cache Controller | |
MCC | Mobile Country Code | TK |
MCCOI | Multimedia Communications Community of Interest | Organisation |
MCD | Mad Cow Disease | |
MCD | Mini Client Driver | IT |
MCD | Minimale Cerebrale Dysfunktion (siehe ADHS) | Medizin |
MCDA | Micro Channel Developers Association | Organisation |
MCF | Meta Content Format | IT |
MCF | Meta Content Framework | IT |
MCGA | Memory Controller Gate Array | |
MCGA | Multi Colour Graphics Adaptor/Array | |
MCH | Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin | Medizin |
MCH | Memory Controller Hub | IT |
MCI | Media Control Interface | |
MCI | Multi-port Communications Interface | |
MCID | Malicious Call Identification | TK |
MCIS | Microsoft Commercial Internet System | IT |
MCM | Media and Communication Management | |
MCM | Multi Chip Modul | |
MCM | Multi-Carrier Module | |
MCNS | Multimedia Cable Network System | |
MCP | Macintosh Coprocessor Platform | |
MCP | Master Control Programm | |
MCP | Media and Communication Processor | IT |
MCP | Methylcyclopentan | |
MCP | Metoclopramid | Medizin |
MCP | Microsoft Certified Professional | |
MCP | Multi Chip Package | IT |
MCP | Multimedia Car Platform | IT |
MCR | Minimal Cell Rate | |
MCS | Mission Critical Server | |
MCS | Multicast Server | |
MCS | Multipoint Communication Services | |
MCSE | Microsoft Certified System Engineer | IT |
MCT | MOS Controlled Thyristor | |
MCU | Memory/Micro/Multipoint/Module Control Unit | |
MCU | MicroController Unit | |
MCU | Minimum Coded Unit | |
MCU | Multi Chip Unit | |
MCU | Multipoint Conferencing Unit | |
MD | Mediation Device | |
MD | Message Digest | |
MD5 | Message Digest 5 | |
MDA | Mail Delivery Agent | |
MDA | Mediated Digest Authentication | |
MDA | Monochrome Display Adapter | |
MdB | Mitglied des Bundestags | |
MDBMS | Multidimensional DBMS | |
MDBS | Mobile Data Base Station | |
MDC | Manipulation Detecting Code | |
MDE | Maschinendatenerfassung | |
MDEC | Motion | |
MDG | Minimum Delay Generator (Elektrotechnik) | |
MDH | Multimedia Data Handling | |
MDI | Medium Dependent Interface | |
MDI | Multiple Document Interface | |
MDIS | Mobile Data Intermediate System | |
MDK | Manisch-depressive Krankheit | Medizin |
MDK | Medizinischer Dienst der Krankenversicherung | Organisation |
MDK | Multimedia Development Kit | IT |
MdL | Mitglied des Landtags | |
MDMA | Methylendioxymethylamphetamin | Medizin |
MDN | Message Disposition Notification (Microsoft) | IT |
MDNS | Managed Data Network Service | |
MDR | Mini-Delta Ribbon | |
MDR | Minimum Design Requirement | |
MDRGN | Multidrug-Resistant Gram-Negative Bacteria (Multiresistente Gramnegative Bakterien) | Medizin |
MDS | Multiple Data Stream | |
MDSE | Message Delivery Service Element | |
MDSL | Medium bit rate Digital Subscriber Line | |
MDSL | Multirate DSL | |
MDStV | Mediendienste-Staatsvertrag | Recht |
MDT | Mittlere Datentechnik | |
MDT | Mobile Data Terminal | |
MDY | Month Day Year | |
ME | Mengeneinheit | |
ME | Mutation Engine | |
MEB | Memory Expansion Board | |
MECN | Mobile Extended Corporate Network | |
MEDEA | Micro-Electronics Development for European Applications | |
MEMS | Micro-Electrical-Mechanical Systems | |
MENA | Middle East News Agency | Organisation |
MEO | Medium Earth Orbit | |
MERIT | Michigan Education Research Insruction Triad | |
MES | Mobile End System | |
MESI | Modified Exclusive Shared Invalid | IT |
MESZ | Mitteleuropäische Sommerzeit | |
MET | Middle European Time (Cache-Protokoll für Multiprozessorumgebung, ab 486) | |
METAL | Machine and Translation of Natural Language | |
MEZ | Mitteleuropäische Zeit | |
MF | Marinefunker | |
MF | Multifunktion | IT |
MFA | Medizinischer Fachangestellter (Arzthelfer) | |
MFA | Mikrocomputer für Ausbildung | IT |
MFA | Mikrofilmarchiv der deutschsprachigen Presse | |
MFA | Modulare Führerraumanzeige | |
MFA | Multi-Factor Authentication | IT |
MFC | Microsoft Foundation Classes | |
MFC | Multifunktionale Chipkarte | |
MFFS | Microsoft Flash File System | |
MfG | Mit freundlichem Gruß, Mit freundlichen Grüßen | |
MFI | Metafile Input | |
MFIA | Magtape Formatter Interface Adapter | |
MFLOP | Million Floating Point Operations | |
MFLOPS | Millions of Floating Point Operations per Second | IT |
MFM | Modified Frequency Modulation (MegaFlops) | |
MFO | Metafile Output (Festplatten Aufzeichnugsverfahren) | |
MFP | Multifunction Peripheral | |
MFPA | Multi Function Peripheral Association | |
MFS | Maximum Frame Size | IT |
MfS | Ministerium für Staatssicherheit | Behörde |
MfS | Mitteilungen für Seefunkstellen | |
MFT | Master File Table | IT |
MFT | Multi-Programming with a Fixed number of Tasks | |
MFTL | My Favorite Toy Language | |
MFTP | Multicast File Transfer Protocol | |
MFV | Mehrfrequenz-Wahlverfahren | |
MGA | MehrGeäteAnschluss | TK |
MGA | Monochrome/Multimode Graphic Adapter | |
MGCP | Media Gateway Control Protocol | |
MGR | Multi Gigabit Router | |
MH | Modified Huffman | |
MHEG | Multimedia and Hypermedia Expert Group (Compression) | |
MHF | Message Handling Facility | |
MHL | Mobile High Definition Link | IT |
MHOTY | My Hat's Off To You | |
MHP | Multimedia Home Platform | IT |
MHS | Mail Hub System | |
MHS | Message Handling System | |
MHTML | MIME Encapsulation of Aggregate Documents | |
MHz | Megahertz | |
MI | Mode Indicate | |
MIB | Management Information Base | IT |
MIB | Melde- und Informationssystem in der Binnenschifffahrt | |
MIC | Machine Identification Code | IT |
MIC | Macro Interpretative Command | IT |
MIC | Media Interface Connector | IT |
MIC | Memory In Cassette | IT |
MIC | Message Integrity Check | IT |
MIC | Mode Indicate Common | IT |
MIC | Multimedia Interactive Control | IT |
MICA | Modem ISDN Channel Aggregation | TK |
MICE | Multimedia Integrated Conferencing for European Researchers | |
MICR | Magnetic Ink Character Recognition | |
MID | Maritime Identification Digit | |
MID | Message Identifier | |
MIDI | Musical Instrument Digital Interface (Digitale Schnittstelle für Musikinstrumente) | IT |
MIDP | Mobile Information Device Profile | IT |
MIF | Maker Interchange Format | IT |
MIF | Management Information Format | IT |
MIFD | Management Information Format Database | IT |
MIH | Molar-incisor hypomineralization (Molaren-Inzisiven-Hypomineralisation) | Medizin |
MIHMA | Model-based Integration Heterogeneous Multimedia Archives | |
MII | Media Independent Interface | |
MIL | Machine Interface Layer | |
mil | military | |
MILNET | Military Network (USA) | |
MIM | Metall-Isolator-Metall | |
MIMD | Multiple Instruction Multiple Data | IT |
MIME | Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension | |
MIMO | Multiple Input Multiple Output | IT |
MINT | Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik | |
MIP | Maximum Integration Phone | |
MIPS | Million Instructions per Second | |
MIS | Management Information System | |
MIS | Metal Insulator Semiconductor | |
MISD | Multiple Instruction Single Data | IT |
MIS-FET | Metall-Insulator-Semiconductor Feldeffekt-Transistor | |
MIT | Management Information Tree | |
MIT | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | Organisation |
MitbestG | Mitbestimmungsgesetz | |
MITS | Model Instrumentation Telemetry System | |
MIX | Member Information Exchange | |
MJ | Major Descriptor | |
MJ | Modular Jack | |
M-JPEG | Motion JPEG | |
MKS | Maul- und Klauenseuche (Tiererkrankung) | Medizin |
MKT | Multifunktionales KartenTerminal | |
ML | Machine Language | |
MLA | My Local Address | |
MLAA | Morphological Antialiasing | IT |
MLC | Multi Level Cells | IT |
MLD | Multicast Listener Discovery | |
MLE | Millenium Language Extension | |
MLI | Multiple Link Interface | |
MLIS | Multilingual Information Society | |
MLM | Mailing List Manager | |
MLP | Meridian Lossless Packaging | |
MLP | Message/Multilayer Link Protocol | |
MLPD | Marxistisch Leninistische Partei Deutschlands | Politik |
MLPPP | Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol | IT |
ML-PPP | MultiLink PPP | |
MLR | Multi-Channel Linear Recording | |
MLS | Magyar Labdarúgó Szövetség (Ungarischer Fußballverband) | Organisation |
MLS | Major League Soccer (Nordamerikanische Fußballprofiliga) | Organisation |
MLS | Multi Level Security | |
MLS | Multiple Link Support | |
MLT | Multi-Level Transition/Transmission | |
MM | Manager Magazin | |
MM | Maschinenlesbares Merkmal | |
MM | Mitarbeitermonate | |
MM | Mobility Management | |
MM | Moving Magnet | |
MM | Multiple Master | |
MMA | Mobile Marketing Association | Organisation |
MMA | Multi-Megabit-Anpassung | |
MMAC | Multi Media Access Center | |
MMAP | Multi Media Access Profile | |
MMC | Man Machine Communication | |
MMC | Matched Memory Cycle | |
MMC | Mobile Module Connector | |
MMC | Multi Media Card/Commands | |
MMC | MultiMedia Card | |
MMCD | Multimedia Compact Disc | |
MMDF | Multi-channel Memo Distributing Facility | |
MMDF | Multi-Channel Memorandum Distribution Facility | |
MME | Multi Media Extensions | |
MMF | Mail Message File | |
MMF | Make Money Fast | |
MMF | Multi-Mode Fiber | |
MMI | Man Machine Interface | |
MMIC | Monolithic Microwave Integrated Circuit | |
MMIS | Materials Manager Information System | |
MMJ | Modified Modular Jack | |
MMK | Multimediale Kommunikation | |
MML | Man Machine Language | |
MMM | Memory Mapper Modul | |
MMM | Multi Media Mediocrity | |
MMORPG | Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game (Massen-Mehrspieler-Online-Rollenspiel) | IT |
MMP | Massive Multi Processing | |
MMPM | Multi Media Presentation Manager | |
MMR | Modified Modified Read | |
MMS | Manufacturing Message Service | |
MMS | Multimedia Survey | |
MMSI | Maritime Mobile Service Identity | |
mMTC | Massive Machine Type Communications | TK |
MMTCA | Multimedia Toolbox for Cooperative Applications | |
MMU | Memory Management Unit | IT |
MMVF | MultiMedia Video Format | |
MMX | Multi Media Extensions | |
MMX | MultiMedia eXtension | |
MN | Minor Descriptor | |
MNC | Mobile Network Code | TK |
MNIT | Mobile Networks Integration Technology | |
MNOSFET | Metal-Nitride-Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor | |
MNP | Microcom Networking Protocol | |
MNP | Mirocom Network Protocol | |
MNP | Multiple Networking Program | |
MNRE | Manual Not Read Error | |
MO | Magneto-Optical | IT |
MO | Mobile Originated (Disk) | |
MOAH | Mineral Oil Aromatic Hydrocarbons | Chemie |
MobIS | Modellierung betriebliche Informationssysteme | |
MOD | Magneto-Optical Disk (Message) | IT |
MODEM | Modulator/Demodulator | |
MOF | Managed Object Format | |
MOH | Music On Hold | |
MOHLL | Machine Oriented High Level Language | |
MOLAP | Multidimensional Online Analytical Processing | |
MOLI | Microsoft Online Institute | |
MOLP | Microsoft Open License Pak | |
MoM | Map oriented Machine | |
MOM | Message-Oriented Middleware | |
MOO | MUD Object Oriented | |
MOP | Maintenance Operation Protocol | |
MOP | Multiple Original Prints (DEC) | IT |
MoPL | Map oriented Programming Language | |
MOPS | Million Operations Per Second | |
MOROP | Union Européenne des Modélistes Ferroviaires et des Amis des Chemin de Fer (Verband der Modelleisenbahner und Eisenbahnfreunde Europas) | Organisation |
MOS | Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
MOSFET | Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor | |
MOSH | Mineral Oil Saturated Hydrocarbons | Chemie |
MOSIX | Multicomputer Operating System for UNIX | |
MOSPF | Multicast Open Shortest Path First | |
MOSS | MIME Object Security Services | |
MOSY | Managed Object SYntax-compiler | |
MOT | Multimedia Object Transfer | IT |
MOTAS | Member Of The Appropriate Sex | |
MOTIS | Message Oriented Text Interchange System | IT |
MOTW | Mark of the Web | IT |
MoU | Memorandum Of Understanding | |
MOV | Metal Oxide Varistor | |
MP | Magic Packet | |
MP | Multilink Protocol | |
MP | Multiprocessing | |
MP | MultiProcessor | |
MP/CS | Manufacturing Planning and Control System | |
MP3 | MPEG audio layer 3 | |
MPA | Minimum Perceptable Action | |
MPAA | Motion Picture Academy of America (USA) | Organisation |
MPBetreibV | Medizinprodukte-Betreiberverordung | Recht |
MPC | Microsoft Certified Professional | |
MPC | Multimedia PC | |
MPDU | Message Protocol Data Unit | |
MPE | Maximum Permissible Exposition | |
MPE | Multiprogramming Executive | |
MPEG | Moving Pictures Experts Group | Organisation |
MPF | Mapping Field | |
MPG | Manöverpatronengerät | |
MPG | Max-Planck-Gesellschaft | Organisation |
MPG | Medizinproduktegesetz | Recht |
mpg | miles per gallon | |
MPI | Message Passing Interface | |
MPI | Multi-Protocol Interchange | |
MPL | Mozilla Public License | |
MPLS | Multi Protocol Label Switching | |
MPM | Metra Potential Method | |
MPMLQ | Multipulse Maximum Likelihood Quantization | |
MPOA | Multiprotocol Over ATM | |
MPP | Massively Parallel Processing/Processor | |
MPP | Massively Parallel Processor | |
MPP | Message Posting/Processing Program/Protocol | |
MPPDA | Motion Picture Producers and Distributors of America | Organisation |
MPPP | Multilink Point-to-Point Protocol | IT |
MPR | Multipart Repeater (Schweden) | |
MPR | Multi-Protocol Router | |
MPSL | Multi Protocol Label Switching | |
MPSV | Medizinprodukt-Sicherheitsplanverordnung | Recht |
MPT | Memory Protocol Translator | |
MPT | Ministry of Post and Telecommunications | Behörde |
MPTF | Multiple Protocol Transport Feature | |
MPTN | Multi-/Multiple Protocol Transport Network | |
MPTP | Micro Payment Transfer Protocol (IBM) | IT |
MPTS | Multiprotocol Transport Services | |
MPU | Medizinisch-Psychologische Untersuchung | |
MPU | Memory Protection Unit | IT |
MPU | Micro Processor Unit (IBM) | IT |
MPX | Multiplex | |
MQ | Message Queuing | |
MQE | Managed Query Environment | |
MQI | Messaging and Queuing Interface | |
MQTT | Message Queue Telemetry Transport | IT |
MR | magneto-resistiv | |
MR | Modified Read | IT |
MRAM | Magnetoresistive Random Access Memory | IT |
MRB | Method Request Broker | |
MRCC | Maritime Rescue Coordination Center | IT |
MRCF | Microsoft Realtime Compression Format | IT |
MRCI | Microsoft Realtime Compression Interface | IT |
MRGN | Multiresistente Gramnegative Bakterien | Medizin |
MRH | Memory Repeater Hub | IT |
MRJ | Macintosh Runtime for Java | |
MRM | Motif Resource Manager | |
MRM | Multi-Resolution-Mesh | |
mRNA | Messenger Ribonucleic Acid (Boten-Ribonukleinsäure) | Medizin |
MRO | Multi-Region Operation | |
MRP | Manufacturing Resource Planning | |
MRP | Material Requirement Planning | |
MRPII | Manufacturing Resurce Planning | |
MRPL | Main Ring Path Length | |
MRS | Media Recognition System | |
MRS | Microcontroller Readable Sector | |
MRSA | Multiresistente Staphylokokken | Medizin |
MR-SDSL | MultiRate SDSL | |
MRSE | Message Retrieval Service Element | |
MRSID | Multi Resolution Seamless Image Database | |
MRT | Magnetresonanztomographie | |
MRT | Mean Repair Time | |
MRT | Mess- und Regelungstechnik | |
MRT | Mobile Radio Terminal | |
MRT | Multi-Threaded Routing Toolkit | IT |
MRU | Maximum Receive Unit | |
MRX | MagnetoResistive eXtended | |
MS | Management Services | |
MS | Memory System | |
MS | Message Store | |
MS | Microsoft | Unternehmen |
MS | Microsoft Corporation | |
MS | Mobile Station | |
MS | Motorschiff | |
MS | Multiple Sklerose | Medizin |
MS | Multiplexer Section | |
MSA | Micro Signal Architecture | |
MSA | Mutual Security Agency | Organisation |
MSAA | Microsoft Active Accessibility | |
MSAIS | Multiplexer Section Alarm Indication Signal | |
MSAM | Microsoft Screen Access Model | |
MSAP | Message Store Access Protocol | |
MSAP | Minislotted Alternating Priorities | |
mSATA | Mini Serial Advanced Technology Attachment | IT |
MSAU | Multistation Access Unit | |
MSB | Most Significant Bit | IT |
MSC | Marine Stewardship Council | Organisation |
MSc | Master of Science | Titel |
MSC | Mobile services Switching Center | |
MSCDEX | Microsoft Compact Disk Extensions | |
MSCP | Mass Storage Control Protocol | |
MSCS | Microsoft Cluster Server | |
MSD | Mass Storage Device | |
MSD | Message Sequence Chart | |
MSD | Most Significant Digit | |
MSDL | Microsoft Download Library | |
MSDN | Microsoft Developer Network | |
MS-DOS | Microsoft Disk Operating System | |
MSDP | Multicast Source Discovery Protocol | |
MSDR | Multiplexed Streaming Data Request | |
MSDS | Microsoft Developer Support | |
MSDSL | Multirate SDSL | |
MSE | Microsoft Scripting Engine | |
MSFDC | Microsoft + First Data Corporation | |
MSFF | Master Slave Flipflop | |
MSG | Message | |
MSI | Maritime Safety Information | |
MSI | Medium Scale Integration (Elektrotechnik) | |
MSI | Message Signaled Interrupt | |
MSIL | MicroSoft Intermediate Language | |
MSISDN | Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digtital Network Number | TK |
MSK | Minimum Shift Keying | |
MSL | Map Specification Library | |
MSL | Master Symbol List | |
MSL | Mirrored Server Link | |
MSN | Microsoft Network | IT |
MSN | Multiple Subscriber Number | |
MSOH | Multiplexer Section Overhead | |
MSOPF | Multicast Open Shortest Path First | |
MSP | Message Security Protocol | |
MSP | Multiplexer Section Protection | |
MSR | Message Service Routine | |
MSR | Model Specific Register | |
MSRN | Mobile Station Roaming Number | |
MSS | MAN Switching System | |
MSS | Management Support System | |
MSS | Maximum Segment Size | |
MSSE | Message Submission Service Element | |
MSTE | Multiplexer Section Terminating Equipment | |
MSU | Mobile Stroke Unit | Medizin |
MSUD | Maple Syrup Urine Disease (Ahornsirupkrankheit) | Medizin |
MSW | Machine Status Word | |
MT | Mobile Terminated | |
MTA | Manteltarifvertrag für Angestellte | Recht |
MTA | Medizinisch-Technischer Assistent | |
MTA | Message Transfer Agent | IT |
MTA | Multi Threaded Apartment | IT |
MTA | Multimedia Terminal Adapter | IT |
MTA | Multiple Terminal Access | IT |
MTAE | Message Transfer Agent Entity | |
mTAN | Mobile Transaktionsnummer | |
MTBB | Mean Time Between Breakdowns | IT |
MTBDL | Mean Time Between Data Loss | IT |
MTBF | Mean Time Between Failure | IT |
MTBJ | Mean Time Between Jams | IT |
MTC | MIDI Time Code | IT |
MTDA | Mean Time Data Availability | IT |
MTF | Manual Transmission Fluid | |
MTF | Modulation Transfer Function (Modulationsübertragungsfunktion) | |
MTF | Move-To-Front | IT |
MTFBWY | May The Force Be With You | Usenet |
MTH | Memory Translator Hub | IT |
MTJ | Magnetic Tunnel Junction | |
MTL | Message Transfer Layer | |
MTLA | Medizinisch-technischer Laboratoriumsassistent | |
MTP | Media Transfer Protocol | IT |
MTRA | Medizinisch-technischer Radiologieassistent | |
MTRR | Memory Type Range Register (Internet) | IT |
MTS | Maschinen-Traktoren-Station | |
MTS | Message Transfer Service | |
MTS | Microsoft Transaction Server | |
MTS | Multichannel Television Sound | |
MTS | Multimedia Teleschool | |
MTSE | Message Transfer Service Element | IT |
MTTF | Mean Time To Failure | |
MTTR | Mean Time To Recover/Repair | |
MTU | Maximum Transmission Unit | |
MTUF | Magnetic Tape Unit Formatter | |
MTVO | Mineral- und Tafelwasser-Verordnung | Recht |
MUA | Mail User Agent | |
MUD | Multi/Multiple-User Dialogue/Dimension/Dungeon | |
MUD | Multi-User-Dungeon | |
MUeW | Monopolübertragungsweg | |
MUF | Maximal Usable Frequency | |
MUFF | Maus- und Fenster-Firlefanz | |
MUL | Mobile User Link | |
MULTICS | Multiplexed Information and Computing Service | |
MU-MIMO | Multi User Multiple Input Multiple Output | IT |
MUMPS | Massachusetts General Hospital Utility Multi-Programming System | |
MUNDI | Multiplexed Network for Distributive and Interactive Services | |
MUSH | Multi-User Shared Hallucinations | |
MUSICAM | Masking pattern adapted Universal Subband Integrated Coding And Multiplexing | |
MUX | Multiplexer | |
MVA | Multi-Domain Vertical Alignment (LCD-Display-Technik) | IT |
MVB | Multimedia Viewer Book (Screen) | IT |
MVC | Model View Controller | |
MVC | Multimedia Viewer Compiler | |
MVD | Multi Valued Dependency | |
MVDM | Multiple Virtual DOS Machines | IT |
MVGA | Monochrome Video Graphics Array | |
MVIP | Multi Vendor Integration/Interaction Protocol | |
MVS | Multiple Virtual Storage (IBM) | IT |
MVT | Multiprogramming with a Variable number of Tasks (IBM) | IT |
MW | Mittelwelle | |
MWD | Mehrwertdienst | |
MWM | Motif Window Manager | |
MWMR | Multiple Write, Multiple Read | |
MWN | Managed WAN Networks | |
MwSt | Mehrwertsteuer | Recht |
MX | Mail Exchanger | IT |
MXT | Memory eXpansion Technology (DNS-Record) | |
MyDP | Mobility DisplayPort | IT |
MYOB | Mind Your Own Business | |
N |
N | Nachfrage | VWL |
N | Norwegen | Autokennzeichen |
n.F. | neue Fassung | |
N.F. | Neue Folge | |
N.V. | Naamloze Vennootschap (Aktiengesellschaft Niederlande, Belgien) | Recht |
N/A | Not applicable, nicht zutreffend, nicht anwendbar | IT |
N/A | Not Assigned | IT |
N/C | No Connect | |
NA | Network Access | |
NAB | National Association of Broadcasters | |
NABU | Naturschutzbund | Organisation |
NAC | Network Analysis Corportion | IT |
NAC | Network Applications Consortium | |
NACD | National Association of Computer Dealers (USA) | |
NACS | National Advisory Committee on Semiconductors | |
NACS | NetWare Asynchronous Communication Server | |
NADF | North American Directory Forum | |
NAEC | Novell Authorized Education Center | |
NAFTA | North American Free Trade Agreement (Nordamerikanisches Freihandelsabkommen) | Organisation |
NAG | Numerical Algorithms Group, Oxford | |
NAIRU | Non-Accelerating Inflation Rate of Unemployment | VWL |
NAK | Not acknowledged (Nicht einverstanden) | Usenet |
NAL | Novell Application Launcher | |
NAM | Name and Address Module | IT |
NAM | Netware Application Manager | IT |
NAM | Number Assignment Module | |
NAMP | NetWare Asynchronous Messaging Protocol | |
NaN | Not a Number | |
NAND | not and | |
NANP | North American Numbering Plan | TK |
NANPA | North American Numbering Plan Administration | Organisation |
NAP | Network Access Point | IT |
NAS | National Academy of Sciences | Organisation |
NAS | Nautical Archaeology Society | Organisation |
NAS | Neonatales Abstinenzsyndrom | Medizin |
NAS | Network Access Server | IT |
NAS | Network Application Services | IT |
NAS | Network Application Support | IT |
NAS | Network Attached Storage | IT |
NAS | Normbasierte Austauschschnittstelle | IT |
NAS | Normenausschuss Schweißtechnik | Organisation |
NAS | Numerische Analogskala | |
NASA | National Aeronautics and Space Administration | Organisation |
NASI | NetWare Asynchronous Services Interface | IT |
NASK | Naukowa i Akademicka Siec Komputerowa | IT |
NAT | Network Address Translation | IT |
NaT | Not A Thing | |
NATAS | National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences | Medien |
NATO | North Atlantic Treaty Organization | Organisation |
NAU | Network Addressable Unit | |
NAVTEX | Navigational Warnings by Telex | |
NAX | Nachrichten auf Fax | |
NBC | National Broadcating Cooperation (USA) | Medien |
NBD | No big deal (Keine Ursache) | Usenet |
NBF | Netbios Frame | |
NBG | Networking Business Group (Transport Protocol) | IT |
NBMA | Non-Broadcast Multiple Access | |
NBP | Name Binding Protocol | IT |
NBP | Netbios Protocol | |
NBS | National Bureau of Standards | Organisation |
NBT | NetBIOS on TCP/IP (jetzt NIST) | |
NBTI | Negative-Bias TemperatureInstability | IT |
NC | Network Computer | |
NC | Network Control | |
NC | Newcastle Connection | |
NC | No Connection | |
NC | Norton Commander | |
NC | Numerical Control | BWL |
NCA | Network Communications Adapter | |
NCA | Network Computing Architecture | |
NCAM | National Center for Accessible Media | |
NCB | Net BIOS Control Block | |
NCC | National Computing Centre | |
NCC | Network Computer Client | |
NCC | Network Control Center | |
nCCNUMA | non-Cache-Coherent Non-Unified Memory Architecture | |
NCCUSL | National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws | |
NCD | Network Computing Devices Inc. | |
NCEG | Numerical C Extensions Group | |
NCGA | National Computer Graphics Association | |
NCI | Network Control Information | |
NCMT | Numerical Control for Machine Tools | |
NCN | New Century Network | |
NCNCNC | No Coffee, No Chocolate, No Computer | |
NCP | NetWare Core Protocol (Novell) | IT |
NCP | Network Control Program (bei PPP) | IT |
NCP | Network Control Protocol | |
NCP | Not Copy Protected | |
NCQ | Native Command Queuing | IT |
NCR | National Cash Register Co. (USA) | Organisation |
NCRV | Nederlandse Christelijke Radio-Vereeniging (Niederlande) | Medien |
NCS | NASI Connection Service | |
NCS | NetCentral Station | |
NCS | Network Computer Server | |
NCS | Network Computing System | |
NCSA | National Center for Supercomputing Applications | Organisation |
NCSA | NATO Communications and Information Systems Services Agency | Organisation |
NCSC | National Computer Security Center | |
NCSI | Network Communication Services Interface | IT |
NCSI | Network Connectivity Status Indicator | IT |
NCSL | National Computer System Laboratory | |
NCTA | National Cable and Telecommunications Association | Organisation |
ND | Natürliche Dummheit | Usenet |
NDAC | Not Data Accepted | IT |
NDC | National Destination Code | IT |
NDC | Normalized Device Coordinate | IT |
NDIS | Network Device Interface Specification | IT |
NDL | Network Database Language | IT |
NDM | Netzwerk-Datenmodell | |
NDM | Normal Disconnected Mode | |
NDMS | NetWare Distributed Management Services | |
NDP | Numeric Data Processor | |
NDPS | Netware Distributed Printing Services | |
NDPS | Non-Disruptive Path Switching | |
NDPS | Novell Distributed Print Services | |
NDR | Norddeutscher Rundfunk | Medien, Deutschland |
NDS | Netware Directory Service (Novell) | IT |
NDS | NetWare Directory Services | IT |
NDT | Network Design Tool | |
NDW | Neue Deutsche Welle | Musik |
NE | Network Element | |
NEA | Nichtdeterministischer Endlicher Automat | |
NEARnet | New England Academic and Research Network | Organisation |
NEC | National Electric Code | |
NEC | Nippon Electric Company | Unternehmen |
NECC | National Education Computing Conference | Organisation |
NEFZ | Neuer Europäischer Fahrzyklus | |
NEM | Normes Européennes de Modélisme (Normen Europäischer Modellbahnen) | |
NEMA | National Electrical Manufacturers Association | Organisation |
NEMP | Nuclear Emitted Magnetic Pulse | |
NENA | National Emergency Number Association | Organisation |
NEOS | Networked Educational On-line System | IT |
NEST | Novell Embedded System Technology | |
NET | Norme Europeenne de Telecommunication, Network Entity Title | Organisation |
NetBEUI | NetBIOS Extended User Interface | IT |
NetBIOS | Network Basic Input/Output System (IBM) | IT |
NetCDF | Network Common Data Form | |
NeWS | Network extensible Window System | |
NEXT | Near End Cross Talk | IT |
NF | Niederfrequenz | |
NF | Normalform | |
NF2 | Non-First Normal Form | |
NFA | Nondeterministic Finite Automaton (Datenbank) | |
NFAR | Network File Access Routine | |
NFC | Near Field Communication | IT |
NFF | No Fault Found | |
NFI | No Frigging Idea | |
NFM | Network File Manager | IT |
NFR | Near Field Recording | |
NFS | Network File System | IT |
NFS | Number Field Sieve (Sun Microsystems) | |
NFSS | New Font Selection Scheme | |
NFU | Not-Frequently Used | |
NFV | Network Function Virtualization | IT |
NFW | No fucking way (Auf gar keinen Fall!) | Usenet |
NG | Newsgroup | Usenet |
NG | Next/New Generation | |
NGFF | Next Generation Form Factor | IT |
NGIO | Next Generation Input Output | IT |
NGM | Netware Global Messaging | |
NGMHS | NetWare Global Message Handling System | |
NGO | Non Governmental Organization | |
NHC | Next Hop Client | |
NHK | Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan) | Medien |
NHRP | Next Hop Resolution Protocol | |
NHS | National Health Service | |
NHS | Next Hop Server | |
NHTSA | National Highway Traffic Safety Administration | Behörde |
NI | Network Interconnect | |
NIA | Network Interoperability Alliance | |
NIAID | National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Diseases | Behörde |
NIAM | Nijssen Analysis Method | |
NIAS | Novell Internet Access Server | |
NIC | National ISDN Council | |
NIC | Network Information Center | |
NIC | Network Interface Card | IT |
NICAD | Nickel Cadmium | |
NICE | Network Information and Control Exchange (Akkumulator) | |
NICK | Netzweites Informationssystem im Campus der Universität Karlsruhe | IT |
NID | Next ID | |
N-ID | Numerische User Agent-ID (X.400-Adressierung, ID des Benutzeragenten) | IT |
NIDL | Network Interface Definition Language | |
NIDL | Network Interface Description Language | |
NIDMAR | National Institute of Disability Management and Research | Organisation |
NIF | Nautischer Informationsfunk | |
NIF | Network Information File | |
NIG | Non Isolated Gate | |
NIH | National Institute of Health | |
NIHCL | NIH Class Library | |
NII | National Information Infrastructure | |
NIIT | National Information Infrastructure Testbed | |
NIL | Not In List | |
NIM | Network Installation Manager | |
NIM | Network Interface Machine | |
NIMBY | Not In My Backyard | |
NIMH | Nickel Metal Hydride | IT |
NIMP | NetWare Internetwork Messaging Protocol (Akkumulator) | |
NIP | Non Impact Printer | |
NIPC | National Infrastructure Protection Office | |
NIPS | Network I/O Per Second | |
NIR | Network Information Retrieval | |
NIRS | Nahinfrarotspektroskopie | Medizin |
NIS | Nachbarschafts-Informationssystem | |
NIS | Network Information Service | |
NIS | Network Information System | |
NISA | New Information Services Architecture | |
NISO | National Information Standards Organization | Organisation |
NISS | National Information on Software and Services (USA) | Organisation |
NIST | National Institute of Standards and Technology (USA) | Organisation |
NITC | National Information Technology Center | |
NITF | News Industry Text Format | |
NIU | Network Interface Unit | |
NIUF | National ISDN Users Forum | |
NJE | Network Job Entry | |
NJW | Neue Juristische Wochenschrift | Zeitschrift |
NJW-CoR | NJW-Computerreport | Zeitschrift |
NL | Network Layer | IT |
NL | New Line | |
NL | Niederlande | Autokennzeichen |
NLA | Newspaper Licensing Agency | Organisation |
NLA | Not Long Ago | |
NLANR | National Laboratory for Applied Networking Research (USA) | IT |
NLB | Network Load Balancing | |
NLE | Nonlinear Editing | |
NLM | Netware Loadable Modul | |
NLMB | Nolifemuddinbastard (Novell) | IT |
NLQ | Near Letter Quality | IT |
NLS | National/Native Language Support | |
NLS | Native Language Support | |
NLSP | Netware Link Service Protocol | |
NLSP | Netware Link Services Protocol | |
NLUUG | Niederländische UNIX User Group | |
NM | Network Mangement | |
NMA | Network Management Architecture | |
NMAS | Novell Modular Authentication Service | |
NMC | Network Management Center | |
NMCP | Network Management Control Protocol | |
NMD | National Missile Defense | |
NMEA | National Marine Electronics Association | Organisation |
NMI | Non Maskable Interrupt | IT |
NMM | NetWare Management Map (Novell) | |
NMM | Network Management Modul | IT |
NMO | Network Management Option | |
NMOS | N-type Metal-Oxide Semiconductor | IT |
NMR | Network Managment Responder | |
NMRA | National Model Railroad Association | Organisation |
NMS | Network/NetWare Management Station/System (Novell) | IT |
NMT | Nordic Mobile Telephone | |
NMVT | Network Management Vector Command | |
NMX | Network Magement Extensions | |
NN | Network Node | |
NN | Normal Null | |
NNI | Network Node/Network Interface | |
NNI | Network to Network Interface | |
NNI | Next Node Indicator | |
NNPC | National Petroleum Corporation | |
NNR | Novell Network Registry | |
NNTP | Network News Transfer Protocol | IT |
NNU | Neural Network Facility (IBM) | IT |
No MA'AM | National organization of men against amazonian masterhood (Nationale Organisation der Männer gegen Frauenherrschaft (aus der TV-Serie "Eine schrecklich nette Familie"/"Married with Children")) | |
NOAA | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration | Organisation |
NOAH | Network Oriented Application Harmonization (Internet) | IT |
NOC | Network Operation Center | |
NOC | Number of Children | |
NOK | Nationales Olympisches Komitee | Organisation |
NOMA | National Online Media Association | |
NOP | No OPeration | |
NOR | not or | |
NORC | Naval Ordnance Research Calculator | |
NOS | Nederlandse Omroep Stichting (Niederlande) | Medien |
NOS | Network Operating System | |
NoVA | Normverbrauchsabgabe ((Österreich)) | Recht |
NOW | Network Of Workstations | |
NP | Nonylphenole | Chemie |
NPA | Network Performance Analyzer | |
NPA | Network Printer/Printing Alliance | |
NPAD | Non PAD | |
NPAP | Network Printing Alliance Protocol | |
NPC | Network Personal Computer | |
NPD | Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands | Politik |
NPEO | Nonylphenolethoxylate | Chemie |
NPH | Non Processed Header | |
NPI | Network Printer Interface | |
NPL | National Physical Laboratory (England) | |
NPL | Nonprocedural Language | |
NPO | Nederlandse Publieke Omroep (Niederlande) | Medien |
NPO | Non-Profit Organization | |
NPR | Non Persistent Reference | |
NPS | Network Print Server | |
NPSDU | Normal data Presentation Service Data Unit | |
NPTN | National Public Telecomputing Network | |
NPX | Numeric Processor Extension | IT |
NQE | Network Queuing Environment | |
NQS | Network Queuing System | |
Nr. | Nummer | |
NRAID | Non Redundant Array of Independent Disks (Nicht Redundante Anordnung unabhängiger Festplatten) | IT |
NREN | National Research and Education Network | |
NRF | Nerds' Revolutionary Front | |
NRI | Network Readiness Index | |
NRM | Normal Response Mode | |
NRN | Netware Remote Node | |
NRN | No Reply Necessary | |
NRT | Non Real Time | IT |
NRTL | Nationally Recognized Testing Laboratory | |
nrt-VBR | Non Real Time Variable Bit Rate | IT |
NRU | Not-Recently Used | |
NRW | Nordrhein-Westfalen | Staat, Land |
NRZ | Non Return to Zero | |
NRZI | Non Return to Zero, Invert on ones | |
NS | Name Server | |
NS | Natural Stupidness | |
NS | Network Service | |
NS | Network Supervisor | |
NS | New Signal | |
NSA | National Security Agency (USA) | Behörde |
NSA | Nichtschlüsselattribut | |
NSABB | National Science Advisory Board for Biosecurity | Behörde |
NSAP | Network Service Access Point (OSI-Schichtenmodell) | IT |
NSAPI | Netscape Server Application Programming Interface | |
NSC | National Semiconductor Corporation | |
NSC | National Support Center | |
NSC | Network Signon Coordinator | |
NSCACE | NSC Auxiliary Control Element | |
NSDAP | Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei | Politik |
NSDI | Natioanl Spatial Data Infrastructure | |
NSDU | Network Service Data Unit | |
NSEL | Network Selector | |
NSF | National Science Foundation | Organisation |
NSF | Non Standard Format | |
NSF | Norges Standardiseringsforbund | |
NSF | Notes Storage File | |
NSFNet | National Science Foundation Network | |
NSFW | Not safe for work | IT |
NSIC | National Storage Industry Consortium | Organisation |
NSL | Network Service Layer | |
NSM | Netz-Service-Modul | |
NSO | Network Security Officer | |
NSP | Native Signal Processing | |
NSP | Network Services Protocol | |
NSR | Niederspannungsrichtlinie | |
NSRA | Nordvästra Sk{aa}nes Radioamatörer | Organisation |
NSS | Netware Storage Services | |
NSS | Network and Switching Subsystem | |
NSSDC | National Space Science Data Center | |
NSSDU | Normal data Session Service Data Unit | |
NSSN | National Standards System Network | |
NSTL | National Software Testing Labs | |
NSTVA | Nebenstellen-Vermittlungsanlage | TK |
NSUe | Netzsteuerungs- und -überwachungssystem | |
NT | Network Termination | |
NT | New Technology | |
NTAS | Windows NT Advanced Server | IT |
NTBA | Network Terminator Basicrate Access | TK |
NTC | National Telecommunications Conference | TK |
NTC | Negative Temperature Coefficient (Heißleiter) | |
NTDLM | Neue Telefondienstleistungsmerkmale | TK |
NTF | No Trouble Found | Usenet |
NTFS | New Technology File System | IT |
NTG | Nachrichtentechnische Gesellschaft e. V. | Organisation |
NTIA | National Telecommunications and Information Administration (USA) | Behörde |
NTLM | NT LAN Manager | IT |
NTN | Network Terminal Number | IT |
NTP | Network Termination Point | IT |
NTP | Network Time Protocol | IT |
NTS | Network Transport Services | IT |
NTS | New Typesetting System (IBM) | IT |
NTSA | Networking Technical Support Alliance | |
NTSC | National Television Systems Committee | |
NTT | Nippon Telegraph + Telephone Corporation | Unternehmen |
NTTAWWT | Not That There's Anything Wrong With That | Usenet |
NUA | Network User Address | IT |
NUI | Network User Identification/Interface | |
NUL | Null | |
NUMA | Non-Unified Memory Architecture | |
NURBS | Non Uniform Rational B-Spline | |
NV | Naamloze Vennootschap (Aktiengesellschaft, Niederlande) | |
NV | Nichtveranlagungsbescheinigung | Recht |
NVA | Nationale Volksarmee | |
NVDIMM | Non-Volatile Dual-Inline Memory Module | IT |
NVE | Nummer der Versandeinheit | |
NVFS | Network Virtual File System | |
NVM | Non Volatile Memory | |
NVMe | Non Volatile Memory Express | IT |
NVMHCI | Non-Volatile Memory Host Controller Interface | IT |
NVO | Non-Visual User Object | IT |
NVoD | Near Video on Demand | |
NVP | Network Voice Protocol | |
NVP | Nominal Velocity of Propagation (Internet) | IT |
NVR | Non Volatile RAM | IT |
NVRAM | Non Volatile RAM | IT |
NVT | Network Virtual Terminal | |
NW | Nennwert | BWL |
NWG | Network Working Group | |
NWP | Nettoproduktionswert | VWL |
NWS | Nettowertschöpfung | VWL |
NWV | Neue Wirtschaftsbriefe | |
NYPSC | New York Public Service Commission | |
NYSE | New York Stock Exchange | |
NYSERNet | New York State Educational and Research Network | |
O |
O | Organization unit (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
o.J. | ohne Jahr | |
o.O. | ohne Ort | |
O/R | Originator/Recipient | |
O+M | Operation and Maintenance | |
OA | Optional Address | IT |
OAA | Open Agent Architecture | IT |
OAF | Origin Address Field | IT |
OAG | Open Application Group | Organisation |
OAGIS | Open Applications Group Integration Specifications | |
OAI | Offene Anwendungs- und Interkommunikationssysteme | |
OAI | Open Applications Interface | |
OAM | Operation, Administration, Maintenance | |
OAM | Orbital Angular Momentum (Orbitales Winkelmoment) | |
OAO | Otkrytoje Akzionernoje Obschtschestwo (Russische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
OAS | Organization of American States | Organisation |
OASIS | Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards | Organisation |
OATUS | On A Totally Unrelated Subject | Usenet |
OAU | Organization of African Unity | Organisation |
OAUS | On An Unrelated Subject | IT |
OAW | Optically Assisted Winchester | IT |
ÖB | Österreichischer Betriebswirt | |
OBD | On Board Diagnose | |
OBE | Order of the British Empire | |
OBEX | Object Exchange | |
OBI | Online Book Inititative | |
OBO | Or Best Offer | |
OBS | Objektbanksystem | IT |
OBTW | Oh, By The Way | Usenet |
OBV | Objects by Value | IT |
OC | Open Control | |
OC | Optical Carrier | |
OC-3 | Optical Carrier Level 3 | |
OCA | Open Component Architecture | |
OCALA | Open Common Annotation Language | |
Occam | Programmiersprache | |
OCCC | Obfuscated C Code Contest | |
OCE | Open Collaborative Environment | |
OCF | Open Card Framework (Apple) | IT |
OCG | Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft | Organisation |
OCI | Object Code Insertion | IT |
OCL | Object Constrained Language | IT |
OCL | Operator/Operation Control Language | IT |
OCLC | Online Computer Library Center | IT |
OCP | Optical Storage Processor | IT |
OCR | Optical Character Recognition | IT |
OCSP | Online Certificate Status Protocol | IT |
OCT | Object Code Translator | |
OCTD | Observation, Conclusion, Temporary Data | |
OCTM | Osmanisches Institut für traditionelle Musik | Organisation |
OCVR | On Cartridge Voltage Regulator | |
OCX | OLE Control Extensions | IT |
ODA | Open/Office Document Architecture | IT |
ODAC | Open Document Architecture Consortium | IT |
ODAM | Open Distributed Application Model | IT |
ODAPI | Open Database Application Programming Interface | IT |
ODB | Object Oriented Data Base | |
ODBC | Open Database Connectivity | IT |
ODBMS | Object Oriented Database Management System | IT |
ODCS | Open Distributed Computing Structure | IT |
ODD | One Document for Doing all | |
ODD | Open Data Desktop | |
ODE | OSF Development Environment | |
ODETTE | Organization for Data Exchange by Tele Transmission in Europe | Organisation |
ODF | Open Document Format | IT |
ODF | Optical Distribution Frame | |
ODF | Orientation Distribution Function | |
ODF | Osteoclast Differentiation Factor | |
ODI | Open Data Link Interface | IT |
ODIF | Open/Office Document Interchange Format | IT |
ODIMS | Open Distributed Information Management System | IT |
ODL | Object Definition Language | IT |
ODL | Optical Disc Library | IT |
ODM | Object Data Manager | IT |
ODMA | Open Document Management Application Programming Interface | |
ODMG | Object Database Management Group | Organisation |
ODN | Optical Data Network | |
ODP | Open Distributed Processing | |
ÖDP | Ökologischdemokratische Partei | Politik |
ODR | Optical Digital Reference | |
ODS | Offene Datenschnittstelle | |
ODS | Offenes Deutsches Schulnetz | |
ODS | Open Data Services | |
ODSI | Open Directory Service Interface | |
ODVA | Open Device-Net Vendor Association | |
OE | Output Enable | |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development | Organisation |
OECD | Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in Europe | |
OEF | Origin Element Field | |
OEG | obere Explosionsgrenze | |
OEG | Offene Erwerbsgesellschaft | |
OEG | Open Ear Gain | |
OEG | Opferentschädigungsgesetz | Recht |
OEM | Odd Even Merge | |
OEM | Original Equipment Manufacturer | |
OES | Odd Even Sort | |
OEW | Object Engineering Workbench | IT |
OF | Overflow Flag | |
OFA | Optimal Flexible Architecture | |
OFB | Output FeedBack | |
OFD | Oberfinanzdirektion | |
OFD | Optical Frequency Division Demultiplexer/Demultiplexing | |
OFDM | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (Orthogonales Frequenzmultiplexverfahren) | IT |
OFDMA | Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access | IT |
OFL | Oberste Finanzbehörde der Länder | |
OFM | Optical Frequency Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing | |
OFP | Questions Frequemment Posees | |
OFS | Object File System | |
OFS | Output Field Separator | |
OFTP | Odette File Transfer Protocol | |
OFW | Oberflächenwelle | |
OFX | Open Financial Exchange | |
OGS | Offene Ganztagsschule | |
OH | Off Hook | |
OHCI | Open Host Controller Interface | |
OHG | Offene Handelsgesellschaft | |
OIC | Oh, I See | Usenet |
OID | Object Identifier | IT |
OIDC | Object Identifier Component | |
OIDL | Object Interface Definition Language | |
OIS | Office Information System | |
OIT | Object Identifier Tree | |
OIV | Object Idenitfier Value | |
OIW | OSI Implementors' Workshop | |
OJSC | Open Joint Stock Company (Russische Offene Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
OK | Oberer Kanal | |
OKW | Oberkommando der Wehrmacht | |
OLAF | Office Européen de Lutte Anti-Fraude (Europäisches Amt für Betrugsbekämpfung) | Behörde |
OLAP | Online Analytical Processing (Data Warehousing) | IT |
OLC | Optical Link Card | IT |
OLE | Object Linking and Embedding | IT |
OLED | Organic Light Emitting Display | |
Olf | Olfactus (Maßeinheit: Geruch) | Maßeinheit |
OLG | Oberlandesgericht | Behörde |
OLGA | OnLine Guitar Archive | |
OLI | Optical Phone Line Interface | |
OLIT | Open Look Intrinsic Toolkit | IT |
OLIX | On-Line Informationssystem UNIX | IT |
OLM | Optical Link Modul | IT |
OLT | Optical Line Termination | IT |
OLTP | On Line Transaction Processing | IT |
OM | Object Manager | IT |
OM | Old Man | Usenet |
OM | Optimal Mismatch | |
OMA | Object/Open Management Architecture | |
OMC | Operation and Maintenance Center | |
OMC-R | Operation and Maintenance Center Radio | |
OMC-S | Operation and Maintenance Center Switch | |
OMD | On-line Medical Dictionary | Medizin |
OME | On-board Modul Extension | |
OMF | Object Management Facility/Framework | |
OMF | Object Module Format | |
OMG | Object Management Group | Organisation |
OMI | Open Messaging/Modelling Interface | |
OMI | Open Microprocessor Systems Initiative | |
OML | Object Manipulation Language | |
OML | Open Modeling Language | |
OMR | Optical Mark Recognition | |
OMS | Object Management System | |
OMS | Operation and Maintenance System | |
OMT | Object Modelling Technique | |
OMTP | Open Mobile Terminal Platform | IT |
OMUP | Operating and Maintenance User Part | |
ONC | Open Network Computing | |
ONE | Open Network Environment (Sun) | |
ONI | Operator Number Identification | |
ONKz | Ortsnetzkennzahl | TK |
ONM | Open Network Management | |
ONMS | Open Network Management System | |
ONN | Open Network Node | |
ONNA | Oh No, Not Again | Usenet |
ONNTA | Oh No, Not This Again | Usenet |
ONP | Open Networking Platform | IT |
ONT | Optical Network Terminal (Optischer Netzabschluss) | IT |
ONU | Optical Network Unit | |
ONVIF | Open Network Video Interface Forum | Organisation |
oo | objektorientiert | |
OÖ | Oberösterreich | Staat, Land |
OOA | Object Oriented | |
OOA&D | Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (System) Analysi) | |
OOD | Object Oriented Design | |
OODBMS | Object Oriented Database Management System | |
ooDM | objektorientiertes Datenmodell | |
OOE | Objektorientierter Entwurf | |
OOF | Out Of Frame | |
OOI | Object Oriented Implementation | |
OOK | On Off Keying | |
OOL | Object Oriented Language | |
OON | Object Oriented Nonsens | |
OOP | Object Orientated Programming | |
OOP | Object Oriented Pleasure/Programming | |
OOP | Out Of Print | |
OOPL | Object Oriented Programming Language | IT |
OOPS | Object Oriented Programming System | |
OOPSLA | Object Orientied Programming Systems, Languages and Applications | |
OOSI | Objectified OSI | |
OOT | Object Oriented Technology | |
OOTB | Out Of The Box | |
OOTC | Obligatory On-Topic Comment | IT |
OP | Offene Posten | |
OPA | Open Protocol Architecture | IT |
OPA | Overview Pac Attribute | |
OPAC | Online Public Access Catalogue | |
OPAL | Optische Anschlussleitung | |
OPC | Optical Proximity Correction | |
OPC | Output Control | |
OPCW | Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (Organisation für das Verbot chemischer Waffen) | Organisation |
OPD | Oberpostdirektion | |
OPD | Original Point of Distribution | |
OPD | Output Driver | |
OPEC | Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries | Organisation |
OpenAL | Open Audio Library | |
OPI | Open Prepress Interface | |
OPI | Open Press Interface | |
OPIC | Open Programmable Interrupt Controller | |
OPL | Oilfield Publications Limited | Unternehmen |
OPL | Open Publication License | |
OPM | Operations Per Minute | |
OPS | Online Programming and Simulation | |
OPS | Open Profiling Standard | |
OPSEC | Open Platform for Secure Enterprise Connectivity | |
OPT | Open Protocol Technology | |
OPTIS | Overlapped PAM Transmission with Interlocking Spectra | |
OPUS | Octal Program Updating System | |
OQL | Object Query Language | |
OQPSK | Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying | |
OR | ObligationenRecht | |
ORB | Object Request Broker | |
ORB | Ostdeutscher Rundfunk Brandenburg | Medien |
ORBS | Open Relay Behaviour-modification | |
ORDRSP | Order Response (EDIFACT) | |
ORF | Österreichischer Rundfunk | Medien |
org | organizational (Internet-Domain: Organisationen in den USA) | Internet |
ORNL | Oak Ridge National Laboratory | |
OROM | Optical Read Only Memory | |
ORS | Output Record Separator | |
OS | Operating System | |
OS | Output Specification | |
OSA | Open Scripting/Solutions/Storage/Systems Architecture | |
OSACA | Open System Architecture for Controls within Automation Systems | |
OSAF | Origin Subarea Address Field | |
OSC | Open System Center | |
OSC | Operating System Command (IBM) | IT |
OSCAR | Orbiting Satellite Carrying Amateur Radio | |
OSD | On Screen Display | |
OSD | Open Software Distribution | |
OSE | Open Systems/Software Environment | |
OSF | Open Software Foundation | |
OSI | Open Source Initiative | |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnect/Interconnection | |
OSI | Open Systems Interconnection (ISO) | |
OSIE | Open Systems Interconnection Environment | |
OSINET | Network for OSI implemantations, run by NIST | |
OSI-RM | ISO Reference Model for Open Systems Interconnection | |
OSITOP | Open Systems Interconnection Technical and Office Protocols | |
OSL | Object Script Language | |
OSM | On Screen Menue | |
OSM | On-Screen Menu | |
OSM | Operating System Specific/Service Module | |
OSP | Online Service Provider | |
OSP | Organic Surface Protection | IT |
OSPF | Open Shortest Path First (OSI) | IT |
OSPI | Operating System Programming Interface (Internet) | IT |
OSPM | Operating System direct Power Management | |
OSQL | Object Structured Query Language | |
OSR | OEM Service Release | |
OSS | Open Sound System | |
OSS | Open Source Software | |
OSS | Open Source Solution | |
OSS | Operator Support System | |
OSSO | Open Source Solutions Operation | |
OST | Offline Folder Store (MS Exchange Client, Offline-Ordner) | IT |
OSTA | Optical Storage Technology Association (HP) | |
OSTM | Open System Transaction Management | |
OSTP | Office of Science and Technology Policy | |
OSZE | Organisation für Sicherheit und Zusammenarbeit in Europa | Organisation |
OT | Object Technology | |
OT | Off Topic | |
OT | Open Transport | IT |
OT | Ordering Table | |
OTA | U. S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment | |
OTC | Offshore Technology Conference (Erdölindustrie) | |
OTC | Over-the-counter (Finanzmarkt) | |
OTD | Optical Time Division | |
OTDM | Optical Time Division Multiplexer/Multiplexing | |
OTDR | Optical Time Domain Refectometry | |
OTDR | Optical Time Domain Reflectometer | |
OTF | Open Token Foundation | |
OTI | Original Transmitter Identification | |
OTOH | On The Other Hand | |
OTP | One-Time Password/Programmable | IT |
OTPROM | On Time Programmable Read Only Memory | |
OTR | Off-the-Record Messaging | IT |
OTR | One Touch Recording | |
OTS | Object Transaction Service | |
OTTH | On The Third Hand | |
ÖTV | Öffentlicher Dienst, Transport und Verkehr (ehemalige Gewerkschaft) | Organisation |
OU | Organisationseinheit (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
OUI | Organizationally Unique Identifier | IT |
OV | Overflow | |
OVA | Overhead Value Analyses (Gemeinkosten-Wertanalyse) | BWL |
OVL | Overlay | |
ÖVP | Österreichische Volkspartei | Politik |
OVSt | Ortsvermittlungsstelle | |
OW | OverWrite | |
OWE | Opportunistic Wireless Encryption | |
OWFS | Optical WORM File System | |
OWG | Optical Waveguide | |
OWI | Organisations- und Wirtschaftsinformatik | |
OWiG | Ordnungswidrigkeitengesetz | Recht |
OWL | Object Windows Library | |
Oy | Osakeyhtiö (finnische Gesellschaftsform; Oy für Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
P |
P | Passive | BWL |
P | Phosphor | Chemisches Element |
P | Portugal | Autokennzeichen |
P | Preisniveau | VWL |
P | PRMD-Name (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
P&D | Plug & Display | |
p.a. | pro anno | |
p.c. | politically correct | |
P.E.N. | Poets, Essayists, Novelists | |
P/M | Physical/Multicast | |
P+D | Plug + Display | |
P1 | Message Transfer Protocol (Interface) | IT |
P2 | Interpersonal Messaging Protocol | |
P2P | Peer-To-Peer | |
P3 | Submission and Delivery Protocol | |
P3P | Platform for Privacy Preferences | |
P3P | Platform for Privacy/Private Preferences | |
P7 | Message Store Access Protocol | |
PA | Power Amplifier | |
PA | Public Address | |
PAB | Personal Address Book | |
PAB | Policy Advisory Body | |
PABX | Private Access/Automatic Branch Exchange (Internet) | IT |
PABX | Private Automated Branch Exchange | |
PAC | Player Access Control | |
PAC | PPTP Access Concentrator | |
PAC | Privilege Attribute Certificate | |
PACE | Priority Access Control Enabled | |
PACS | Personal Access Communication System | |
PACS | Picture Archiving and Communications System | |
PaCT | PBX and Computer Teaming | IT |
PACX | Private Automatic Computer Exchange | IT |
PAD | Packet Assemble/Disassembler | IT |
PAD | Packet Assembler and Dissassembler | IT |
PAD | Program Associated Data | IT |
PaDL | Pattern Development Language | IT |
PAI | Process After Input (ABAP/4, SAP R/3) | IT |
PAK | Packet | IT |
PAK | Polyzyklische aromatische Kohlenwasserstoffe | Chemie |
PAL | Paradox/Programming Application Language | IT |
PAL | Phase Alternating Line | Technik |
PAL | Privileged Architecture Library | IT |
PAL | Problem anderer Leute | |
PAL | Programmable Array Logic | IT |
PALC | Plasma Addressed Liquid Crystal | IT |
PALCD | Plasma Addressed LCD (Display) | IT |
PAM | Personal Application Manager | IT |
PAM | Plugable Authentication Module | IT |
PAM | Pluggable Authentication Module | IT |
PAM | Puls Amplitude Modulation | IT |
PAM | Pulsed Amplitude Modulation | IT |
PAN | Personal Area Network | IT |
PangV | Preisangabenverordnung | Recht |
PAP | Password Authentication Protocol | TK |
PAP | Point Authorization Protocol | IT |
PAP | Printer Access Protocol | IT |
PAP | Programmablaufplan | IT |
PAP | Public Access Profile | IT |
PAQ | Position Analysis Questionaire (Arbeitsanalyse) | IT |
PAR | Positive Acknowledgement with Retransmission | |
PAR | Project Authorization Request | IT |
PARC | Pacific Asia Resource Centre | |
PARC | Palo Alto Research Center | |
PARLE | Parallel Architectures and Languages Europe | IT |
PARTIN | Partner Information (EDIFACT) | IT |
PAS | Publicly Available Specifications | |
PAT | Port Address Translation | |
PAT | Public Access Terminal | |
PATC | Page Address Translation Cache | |
PATS | Parameterised Abstract Test Suite | |
PAUL | Pdf Advanced Universal Library | |
PAX | Parallel Architecture Extended | |
PAX | Pixel Addressing Extension | |
PB | Push Button | |
PBAB | Phonebook Access Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
PBDBM | Peripheral Backup Detailed Billing Control Element | |
PBDU | Protocol Bridge Data Unit | |
PBE | Password Based Encryption | |
PBE | Prompt By Example | |
PBGA | Plastic Ball Grid Array | |
PBM | Pipelined Burst Mode | |
PBM | Port Bypass Module | |
PBM | Portable Bitmap | |
PBNSC | Peripheral Backup NSC Control Element | |
PBO | Process Before Output (ABAP/4, SAP R/3) | IT |
PBU | Page Buffer Unit | |
PBX | Private Branch Exchange | |
PBX | Private Branch eXtender | |
PC | Path Control | |
PC | Personal Computer | |
PC | Program Counter | |
PC | Program Counter, Programmzähler | |
PC/SC | Personal Computer/Smart Card | |
PC/SC | Pesonal Computer/Smart Card | |
PCA | Parallel Channel Adapter | |
PCA | Policy Certification Authority | |
PCA | Principal Component Analysis | |
PCB | polychlorierte Biphenyle | Chemie |
PCB | Printed Circuit Board | |
PCB | Program Control Block | |
PCBC | Plaintext Cipher Block Chaining | |
PCBC | Propagating Cipher Block Chaining | |
PCC | Portable C Compiler | |
PCCH | Physical Control Channel | |
PCD | Photo Compact Disc | |
PCDATA | Parsed Character DATA | |
PCE | Phase Change Erasable | |
PCF | Point coordination Function | |
PCH | Paging Channel | |
PCI | Peripheral Component Interface | IT |
PCI | Presentation Context Identifier | IT |
PCI | Programmable Communication Interface | IT |
PCI | Protocol Control Information | IT |
PCI-SIG | PCI Special Interest Group | |
PCL | Primary Copy Locking | |
PCL | Printer Control Language | |
PCL | Printer/Procedure/Process Control Language | |
PCM | Physical Connection Management | |
PCM | Puls Code Modulation | |
PCM | Pulse Code Modulation | |
PCMCIA | PC Memory Card International Association | |
PCMCIA | People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms | IT |
PCMCIA | Personal Computer Memory Card International Association | |
PCN | Personal Communication Network | |
PCNFS | Personal Computer Network File System | |
PCO | Point of Control and Observation | |
PCP | Post's correspondence problem, Postsches Korrespondenzproblem | Informatik |
PCR | Peak Cell Rate | |
PCR | Phase Change Recording | |
PCS | Parallel Computing Systems (Konferenz) | |
PCS | PC Service | |
PCS | Personal Communication Services/System (OSF) | IT |
PCS | Personal Conferencing Specification | |
PCS | Physical Coding Signalling | |
PCS | Physical Coding Sublayer | |
PCS | Pinball Construction Set | |
PCS | Port Concentrator Shelf | |
PCS | Print Contrast Signal | |
PCS | Project Control System | |
PCSA | Personal Computing Systems Architecture | |
PCT | Private Communication Technology (DEC) | IT |
PCT | Private Communications Technology | |
PCTE | Portable Common Tool Environment | |
PCTR | Protocol Conformance Test Report | |
PCTS | POSIX Conformance Test Suite | |
PCWG | Personal Conferencing Work Group | |
PCX | ZSoft Paintbrush Format | |
PD | Phase-change Dual | |
PD | Protocol Driver | |
PD | Public Domain | |
PDA | Personal Digital Assistant | IT |
PDA | Push Down Automaton | |
PDA | Pushdown automaton, Kellerautomat | Informatik |
PDAM | Proposed Draft Amendment | |
PDATIS | Personal Data Information System | |
PDAU | Physical Delivery Access Unit | IT |
PDB | Process Data Base | |
PDC | Personal Digital Communications | |
PDC | Power Disc Cartridge | |
PDC | Primary Domain Controller | IT |
PDCH | Physical Data Channel | |
PDD | Physical Device Driver | |
PDD | Portable Digital Document | |
PDE | Page Directory Entry | |
PDES | Product Data Exchange Standard | |
PDF | Portable Document Format | IT |
PDF | Printer Description File | |
PDF | Processor Defined Function | |
PDF | Program Development Facility | |
PDH | Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy | |
PDI | Packet Driver Interface | |
PDI | Personal Data Information System | |
PDI | Personal/Product Data Interchange | |
PDIAL | Public Dialup Internet Access List | |
PDIF | Product Definition Interchange Format | |
PDL | Page Description Language | |
PDL | Page Description Language, Seitenbeschreibungssprache | |
PDL | Primary Defect List | |
PDL | Program Design/Description Language | |
PDL | Push Down List | |
PDLC | Polymer Dispersed Liquid Crystal | |
PDM | Product and Document Management | |
PDM | Projekt- und Datenmanagement | |
PDM | Pulsdauer-Modulation | |
PDN | Public Data Network | IT |
PDO | Packet Data Optimized | |
PDO | PHP Data Objects | IT |
PDO | Portable Distributed Object | |
PDO | Protected Designation of Origin (Geschützte Ursprungsbezeichnung) | Recht |
PDO | Prozessdatenobjekt | |
PDP | Plasma Display Panel | |
PDP | Programmable Data Processor | |
PDQ | Pretty Darned Quick | |
PDR | Packet Drop Rate | IT |
PDR | Personal Digital Recorder | |
PDS | Packet Driver Specification | |
PDS | Partei des demokratischen Sozialismus | Politik |
PDS | Partitioned Data Set | |
PDS | Persistent Data Service | |
PDS | Professional Development System | |
PDS | Public Domain Software | |
PDSS | Program/Post Development Support System | |
PDT | Produktionsdatentechnik | |
PDT | Programmable Drive Table | |
PDT | Propagation Delay Time | |
PDTE | Packet-mode DTE | |
PDU | Protocol Data Unit | IT |
PDV | Path Delay Value (OSI) | IT |
PDV | Path Delay Values | |
PE | Parity Error | |
PE | Performance Enhanced | |
PE | Phase Encoded | |
PE | Portable Executable | |
PE | Presentation Element | |
PE | Processing Element | |
PE | Processor Element | |
PE | Protective Earth | |
PEA | Pocket Ethernet Adapter | |
PEAQ | Perceptual Evaluation of Audio Quality | |
PEARL | Process and Experiment Automation Realtime Language | |
PEDQ | Perceptual Evaluation of Data-Download Quality | |
PEI | Paul-Ehrlich-Institut | |
PEL | Picture Element | |
PEM | Privacy Enhanced Mail | IT |
PEP | Packet Exchange Protocol | |
PEP | Packetized Ensemble Protocol | |
PEP | Peak Envelope Power | |
PERL | Practical Extraction and Report Language | |
PERM | Parallele Elektronische Rechenmaschine München | |
PERSIS | Personal Information System | |
PERT | Program Evaluation and Review Technique | IT |
PES | Positioning Error Signal | |
PES | Processor Enhancement Socket | |
PES | Proposed Encryption Standard | |
PESIS | Personal Information System | |
PESQ | Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality | |
PET | Personal Electronic Transactor | IT |
PET | Polyethylenterephthalat | Chemie |
PET | Print Enhancement Technology (Commodore) | |
PET | Privacy Enhancement Technology | |
PETS | Parameterised Executable Test Suite | |
PEVQ | Perceptual Evaluation of Video Quality | |
PEX | PHIGS Extension to X | |
PFA | Power FORTRAN Accelerator | |
PFA | Predictive Failure Analysis | |
PFAS | Per- und polyfluorierte Alkylverbindungen | Chemie |
PFB | Postscript Font Binary | |
PFC | Perfluorcarbon | Chemie |
PFC | Polyfluorierte Verbindungen | Chemie |
PFC | Power Factor Correction | |
PFC | Präfrontaler Cortex | Medizin |
PFD | Programming Facility for Display Users | |
PFF | Page Fault Frequency | |
PFL | Personal Forms Library | IT |
PFM | Postscript Font Metric | |
PFM | Pure Fantastic Magic | |
PFOA | Perfluorooctanoic Acid (Perfluoroctansäure) | Chemie |
PFR | Portable Font Resource | IT |
PFR | Power Fail Restart | |
PGA | Pin Grid Array | |
PGA | Professional Golfers Association | Organisation |
PGA | Professional Graphics Adapter | IT |
PGA | Program Global Area | IT |
PGI | Protected Geographical Indication (Geschützte geographische Angabe) | Recht |
PGL | Peer Group Leader | |
PGL | Professional Games League | |
PGM | Portable Gray Map | |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy | IT |
PGP | Pretty Good Privacy/Piracy | |
PGS | Plant Genetic Systems | |
PH | Packet Handler | |
PHB | Per Hop Behaviour | |
PHCB | Page Header Control Bit | |
PHEIC | Public Health Emergency of International Concern (Internationaler Gesundheitsnotfall) | |
PHEV | Plug-in-Hybrid Electric Vehicle | |
PHIGS | Programmers Hierarchical Interactive Graphics System | |
PHM | Padded Hashed Message | |
PHOTON | Paneuropean Photonic Transport Overlay Network | |
PHP | Personal Home Page tools | |
PHP | PHP Hypertext Preprocessor | |
PHS | Personal Handy-Phone System | |
PHY | Physical Access | |
PHY | Physical Layer Protocol | |
PI | Preisindex | VWL |
PI | Profibus International | |
PI | Program Interruption | |
PI | Protocol Interpreter | |
PIA | Peripheral Interface Adapter | |
PIC | Position Independent Code | |
PIC | Priority/Programmable Interrupt Controller | |
PIC | Programmable Integrated Circuit | |
PIC | Programmable Interrupt Controller | IT |
PICS | Platform for Internet Content Selection | |
PICS | Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement | |
PICS | Protocol Interoperability Conformance Statment | |
PID | Persistant/Personal/Protocol Identifier | |
PID | Persistence Identifier | |
PID | Privater InformationsDienst | |
PID | Process IDentifier | |
PID | Prozess-Identifikationsnummer (Betriebssysteme) | IT |
PIDL | Pseudo-IDL | |
PIF | Postscript Interchange Format | |
PIF | Program Information File | |
PIF | Programminformation | |
PIFS | Point Coordination Inter Frame Space | |
PIIX | PCI ISA IDE accelerator | |
PIK | Programmer's Imaging Kernel | |
PIM | Personal Information Manager | IT |
PIM | Personal Information Manager/Management | |
PIM | Protocol Independent Multicast | |
PIM | Protocol Independent Multicasting | |
PIM-DM | Protocol Independent Multicast/Dense Mode | |
PIMS | Profit, Impact of Market, Strategies | BWL |
PIM-SM | Protocol Independent Multicast/Sparse Mode | |
PIN | Personal Identification Code, Persönliche Identifikations-Nummer | |
PIN | Personal Identification Number | |
PIN | Persönliche Identifikationsnummer | IT |
PIN | Processor Independent NetWare | |
PINET | Physics Information Network | |
PING | Packet InterNet Groper (Netzwerke, TCP/IP) | IT |
PING | Packet InterNet Grouper | |
PINT | PSTN and Internet Internetworking | |
PINX | Private Integrated Services Network Exchange | |
PIO | Parallel/Programmable I/O | |
PIO | Programmed I/O (Chip) | |
PIO | Programmed Input/Output | |
PIOFS | Parallel I/O File System | |
PIP | Periodical Informational Posting | |
PIP | Peripheral Interchange Program | |
PIP | Picture in Picture | |
PIP | P-Internet-Protocol | |
PIP | Process Improvement Proposal | |
PIPO | Parallel In, Parallel Out | |
PIROM | Processor Information ROM | |
PIS | Personal-Informations-System | |
PISA | Programme for International Students Assessment | |
PIT | Programmable Interval Timer | |
PITA | Pine In The Ass | |
PIU | Path Information Unit | IT |
PIW | Photo Imaging Workstation | |
pixel | picture cell | |
pixel | picture element | |
PIXIT | Protocol Implementation Extra Informations for Testing | |
PJL | Printer Job Language | |
PK | Primary Key | |
PKCS | Public Key Cryptography Standards | |
PKCS | Public Key Cryptography Standards/System | |
PKI | Philips Kommunikationsindustrie AG | Unternehmen |
PKI | Public Key Infrastructure | |
PKI | Public-Key Infrastruktur | |
PKIX | Public Key Infrastructure using X.509 | |
PKK | Partei der Arbeiter Kurdistans | |
PKK | Partiya Karkeren Kurdistan (Kurdische Arbeiterpartei) | Politik |
PKP | Public Key Partners | |
PKR | Plankostenrechnung | BWL |
PKR | Prozeßkostenrechnung | BWL |
PKU | Phenylketonurie | Medizin |
PKV | Privatkundenvertrieb | |
PKW | Personenkraftwagen | |
PKZIP | Phil Katz ZIP (Telekom) | |
PL | Payload Length | |
PL | Physical Layer | |
PL | Presentation Layer | |
PL | Programming Language | |
PL1 | Programming Language 1 | |
PLA | Polylactide | Chemie |
PLA | Product Line Approach | |
PLA | Programmable Logic Array | IT |
PLA | Projektlenkungsausschuss | |
PLA | Proton Linear Accelerator | |
PLA | Pulverlöschanlage | |
PLATO | Programmed Logic for Automatic Teaching Operations | |
PLC | Power Line Communication | |
PLC | PowerLine Communication | |
PLC | Programmable Logic Controller | |
plc | public limited company (britische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
PLCC | Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier | |
PLCC | Plastic Leadless Chip Carrier | |
PLCE | Peripheral and Loading Control Element | |
PLD | Programmable Logic Device | |
PLD | Programmable Logic Devices (Elektrotechnik) | |
PLE | Programmable Logic Element | |
PLED | Polymer Light-Emitting Device | |
PLEDM | Phase-state Low Electron Drive Memory | |
PLIC | Programmable Logic Integrated Circuit | |
PLIP | Parallel Line Internet Protocol | |
PLL | Permanent Logical Link | |
PLL | Phase Locked Loop (Phasenregelschleife) | |
PLL | Programming Language for Linguistics | IT |
PLL | Prolymphozytenleukämie | Medizin |
PLM | Programming Language for Microcomputers | IT |
PLMN | Public Land Mobile Network | |
PLO | Palestine Liberation Organization (Palästinensische Befreiungorganisation) | Politik |
PLP | Packet Layer Protocol | |
PLP | Packet Level Protocol | |
PLP | Presentation Level Protocol | |
PLR | Packet Lost Ratio | |
PLS | Physical Layer Signaling | |
PLS | Programmable Logic Sequencer | |
pLSI | Programmable Large Scale Integration | |
PLV | Payload Launch Vehicle (Nutzlast-Start-Träger) | |
Plv. | Pulver | |
PLZ | Postleitzahl | |
PM | Performance Management | |
PM | Phasenmodulation | |
PM | Presentation Manager | |
PM | Preventive Maintenance | |
PM | Private Mail | IT |
PM | Protected Mode | |
PMA | Performance Management and Accounting | |
PMA | Physical Medium Attachment | |
PMAP | Port Mapper | |
PMD | Physical Medium Dependent | |
PMD | Private Management Domain (Layer) | |
PMF | Protected Management Frames | IT |
PMFJIB | Pardon Me For Jumping In But | |
PML | Programmable Macro Logic | IT |
PMMU | Paged Memory Management Unit | |
PMOS | P-Channel Metal Oxide Semiconductor | |
PMOS | p-Channel MOS | |
PMOS | Positively doped Metal-Oxide Semiconductor (Transistor) | Elektronik |
PMP | Point to MultiPoint | |
PMR | Perpendicular Magnetic Recording | IT |
PMR | Private Mobile Radio | |
PMS | Pantone Matching System | |
PMS | Printer Management Software (Colours) | |
PMW | Project Manager Workbench | |
PMxAS | Primär-Multiplex-Anschluss | |
PN | Path Number (ISDN) | TK |
PNA | Parallel Network Architecture | |
PNC | Paging Network Controller | |
PNCP | Peripheral Network Control Point | |
PND | Personennamendatei | |
PNG | Portable Network Graphic | |
PNG | Portable Network Graphics | |
PNNI | Private Network/Node to Network Interface | |
PNO | Profibus-Nutzer Organisation | |
PNO | Public Network Operator | |
PnP | Plug'n'Play | |
PNP | Positive Negative Positive | |
PNR | Passenger Name Records | |
PNS | PPTP Network Server | IT |
PNW | Personal NetWare | |
PO | Paper Out (Novell) | IT |
PO | Parity Odd | |
PO | Purchase Order | |
POA | Portable Object Adapter | |
POB | Post Office Box | |
POC | Particulate Organic Carbon | Chemie |
PoC | Person of color | |
POC | Phone Operation Center | |
POC | Point Of Contact | |
POC | Policy Oversight Committee | |
POCSAG | Post Office Standardisation Advisory Group (Internet) | IT |
POD | Plain Old Documentation | |
POD | Printing On Demand | |
PODA | Priority-Oriented Demand Assignment | |
POE | Power Open Environment | |
PoE | Power Over Ethernet | IT |
POEM | Portable Object-oriented Entity Manager (IBM) | IT |
POET | Partially Overlapped Echo Cancelled Transmission | |
POET | Persistent Objects and Extended Database Technology | |
POF | Plastic Optical Fiber | |
POH | Path Section Overhead | |
POH | Process on Help-Request (ABAP/4, SAP R/3) | IT |
POI | Point Of Information | |
POL | Point of Learning | |
POL | Problem Oriented Language | |
POM | Persistant Object Manager | |
PON | Passive Optical Network | IT |
POP | Point Of Presence | IT |
POP | Post Office Protocol | IT |
POP3 | Post Office Protocol, Version 3 | |
POPS | Performance Optimized Page Size (Internet) | IT |
POR | Pacific Ocean Region | |
POR | Power-on Reset | IT |
POS | Persistant Object Service | |
POS | Point Of Sale | BWL |
POS | Psychoorganisches Syndrom (siehe ADHS) | Medizin |
Pos. | Position | |
POSE | Portable Operating System Extension | |
POSI | Promotion Conference for OSI, Japan | |
POSIX | Portable Operating System and Interactive eXecutive for open systems | |
POSIX | Portable Operating System Interface | IT |
POST | Power On Self Test | IT |
POTS | Plain Old Telephone System | |
POV | Persistence Of Vision | |
POV | Point Of View | |
POV | Process on Value-Request (ABAP/4, SAP R/3) | IT |
POW | Prisoner Of War (Kriegsgefangener) | Recht |
PP | Peering Point | IT |
PP | Physical Partition | |
PP | Portable Part | |
PP | Predictive Pipelining | |
PP | Produktionspotential | VWL |
PPC | Personal Productivity Center | |
PPC | Power PC | |
PPC | Production Planning and Control | |
PPD | PostScript Printer Description | |
PPDS | Personal Printer Data Stream | |
PPDU | Presentation Protocol Data Unit | |
PPF | Plain Paper Fax | |
PPF | Print Production Format | |
PPGA | Plastic Pin Grid Array | |
PPH | Pages per Hour | |
ppi | pixels per inch | |
PPI | Programmable Peripheral Interface | |
PPID | Parent Process Identification Number | |
PPL | Pay per Lead | |
PPL | Privatpilotenlizenz | |
PPM | Pages per Minute | |
PPM | Parts per Million | |
PPM | Portable Pixmap | |
PPM | Prediction by Partial Match | |
PPP | Point-to-Point Protocol | IT |
PPP | Produktionsprogrammplanung | BWL |
PPPoA | Point-to-Point Protocol Over Asynchronous Transfer Mode | IT |
PPPoE | Point-to-Point Protocol Over Ethernet | IT |
PPS | Production Planning System | |
PPS | Produktionsplanung und -steuerungs-System | |
PPTP | Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol | IT |
PPUC | Probably Permanently Under Construction | |
PQET | Print Quality Enhancement Technology | IT |
PR | Pacing Response | |
PR | Packet Radio | |
PR | Path Replacement | |
PR | Performance Rating | |
PR | Public Relations (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit) | |
PRA | Primary Rate Access | |
PRAP | Passive Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten (PRAP) | |
PRCA | Public Relations Consultants Association | Organisation |
PRCS | Project Revision Control System | |
PRDMD | Private Directory Management Domain | |
PReP | PowerPC Reference Platform | |
PRI | Primary-Rate Interface (ISDN) | TK |
PRISM | Parallel Reduced Instruction Set Multiprocessor | |
PRMD | Private Management Domains | IT |
PRML | Partial Response Maximum Likelihood | IT |
PRN | Printer | |
PRNET | Packet Radio Network | |
PRNG | Pseudo Random Number Generator | |
PRO | Precision RISC Organization | |
PROFS | Professional Office System | |
PROLOG | Programming in Logic (IBM) | IT |
PROM | Programmable Read Only Memory | IT |
PRS | Print Management Service | |
PRTI | Professional Realtime Interface (OSF) | IT |
PS | Personal System | |
PS | Post Script (IBM) | IT |
ps | post scriptum | |
PS | Postscript | IT |
PS | Power Supply | |
PS | Privilege Service | |
PS | Proportional Spacing | |
PS/2 | Personal System/2 | |
PSA | Physical Sector Address | |
PSAP | Presentation Service Access Point | IT |
PSB | Path State Block | |
PSC | Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center | |
PSC | Product Service Center | |
PSCT | Polymer Stabilized Cholesteric Texture | |
PSD | Page Setup Dialogue | |
PSD | Platform Specific Driver | |
PSDN | Packet Switched Data Network | IT |
PSDU | Presentation Service Data Unit | |
PSE | Personal Security Environment | |
PSE | Personen-Such-Einrichtung | |
PSE | Port Switched Ethernet | |
PSEL | Presentation Selector | |
PSF | Permanent Swap File | |
PSI | Packetnet System Interface | |
PSI | Postscript Interpreter | |
PSIRT | Cisco Product Security Incident Response Team | |
PSK | Phase Shift Keying | IT |
PSL | Problem Statement Language | |
PSN | Packet Switch Node | |
PSN | Processor Serial Number | |
PSO | Protocol Supporting Organization | |
PSP | Personal Software Process | |
PSP | Program Segment Prefix | |
PSP | Projektstrukturplan | |
PSRAM | Pseudo Static Random Access Memory | IT |
PSRG | Privacy and Security Research Group | Organisation |
PSS | Private Signalling System | |
PST | Pre-Structured Technology | |
PSTN | Public Switched Telephone Network | TK |
PSU | Page Storage Unit | IT |
PSU | Power Supply Unit | IT |
PSW | Program Status Word | |
PT | Packet/Payload Type | |
PT | Page Table | |
PTAL | Payment Transaction Application Layer | |
PTB | Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Braunschweig | |
PTBS | Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung | Medizin |
PTC | Positive Temperature Coefficient (Kaltleiter) | |
PTD | Parallel Transfer Disk Drive | |
PTE | Page Table Entry | |
PTF | Program Temporary Fix | |
PTF | Pthread Framework | |
PTFE | Polytetrafluorethylen (Teflon) | Chemie |
PTI | Payload Type Identifier | |
PTI | Payload Type Identifier/Indicator | |
PTMP | Point To Multi Point | |
PTM-SC | Point To Multipoint Service Centre (Connection) | |
PTN | Plant Test Number | |
PTO | Please Turn Over | |
PTO | Public Telecommunication Network Operator | IT |
PTP | Point To Point | |
PTR | Paper-Type-Reader (Connection) | |
PTR | Pointer Record | |
PTS | Post- och Telestyrelsen | |
PTSD | Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung) | Medizin |
PTSE | PNNI Topology State Element | |
PTT | Postal, Telephone and Telegraph authority | |
PTT | Public Telephone and Telegraph | |
PTZ | Pan, Tilt & Zoom | IT |
PTZ | Posttechnisches Zentralamt | |
PU | Physical Unit | |
PU | Programmierte Unterweisung | |
PublG | Publizitätsgesetz | |
PUI | Picoscopic User Interface | |
PUK | Personal Unblocking Key | |
PUL | Packet Underway Limit | |
pulv. | pulverisiert | |
PUMA | Protected User Mode Audio | IT |
PUP | PARC Universal packet Protocol | |
PURL | Persistent Uniform Resource Locator | |
PUS | Processor Upgrade Socket | |
PV | paketvermittelt | |
PV | Physical Volume | |
PVA | Patterned Vertical Alignment (LCD-Display-Technik) | IT |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Channel/Circuit/Connection | |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuit | |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Circuits (Netzwerk) | IT |
PVC | Permanent Virtual Connection | |
PVC | Polyvinylchlorid (Kunststoff) | Chemie |
PvdA | Partij Van De Arbeid (Niederlande) | Partei |
PVM | Parallel Virtual Machine | |
PVM | Parallel/Passthru Virtual Machine | |
PVN | Private/Programmable Virtual Network (IBM) | IT |
PVP-OPM | Protected Video Path, Output Protection Management | IT |
PVR | Permanent Virtual Route | |
PVR | Personal Video Recorder | |
PVS | Plankostenverrechnungssatz | BWL |
PVS | Potentially Visible Set | |
PVS | Professional Vision Services | |
PWL | Password List | |
PWM | Pulse Width Modulation | |
PWR | Power | |
PWS | Personal Web Server | IT |
PWS | Piglet Wasting Syndrome | Medizin |
PWS | Postwurfsendung | |
PWS | Prader-Willi-Syndrom | Medizin |
PXE | Preboot Execution Environment | IT |
PXI | PCI Extension for Instrumentation | IT |
PzM | Punkt-zu-Mehrpunkt | |
PzP | Punkt-zu-Punkt (-Verbindung, ISDN) | IT |
Q |
Q | Generation Qualifier (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
Q | Query | IT |
Q | Queue | |
q.e.d. | quod erat demonstrandum (was zu beweisen war) | |
Q+A | Questions and Answers | |
QA | Quality Assurance/Audit | |
QA | Query Analyser | |
QAM | Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (Quadraturamplitudenmodulation) | |
QBE | Query By Example | |
QBF | Query By Form | |
QBIC | Query By Image Content | |
QC | Query Configuration | |
QCB | Queue Control Block | |
QCIF | Quarter Common Intermediate Format | |
QD | Quad Density | |
QD | Quick Disconnection | |
QDL | Quadri Data Layer | |
QFA | Quick File Access | |
QFD | Quality Function Deployment | |
QFP | Quad-FlatPack | |
QFP | Quadratic Flatpack | |
QIAM | Queued Indexed Access Method | |
QIC | Quality Insurance Chain | |
QIC | Quarter Inch Cartridge | |
QIC | Quarter Inch Cartridge/Committee | |
QID | Quanteninformationsdynamik | |
QIL | Quad-In-Line (Montagerahmen für Chip) | |
QISAM | Queued Index Sequential Access Method | |
QJE | Quaterly Journal of Economics | |
QL | Query Language | |
QLLC | Qualified Logical Link Control | |
QLP | Query Language Processor | |
QMF | Query Management Facility (IBM) | IT |
QoS | Quality of Service | |
QPSK | Quadrature Phase Shift Keying | |
QR | Quick Response | IT |
QRI | Queue Response Indicator | |
QSAM | Queued Sequential Access Method | IT |
QSDPCM | Quadtree-strukturierte Differenz-Puls-Code-Modulation | |
QSIG | Quersignalisierung | |
QSIG | Unified International Corporate Network Signalling Standard | |
QSM | Queued Serial Module | |
QSMTP | Queued SMTP | |
QTAM | Queued Teleprocessing Access Method | |
QTML | Quicktime Media Layer | |
QUED | Quick Editor | |
QUEL | Query Language (Ingres) | IT |
QUIC | Quick UDP Internet Connections | IT |
QUIP | Query Interactive Processor | |
QUISAM | Queued Index Sequential Access Method | |
R |
R | Reference | |
R | Ressourcen | VWL |
R | Wiederstand | Physik |
R.O.C. | Republic of China, Taiwan | |
R+D | Research and Development | |
RA | Radiocommunications Agency | |
RA | Random Availability | |
RA | Registration Authority | |
RA | Regulärer Ausdruck | |
RA | Return Authorization | |
RAB | RAID Advisory Board | |
RAC | Radio Amateurs of/du Canada | |
RAC | Royal Automobil Club | |
RACE | Research And Development in Advanced Communication Technologies in Europe | |
RACF | Resource Access Control Facility | |
RACH | Random Access Cheannel (IBM) | IT |
RACKS | Reusable Application Interface for Communicating Real-Time Kernels | |
RAD | Rapid Application Development | |
RADAR | Radio Detecting and Ranging | |
RADAR | Radio Detection and Ranging | |
RADIUS | Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service | |
RADSL | Rate Adaptive ADSL | |
RAEBNC | Read And Enjoyed, But No Comment | |
RAF | Rote-Armee-Fraktion | |
RAF | Royal Air Force | |
RAG | Row Address Generator | IT |
RAI | Remote Alarm Indication | |
RAID | Redundant Array of Independent Disks (Redundante Anordnung unabhängiger Festplatten) | IT |
RALU | Register Arithmetic Logic Unit | IT |
RALU | Register-ALU (Rechenwerk) | IT |
RAM | Random Access Memory | IT |
RAM | Rate Adaptive Mode | IT |
RAM | Rechargeable Alcali Mangan | |
RAMDAC | Random Access Memory Digital Analog Converter | IT |
RAMP | Remote Access Maintenance Protocol | |
RAMPS | Reliability, Availability, Manageability, Performance, Serviceability | |
RAND | Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory | |
RAND-RF | Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory Royalty Free | |
RAND-Z | Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory with Zero-Loyality | |
RAO | Reichsabgabenordnung | Recht |
RAO | Rossiskoje Akzionernoje Obschtschestwo (Russische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
RAP | Radio Local Loop Access Profile | |
RAP | Rapid Application Prototyping | |
RAP | Rechnungsabgrenzungsposten | BWL |
RAPEX | Rapid Exchange of Information System (Schnellwarnsystem der EU für den Verbraucherschutz) | |
RAPID | Reusable Application Specific Intellectul Property Developers | |
RARE | Reseaux Associes de/pour la Recherche en Europe | |
RARP | Reverse Address Resolution Protocol | IT |
RAS | Random Access Storage (Internet) | IT |
RAS | Reliability, Availability and Serviceability | |
RAS | Remote Access Server/Service | |
RAS | Remote Access Service (Microsoft) | IT |
RAS | Row Access Strobe | |
RAS | Row Address Select/Strobe (siehe auch CAS) | |
RASMED | Redundant Array of Slightly More Expensive Disks | |
RAT | Register Alias Table | |
RATP | Reliable Asychronous Transfer Protocol | |
RATS | Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society (Internet) | IT |
RAVE | Renderer Acceleration Virtual Engine | |
RAVE | Renderer Acceleration Virtual Machine | |
RAW | Read After Write | |
RAW | Reichbahnausbesserungswerk | |
RBB | Rapid Boot BIOS | |
RBBS | Remote Bulletin Board System | |
RBER | Residual Bit Error Rate | |
RBF | Rentenbarwertfaktor | |
RBM | Rule Base Memory | |
RBOC | Regional Bell Operating Company | |
RC | Receive Common | |
RC | Receiver Clock | |
RC | Reconfigurable Computing | |
RC | Release Candidate | IT |
RC | Resource Control | |
RC | Run Command | |
RC4 | Ron's Cipher 4 | |
RCA | Radio Corporation of America | Medien |
RCA | Radio Corporation of Amerika | |
RCA | Ripple Carry Adder | |
RCC | Reduced Complexity Computer | |
RCC | Remote Cluster Controller | |
RCC | Routing Control Center | |
RCC | Routing Control Center/Channel | |
RCDATA | Replaceable Character Data | |
RCEVH | Research Centre for the Education of the Visually Handicapped | |
RCLK | Rack Clock | |
RCP | Reality Immersion Coprocessor | |
RCP | Remote Copy Protocol (Netzwerke, TCP/IP) | IT |
RCP | Retransmission Control Procedure | |
RCPT | Recipient | |
RCS | Record Communication Switching System | |
RCS | Resource Construction Set | |
RCS | Revision Control System | |
RCS | Rich Communications Services | TK |
RCV | Receive | |
RD | Receive Data (RS-232) | IT |
RD | Recursive Design | |
RD | Request Disconnect | |
RD | Resource Discovery | |
RDA | Remote Data/Database Access | |
RDB | Receive Data Buffer | |
RDB | Relational Database | |
RDBMS | Relational DataBase Management System (Relationales Datenbank-Management-System) | IT |
RDC | Remote Dual Copy | IT |
RDD | Replaceable Database Driver | IT |
RDF | Resource Description Format | IT |
RDF | Resource Description Framework | IT |
RDKS | Reifendruckkontrollsystem | |
RDN | Relative Distinguished Name | IT |
RDO | Remote Data Object | IT |
RDP | Reliable Data Protocol | IT |
RDP | Reliable Datagram Protocol | IT |
RDP | Remote Desktop Protocol | IT |
RDR | Rijksdienst voor Radiocommunicatie | Behörde |
RDS | Radio Data System | |
RDS | Remote Data Services | |
RDS-EON | Radio Data System - Enhanced Other Networks | |
RDSR | Receiver Data Service Request | |
RDSS | Radio Determination Satellite Services | |
RDST | Rotating Head Digital Storage Tape | |
RDW | Record Descriptor Word | |
RE | Recall | |
RE | Regular Expression | |
RE | Report Engine | |
RE | Reverse Engineering | |
REACH | Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals | Recht |
RED | Random Early Detection | |
REFS | Resilient File System | IT |
REG | Regular Languages | |
RegE | Regierungsentwurf | |
RegTP | Regulierungsbehoerde fuer Telekommunikation und Post | |
RegTP | Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post | |
REJ | Reject | |
REM | Remark | |
REM | REMarks | |
REM | Remote | |
REM | Reseau d'Enseignement Multimedia | |
REM | Ring Error Monitor | |
REO | Removable Erasable Optical Disk | |
REP | Reply to Message Number | |
REP | Robots Exclusion Protocol | |
REQ | Request | |
REQOTE | Request for Quotation | |
RES | Radio Equipment and Systems | |
RES | Remote Execution Server/Service | |
RES | Reset | |
RES | Robots Exclusion Standard | |
resp. | respektive | |
RESV | RSVP Reservation Request | |
RET | Resolution Enhancement Technology | |
REWE | Revisionsverband der Westkauf-Genossenschaften | |
REXX | Restructured Extended Executor | IT |
RF | Radio Frequency | |
RF | Remote File | |
RFA | Remote File Access | |
RFB | Remote Frame Buffer | |
RFC | Request for Comments | |
RFC | Response For a Class | IT |
RFD | Request For Discussion | |
RFE | Radio Free Ethernet | IT |
RFE | Request For Enhancement | |
RFH | Reichsfinanzhof | |
RFI | Radio Frequency Interference | |
RFID | Radio Frequency Identification | IT |
RFNM | Ready For Next Message | |
RFP | Radio Fixed Parts | |
RFP | Request For Proposal | |
RFQ | Request For Quotation/Quote | |
RFS | Remote File Sharing/System | |
RFT | Request For Technology | |
RFU | Reserved for Future Use | IT |
RFV | Real File Viewer | |
RG/U | Radio Guide/Utility | |
RGB | Red, Green, Blue | |
RGDI | Renaissance Graphics Device Interface | |
RGP | Raster Graphics Processor | |
RGW | Rat für Gegenseitige Wirtschaftshilfe (COMECON) | |
RH | Rechnungshof | |
RH | Relative Humidity | |
Rh | Rhesusfaktor | Medizin |
RHC | Receding Horizon Control | |
RHNT | Registration Hierarchical Name Tree | IT |
RI | Referential Integrity | |
RI | Ring Indicator | |
RIA | Red Ink Award (signalisiert Anläuten des Modems) | |
RIAA | Recording Industry Association of America | Organisation |
RIAS | Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus | Organisation |
RIAS | Rundfunk im amerikanischen Sektor | Medien |
RIB | RenderMan Interface Bytestream | |
RIB | Routing Information Base | |
RIC | Radio Identify Code | |
RID | Rechnerinterne Darstellung | |
RID | Relative Identifier | |
RID | Row IDentifier | |
RIE | Reactive Ion Etching | |
RIF | Resource Interchange File | |
RIF | Routing Information Field | |
RIFF | Resource Interchange File Format | |
RII | Routing Information Indicator | |
RIM | Remote Installation and Maintenace | |
RIM | Request Initialization Mode | |
RIMM | RAMBUS In-line Memory Module | |
RIP | Raster Image Processor | |
RIP | Remote Image/Imaging Protocol/Processing | |
RIP | Requiescat In Pace | |
RIP | Router/Routing Information Protocol | |
RIP | Routing Information Protocol | IT |
RIPE | Reseaux IP Europeenne | Organisation |
RIPE NCC | Reseaux Internet Protocol Européenne Network Coordination Center | Organisation |
RIPL | Remote Initial Program Loading | |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Code/Computer | |
RISC | Reduced Instruction Set Computer | IT |
RISP | Rhein-Ruhr-Institut für Sozialforschung und Politikberatung (Universität Duisburg-Essen) | Organisation |
RITA | Reduced Interim Type Approval | |
RJ | Registered Jack | |
RJE | Remote Job Entry | |
RJSC | Russian Joint Stock Company (Russische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
RKB | Renewal Key Block | IT |
RL | Real Life | Usenet |
RL | Reconfigurable Logic | IT |
RL | Remote Loopback | |
RLC | Radio Link Control | |
RLE | Research Laboratory of Electronics | |
RLE | Run Length Encoded/Encoding | |
RLE | Run Length Encoding | |
RLG | Research Libraries Group | |
RLIN | Research Libraries Information Network | |
RLL | Radio in the Local Loop | |
RLL | Row Level Locking | |
RLL | Run Length Limited | |
RLM | Receiver-driven Layered Multicast | |
RLM | Robotic Library Manager | |
RLM | Robust Linear Model | |
RLN | Remote LAN Node | |
RLNC | Random Linear Network Coding | IT |
RLP | Radio Link Protocol | |
RLS | Remote Learning System | |
RLSD | Received Line Signal Detected | |
RLV | Ringleitungsverteiler | |
RLZ | Raumladungszone | |
RM | Reference Model | |
RM | Repository Manager (IBM) | IT |
RM | Ressource Mangement | |
RMF | Remote Management Facility | |
RMF | Rich Music Format | |
RMI | Remote Method Invocation (Java) | IT |
RMI-IIOP | Remote Method Invocation Internet Inter-ORB Protocol | IT |
RMM | Read Mostly Memory | |
RMON | Remote | IT |
RMON | Remote Monitoring | IT |
RMS | RAID Management Software | IT |
RMS | Rate Monotonic Scheduling | |
RMS | Reason Maintenance System | |
RMS | Record Management Services | IT |
RMS | Record Management System | IT |
RMS | Richard Matthew Stallman | |
RMS | Root Mean Square | |
RMT | Ring Management | |
RMW | Read Modify Write | |
Rn. | Randnummer | |
RNA | Remote Network Access | IT |
RNA | Ribonucleic acid (RNS, Ribonukleinsäure) | Chemie |
RNA | Rufnummernanzeige | |
RNARS | Royal Navy Amateur Radio Society | Organisation |
RNDC | Remote Name Daemon Control | IT |
RNG | Random Number Generator | IT |
RNI | Radio Nordzee International | Medien |
RNI | Rainbow Network Interface | IT |
RNIS | Reseau Numerique a Integration de Services | IT |
RNR | Receiver Not Ready | |
RNS | Ribonukleinsäure | Chemie |
RNSI | Remote Node Service for ISDN | |
RO | Read Only | IT |
RO | Remote Operation | IT |
RO | Ring Out | |
ROBO | Remote Office Branch Office | |
ROC | Restricted Operators Certificate | |
RoD/PO | Reading on Demand/Paper Option | |
ROFBTC | Rolling On the Floor Biting The Carpet | Usenet |
ROFL | Rolling On the Floor Laughing | Usenet |
ROFLMAO | Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Ass Off | Usenet |
ROI | Rectangle/Region Of Interest | |
ROI | Region Of Interest | |
ROI | Return Of Investment | |
ROLAP | Relational Online Analytical Processing | |
ROM | RAID On the Motherboard | |
ROM | Read Only Memory | IT |
ROM | Read Only Memory, Festwertspeicher | IT |
ROOM | Realtime Object Orientated Modeling | IT |
ROP | Return Oriented Programming | IT |
rop | RISC OPeration | IT |
ROPS | Remote Operations Service | IT |
ROS | Record On Silicon | IT |
ROS | Remote Operations Service | IT |
ROS | Resident Operating System | IT |
ROSE | RATS Open System Environment | IT |
ROSE | Remote Operations Service Element/Entity | IT |
ROTD | Release Of The Day | |
ROTFL | Rolling On The Floor Laughing (Sich vor Lachen auf dem Boden wälzend) | Usenet |
ROTFLBTCASTCIIHO | rolling on the floor, laughing, biting the carpet (Sich vor Lachen auf dem Boden wälzend und in den Teppich beißend) | Usenet |
ROW | Rest Of the World | |
RP | Rendezvous Point | |
RPA | Remote Passphrase Authentication | IT |
RPAS | Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems | |
RPB | Radio-Praktiker-Bücherei | |
RPB | Reverse Path Broadcasting | |
RPC | Remote Procedure Call | IT |
RPC | Root Path Cost | |
RPD | Rapid Prototyping Development | |
RPE-LPC | Regular Pulse Excited Linear Predictive Coder | |
RPE-LTP | Regular Pulse Excitation with Long-Term Prediction Loop | |
RPG | Record Program Generator | |
RPKI | Resource Public Key Infrastructure | IT |
RPL | Requested Privilege Level (IBM) | IT |
RPL | Resident Programming Language | |
RPM | Radio Packet Modem | |
RPM | Rapid Prototyping Module | |
RPM | Red Hat Package Manager | |
rpm | Revolutions per minute | |
RPM | Rotations Per Minute | |
RPN | Reverse Polish Notation | |
RPN | Reverse Polnish Notation | |
RPOA | Recognized Private Operating Agency | |
RPPROM | Reprogrammable PROM | |
RPS | Redundant Power Supply | |
RPS | Remote Procedure Services | |
RPS | Right Protection System | |
RPS | Rotational Position Sensing (Fesplatten-Controller) | |
RPSL | Routing Policy Specification Language (Zensur-System) | |
RQBE | Relational Query By Example | |
RQL | Rejectable Quality Limit (Rückzuweisende Qualitätsgrenzlage) | |
RR | Radio Regulations | |
RR | Real Reality | |
RR | Receive/Receiver Ready | |
RR | Round Robin | |
RRA | Remote Record Access | |
RRAS | Routing and Remote Access Service | |
RRDS | Relative Record Data Set (VSAM) | IT |
RRZN | Regionales Rechenzentrum Niedersachsen, Hannover | |
RS | Recommended Standard | |
RS | Record Separator | |
RS | Reed Solomon | |
RS | Registry Service (Code) | |
RS | Request to Send | |
RSA | Rives/Shamir/Adleman (Norm für serielle Schnittstelle) | |
RSA | Rivest, Shamir, Adleman | |
RSAC | Recreational Software Advisory Council | |
RSB | Reservation State Block | |
RSCS | Remote Spooling and Communications/Control Subsystem | |
RSCV | Route Selection Control Vector | |
RSDL | Reverse Spiral Dual Layer | |
RSET | Reset | |
RSH | Remote Shell (Netzwerke, TCP/IP) | IT |
RSI | Repetitive Strain Injury | |
RSIS | Relocateable Screen Interface Specification | |
RSL | Request and Status Link | |
RSM | Randomized Shared Memory | |
RSM | Regel-Saatgut-Mischung | |
RSN | Real Soon Now | |
RSOH | Regenerator Section Overhead | IT |
RSP | Required Space Character | |
RSPC | Reed Solomon Product Code | |
RSRB | RemoteSource Route Bridging | |
RSS | Radio Subsystem | |
RSS | Really Simple Syndication | IT |
RSSAC | Root Server System Advisory Committee | |
RST | Readability, Signal Strength, and Tone | |
RST | Receive Start Threshold | |
RST | Reset | |
RST | Restart | |
RStBl | Reichssteuerblatt | |
RSTE | Regenerator Section Terminating Equipment | |
RSTS | Resource Sharing and Time Sharing | |
RSVP | resource ReSerVation Protocol | |
RSVP | Resource Reservation Setup Protocol | |
RSX | Real Time Resource Sharing Executive | |
RT | Real/Run Time | |
RT | Receive Timing | |
RT | RISC Technology | |
RTA | Rapid Thermal Annealing | |
RTA | Runder Tisch Amateurfunk | |
RTAM | Remote Terminal Access Method | |
RTB | Regional Testbed | |
RTC | Real Time Communication | |
RTC | Return To Control | |
RTCA | Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics | |
RTCP | Realtime Transport Control Protocol | IT |
RTD | Round Trip Delay | |
RTEID | Real Time Executive Interface Definition | |
RTEL | Reverse Telnet | |
RTF | Rich Text Format | IT |
RTFAQ | Read The FAQ | Usenet |
RTFB | Read The Funny Binary | Usenet |
RTFF | Read The Fantastic FAQ | Usenet |
RTFM | Read The Fucking Manual (Lies das verdammte Handbuch) | Usenet, Slang |
RTFS | Read The Funny Source | |
RTK | Real Time Kernel | IT |
RTL | Radio Television Luxembourg | |
RTL | Register Transfer Level | |
RTL | Resistor Transistor Logic | |
RTL | Run Time Library | |
RTM | Read The Manual | Usenet, Slang |
RTM | Real Time Modeling | IT |
RTM | Response Time Monitor | |
RTMP | Routing Table Maintenance Protocol | |
RTO | Retransmission TimeOut | |
RTOS | Real Time Operating System | |
RTP | Rádio e Televisão de Portugal | Medien |
RTP | Rapid Thermal Processing | |
RTP | Real-Time Transport Protocol | IT |
RTP | Regulierungsbehörde für Telekommunikation und Post (Internet) | Behörde |
RTP | Reliable Transport Protocol | IT |
RTR | RARE Technical Report | |
RTS | Real Time System | |
RTS | Reliable Transfer Service | |
RTS | Request To Send | IT |
RTSE | Reliable Transfer Service Element | |
RTSP | Real Time Streaming Protocol | IT |
RTT | Round-Trip Time | |
RTTI | Run Time Type Information/Identification | |
RTTI | Run-Time-Type-Information | |
RTTY | Radio Teletype | |
RTV | Real Time Video (Funkfernschreiben) | |
rt-VBR | Real Time Variable Bit Rate | |
RTW | Rettungswagen | |
RU | Request Unit | |
RU | Response Unit | |
RUA | Remote User Agent | |
RUC | Reservation Upon Collision | |
RUM | Rechenzentrum Universität Mannheim (Scheme) | |
RUP | Rational Unified Process | |
RUS | Rechenzentrum der Universität Stuttgart | |
RV | Real Virtuality | |
RV | Recreation Vehicle (Wohnmobil) | |
RV | Rentenversicherung | |
RVD | Remote Virtual Disk | |
RVI | Reverse Interrupt | |
RVL | Ringverteilungsleiter | |
RW | Read/Write | |
RWB | Responsive Workbench | |
RWI | Reset Window Indicator | |
RWI | Rheinisch-westfälisches Wirtschaftsforschungs-Institut (Essen) | |
RWIN | Receive WINdow | |
RWM | Read Write Memory | |
RWP | RIP While Printing | |
RWS | Rufweiterschaltung | |
RX | Receive Data | |
RX | Receiver | |
RZ | Rechenzentrum | |
S |
S | Nachname (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
S | Schweden | Autokennzeichen |
S | Soll | BWL |
S | Sparen | VWL |
S. | Seite | |
s. | siehe | |
S.A. | Société Anonyme bzw. Sociedad Anonima (Aktiengesellschaft, spanisch- und französischsprachige Länder) | Recht |
S.p.A. | Societa per Azioni (italienische Aktiengesellschaft) | Recht |
S/H | Sample and Hold | |
S/MIME | Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | |
S/N | Signal/Noise | |
S/P-DIF | Sony/Philips Digital InterFace | IT |
S/STP | Screened Shielded Twisted Pair (Netzwerkkabel) | IT |
S/UTP | Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair (Netzwerkkabel) | IT |
S2M | ISDN Wählverbindung 2 Mbit/s | |
SA | Security Association | |
SA | Selective Availability | |
SA | Service Agent | |
SA | Source Address | |
SA | Structured Analysis | |
SA | System Administrator | |
SA | Systemaufsicht (MS Exchange Server) | IT |
SAA | Single Assignment Approach | |
SAA | Systems Application Architecture | |
SAAL | Signaling ATM Adaption Layer | |
SAAL | Signalling AAL | |
SAB | Standards Activities Board | |
SABM | Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode (IEEE/CS) | IT |
SABME | Set Asynchronous Balanced Mode Extended | |
SAC | Service Access | |
SAC | Simple API for CSS | |
SAC | Simplified Access Control | |
SAC | Single Attached/Attachment Concentrator | |
SAC | Special Area Code | |
SACCH | Slow Associated Control Channel | |
SACD | Super Audio CD | |
SACEADM | System Auxiliary Control Element Administration | |
SACECP | System Auxiliary Control Element Common Pair | |
SachBezV | Sachbezugsverordnung | Recht |
SACK | Selective ACKnowledgement | |
SADT | Structured Analysis and Design Technique | |
SAE | Simultaneous Authentication of Equals | IT |
SAFT | Simple Asynchronous File Transfer Protocol | |
SAG | SQL Access Group | |
SAIL | Stanford AI Laboratory | |
SAINT | Symbolic Automatic Integrator | |
SAL | Self Addressed Envelope | |
SAL | Source Address List | |
SAL | Structured Assembly Language | |
SALT | Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (Vertrag zur nuklearen Rüstungsbegrenzung) | |
SALT | SuSE Advanced Linux Technology | |
SAM | Scalable ADSL Modem | |
SAM | SCSI Architecture Model | |
SAM | Security Account Manager | IT |
SAM | Sequential Access Memory | |
SAM | Sequential Access Method | |
SAM | Serial Access Memory | |
SAM | Smart ATM Modul | |
SAM | System Administration Manager | |
SAN | Satellite Access Network | |
SAN | Schulen ans Netz e.V. | Organisation |
SAN | Standard Address Number | |
SAN | Storage Area Network | IT |
SANE | Scanner Access Now Easy | |
SAP | Send And Pray | |
SAP | Sercice Access Point | |
SAP | Service Access Point | IT |
SAP | Service Advertising Protocol | IT |
SAP | Symbolic Assembler Program (Novell) | IT |
SAP | Systeme, Anwendungen, Produkte | Firma |
SAPI | Service Access Point Identifier | |
SAPI | Speech Application Programming Interface | |
SAR | Search And Rescue | |
SAR | Simultaneous Auto Regressive | IT |
SAR | Specific Absorption Rate | |
SAR | Storage Aspect Ratio | IT |
SAR | Synthetic Aperture Radar | |
SARC | Symantec Antivirus Research Center | |
SARM | Set Asynchronous Response Mode | |
SARME | Set Asynchronous Response Mode Extended | |
SARS | Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom (Schweres Akutes Atemwegssyndrom) | Medizin |
SART | Search And Rescue Radar Transponder | |
SARTG | Scandinavian Amateur Radio Teleprinter Group | |
SAS | Single Attached Station | |
SAS | Statistical Analysis System (FDDI) | |
SAS | SWITCH Access System | |
SASE | Self Addressed and Stamped Envelope | |
SASE | Specific Application Service Element | |
SASI | Shugart Associates Standard Interface | |
SASI | Shugart Associates System Interface (Shugart=Seagate) | |
SASL | Simple Authentication and Security Layer | |
SAT | Satisfiability Problem | |
SATA | Serial Advanced Technology Attachment | IT |
SATAN | Security Analysis/Administrator's Tool for Analyzing/Auditing Networks | |
SATS | Selected Abstract Test Suite | |
SATT | Software Analysis Test Tool (IBM) | IT |
SAUCE | Software Against Unsolicited Commercial Email | |
SAW | Surface Acoustic Wave | |
SAX | Simple API for XML (-Filter) | |
Sb | Antimon | Chemisches Element |
SB | Selbstbedienung | |
SB | Standby Indicator | |
SBA | Side Band Addressing | |
SBC | SCSI Block Commands | |
SBC | Single Board Computer | |
SBCS | Single Byte Character/Command Set | |
SBE | Society of Broadcast Engineers | |
SBK | Schlußbilanzkonto | |
SBP | Serial Bus Protocol | IT |
SBP | Structured Buffer Pool | |
SBUP | System Backup Partition | |
SBZ | Sowjetische Besatzungszone | Staat |
SC | Secondary Channel | |
SC | Send Common | |
SC | Sport-Club | |
SC | Subcommittee | |
SCA | Security Control and Audit | |
SCA | Single Connector Attachment | |
SCADA | Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition | |
SCAM | SCSI Configured AutoMagically | |
SCART | Syndicat des Constructeurs d'Appareils Radio Recepteurs et Televiseurs | |
SCB | subsystem control Block | |
SCC | Satellite Control Center | |
SCC | SCSI Controller Commands | IT |
SCC | Serial Communication Controller | IT |
SCC | Spontaneous Computer Combustion | IT |
SCC | Standards Coordinating Committee | Organisation |
SCC | Synchronous Channel Check | IT |
SCCP | Short Chain Chlorinated Paraffins (Kurzkettige Chlorparaffine) | Chemie |
SCCP | Signalling Connection Control Port | IT |
SCCS | Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety | Organisation |
SCCS | Source Code Control System | IT |
SCD | Standard Color Display | IT |
SCD | Structured Charts Diagram | IT |
SCE | Service Creation Environment | IT |
SCEP | Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol | IT |
SCF | Service Control Function | IT |
SCF | System Control Facility | IT |
SCHWAFEL | Self Constructing Hyper Wavelet Algorithms For Extrapolating Linguistics | |
SchwbG | Schwerbehindertengesetz | Recht |
SCI | Scalable Coherent Interface | |
SCM | Service Control Manager | |
SCM | Software Configuration Management | |
SCM | Supply Chain Management | |
SCML | Spectrum Cataloging Markup Language | |
SCMS | Serial Copy Management System | |
SCN | Switched Circuit Network | |
SCN | System Change/Commit Number | |
SCNR | Sorry, could not resist (Tut mir leid, konnte nicht widerstehen) | Usenet |
SCO | Santa Cruz Operation (Caldera) | Unternehmen |
SCO | Structured Complex Object | IT |
SCO | Synchronous Connection-Oriented | |
SCO | The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc. | |
SCOP | Seasonal Coefficient of Performance | |
SCOS | Single Copy Object Store | |
SCP | Service Control Point | |
SCP | Session Control Protocol | |
SCP | SmartCard Platform | |
SCP | Subsystem Control Port | |
SCPI | Standard Commands for Programmable Instruments | |
SCR | Satellite Channel Routing | |
SCR | Silicon Controlled Rectifier | |
SCR | Standard Context Routing | |
SCR | Sustainable Cell Rate | |
SCS | Secondary Clear to Send | |
SCS | SNA Communication Service | |
SCS | SWITCH Central System | |
SCS | System Communication Services | |
SCSA | Signal Computing System Architecture | |
SCSI | Small Computers System Interface | IT |
SCSL | Sun Community Source Licensing (gesprochen scuzzy) | |
SCTR | System Conformance Test Report | |
SCU | SIMAP Central Unit | |
SCU | System Control Unit | |
SD | Secure Digital | IT |
SD | Send Data | |
SD | Sicherheitsdienst | |
SD | Single Density | |
SD | Starting Delimiter | |
SD | Structured Design | |
SD | Super Density | |
SD | Synchronized Data (Compact Disc) | |
SDA | Start of/Secure Domain Authority | |
SDA | Swappable Data Area | |
SDA | System Design Automation | |
SDAP | Service Discovery Application Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
SDC | Sicherungsdomänen-Controller (MS Windows NT) | IT |
SDCCH | Stand Alone Dedicated Control Channel | |
SDCM | System of Differential Correction and Monitoring | IT |
SDDI | Shielded Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface | |
SDDS | Sony Dynamic Digital Sound | |
SDE | Software Development Environment | |
SDE | Submission and Delivery Entity | |
SDF | Shortest Delay First | |
SDF | Signal Delay Format | |
SDF | Space Delimited File/Format | |
SDF | Standard/System Data Format | |
SDF | Structured Display File | |
SDH | Synchrone Digitale Hierarchie | |
SDH | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy | |
SDHC | Secure Digital High Capacity | IT |
SDI | Selective Dissemination of Information | |
SDI | Serial Digital Interface | |
SDI | Single Document Interface | |
SDI | Strategic Defence Initiative | |
SDigN | Vorschriftensammlung für digitale Netze | |
SDK | Software Development Kit | IT |
SDL | System Description Language | IT |
SDLC | Software Development Life Cycle | |
SDLC | Synchronous Data Link Control | IT |
SDLP | Standard Device Level Protocol | IT |
SDM | Short Data Message | |
SDM | Sub-rate Data Multiplexer | |
SDM | Synchronous Digital Hierarchy | |
SDMA | Space Division Multiple Access | |
SDMI | Secure Digital Music Initiative | |
SDMS | SCSI Device Management System | IT |
SDN | Software Defined Network | IT |
SDNS | Secure Data Network Service | IT |
SDO | Servicedatenobjekt | IT |
SDP | Session Description Protocol | IT |
SDP | Standard Directory Package | |
SDR | Satellite Digital Radio | |
SDR | Session Director (Apple) | IT |
SDR | Software Defined Radio | |
SDR | Standard Dimension Ratio | |
SDR | Standard Dynamic Range | |
SDR | Streaming Data Request | |
SDRAM | Synchronous DRAM | |
SDS | Software Distribution Service | |
SDSC | Strategic and Defence Studies Centre | |
SDSI | Simple Distributed Security Infrastructure | |
SDSL | Symmetric Digital Subscriber Line | TK |
SDTV | Standard Definition Television | |
SDU | Service Data Unit | IT |
SDU | Surveillance Detection Unit | Behörde |
SDW | Segment Descriptor Word | |
SDX | Storage Data Acceleration | |
SDXC | Secure Digital Extended Capacity | IT |
Se | Selen | Chemisches Element, Halbleiter |
SE | Shared Everything | |
SE | Sichteinlagen (Finanzmarkt) | |
SEA | Self Extracting Archive | |
SEA | Society for Electronic Access | |
SEAL | Screening External Access Link | |
SEAL | Simple and Efficient Adaptation Layer | |
SEAL | Software-optimized Encryption ALgorithm | |
SEC | Single Error Correction | |
SEC | Standard Ethernet Controller | |
SECAM | Sequentiel Couleur Avec Memoire | |
SECC | Single Edge Connector Case | |
SECC | Single Edge Contact Cartridge | |
SED | Smoke Emitting Diode | |
SED | Sozialistische Einheitspartei Deutschlands | Politik |
SED | Stream Editor | |
SEDAS | Standardregelungen Einheitlicher Datenaustauschsysteme | |
SEER | Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio | |
SEH | Structured Exception Handling | |
SEHOP | Structure Exception Handler Overwrite Protection | IT |
SEL | SELector | |
SEL | Standard Elektrik Lorenz AG | |
SEM | Server Enhancement Module | |
SEMPER | Secure Electronic Marketplace for Europe | |
SEO | Search Engine Optimization (Suchmaschinenoptimierung) | IT |
SEO | Sequences Number | |
SEP | Separation | |
SEP | Somebody Else's Problem | |
SEP | Strategische Erfolgsposition | |
SEPA | Scottish Environment Protection Agency (Schottische Agentur für Umweltschutz) | Organisation |
SEPA | Single Euro Payments Area (Einheitlicher Euro-Zahlungsverkehrsraum) | |
SEPA | State Environmental Protection Administration (Umweltverwaltung der Volksrepublik China) | Organisation |
SEPI | School Educational Provision Improvement | IT |
SEPP | Secure Electronic Payment Protocol | |
SEPP | Single Edge Processor Package | |
SER | Soft Error | |
SERM | Strukturiertes Entity-Relationship-Modell | |
SES | Ship Earth Station | |
SES | Societe Europeenne des Satellites | |
SE-SCSI | Single Ended SCSI | |
SET | Secure Electronic Transaction | |
SET | Setkey | |
SET | Standard d'Exchange et de Transfert | |
SETCOM | Semantisch reicher Thesaurus für kooperatives Modellieren (Informatik) | |
SETS | Selected Executable Test Suite | |
SEU | Smallest Executable Unit | |
SEX | Software EXchange | |
SF | Science Fiction | |
SF | Select Frequency | |
SF | Sign Flag | |
SF | Store and Forward | |
SFA | Sales Force Automation | |
SFAusl | Vorschriftensammlung Fernmeldeverkehr Ausland | Recht |
SFD | Simple Formatable Document (X.400) | IT |
SFD | Start Frame Delimiter | |
SFF | Small Form Factor | |
SFM | Services für Macintosh (Microsoft) | IT |
SFMJI | Sorry For My Jumping In | |
SFP | Super Fine Positioning | IT |
SFP | System File Protection | |
SFPS | Secure Fast Packet Switching | |
SFQL | Structured Full-text Query Language | |
SFS | Secure File System | |
SFT | System Fault Tolerance | |
SFT | System File Table | |
SFTM | Switched Frame Transfer Mode | |
SFV | Standard-Festverbindung | |
SG | Signal Ground | |
SGA | Shared/System Global Area | |
SGB | Sozialgesetzbuch | Recht |
SGC | SCSI Graphic Commands | |
SGE | Strategische Geschäftseinheit | |
SGF | Strategisches Geschäftsfeld | |
SGI | Silicon Graphics, Inc. | Firma |
SGML | Standard Generalized Markup Language | IT |
SGMP | Simple Gateway Management/Monitoring Protocol | |
SGMP | Simple Gateway Monitoring Port (Internet) | IT |
SGRAM | Synchronous Graphical Random Access Memory | IT |
SGSN | Serving GPRS Support Node | |
SHA | Secure Hash Algorithm | |
SHA | Super High Availability | |
SHA-1 | Secure Hash Algoritm 1 | |
SHAFT | Society to Help Abolish FORTRAN Teaching | IT |
SHAR | Shell Archive | |
SHF | Super High Frequency | |
SHIA | Strongly Hedonistic Internet Area | |
SHIFT | Scalable, Heterogeneous, Integrated Facility | |
SHM | Semantical Hierarchy Model | |
SHM | Short Hold Mode | |
SHRS | Sehen, Hören, Riechen, Schmecken | |
SHTML | SSI HTML (Multimedia) | IT |
S-HTTP | Secure HTTP | IT |
SHV | Standard High Volume | |
SI | Service Interaction | |
SI | Shift In | |
SI | Signalling Rate Indicator | |
Si | Silizium | Chemisches Element |
SI | Source Index | |
SI | Still Image | |
SI | System Information (Exchange) | |
SI | Systeme International d'Unites | |
SI | Système International d'Unités | |
SIA | Semiconductor Industries Association | |
SIA | Semiconductor Industry Association | |
SIA | Serial Interface Adapter | |
SIAM | Supraleitendes Intelligentes Antennen-Modul | |
SIASL | Stranger In A Strange Land | |
SIB | Scaled Index Based | IT |
SIB | Security Information Base | |
SIBIS | Statistical Indicators Benchmarking the Information Society | |
SICAS | Semiconductor International Capacity Statistics | |
SID | Security ID (Sicherheits-ID) | |
SID | Security Identifier | |
SID | Silence Descriptor | |
SID | Society for Information Displays | |
SID | Station Identification | |
SID | Symbolic Interactive Debugger | |
SIDA | Syndrome D'Immunodéficience Acquise) (AIDS) | Medizin |
SIDS | Screening Information Datasets | |
SIDS | Small Island Developing States (Kleine Inselentwicklungsländer) | |
SIDS | Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (Plötzlicher Kindstod) | Medizin |
SIE | Serial Interface Engine | |
SIF | Source Input Format | |
sIFR | scalable Inman Flash Replacement | IT |
SIFS | Short Inter Frame Space | |
SIG | Selective Integral Ground | |
SIG | Software/Special Interest Group | |
SIG | Special Interest Group | |
SIGCAT | Special Interest Group on CD-ROM Applications and Technology | Organisation |
SigG | Signaturgesetz | Recht |
SIGMOD | Special Interest Group on Managment of Data | Organisation |
SIGPLAN | Special Interest Group on Programming Languages | Organisation |
SIH | Super Information Highway | |
SII | Static Invocation Interface | |
SIIA | Software and Information Industry Association | |
SIL | Single-In-Line | IT |
SILK | Speech, Image, Language, Knowledge | |
SIM | Set Initialization Mode | |
SIM | Subscriber Identification Module | TK |
SIMA | Support Initiative for Multimedia Applications | |
SIMAP | Système d'Information pour les Marchés Publics | |
SIMCA | Sitting In My Chair Amused | Usenet |
SIMD | Single Instruction Multiple Data | IT |
SIMD-FP | Single Instruction, Multiple Data-Floating Point | |
SIMM | Single Inline Memory Module | IT |
SIMO | Semantisches Informationsmodell | |
SIMPLE | Sheer Idiots Monopurpose Programming Language Environment | |
SIMS | Sun Internet Mail Server | |
SIN | Service Indicator | |
SINA | SISY Integriertes FTP-Server Archiv, Karlsruhe (ISDN) | TK |
SIO | Serial Input Output | |
SIO | Simultaneous Interface Operation | |
SIP | Session Initiation Protocol | IT |
SIP | Single Inline Package | |
SIP | Statische IP-Adresse | IT |
SIP | System-in-Package | IT |
SIPC | Simple Integrated Personal Computer | |
SIPO | Serial In Serial Out | |
SIPP | Simple Internet Protocol Plus | |
SIPP | Simple Polygon Processor | |
SIPP | Single In-Line Pin Package | |
SIR | Serial InfraRed | |
SIR | Serial Infrared Communication | |
SIR | Standard InfraRed (HP) | |
SIRC | Centre international de recherche sur le cancer (Internationale Agentur für Krebsforschung) | Organisation |
SISD | Single Instruction Single Data | IT |
SISO | Single Input, Single Output | IT |
SISY | Software Informations-System, Karlsruhe | |
SIT | Special Information Tone | |
SITD | Still In The Dark | |
SIV | Soll-Ist-Vergleich | BWL |
SIWG | Special Interest Working Group | IT |
SJCC | Spring Joint Computer Conference | |
SK | Schneider + Koch, Ettlingen | |
SK | Selbstkosten | BWL |
SK | Synchronknoten | |
SKIP | Simple Key Management for Internet Protocols | |
SL | Session Layer | |
SL | Sonderlager | BWL |
SL | Stückliste | |
SLA | Service Level Agreement | |
SLAM | Simultaneous Localization and Mapping | IT |
SLAP | Standalone Lightweight Access Protocol | |
SLAPD | Stand-alone LDAP Daemon | |
SL-API | Salutation Application Programming Interface | |
SLAT | Second Level Address Translation | IT |
SLC | Simple Line Code | |
SLC | Single Level Cells | IT |
SLC | Synchronous Link Control | |
SLD | Second Level Domain | |
SLDRAM | SyncLink DRAM | |
SLED | Single Large Expensive Disk | |
SLED | Solution Light-Emitting Device | |
SLI | Scan Line Interleaving | |
SLI | Scanline Interleave | |
SLI | System Level Integration | |
SLIP | Serial Line Interface Protocol | |
SLIP | Serial Line Internet Protocol | IT |
SLK | Stücklistenkette | |
SLM | Salutation Manager | |
SLP | Service Locator Protocol | |
SLP | System Load Partition | |
SLR | Scalable Linear Recording | |
SLR | Single-Lens Reflex | |
SLS | Service Level Specification | |
SLSI | Super Large Scale Integration | |
SLURPD | Stand-alone LDAP Update Replication Daemon | IT |
SM | Security Management | |
SM | Set Mode | |
SMA | Shared Memory Architecture | IT |
SMA | Sharing with Minimum Allocation | |
SMAD | Sowjetische Militäraadministration in Deutschland | Behörde |
SMAE | System Management Application-Entity | |
SMART | Self Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology | IT |
SMART | Software Metering and Resource Tracking | |
SMASE | System Management Application Service Element | |
SMAU | Smart Multistation Access Unit | |
SMB | Server Message Block | IT |
SMB | System Management Bus | |
SMC | Standard Microsystems, Inc. | |
SMCC | Sun Microsystems Computer Corp. | |
SMD | Schiffsmeldedienst | |
SMD | Storage Modul Device | |
SMD | Storage Module Drive | |
SMD | Surface Mount Device | |
SMD | Surface Mounted Device | |
SMDR | Station Message Detail Recording | |
SMDS | Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service | |
SMDS | Switched Multimegabit Data Services | |
SMDSU | Switched Multi-Megabit Data Service Unit | |
SMF | Simple Message Format | |
SMF | Single Mode Fiber | |
SMF | System Manager Facility | |
SMFA | System Management Functional Area | |
SMI | Structure of Management Information | |
SMI | System Management Interrupt | |
SMIB | Stored Messages Information Base | |
SMIL | Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (XML) | IT |
SMI-S | Storage Management Initiative - Specification | IT |
SMIT | System Management Interface Tool | |
SMK | Software Migration Kit (IBM) | IT |
SML | Sachmerkmal-Liste | IT |
SML | Security Market Line (Wertpapierlinie) | |
SML | Service Modeling Language | IT |
SML | Smart Message Language | IT |
SMM | System Management Mode | IT |
SMNP | Simple Network Management Protocol | IT |
SMO | Social Memory Organizer | |
SMON | Switched Monitoring Network | |
SMOP | Small/Simple Matter Of Programming | |
SMP | Simple Management Protocol | IT |
SMP | SONET Physical Layer Mapping (Internet) | IT |
SMP | Standard Message Package | |
SMP | Symmetric Multiprocessor | IT |
SMP | Symmetrical Multi-Processing | |
SMPS | Switching Mode Power Supply (Schaltnetzteil) | |
SMPTE | Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers | Organisation |
SMR | Shingled Magnetic Recording | IT |
SMS | Selective Multicast Server | |
SMS | Service/Security Management Station/System | |
SMS | Short Message Service | TK |
SMS | Storage Management Services | |
SMS | Subsystem Management Service | |
SMS | System Management Server | IT |
SMSC | Short Message Service Center | |
SMS-CB | SMS Cell Broadcast | |
SMS-MO | SMS Mobile Station Originated | |
SMS-MT | SMS Mobile Station Terminated | |
SMT | Simultaneous Multi Texturing | |
SMT | Simultanous MultiThreading | |
SMT | Station Management | |
SMT | Surface Mounted Technology | |
SMTI | Systems Management Tools Initiative | |
SMTP | send mail transfer protocol | IT |
SMTP | Simple Mail Transfer Protocol | IT |
SMU | System Management Utility (Internet) | IT |
SMUX | SNMP MUltipleXing | |
SMXQ | Sharing with Maximum Queues | |
SN | Sequence Number | |
SN | Subscriber Number | |
SNA | System Network Architecture (IBM) | IT |
SNA | Systems Network Architecture | IT |
SNADS | SNA Distribution Services (IBM) | IT |
SNADS | System Network Architecture Distributed Systems | |
SNAFU | Situation Normal All Fed/Fucked Up | |
SNAP | Streamlined Network Accelerated Protocol | IT |
SNAP | Subnetwork Access Point/Protocol | |
SNAP | SubNetwork Attachment Point | |
SNAPI | Soft Switch Network Application Programming Interface | |
SNCP | System Services Control Point | |
SNDCF | SubNetwork-Dependent Convergence Function | |
SNF | Server Natural Format | |
SNF | Server Normal Font | |
SNF | Session Sequence Number Field (X11) | IT |
SNI | Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG | Firma |
SNI | Subscriber Network Identifier/Interface | |
SNIA | Storage Networking Industry Association | Organisation |
SNICP | SubNetwork Independent Convergence Protocol | IT |
SNMP | Simple Network Management Protocol | IT |
SNNS | Stuttgarter Neuronale Netze System | |
SNOBOL | String Oriented Symbolic Language (Internet) | IT |
SNPA | SubNetwork Point of Attachment | |
SNR | Signal to Noise Ratio | |
SNRM | Set Normal Response Mode | |
SNRME | Set Normal Response Mode Extended | |
SNS | Session Network Services | |
SNVT | Standard Network Variable Type | |
SO | Shift Out | |
SO | Small Outline | |
SO | Supporting Organization | |
SOA | Semiconductor Optical Amplifier | |
SOA | Start Of | |
SOA | Start Of Authority | |
SOA | Structure Of Arrays | |
SOAP | Simple Object Access Protocol | |
SOB | Shadow Operational Binding | |
SOB | Start Of Block | |
SOC | System On a Chip | |
SODIMM | Small Outline DIMM | |
soE | Sonstige Einkünfte (Steuerrecht) | |
SOE | Standard Operating Environment | |
sog. | sogenannt | |
SOGT | Senior Officials Group on Telecommunications | |
SOH | Section Overhead | |
SOH | Start of Header/Heading | |
SOHO | Small Office, Home Office | |
SOHO | Small Office/Home Office | |
SOHO | Small Offices and Home Offices | |
SOI | Silicon On Insulator | |
SOI | Silicon-On-Isolator | |
SOIC | Small Outline Integrated Circuit | |
SOIF | Summary Object Interchange Format | |
SOL | Siemens Optical Link | |
SOL | Simulation Oriented Language | |
SOL | Small OutLine | |
SOL | Special Object Library | |
SoL | System on a Chip | |
SOLAS | Safety of Life at Sea | Recht |
SOM | Start Of Message | IT |
SOM | System Object Model | IT |
SONET | Synchronous Optical Network | IT |
SONETT | Soziales Netz Telecommunikation | |
SOP | Service Object Pair | |
SOP | Standard Operating Procedure | |
SOS | Save our souls | |
SOS | Silicon On Sapphire | |
SOS | Sophisticated Operating System | |
SOUP | Simple Offline Usenet Packet | |
SOV | Single-occupant vehicle (einzeln besetztes Fahrzeug) | Verkehr |
SP | Segment Priority | |
SP | Service Pack | IT |
SP | Service Provider | |
SP | Space | |
SP | Stack Pointer | |
SP | Strategische Planung | Zeitschrift |
SP | System Program | |
Sp. | Spalte | |
SPA | Service Point Application | |
SPA | Software Publishers' Association | |
SPADA | Sprache und Daten | |
SPAG | Standards Promotion and Application Group | |
SPAM | Send Phenomenal Amounts of Mail (OSI) | IT |
SPAM | Spiced Pork and hAM | |
SPAN | Space Physics Analysis Network | |
SPAP | Shiva Password Authentication Protocol | |
SPARC | Scalable Performance ARChitecture | |
SPARC | Scalable Processor ARChitecture | |
SPARC | Systems Planning and Requirements Committee (ANSI) | IT |
SparPG | Sparprämiengesetz | |
SPB | Synchronous Pipelined Bus (Sun) | |
SPC | SCSI Primary Commands | |
SPC | Small Peripheral Controller | |
SPC | Statistical Process Control | IT |
SPC | Sub-Process Control | |
SPD | Serial Presence Detect | |
SPD | Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | Politik |
SPD-EEPROM | Serial Presence Detect EEPROM | |
SPDIF | Sony and Philips Digital Interconnect Format | |
SPDL | Standard Page Description Language | |
SPDT | Single-Pole Double-Throw | |
SPDU | Session Protocol Data Unit (Relay) | |
SPE | Synchronous Payload Envelope | |
SPEC | Standard Performance Evaluation Corporation | Organisation |
SPF | Sender Policy Framework | IT |
SPF | Shortest Path First | IT |
SPF | System Programming Facility | IT |
SPG | Service Protocol Gateway | IT |
SPI | SCSI-3 Parallel Interface | |
SPI | Security Parameter Index | |
SPI | Service Provider Interface | |
SPI | Strategie Planning Institute Boston/London | BWL |
SPICE | Simulation Program with Integrated Circuit Emphasis | IT |
SPID | Service Profile IDentifier | |
SPIP | Système de Publication pour l'Internet Partagé | IT |
SPK | Software Porting Kit | |
SPKAC | Signed Public Key And Challenge | |
SPKI | Simple Public Key Infrastructure | |
SPL | Spooler/Spooling | |
SPLD | Simple PLD | |
SPM | Session Protocol Machine | |
SPM | System Performance Monitor | |
SPMD | Single Program Multiple Data (IBM) | IT |
SPÖ | Sozialdemokratische Partei Österreichs | Politik |
SPOF | Single Point Of Faulure | |
SPOOL | Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line | |
SPOOL | Simultaneous Peripherals Operation On Line | |
SPP | Scalable Parallel Processing | |
SPP | Sequencial Packet Protocol | |
SPP | Standard Parallel Port | |
SPP | StandardParallel Port | |
SPS | Session Presentation Services | |
SPS | Speicherprogrammierbare Steuerung | |
SPS | Speicherprogrammierte Steuerung | |
SPS | Standby Power System | |
SPT | Sectors Per Track | |
SPU | Sound Processing Unit | |
SPV | Semipermanente Verbindung | |
SpVgg | Spielvereinigung | |
SPX | Secured/Sequenced Packet Exchange | |
SPX | Sequenced Packet Exchange (Novell) | IT |
SQ | Signal Quality | |
SQ | Signal-Quantisierungsgeräusch | |
SQE | Signal Quality Error | |
SQL | Standard/Structured Query Language (SQE Test, heartbeat, Ethernet) | |
SQL | Structure Query Language, Standard Query Language | |
SQL | Structured Query Language | IT |
SQuID | Source Quench Introduced Delay | |
SR | Shift Register | |
SR | Signalling Rate Selector | |
SR | Source Routing | |
SRAM | Shadow/Static Random Access Memory | |
SRAM | Static RAM | |
SRAM | Static Random Access Memory | |
SRB | Source Route Bridging | |
SRC | Source (IBM) | IT |
SRC | System Resource Controller | |
SRD | Screen Reader System | |
SRD | Secondary Receive Data | |
SRD | Short Range Device | |
SREJ | Selective Reject | |
SRES | Signed Result | |
SRG | Schweizerische Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft | Medien |
SRI | Stanford Research Institute | |
SRI | Stanford Research Institute | |
SRL | Structural Return Loss | |
SRM | Send Routing Message | |
SRM | Shared Resource Manager | |
SRMA | Split-Channel Reservation Multiple Access | |
SRO | Sharable and Read Only | |
SRPI | Server-Requester Programming Interface (memory) | IT |
SRQ | Service Request | |
SRR | Secondary Receiver Ready | |
SRS | Secondary Request to Send | |
SRS | Software Requirements Specification | |
SRS | Sound Retrieval System | |
SRT | Secure Request Technology | |
SRT | Source Routing Transparent | |
SRTM | Shuttle Radar Topography Mission | |
SRTP | Secure Real-Time Protocol | IT |
SR-UAPDU | Status Report User Agent Protocol Data Unit | |
SRUC | Split Reservation Upon Collision | |
SS | Sampled Servo | |
SS | Schutzstaffel | |
SS | Select Standby | |
SS | Single Shift | |
SS | Single Sided | |
SS | Stack Segment | |
SSA | Screened Subnet Architecture | |
SSA | Serial Storage Architecture | |
SSA | Sveriges Sändareamatörer (IBM) | IT |
SSAP | Session Service Access Point | IT |
SSAP | Source Service Access Point | |
SSB | Schwäbischer Standard-Benchmark | |
SSB | Single Sideband | |
SSBA | Suite Synthetique des Benchmarks de l'AFFU | |
SSC | SCSI Stream Commands | |
SSCC | Serial Shipping Container Code | |
SSCF | Service Specific Coordination Function | |
SSCOP | Service Specific Connection Oriented Protocol | |
SSCP | System Services Control Point/Program | |
SSCS | Service Specific Convergence Sublayer | |
SSD | Secondary Send Data | IT |
SSD | Solid State Drive | IT |
SSDA | Synchronous Serial Data Adapter | |
SSDC | Stack Segment Descriptor Cache | |
SSDP | Simple Service Discovery Protocol | IT |
SSDU | Session Service Data Unit | |
SSEC | Selective Sequence Electronic Calculator | |
SSEL | Session Selector (IBM) | IT |
SSF | Service Switching Function | |
SSF | Structured Fax File | |
SSFDC | Solid State Floppy Disc Card | |
SSGA | System Support Gate Array | |
SSH | Secure Shell | |
SSI | Server Side Includes | IT |
SSI | Single System Image | |
SSI | Small Scale Integration (Elektrotechnik) | |
SSID | Service Set Identifier | IT |
SSK | Strahlenschutzkommission | |
SSL | Schüler, Studenten, Lehrer | |
SSL | Secure Socket/Sockets Layer | |
SSL | Secure Sockets Layer | |
SSMA | Spread Spectrum Multiple Access | |
SSN | Secure Server Network | |
SSO | System Security Officer | |
SSP | Serial Storage Protocol | |
SSP | Service Switching Point | |
SSP | Switch-to-Switch Protocol | |
SSP | System Service/Support Processor | |
SSS | Switching Subsystem | |
SST | Self Service Terminal | |
SST | Silicon Storage Technology | |
SST | Simple SIPP Transition | |
SSTP | Screened Shielded Twisted Pair | |
SSTV | Slow Scan Television | |
SSU | Session Support Utility | |
SSW | Schnittstellenwandler (DEC) | IT |
ST | Segment Type | |
ST | Send Timing | |
ST | Stream Protocol | |
STA | SCSI Trade Association | |
STA | Spanning Tree Algorithm | |
STACK | Start Acknowledgement | |
STB | Set Top Box | |
StB | Steuerbilanz | BWL |
StbJb | Steuerberater-Jahrbuch | |
STC | Set Top Computer | |
STC | Subtechnical Committee | |
STD | STandarD voltage (ETSI) | |
STD | State Transition Diagram | |
STD | Subscriber Trunk Dialing | |
STDA | StreetTalk Directory Assistance | |
STDM | Statistical Time Division Multiplexing (Banyan) | IT |
STDM | Synchronous Time Division Multiplexing | |
STE | Signalling Terminal | |
STEP | Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data | |
STER | Stichting Ether Reklame (Niederlande) | Medien |
STF | Setup Table File | |
STFU | Shut The Fuck Up (Halt's Maul) | Slang |
StGB | Strafgesetzbuch | Recht |
STIKO | Ständige Impfkommission | Medizin |
STIR | Secure Telephony Identity Revisited | TK |
STK | Software Translation Kit | |
STL | Schiffstechnischer Leitstand | |
STL | Standard Template Library | IT |
STL | Studio-to-transmitter Link | |
STM | International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers | Organisation |
STM | Signature-tagged mutagenesis | Medizin |
STM | Software Transactional Memory | IT |
STM | Staatsminister | |
STM | Synchronous Transfer Mode | IT |
STM | Synchronous Transport Module | |
STN | Super Twisted Nematic | |
STOA | Science and Technology Options Assessment Panel | |
STONE | Structured and Open Environment | |
STP | Shielded Twisted Pair (Netzwerkkabel) | IT |
STP | Signal Transfer Point | |
STP | Spanning Tree Protocol | |
StPO | Strafprozessordnung | Recht |
STR | Suspend-To-RAM | |
STR | Synchronous Transmitter Receiver | |
STRT | Start Initialization | |
STS | Synchronous Transfer/Transport Signal | |
STS | Synchronous Transport Signals | |
STT | Secure Transaction Technology | |
STTL | Schottky TTL | |
STU | Schere -- Tippex -- Uhu | |
STU | Streaming Tape Unit | |
StUG | Stasi-Unterlagen-Gesetz | Recht |
STUN | Serial TUNneling | |
StuW | Steuer und Wirtschaft | Zeitschrift |
StVO | Straßenverkehrsordnung | Recht |
StVZO | Straßenverkehrszulassungsordnung | Recht |
StWG | Stabilitäts- und Wachstumsgesetz | |
STX | Start of Text | |
SU | Switching Unit | |
SUB | Subaddressing | |
SUB | Substitute | |
SUB | Systemunabhängige Betriebsführungstechnik | |
SUDS | Software Update and Distribution System | |
SUG | Sun User Group | |
SUM | Simple User Model | |
SUMG | Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group | |
SUMR | Satellite User Mapping Register | |
SUN | Stanford University Network | |
SURAnet | Southeastern Universities Research Association Network | |
SUS | Single Unix Specification | |
SuSE | Software- und Systementwicklung | |
SUT | System under Test | |
SUTP | Screened Unshielded Twisted Pair | |
SUUG | Soviet UNIX User Group | |
SUV | Sports Utility Vehicle | |
SV | Standortverteiler | |
SVAPI | Scan View Application Programming Interface | |
SVC | Supervisor Call | |
SVC | Switched Virtual Call/Channel/Circuit/Connection | |
SVC | Switched Virtual Connection | |
SVCC | Switched Virtual Channel Connection | |
SVD | Simultaneous Voice and Data | |
SVG | Scalable Vector Graphics | IT |
SVGA | Super Video Graphics Array | |
S-VHS | Super Video Home System | |
SVID | Unix System V Interface Definition | |
SVP | Scan-line Video Processor | |
SVR | Sachverständigenrat | |
SVR | Session-based Virtual Route | |
SVVS | System V Validation Suite | |
svw. | soviel wie | |
SW | schwarz-weiss | |
SW | Short Wave | |
SW | Software | |
SW | Status Word | |
SWAP | Shared Wireless Access Protocol | |
SWB | Software Bus | |
SWF | Short Wave Fading | |
SWIFT | Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication | Organisation |
SWIM | Super Wozniak Integrated Machine | IT |
SWING | Subscriber Wireless Network Gateway | IT |
SWISH | Simple Web Indexing System for Humans | |
SWITCH | Schweizerisches Hochschul- und Forschungsnetz | Organisation |
SWL | Short Wave Laser/Listener | |
SWOP | Specifications for Web Offset Publications | |
SWR | Standing Wave Ratio | |
SWR | Südwestrundfunk | Medien, Deutschland |
SWS | Silly Window Syndrom | |
SYLK | Symbolic Link Format | |
SYN | SYNchronize bit in a TCP segment | IT |
SYN | Synchronous Idle | IT |
SYNC | Synchronisation Profile (Bluetooth) | IT |
SysOp | System Operator | IT |
T |
T | Steuern | VWL |
t | Steuersatz | VWL |
T&L | Transforming & Lighting | |
T.61 | Teletex-Format von body parts | TK |
TA | Terminaladapter, Informationstechnische Anschlussdose | TK |
TAB | Tabulator | |
TAB | Technical Advisory Board | |
TAC | Terminal Access Controller | |
TAC | Tracking Area Code | TK |
TACAS | Terminal Access Controller Access System | |
TAD | Telephone Answering Device | |
TAE | Telekommunikations-Anschluss-Einheit | TK |
TAFKAP | The Artist Formerly Known As Prince (Der Künstler, der früher Prince hieß) | Musik |
TAFN | That's All For Now | Usenet |
TAI | Temps Atomique International | IT |
TAL | Teilnehmeranschlussleitung | TK |
TAM | Telefon, Anrufbeantworter, Modem | TK |
TAM | Telephone Answering Machine | TK |
Tamino | Transactional Architecture for Management of Internet Objects | |
TAN | Total Area Network | IT |
TAN | Transaktionsnummer | |
TANJ | There Ain't No Justice | Usenet |
TANSTAAFL | There Ain't No Such Things As A Free Lunch | Usenet |
TAO | Telephony Application Objects | IT |
TAO | Track At Once | IT |
TAOCP | The Art Of Computer Programming | |
TAP | Telcom Advantage Packaging | |
TAP | Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol | |
TAP | Terminal Access Point | |
TAPI | Telephony Application Programming Interface | TK |
TAPR | Tucson Amateur Packet Radio Group (Microsoft) | IT |
TAR | Tape Archive | IT |
TARFU | Things Are Really Fouled Up | |
TASS | Telegrafnoje Agenstwo Sowjetskowo Sojusa (Telegrafenagentur der Sowjetunion) | Medien |
TAT | Trans Atlantik | |
TAU | Test Access Unit | |
TAXI | Transparent Asynchronous Transceiver Interface | IT |
TB | Terabyte | IT |
TBE | Tick-Borne Encephalitis (Frühsommer-Meningoenzephalitis) | Medizin |
TBETSI | Technischer Beirat für Normungsfragen des ETSI | Organisation |
TBF | Technisch betriebliche Funktionsbedingungen | |
TBH | To Be Honest | Usenet |
TBL | Technik für Betriebslenkung | IT |
TBO | Total Benefits of Ownership | |
TBW | Tera Bytes Written | IT |
TBW | Thermo Balanced Writing | IT |
TC | Technical Committee | |
TC | Transmission Control/Convergence | |
TC | Treatment Code | |
TC | Trust Center (Zertifizierung) | |
TCA | Telecommunications Carrier Association | |
TCA | Tightly Coupled Architecture | |
TCA | Traffic Conditioning Agreement | |
TCAP | Transaction Capability Application Part | |
TCB | Transmission Control Block | |
TCB | Trouble Came Back | |
TCB | Trusted Computer/Computing Base | |
TCCC | IEEE Technical Committee on Computer Communications | |
TCE | Transmission Control Element | |
TCF | Transparent Computing Facility | |
TCFS | Transparent Cryptographic File System | |
TCG | Trusted Computing Group | Organisation |
TCH | Traffic Channel | |
TCIF | Telecommunications Industry Forum | |
TCL | Tool Command Language | |
TCL/TK | X11-Erweiterung für TCL (gesprochen tickle) | |
TCM | Terminal Controller Module | |
TCM | Time Compression Multiplexing | |
TCM | Trellis Code Modulation | |
TCNS | Thomas Conrad Networking System | |
TCO | Tail Call Optimization | |
TCO | Tjänstemännens Centralorganisation | IT |
TCO | Total Cost of Ownership | BWL |
TCO | Transparent and Conductive Oxide | |
TCOS | IEEE Technical Committee on Operating Systems | |
TCP | Tape Carrier Package | |
TCP | TeX Code Page | |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol | IT |
TCP | Transmission Control Protocol/Program | |
TCP/IP | Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol | IT |
TCPA | Trusted Computer Plattform Alliance | IT |
TCS | Terminating Call Screening (Internet) | IT |
TCS | Tethered-Cord-Syndrom | Medizin |
TCS | Textual Concrete Syntax | IT |
TCS | Traction Control System | |
TCS | Two-Component System | |
TCSB | Traffic Control State Block | |
TCSEC | Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria | |
TCU | Transmission Control Unit | |
TCW | Tagged Control Word | |
TD | Transmit Data | |
T-DAB | Terrestrial Digital Audio Broadcasting | |
TDC | Tranportation Data Channel | |
TDCC | Transportation Data Coordinating Committee | Organisation |
TDD | Telecommunication Device for the Deaf | |
TDD | Time Division Duplex | |
TDDSG | Teledienstdatenschutzgesetz | |
TDE | Telescript Development Environment | |
TDF | Tab Delimited Files | |
TDG | Teledienstegesetz | Recht |
TDHS | Time Domain Harmonic Scaling | |
TDI | Transport Driver Interface | |
TDLS | Tunneled Direct Link Setup | IT |
TDM | Tausend Deutsche Mark | |
TDM | Time Division Multiplex | |
TDMA | Time Division Multiple Access | |
TDMA | Tridiagonalmatrix-Algorithmus | Mathematik |
TDP | Tag Distribution Protocol | |
TDP | Thermal Design Power (Verlustleistung elektronischer Bauteile) | IT |
TDP | Thiamindiphosphat | |
TDP | Time-Diffusion Synchronization Protocol (Zeitsynchronisierungsprotokoll für Netzwerke) | IT |
TDR | Time Domain Reflectometer | |
TDR | Time Domain Reflectometer/Reflectometry | |
TDRS | Tracking and Data Relay Satellite | |
TDS | TeX Directory Structure | |
TDSR | Transmitter Data Service Request | |
TDSV | Telekommmunikations-Datenschutz-Verordnung | |
TDU | Topology Database Update | |
TDWR | Terminal Doppler Weather Radar | |
TDX | Time Domain Crosstalk | |
Te | Tellur | Chemisches Element, Halbleiter |
TE | Terminal Equipment | |
TE | Termineinlagen (Finanzmarkt) | |
TEB | Thread Environment Block | |
TECO | Tape/Text Editor and Corrector | |
TED | Telefonischer Ermittlungsdienst | |
TED | Tenders Electronic Daily | |
TEI | Terminal Endpoint Identifier | |
TEI | Text Encoding and Interchange | |
TEI | Text Encoding Initiative | |
TEL | Trans Europe Line | |
Telex | Telegraph Exchange | |
Telnet | Telecommunications Network | |
Temex | Telemetry Exchange | |
TEMPE | Telecommunications and Enterprise Multimedia Platform Environment | |
TEN | Trans European Network | |
TEP | Transequatorial Propagation | |
TER | Terminal Interface | |
TETRA | Terrestrial Trunked Radio | |
TETRA | Trans European Trunked Radio System | |
TEU | Traffic Eye Universal | |
TEU | Treaty on European Union (Vertrag über die Europäische Union) | |
TEU | Twenty-foot Equivalent Unit | |
tF | technischer Fortschritt | VWL |
TF | Trägerfrequenz | |
TFA | Transparent File Access | |
TFD | Thin Film Diode | |
TFDD | Text File Device Driver | |
TFE | Türfreisprecheinrichtung | TK |
TFEL | Thin Film Electroluminescent | |
TFL | Tagfahrlicht | |
TFM | TeX Font Metric | IT |
TFS | Translucent File System | IT |
TFT | Thin Film Transistor | IT |
TFTP | Trivial File Transfer Protocol | IT |
TFTS | Terrestrial Flight Telephone System | IT |
TG | Transmission Group | |
TGA | TarGA | |
TGAL | Think Globally, Act Locally | |
TGM | Timetable Generation Module | IT |
TGN | Transmission Group Number | |
TGS | Ticket Granting Server/Service | |
TH | Transmission Header | |
THC | Tetrahydrocannabinol | Chemie |
THT | Through Hole Technology | |
THT | Token Holding Time/Timer | |
THW | Technisches Hilfswerk | Organisation |
THWLAIAS | The Hour Was Late, And I Am Senile | Usenet |
THX | Tomlinson Holman Experiment | |
TI | Texas Instruments | Unternehmen |
TI | Transaction Identifier | |
TIA | Telecommunications Industries Association | Organisation |
TIA | Thanks In Advance (Danke im Voraus) | Usenet |
TIA | Total Information Awareness | |
TIA | Totally Integrated Automation | IT |
TIB | Tag Information Base | |
TIB | Technische Informationsbibliothek (Hannover) | |
TIC | Token Ring Interface Coupler | |
TIC | Tongue In Cheek | Usenet |
TID | Table Identifier | IT |
TID | Target Identifier | |
T-ID | Terminal-ID (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
TIDS | Travel Industry Designator Service | |
TIDSV | Telekommunikations- und Informationsdienstunternehmen-Datenschutzverordnung | Recht |
TIES | Telecom Information Exchange Services (Genf) | Organisation |
TIES | Time-Independent Escape Sequence | |
TIFF | Tagged Image File Format (Grafikformat) | IT |
TIFO | Text Interchange Format (X.400) | IT |
TIGA | Texas Instruments Graphics Architecture | |
TIL | Technical Information Library | |
TIME | Telecommunication, Information, Media, Entertainment | |
TINAR | This Is Not A Review | |
TINGUIN | Trusted Interactive Graphical User Interface (SEMPER) | |
TINWIS | That Is Not What I Said | Usenet |
TIO | Tagged Index Object | IT |
TIO | Time Interval Objects | |
TIP | Technology Integration Program | |
TIP | Terminal IMP | |
TIP | Terminal Interface Processor | |
TIP | Transputer Image Processing | |
TIPHON | Telecommunications and Internet Protocol Harmonization over Networks | |
TK | Telekommunikation | |
TKG | TeleKommunikationsGesetz | |
TKIP | Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (WLAN-Verschlüsselung) | IT |
TKO | Telekommunikationsordnung | |
TKR | Teilkostenrechnung | BWL |
TKV | Telekommunikations-Kundenschutzverordnung | Recht |
TKZulV | Telekommunikationszulassungsverordnung | Recht |
TL | Transport Layer | |
TLA | Three Letter Acronym | |
TLB | Translation Look Aside Buffer | |
TLB | Translation Lookaside Buffer | |
TLD | Tag Library Descriptor | IT |
TLD | Thermolumineszenzdosimeter | |
TLD | Top Level Domain | |
TLI | Transport/Transfer Layer/Library Interface | |
TLNKG | Teilnehmerkennung | |
TLP | Thread Level Parallelism (NUI) | |
TLQ | Top Letter Quality | |
TLR | Twin-Lens Reflex | |
TLS | Transport Layer Security | IT |
TLU | Table Lookup | |
TLV | Tag, Length, Value encoding | |
TM | Test Mode | |
TM | Trade Mark | BWL |
TM | Traffic Management | |
TM | Transaction Monitor | |
TM | Turingmaschine | Informatik |
TM3 | Tele München 3 | Medien |
TMA | Thin film Micromirror Array | |
TMC | Traffic Message Channel | |
TMD | Time Division Multiplexing | |
TMDS | Transition Minimized Differential Signal | |
TME | Tivoli Management Environment | |
TMN | Telecom Managed Network | |
TMO | Thermal Magnetic Optical | |
TMP | Temporary | |
TMR | Tunnel Mageneto Resistance | |
TMRC | Tech Model Railroad Club | |
TMSI | Temporary Mobile Subscriber Identity | |
TMSL | Test and Measurement Systems Language | |
TN | TelNet | |
TN | Twisted Nematic (LCD-Display-Technik) | IT |
TNA | Taskbar Notification Area | |
TNA | Temex-Netzabschluss | |
TNB | Teilnehmernetzbetreiber | |
TNB | Telekommunikationsnetz-Betreiber | |
TNC | Terminal Node Controller | |
TNFEM | Twisted Nematic Field Effective Material | |
TNHD | The New Hackers's Dictionary | |
TNN | Transport Network Node | |
TNPC | Taiwan New PC Consortium | |
TNS | Transparent Network Substrate | |
TNT | Trinitrotoluol | Chemie |
TNV | Total Network Visibility | |
TNX | Thanks | |
TO | technisches und organisatorisches Wissen | VWL |
TO | Timeout | IT |
TOB | Twisted Open Bitline | |
TOC | Table Of Content | |
TOC | Table of Contents | |
TOEIC | Test of English for International Communication | IT |
TOF | Task Oriented Forms | |
TOF | Top of Form | |
TOP | Table Of Pages | |
TOP | Technical Office Protocol | |
TOPFET | Temperature and Overload Protected FET | |
TOS | The/Tramiel's Operating System | |
TOS | Top Of Stack | |
ToS | Type of Service | |
TOTP | Time-based One-time Password | IT |
TP | Tiefpass | |
TP | Transport Protocol | IT |
TP | Turbo PASCAL | |
TPA | Transient Program Area | |
TPC | Transmit Power Control | IT |
TPDDI | Twisted Pair Distributed Data Interface | IT |
TPDU | Transport Protocol Data Unit | IT |
TPF | Transmission Priority Field | |
TPH | Transport Packet Header | |
TPI | Tracks Per Inch | |
TPL | Tracking Protection List | IT |
TPL | Turbo Pascal Library | IT |
TPM | Third Party Maintenance | |
TPM | Transactions Per Minute | |
TPM | Trusted Platform Module | IT |
TPMS | Tire pressure monitoring systems (Reifendruckkontrollsystem) | |
TPS | Third Person Shooter | |
TPS | Transaction Processing System | |
TPS | Transactions Per Second | |
TPS | Triangles Per Second (Bus) | |
TPSE | Transaction Processing Service Element | |
TPTB | The Powers That Be | |
TPU | Text Processing Utility | IT |
TPU | Time Processing Unit | |
TPU | Turbo Pascal Unit | |
TQM | Total Quality Management | |
TR | Task Register | |
TR | Terminal Ready | |
TR | Token Ring | |
TR | Travan Cartridge | |
TR | Travel Report | |
TR | Türkei | Autokennzeichen |
TRA | Technology Related Anxiety | |
TRAC | Telecommunications Recommendations Application Committee | |
TRADACOMS | Trade Data Communication Standards | |
TRAU | Transcoder and Rate Adaption Unit | |
TRCVR | Transmitter-Receiver, Transceiver | |
TRDMC | Tears Running Down My Cheeks | |
TRMPWR | Terminator Power | IT |
TRON | The Realtime Operating System Nucleus (Leitung, SCSI) | |
TROS | Televisie en Radio Omroep Stichtung (Niederlande) | Medien |
TRR | Token Ring Repeater | IT |
TRT | Token Ring Terminal | IT |
TRT | Token Rotation Time/Timer | |
TRT | Token Rotation Timer | |
TRx | Test Register x | IT |
TRX | Transmitter-Receiver, Transceiver | |
TS | Telekom Service | |
TS | Transport Station | |
TSA | Technical Support Alliance | |
TSA | Test Signal Analyser | |
TSAP | Transport Service Access Point | IT |
TSAPI | Telephony Server/Service Application Programming Interface | IT |
TSB | Technical Service Bulletin | |
TSC | Time Stamp Counter | |
TSCII | Tamil Standard Code for Information Interchange | IT |
TSDU | Transport Service Data Unit | |
TSEL | Transport Selector | |
TSG | Traditional Speciality Guaranteed (Garantiert traditionelle Spezialität) | Recht |
TSI | Transport Service Interface | |
TSL | Transport Security Layer | |
TSM | Terminal Server Manager | |
TSMC | Taiwan Semiconductor Manufactoring Company (DEC) | IT |
TSO | Time Sharing Option | |
TSP | Texture and Shading Processor (IBM) | IT |
TSP | Traveling Salesman Problem | |
TSPI | Telephony Service Provider Interface | |
TSR | Terminate and Stay Resident | |
TSS | Task State Segment | |
TSS | Telecommunications Standards Sector | |
TSS | Temex-Schnittstelle (ITU) | |
TSS | Time Sharing System | |
TSSDC | Task State Segment Descriptor Cache | |
TST | Transmit Start Threshold | |
TSTN | Triple Supertwisted Nematic | |
TSW | Tele-Software | |
TT | Terminal Timing | |
TTBOMK | To The Best Of My Knowledge | |
TTCN | Tree and Tabular Combined Notation | IT |
TTF | TimeTable File | |
TTF | TrueType Font | |
TTFB | Time To First Byte | IT |
TTFN | Ta Ta For Now | |
TTG | Time to Go | |
TTI | Teaching, Training, and Information | IT |
TTL | Time to live (Netzwerk) | IT |
TTL | Transistor-Transistor-Logic (Digitale Schaltungen) | IT |
TTML | Tagged Text Markup Language | IT |
TTP | Trusted Third Party | |
TTRT | Target Token Rotation Time | |
TTS | Text To Speech | |
TTS | Transaction Tracking System | |
TTS | Trouble Ticket System | |
TTT | Teleteaching and Training | |
TTU | Teletex-Telex-Umsetzer | |
TTUL | Talk To You Later | |
Ttx | Teletex (Salng) | |
TTX | Videotext | |
TTXAU | Teletex Access Unit | |
TTY | Teletype | IT |
T-TY | Terminaltyp (X.400-Adressierung) | IT |
TTYL | Type/Talk To You Later | |
TU | Technische Universität | |
TU | Tributary Unit | IT |
TUBA | TCP and UDP with Big Addresses | |
TUBA | Tübinger Backup und Archiv | |
TUeB | Temex-Uebertragungsbaugruppe | |
TUG | TeX Users Group | |
TUG | Tributary Unit Group | |
TUI | Text User Interface | |
TUI | Touristik Union Internationale | Unternehmen |
TULIP | TCP and UDP over Lightweight IP | |
TUSTEP | Tübinger System von Textverarbeitungsprogrammen | |
TÜV | Technischer Überwachungsverein | Organisation |
Tux | Torvald's UniX | |
TV | Television | |
TVI | Television Interference | |
TVk | Teileverwendungskette | |
TVN | Teilerverwendungsnachweis | BWL |
TVOL | TV Online Cable Service | |
TVR | Temex-Vermittlungsrechner | |
TVSt | Teilnehmer-Vermittlungsstelle | |
Tw. | Teilwert | BWL |
TWAIN | Technology Without An Interesting Name | IT |
TWEB | Tübingen Web-X.500-Gateway (Scannerschnittstelle) | |
TWINKLE | The Weizman Institute Key Locating Engine | |
TwinVQ | Transform-domain Weighted Interleave Vector Quantization | |
TWIP | TWentIeth of a Point (Soundkompression) | |
TWIRP | Two Way Infrared Protocol | |
TWSC | Team World Service Center | |
TWT | Target Wakeup Time | IT |
TWX | Twinax | |
Tx | Telex (Cable) | |
TX | transmit, Transmitter (Fernschreiben) | |
TYCLO | Turn Your Caps Lock Off | |
TYVM | Thank You Very Much | Usenet |
Tz. | Textziffer | |
U |
U | Spannung | Physik |
u. | und | |
u.a. | unter anderem | |
u.ä. | und ähnliche/ähnliches | |
u.E. | unseres Erachtens | |
U.E.C. | Union Européens des Experts Comptables, Economiques et Finanziers | |
u.U. | unter Umständen | |
UA | Unnumbered Acknowledgement | IT |
UA | User Agent | |
UA | User Area (OSI) | IT |
UAA | Universally Administered Address | |
UAC | Unbalanced Asynchronous Class | |
UAE | Universelle Anschlusseinrichtung | |
UAE | Unrecoverable Application Error | |
UAE | User Agent Entity | |
UAF | User Authorization File | |
UAL | User Agent Layer, UA-Schicht | |
UAM | User Authentication Method/Module | |
UAPDU | User Agent Protocol Data Unit | |
UART | Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter | |
UAV | Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Unbemannte Luftfahrzeuge) | |
UAWG | Universal ADSL Working Group | |
UBC | University of British Columbia | |
UBE | Unsolicited Bulk Electronic Mail | |
UBR | Unspecified Bit Rate | |
UBR | Unspecified/Undefined Bit Rate | |
UCB | University of California at Berkeley (USA) | |
UCE | Unsolicited Commercial Electronic Mail | |
UCFS | Unix Connectivity File Service | |
UCI | User Class Identifier | |
UCITA | Uniform Computer Information Transaction Act | Recht |
UCL | Universal Communications Language | |
UCL | University College London | |
UCLA | University of California at Los Angeles (USA) | |
UCO | Unstructured Complex Object | |
UCP | Universal Computer Protocol | |
UCR | Undercolor Removal | |
UCS | Uniform Chromaticity Scale | |
UCS | Universal Card Slot | |
UCS | Universal Character Set | IT |
UCSB | University of California at Santa Barbara (USA) | |
UCSD | University of California at San Diego (USA) | |
UDB | Universal Database | |
UDC | User Defined Command | |
UDF | Universal Disk Format | |
UDF | User Defined Function | |
UDI | Unified Driver Interface | |
UDI | Universal Document Identifier | |
UDI | Unrestricted Digital Information | |
UDID | Unique Device Identification | IT |
UDK | Universale Dezimalklassifikation | |
UDL/I | Unified Design Language for Integrated Circuits | |
UDLC | Universal Data Link Control | |
UDM | Unternehmensdatenmodell | |
UDMA | Ultra Direct Memory Access | |
UDMA | Ultra-DMA | |
UDP | User Datagram Protocol (Netzwerke, TCP/IP) | IT |
UDP | User Defined Protocol (Internet) | IT |
UdSSR | Union der Sozialistischen Sowjetrepubliken | Staat |
UDSV | Teledienst-Unternehmen-Datenschutz-Verordnung | |
UDT | User Defined Datatype | |
UE | Unterhaltungs-Elektronik | |
UEB | Übertragungseinheit mit Basisbandverfahren | |
UEC | User Environment Component | |
UEFA | Union Européenne de Football Association (Europäischer Fußballverband) | Organisation |
UEFI | Unified Extensible Firmware Interface | IT |
UEG | United European Gastroenterology | Organisation |
UEG | untere Explosionsgrenze | |
UeP | Übergabepunkt | |
UEV | User End of Volume | |
UFA | Universum Film AG | Unternehmen |
UFA | Universum-Film-Aktiengesellschaft | |
UFO | unidentifiziertes Flugobjekt | |
UFS | Ultra Fast Switching | |
UFS | Universal/UNIX File System | |
UG | Underrun Goal | |
UG | User Group | |
UGA | University of Georgia (USA) | |
UGL | Universal Glyph List | |
UHDTV | Ultra High Definition Television (Digitales Fernsehformat) | |
UHF | Ultra High Frequency | |
UHL | User Header Label | IT |
UI | UNIX International | |
UI | Unnumbered Information | |
UI | User Interface | IT |
UIAP | UNIX International Asia/Pacific | |
UIC | User Identification Code | |
UID | Unique/User Identifier | |
UIFRAME | Unnumbered Information Frame | |
UIL | User Interface Language | |
UIM | User Interface Management | |
UIMS | User Interface Management System | |
UIP | Update In Progress | |
UIT | Union Internationale des Telecommunications | |
UKW | Ultrakurzwelle | |
UL | Underwriters' Laboratory | |
UL | Upload | |
UL | Urban Legend | |
ULA | Uncommitted Logic Array | IT |
ULN | Universal Link Negotiation | |
ULP | Unit in the Last Place | |
ULP | Upper Layer Protocol | IT |
ULSI | Ultra Large Scale Integration (Elektrotechnik) | |
ULV | Ultra Low Voltage (Intel) | IT |
UM | Unified Messaging | |
UMA | Unified Memory Architecture | IT |
UMA | Unified/Uniform Memory Access/Architecture | IT |
UMA | Universal Mainboard Architecture | IT |
UMA | Upper Memory Area | IT |
UMB | Upper Memory Block | IT |
UMI | User MAN Interface | |
UML | Unified Modeling Language | IT |
UML-RT | UML RealTime | IT |
UMM | Unidirectional Multipoint to Multipoint | |
UMPDU | User Message Protocol Data Unit | |
UMS | Unified Messaging Services | |
UMTS | Universal Mobile Telecommunications System | TK |
UmwG | Umwandlungsgesetz | Recht |
UmwStG | Umwandlungssteuergesetz | Recht |
UN | Unbalanced Normal | |
UN | United Nations (Vereinte Nationen) | Organisation |
UN/ECE | United Nations Economic Commission for Europe | Organisation |
UN/GTDI | UN Guidelines for Trade Data Interchange | |
UNA | Upstream Neighbour Address | |
UNC | Unbalanced Normal Class | |
UNC | Unique/Universal Naming Convention | |
UNC | Universal Naming Convention (Netzwerk) | IT |
UNC | University of North Carolina (USA) | |
UNECE | United Nations Comission for Europe | Organisation |
UNEP | United Nations Environment Programme | Organisation |
UNESCO | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Organisation der Vereinten Nationen für Erziehung, Wissenschaft und Kultur) | Organisation |
UNHCR | United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees | Organisation |
UNI | User to Network Interface | |
UNICEF | United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen) | Organisation |
UNICOM | Universal Integrated Communication System | |
UNIVAC | Universal Automatic Computer | |
UNIX | UNified Information and Computing Service (CS = X, angelehnt an MULTICS) | |
UNMA | Unified Network Management Architecture (kein Akronym) | |
UNMOVIC | United Nations Monitoring and Inspection Commission | Organisation |
UNO | United Nations Organization (Vereinte Nationen) | Organisation |
UNSCOM | United Nation Special Commission | Organisation |
UNSW | University of New South Wales, Australia | |
UNTDID | United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory | |
UP | Unnumbered Poll | |
UP | User Plane | |
UPA | Ultra Port Architecture | |
UPC | Universal Printer Controller (Sun) | |
UPC | Universal Product Code | |
UPC | Usage/User Parameter Control | |
UPD | Unabhängige Patientenberatung | Medizin |
UPE | User Portability Extension | |
UPI | United Press International | |
UPI | Universal Peripheral Interface | |
UPI | Upper Prediction Interval | |
UPL | User Program Language | |
UPM | Unidirectional Point to Multipoint | |
UPM | User Profile Management | |
UPN | Umgekehrte Polnische Notation | IT |
UPnP | Universal Plug and Play | |
UPP | Unidirectional Point to Point | |
UPPS | Universal Portable Protocol Stack | |
UPS | Uninterruptable Power Supply | |
UPS | United Parcel Service | Unternehmen |
UPT | Universal Personal Telecommunication Service | |
UR | Umsatzsteuer-Rundschau | Zeitschrift |
URA | Uniform Resource Agent | |
URC | Uniform Resource Characterictics | |
URG | URGent bit in a TCP segment | |
UrhG | Urheberrechtsgesetz | Recht |
URI | Uniform Resource Identifier | IT |
URL | Uniform Resource Locator | IT |
uRLLC | Ultra Reliable and Low Latency Communications | TK |
URM | Unbegrenzte Registermaschine (Internet) | IT |
URM | Universal Retention Module | |
URN | Uniform Resource Name | |
URN | Uniform Resource Name/Number | |
URT | Utah Raster Toolkit | |
Urt. | Urteil | |
US | Unit Separator | |
US | United States | Staat |
USA | Amerika | Autokennzeichen |
USA | United States of America | Staat |
USAN | University Satellite Network | |
USART | Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter | |
USB | Universal Serial Bus | IT |
USB | Upper Side Band | |
USD | US-Dollar | Währung |
USDC | US Display Consortium | Organisation |
USENET | User Network | IT |
USF | Uplink State Flag | IT |
USG | UNIX Support/System Group | IT |
ÜSG | Überspannungsschutzgerät | |
USGS | United States Geological Survey | Behörde |
USIA | US Information Agency (Novell) | IT |
USII | Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure | |
USIM | Universal Subscriber Identification Module | TK |
USK | Unterhaltungssoftware Selbstkontrolle | Medien, Deutschland |
USK | Unterstützungskommando | |
USKA | Union Schweizer Kurzwellenamateure | |
USL | UNIX System Laboratories | IT |
USLE | UNIX System Laboratories Europe | IT |
USM | User-based Security Model | |
USN | Update Sequence Number | |
USO | UNIX Software Operation | |
USP | Unique Selling Proposition | |
USP | United States Penitentiary (US-Bundesgefängnis) | |
USP | United States Pharmacopeia (US-Arzneibuch) | |
USPD | Unabhängige Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands | Politik |
USPS | United States Postal Service | Behörde |
USRT | Universal Synchronous Receiver Transmitter | |
USSA | Universal Storage System Architecture | IT |
USSD | Unstructured Supplementary Service Data | TK |
USt | Umsatzsteuer | Recht |
USTA | US Telephone Association | Organisation |
UStDB | Umsatzsteuerdurchführungsbestimmungen | |
UStG | Umsatzsteuergesetz | Recht |
USV | Unterbrechungsfreie Stromversorgung | |
USW | Ultra Short Wave | |
usw. | und so weiter | |
UT | Universal Terminal/Time | |
UT | Upper Tester | |
UTC | Universal Time Coordinates | |
UTF | Unicode Transformation Format | |
UTI | Universal Text Interchange | IT |
UTL | User Trailer Label | |
UTLB | Unified TLB | |
UTO | Universal Time Objects | |
UTP | Universal Personal Telephone Service | |
UTP | Unshielded Twisted Pair (Netzwerkkabel) | IT |
UtRAM | Unitransistor RAM | |
UTSL | Use The Source, Luke | |
UUCP | Unit to Unix Copy Protocol | IT |
UUID | Universally Unique IDentifier | IT |
UULP | Unified User Level Protocol | IT |
UUNET | Unix to Unix NETwork | IT |
UUS | User to User Signalling | IT |
UUU | Unknown UNIX User | IT |
UUX | Unix to Unix eXecute | IT |
UV | Ultraviolett | Physik |
UV | Umlaufvermögen | BWL |
UVL | User Volume Label | |
UVP | Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung | |
UVP | Unique Value Proposition | |
UVP | Unverbindliche Preisempfehlung | |
UWG | Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb | Recht |
UWM | Universal Window Manager | |
V |
V | Umlaufgeschwindigkeit des Geldes | VWL |
V. d. Z. | vor der Zeitenwende | |
v.H. | von Hundert | |
v.T. | von Tausend | |
v.u.Z. | vor unserer Zeitrechnung | |
V+D | Voice + Data | |
VA | Virtual Address | |
VA | Volladdierer | IT |
VA | Voltampere | Maßeinheit |
VAB | Value Added Business | |
VACM | View-based Access Control Model | |
VAD | Value Added Distributor | |
VAD | Voice Activity Detection | IT |
VADD | Value Added Disk Driver | IT |
VADS | Value Added Data Service | IT |
VAE | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | Staat |
VAFC | VESA Advanced Feature Connector | |
VAG | Versicherungsaufsichtsgesetz | Recht |
VAL | Voice Application Language | IT |
VAM | Verband der Anbieter von Mobilfunkdiensten, Bonn | |
VAM | Virtual Access Method | |
VAN | Value Added Network | |
VANS | Value Added Network Services | |
VAP | Value Added Process | |
VAPI | Virtual Application Programming Interface | |
VAR | Value Added Reseller/Retailer | |
VARA | Vereeniging van Arbeiders Radio Amateurs (Niederlande) | Medien |
VAS | Value Added Service | IT |
VASCOM | Value Added Services Network Communication | IT |
VAST | Vector and Array Syntax Translator | IT |
VAT | Video Audio Tool | IT |
VAT | Virtual Allocation Table | IT |
VATM | Verband der Anbieter von Telekommunkations- und Mehrwertdiensten | Organisation |
VAX | Virtual Address Extension | |
VAZ | Verkehrsausscheidungsziffer | TK |
VB | Variable Block (DEC) | IT |
vb | Versicherungsbetriebe | Zeitschrift |
VB | Visual Basic | IT |
VB CCE | Visual Basic Control Creation Edition | IT |
VBA | Visual Basic for Applications | IT |
VBE | VESA BIOS Extension | IT |
VBFS | Very Big File System | |
VBL | Vertical Blanking | |
VBN | Vermittelndes/Vermitteltes/Vorläufer Breitbandnetz | |
VBNS | Very High Backbone Network Service | |
VBR | Variable Bit Rate | IT |
VBR-NRT | Variable Bit Rate - No Real Time | IT |
VBR-RT | Variable Bit Rate - Real Time | IT |
VBS | Verteiltes Betriebssystem | IT |
VBS | Visual Basic Script | IT |
VC | Virtual Call/Circuit/Channel/Connection/Container | |
VCC | Virtual Channel Connection | |
VCD | Virtual Communications Driver | |
VCI | Verband der chemischen Industrie | |
VCI | Virtual Channel Identifier | IT |
VCL | Virtual Channel Link | IT |
VCL | Visual Component Library | IT |
VCM | Virtual Channel Memory | |
VCO | Voltage Controlled Oscillator | |
VCP | Verband Christlicher Pfadfinderinnen und Pfadfinder | Organisation |
VCPI | Virtual Control Programm Interface | |
VCPI | Virtual Control Programming Interface | |
VCR | Video Cassette Recorder | |
VCS | Virus Control System | |
VC-SDRAM | Virtual Channel SDRAM | |
VCU | Voice Communication Unit | |
VCX | Virtual Component Exchange | |
VD | Volume Descriptor | |
VDA | Verband deutscher Automobilindustrie | Organisation |
VDA | Verein für das Deutschtum im Ausland | Organisation |
VDA-FS | Verband deutscher Automobilindustrie Freiformflächenschnittstelle | Organisation |
VDC | Virtual Device Coordinates | |
VDD | Virtual Device/Display Driver | |
VDDM | Virtual Device Driver Manager | |
VDE | Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker | Organisation |
VDE | Video Display Editor | |
VDEW | Vereinigung Deutscher Elektrizitätswerke | Organisation |
VDF | Variable Data File | |
VDF | Verband der Datenverarbeitungs-Fachleute der Schweiz | Organisation |
VDFU | Verband Deutscher Freizeitparks und Freizeitunternehmen | Organisation |
VDI | Video Display Interface | |
VDI | Virtual Device Interface | |
VDK | Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge | Organisation |
VdM | Verband der Motorjournalisten | |
VDM | Vienna Development Method | |
VDM | Virtual DOS Machine | |
VDMA | Verband Deutscher Maschinen und Anlagenbauer e.V. | |
VDM-SL | Vienna Development Method -- Semantic Language | |
VDN | Vereinigte Deutsche Nickelwerke | |
VDN | Virtual Data Network | |
VDP | Video Datagram Protocol | |
VDS | Virtual Direct Memory Access Service | |
VDSL | Very high bit rate Digital Subscriber Line | |
VDSL | Very High Bitrate/Data Rate Digital Subscriber Line | |
VDST | Verband Deutscher Sport-Taucher | Organisation |
VDT | Video/Visual Display Terminal | |
VDU | Video/Visual Display Unit | |
VDV | Verband Deutscher Verkehrsunternehmen | Organisation |
VDV | Verband Deutscher Vermessungsingenieure | Organisation |
VDV | Vorbestellte Dauerwählverbindung | TK |
VDZ | Verband Deutscher Zeitschriftenverleger | Organisation |
VE | Vermittlungseinrichtung | |
VE | Volkseinkommen | VWL |
VEA | Bundesverband der Energie-Abnehmer | Organisation |
VEB | Volkseigener Betrieb (DDR) | |
VEMM | Virtual Expanded Memory Manager | IT |
ver.di | Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft | Organisation |
VerbKrG | Verbraucherkreditgesetz | Recht |
VerglO | Vergleichsordnung | |
VERIF | Verification | |
VermBDV | Verordnung zur Durchführung des Vermögensbildungsgesetzes | Recht |
VermBG | Vermögensbildungsgesetz | Recht |
VERONICA | Very Easy Rodent-Oriented Netwide Index to Computerized Archives (Internet-Suchdienst (Gopher)) | IT |
VESA | Video Electronics Standards Association | Organisation |
VEX | Video Extensions to XWS | |
VF | Voice Frequency | |
VFAT | Virtual File Allocation Table | |
VfB | Verein für Ballspiele | |
VFD | Vacuum Fluorescent Display | |
VFIP | Voice File Interchange Protocol | |
VFIR | Very Fast Infrared (Internet) | IT |
VfL | Verein für Leibesübungen | |
VFN | Vendor Feature Note | |
VFO | Variable Frequency Oscillator | |
VFPI | Verein zur Förderung der Pädagogik der Informationstechnologie | |
VfR | Verein für Rasenspiele | |
VFS | Virtual File System | |
VFsDx | Verordnung für den Fernschreib- und Datexdienst | Recht |
VG | Voice Grade (Netzwerk) | IT |
VG | Volume Group | |
VGA | Vertical Grid Array | |
VGA | Video Graphics Array | |
VGC | Video Graphics Controller | |
vgl. | vergleiche | |
VGNV | Verkehrsgebührennachverarbeitung | |
VGR | Volkswirtschaftliche Gesamtrechnung | VWL |
VHD | Verband der Historiker und Historikerinnen Deutschlands | Organisation |
VHD | Verband für das Deutsche Hundewesen | Organisation |
VHD | Verband Heilpraktiker Deutschland | Organisation |
VHD | Video High Density | |
VHD | Virtual Hard-Disk | IT |
VHDL | VHSIC Hardware Description Language | IT |
VHDSL | Very High Bit Rate Digital Subscriber Line | |
VHE | Virtual Home Environment | |
VHF | Very High Frequency | |
VHS | Very High Speed | IT |
VHS | Video Home System | |
VHS | Virtual Host Storage | IT |
VHS | Volkshochschule | |
VHSIC | Very High Speed Integrated Circuit | |
VIA | Vendors ISDN Association | |
VIA | Virtual Interface Architecture | IT |
VIB | Video Interface Bus | IT |
ViBE | Virtual Bass Enhancement technology | |
VIBTS | VTAM Integrated Bulk Data Transfer System | IT |
VIC | Video Interface Chip | IT |
VIKAR | Virtueller Hochschulverbund Karlsruhe | Organisation |
VIM | Vendor Independent Messaging | IT |
VIN | Vehicle Identification Number | |
VINCE | Vendor Independent Network Control Entity | IT |
VINES | Virtual Networking System | IT |
VIO | Video/Virtual Input Output | |
VIOLD | Vision Impaired On-line Documentation | |
VIP | Variable Information Processing (DEC) | IT |
VIP | Very Important Person (sehr wichtige Person) | |
VIP | Video Input Processor | |
VIP | Virtual IP Network | IT |
VIRIM | Virtual Reality in Medicine | |
VIROR | Virtuelle Universität Oberrhein | |
VIS | Virtual Instruction Set | |
VIS | Voice Information System | |
VISA | Visa International Service Association | Unternehmen |
VISC | Video Instruction Set Computing | |
VITA | VMEbus International Trade Association | |
VITAL | Virtually Integrated Technical Architecture Lifecycle | |
VJ | Van Jacobson | IT |
VJHC | Van Jacobson Header Compression | IT |
VKD | Vorgangskettendiagramm | |
VKI | Verteilte Künstliche Intelligenz | |
VKL | Verkehrseinschränkungsklasse | |
VKR | Vollkostenrechnung | BWL |
VKS | Verkehrskontrollsystem | |
VL | VESA Local Bus | IT |
VL | Virtual Life | |
VLA | Volume License Agreement | IT |
VLAN | Virtual Local Area Network | IT |
VLB | Verzeichnis Lieferbarer Bücher | Medien |
VLB | VESA Local Bus | IT |
VLC | Variable Length Code | IT |
VLDB | Very Large Data Base | IT |
VLDB | Volume Location Data Base | IT |
VLDW | Very Long Data Word | IT |
VLF | Very Low Frequency | |
VLF | Virtual Lookaside Facility | |
VLI | Variable Length Integer | |
VLIS | Verkehrs-Leit und Informations-System | |
VLIW | Very Long Instruction Word | IT |
VLM | Very Large Memory | IT |
VLM | Virtual Loadable Module | IT |
VLR | Visitor Location Register | IT |
VLSI | Very Large Scale Integration | Elektrotechnik |
VLSIC | Very Large Scale Integration Circuit | Elektrotechnik |
VM | Virtual Machine | IT |
VM | Virtual Memory | IT |
VMA | Verpflegungsmehraufwand | |
VMA | Virtual Memory Access | IT |
VMB | Video Memory Buffer | |
VMBO | Voorbereidend Middelbaar Beroepsonderwijs (Niederlande: Berufsvorbereitender Unterricht, vergleichbar mit der Hauptschule) | NL |
VMC | VESA Media Channel | IT |
VME | Versacard Modified for Eurocard | |
VME | VersaModule Eurocard (Bus) | |
VME | Virtual Memory Executive | |
VMI | Vertical Motion Index | |
VMI | Video Module Interface | |
VML | Vector Markup Language | IT |
VMM | Virtual Machine/Memory Manager | IT |
VMM | Virtual Memory Manager | IT |
VMOS | Vertical Metal-Oxide Semiconductor | |
VMRP | VLAN Membership Resolution Protocol | IT |
VMS | Virtual Memory System | IT |
VMS | Voice Mail Server | IT |
VMS | Voice Mail/Messaging System | IT |
VMSC | Visited Mobile Switching Centre | |
VMSC | Voice Mail Service Center | |
VMT | Virtual Memory Technique | IT |
VMT | Virtual Method Table | IT |
VMTP | Versatile Message Transaction Protocol | IT |
VMZ | Verkehrsmanagement-Zentrum/Zentrale (Internet) | IT |
VNA | Virtual Network Architecture | |
VNC | Virtual Network Computer | |
VNET | Virtual Network | |
VNS | Virtual Notebook System | |
VO | Verordnung | |
VO | Virtual Object | |
VO | Vollzugsordnung | |
VOB | Video Object | |
VoD | Video on Demand | |
VOF | Vennootschap onder firma (Offene Handelsgesellschaft, Niederlande und Belgien) | |
VOF | Vergabeordnung für freiberufliche Leistungen | Recht |
VOFDM | Vector Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing | |
VoFR | Voice over Frame Relay | |
VOI | Verband der Optischen Informationssysteme | |
VoIP | Voice Over IP (Internet-Telefonie) | IT |
VOL | Volume Label | |
VON | Video/Voice Over Net | |
VOO | Veronica Omroep Organisatie (Niederlande) | Medien |
VP | Verfügbarkeit, Präferenzen | VWL |
VP | Virtual Path | IT |
VPA | Virtual Proxy Agent | IT |
VPC | Virtual Path Connection | IT |
VPD | Virtual Printer Device | IT |
VPDN | Virtual Private Dialup Network | IT |
VPDS | Virtual Private Data Service | IT |
VPI | Virtual Path Identifier | IT |
VPL | Virtual Path Link | IT |
VPM | Virtual Protocol Machine | IT |
VPN | Virtual Private Network | IT |
VPO | Virtual Projection Origin | |
VPÖ | Verordnung zur Preisermittlung bei öffentlichen Aufträgen | |
VPöA | Verordnung zur Preisermittlung bei öffentlichen Aufträgen | |
VPRO | Vrijzinnig Protestantse Radio Omroep (Niederlande) | Medien |
VPRT | Verband Privater Rundfunk und Telemedien | Organisation |
VPS | Verbindungsprogrammierte Steuerung | IT |
VPS | Video Programming System | |
VPT | Virtual Printing Technology | |
VQ | Vector Quantization | |
VR | Virtual Reality | IT |
VR | Virtual Route | |
VR | Voltage Regulated | |
VR | Voltage Regulator | |
VRA | Vollständiger Regulärer Ausdruck | |
VRAM | Video Random Access Memory | IT |
VRC | Vertical Redundancy Check | |
VRC | Viewing Reference Coordinate | |
VRC | Virtual Route Control | |
VRCB | Virtual Route Control Block | |
VRE | Voltage Regulated Extended | |
VRID | Virtual Route Identifier (CPU) | |
VRML | Virtual Reality Markup Language | |
VRML | Virtual Reality Modeling Language | |
VRN | Virtual Route Number | |
VROC | Virtual RAID on CPU | IT |
VRON | Vrije Radio Omroep Nederland (Niederländischer Piratensender (1959), Vorläufer von Radio Veronica) | Medien |
VROOMM | Virtual Realtime Object-Oriented Memory Management | IT |
VRP | Viewing Reference Point | IT |
VRPRQ | Virtual Route Pacing Request | IT |
VRPRS | Virtual Route Pacing Response | IT |
VRR | Variable Refresh Rate | IT |
VRT | Voltage Reduction Technology | IT |
VRU | Voice Response Unit | IT |
VS | Virtual Storage | IT |
VSA | Virtual Server Architecture | IT |
VSA | Virtual Storage Access | IT |
VSAM | Virtual Storage Access Method | IT |
VSAT | Very Small Aperture Terminal | IT |
VSB | Vestigial Side Band | IT |
VSB | VME Subsystem Bus | IT |
VSC | Voice Security Card | IT |
VSE | Verification Support Environment | IT |
VSE | Virtual Storage Extended | IT |
VSF | Vertical Scanning Frequency | IT |
VSI | Verband der Software-Industrie Deutschlands e. V. | Organisation |
VSI | Virtual Socket Interface | |
VSIA | Virtual Socket Interface Alliance | |
VSK | Video-Sender-Kennung | |
VSL | Virtual Socket Library | |
VSM | Virtual Storage Management | |
VSMO | Virtual Social Memory Organizer | |
VSMSC | Virtual Short Message Center | |
VSN | Virtual Switched Network | |
VSO | VITA Standards Organization | |
VSOS | Virtual Storage Operating System | |
VSt | Vermittlungsstelle | |
VStG | Vermögensteuergesetz | |
VStR | Vermögensteuerrichtlinien | |
VSX | Verification Suite for X/Open | |
VT | Vertical Tabulator | |
VT | Video-Terminal | |
VT | Virtual Terminal | |
VT | Visualization Tool | |
VTAM | Virtual Terminal/Telecommunications Access Method | |
VTC | Volume Texture Compression | |
VTCO | Virtual Terminal Control Object | |
VtGK | Vertriebsgemeinkosten | BWL |
VTM | Verband der Telekommunikationsnetz- und Mehrwertdiensteanbieter, Köln | |
VTMA | Veterinärmedizinisch-technischer Assistent | |
VTOA | Voice and Telephony Over ATM | |
VTOC | Volume Table Of Contents | |
VTOC | Volume TOC | |
VTOS | Virtual Time Operating System | |
VTP | Virtual Terminal Protocol | |
VTR | Video Tape Recorder | |
VTS | Virtual Terminal Service/Support | |
VUD | Verband der Unterhaltungssoftware Deutschland | |
VUE | Visual User Environment | |
VUEN | Virtual University Education Network | |
VUI | Video User Interface | |
VUIT | Visual User Interface Tool | |
VUP | VAX Unit of Performance | |
VURZ | Virtuelles UniversitätsRechenZentrum | |
VVaG | Versicherungsverein auf Gegenseitigkeit | Organisation |
VVD | Verbindungs- und Verteilerdose | TK |
VVD | Vermieterverein Deutschland e.V. | Organisation |
VVD | Volkspartij Voor Vrijheid En Democratie (Niederlande) | Partei |
VVV | Vereniging voor Vreemdelingenverkeer (Vereinigung der niederländischen Tourismusbüros) | Organisation |
VW | Versicherungswirtschaft | Zeitschrift |
VW | Volkswagen | Unternehmen |
VWA | Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftsakademie | |
VwGK | Verwaltungsgemeinkosten | BWL |
VwGO | Verwaltungsgerichtsordnung | Recht |
VWL | Volkswirtschaftslehre | VWL |
VWM | Virtual Warehouse Manager | |
VWO | Voorbereidend Wetenschappelijk Onderwijs (Niederlande: Vorwissentschaftlicher Unterricht, vergleichbar mit dem Gymnasium) | NL |
VwVfG | Verwaltungsverfahrensgesetz des Bundes | Recht |
VXE | VESA XGA Extensions | IT |
VzFdpbDK | Verein zur Förderung der privat betriebenen Daten-Kommunikation e. V. | Organisation |
VZS | Verbraucher-Zählpfeilsystem (Elektrotechnik) | |
W |
w | Wachstumsrate | |
W3 | World Wide Web | IT |
W3C | World Wide Web Consortium | Organisation |
WA | Warenausgang | |
WAAS | Wide Area Augmentation System | IT |
WABI | Windows Application Binary Interface | |
WACK | Wait Acknowledgement | |
WACS | Wireless Access Communications System | |
WAD | Wählautomat für Datenverbindungen | |
WAENA | Wide Area Educational Network | |
WaffG | Waffengesetz | Recht |
WAI | Web Access Initiative | |
WAI | WhiteLite Application Interface | |
WAIS | Wide Area Information Server | |
WAITS | Wide Area Information Transfer System | |
WAL | Write-Ahead Logging | |
WAM | Warren Abstract Machine | |
WAMKSAM | Why Are My Kids Staring At Me? | Usenet |
WAMPUM | Ward's Automated Menu Package Using Microcomputers | |
WAN | Wide Area Network | IT |
WAO | Warteschlange der ablaufbereiten Objekte | |
WAP | Wireless Application Protocol | IT |
WAP | Wissenschaftlicher Arbeitsplatz | |
WAR | Web Application Repository | |
WARC | World Administrative Radio Conference | |
WASP | Worldwide Application for Services Projects | |
WATS | Wide Area Telephone Service | |
WATTC | World Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference | |
WAWA | Work Anywhere With Anybody | |
WB | Write Back | |
WBC | Web Based Communication | |
WBC | Wide Band Channel | |
WBEM | Web Based Enterprise Management | |
WBM | Web Based Management | |
WBRC | Württembergisch-Badischer Radioclub | |
WBT | Windows Based Terminal | |
WC | Workgroup Computing | |
WC | Working Capital | |
WC | World Coordinate | |
WCDMA | Wideband Code Division Multiple Access | TK |
WCE | Write Cache Enable | |
WCIT | World Conference of International Communications (Weltkonferenz zur internationalen Telekommunikation) | |
WCPN | Wireless Customer Premises Network | |
WCS | Writable Control Store | |
WD | Western Digital | |
WD | Working Document | |
WDM | Wavelength Division Multiplexing | |
WDM | Windows Driver Model | |
WDO | Wehrdisziplinarordnung | Recht |
WDR | Westdeutscher Rundfunk | Medien, Deutschland |
WDR | Wide Dynamic Range | |
WDS | Wireless Distribution System | IT |
WDYMBT | What Do You Mean By That | Usenet |
WE | Wareneingang | BWL |
WE | Write Enable | |
Webdav | Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning | IT |
WECA | Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance | Organisation |
WEEB | Western European EDIFACT Board | |
WEEE | Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Überflüssige Elektro- und Elektronik-Altgeräte) | Recht |
WEFT | Web Embedding Fonts Tool | |
WEGA | Wiederverwendbare und erweiterbare Geschäftsprozess-Architektur | |
WELL | Well Equidistributed Long-period Linear (Pseudozufallszahlengenerator) | IT |
WELL | Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link (Online-Community) | |
WEP | Wired Equivalent Privacy (WLAN-Verschlüsselung) | IT |
WEU | Westeuropäische Union | |
WF | Workflow | |
WFA | Wi-Fi Alliance | Organisation |
WFG | Wait For Graph | |
WfM | Wired for Management | |
WFMC | Workflow Management Coalition | |
WFMS | Workflow Management System | |
WFP | Windows File Protection | |
WFQ | Weighted Fair Queuing | |
WFS | Woodstock File Server | |
WFW | Windows For Workgroups | |
WG | Wechselgesetz | |
WG | Working Group (Microsoft) | IT |
WGDTB | Working Group on Digital Television Broadcasting (ISO) | |
WGS | Work Group System | |
WHATWG | Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group | Organisation |
WHDI | Wireless Home Digital Interface | IT |
WHNF | Weak Head Normal Form | |
WHO | World Health Organisation (Weltgesundheitsorganisation) | Organisation |
WHQL | Windows Hardware Quality Lab | |
WIC | Wireless Indoor Communication | |
WiDi | Wireless Display | IT |
Wi-Fi | Wireless Fidelity | IT |
WiKG | Gesetz zur Bekämpfung der Wirtschaftskriminalität | Recht |
WIMAN | WIreless Metropolitan Area Network | |
WiMAX | Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access | IT |
WIMP | Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing | |
WIMPS | Windows, Icons, Menus, Pointing, Scroll bars (s. a. MUFF) | |
WIN | Wireless Inhouse Network (s. a. MUFF) | |
WiN | Wissenschaftsnetz des DFN | |
Windows CE | Windows Compact Edition | IT |
WINE | WINE is not an emulator | IT |
WinNT | Windows New Technology | |
WINS | Windows Internet Name Service | |
WIPO | World Intellectual Property Organization (Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum) | Organisation |
WITT | Workstation Interactive Test Tool (IBM) | IT |
wk | Wechselkurs | VWL |
WKD | Wirtschaftskontrolldienst | |
WKN | Wertpapierkennummer | |
WKS | Well Known Service/Socket | |
WLAN | Wireless Local Area Network | IT |
WLANA | Wireless Local Area Network Association | Organisation |
WLBS | Windows Load Balancing Service | IT |
WLL | Wireless Local Loop | IT |
WLLPMP | Wireless Local Loop Point to MultiPoint | IT |
WLTC | Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Cycle | |
WLTP | Worldwide harmonized Light vehicles Test Procedures | |
WM | Weltmeisterschaft | |
WM | Window-Manager | IT |
WMF | Windows Metafile Format | IT |
WMI | Windows Management Interface | IT |
WMI | World Manufacturer Identifier | |
WMIC | Windows Management Interface Console | IT |
WML | Wireless Markup Language | |
WMO | World Meteorological Organization | Organisation |
WMS | Workflow Management System | |
WNIC | WAN Interface Coprocessor | |
WNIM | WAN Interface Module | |
WNP | Weissbier Networking Protocol | |
WOA | Web Object Application | |
WOD | Web Object Definition | |
WOFF | Web Open Font Format (Internet) | IT |
WOL | Wake On LAN | |
WOM | Write-Only-Memory | |
WOMBAT | Waste Of Money, Brains, And Time | |
WOP | Werkstattorientierte Programmierung | |
WoPG | Wohnungsbau-Prämiengesetz | |
WORM | Write Once Read Many | |
WOS | Web Object Script | |
WOS | Workstation Operating System | |
WOSA | Windows Open System Architecture | |
WP | Word Processor (Microsoft) | IT |
WP | Write Protected | IT |
WPA | Wi-Fi Protected Access (WLAN-Verschlüsselung) | IT |
WPAD | Web Proxy Auto Discovery | IT |
WPAN | Wireless Personal Area Network | IT |
WPC | Woman Police Constable | |
WPD | Windows Printer Description | |
WPF | WordPerFect | |
WpflG | Wehrpflichtgesetz | Recht |
WPg | Die Wirtschaftsprüfung | Zeitschrift |
WPHD | Write Protected Hard Disk | IT |
wpm | words per minute | |
WPO | Wirtschaftsprüferordnung | |
WPS | Web Processing Service | IT |
WPS | Web Publishing Solution | IT |
WPS | Weblog Publishing System | IT |
WPS | WebSphere Portal Server | IT |
WPS | Welding Procedure Specification | |
WPS | Wi-Fi Protected Setup | IT |
WPS | Windows Printing System | IT |
WPS | Wireless Provisioning Services | IT |
WPS | WLAN Positioning System | IT |
WPS | Women’s Professional Soccer | |
WPS | Workplace Shell | IT |
WPS | World Poker Series | |
WRAM | Window Random Access Memory | IT |
WRAN | Wireless Regional Area Network | IT |
WRAP | Wireless Robust Authenticated Protocol (WLAN-Verschlüsselung) | IT |
WRB | Web Request Broker | |
WRP | Winsock Redirection Protocol | IT |
WRT | With Respect To | Usenet |
WS | Wait State | IT |
WS | Window Size | IT |
WS | Workstation | IT |
WSDDM | Worlwide Solution Design and Delivery Method | |
WSH | Windows Scripting Host | IT |
WSI | Wafer Scale Integration | |
WSS | Wide Screen Signalling | |
WST | Wasserscheidentransformation | |
WST | Water-soluble Tetrazolium Salt (Wasserlösliches Tetrazoliumsalz) | |
WSTS | World Semiconductor Trade Statistics | |
WSUS | Windows Server Update Services | IT |
WT | Without Thinking | Usenet |
WT | Write Through | IT |
WTC | World Trade Center (Welthandelszentrum) | Organisation |
WTF | What The Fuck (Was zum Teufel) | Usenet |
WTFPL | Do What The Fuck You Want To Public License | IT |
WTO | World Trade Organisation (Welthandelsorganisation) | Organisation |
WTS | Windows Terminal Server | IT |
WTTM | Without Thinking Too Much | Usenet |
WUGNET | Windows Users Group NETwork | IT |
WULF | Wake Up on Line Feed | |
WV | Warenverkauf | |
WW | Wahlwiederholung | TK |
WWC | World Wide Computing | |
WWF | World Wildlife Fund | Organisation |
WWW | World Wide Web | IT |
WWWW | World Wide Web Wizard/Worm | IT |
WWWWW | World Wide Web Worm Warning | IT |
WYCIWYG | What You Cache Is What You Get | IT |
WYGIWYG | What You Get Is What You Get | Usenet |
WYGIWYM | What You Get Is What You Mean | Usenet |
WYGIWYS | What You Get Is What You See | Usenet |
WYSIWIS | What You See Is What I See | Usenet |
WYSIWYG | What You See Is What You Get | Usenet |
WYTIWYG | What You Type Is What You Get | Usenet |
wzbw. | was zu beweisen war | |
X |
X.21 | Anbindung an leitungsvermittelndes Netz | |
X.21bis | Anbindung an leitungsvermittelndes Netz | |
X.25 | Anbindung an Paket-Netze | |
X.28 | Protokoll zwischen Terminal und PAD | |
X.29 | Protokoll zwischen PAD und Netzwerk | |
X.3 | Spezifikation der DTE-Seite | |
X.500 | Netzwerkweiter Verzeichnisdienst | |
X11 | X Window System für Unix | IT |
XA | eXtended Architecture/Attribute | IT |
XAA | XFree86 Acceleration Architecture | IT |
XAPIA | X.400 Application Programming Interface Association | IT |
XBMC | XBox Media Center | IT |
XCHG | eXchange | |
XCHS | eXtended Cylinders, Heads, Sectors | |
XCMD | eXtended Mode Command | |
XCMD | eXternal Command | |
XDCS | X/Open Distributed Computing Services | |
XDLE | Transparent Data Link Escape | |
XDM | X Display Manager | |
XDMCP | X Display Manager Control Protocol | |
XDMDP | XDM Desktop Protocol | IT |
XDR | eXternal/eXtended Data Representation | IT |
XDS | X/Open Directory Service | IT |
XETB | Transparent End of Transmission Block | IT |
XETX | Transparent End of Text | IT |
XFCN | eXternal Function | IT |
XFN | X/Open Federated Naming Service | IT |
XFS | X11 File System | IT |
XGA | eXtended Graphics Array | IT |
XHTML | eXtensible HyperText Markup Language | IT |
XID | eXchange Identifier/Identification | IT |
XIE | X Image/Imaging Extension | IT |
XIE-DIS | XIE Document Imaging Subset | IT |
XITB | Transparent Intermediate Block | |
XKB | X Keyboard Extension | IT |
XLATE | Translate | |
XLFD | X Logical Font Description | IT |
XLINK | eXtended Local Informatik Netz Karlsruhe | |
XLL | Extensible Linking Language | IT |
XLL | XLink and XPointer Languages | IT |
XLM | eXcel Macro Language | IT |
XMI | XML Metadata Interchange | IT |
XMI | XTendbus Multibus Interface | IT |
XMIT | Transmit | |
XML | Extensible Markup Language | IT |
XMM | eXtended Memory Manager | |
XMP | X/Open Management Protocol | |
XMPP | Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol | IT |
XMS | eXtended Memory Specification | |
XMSN | Transmission | |
XMT | Transmit | |
XMTR | Transmitter | |
XNS | Xerox Network System | IT |
XOFF | eXchange/Transmitter Off | IT |
XOM | X/Open Management | IT |
XON | eXchange/Transmitter On | IT |
XOR | eXclusive or | IT |
XOS | eXperimental Operating System (auch: EOR) | IT |
XP | extreme programming | IT |
XPath | XML Path language | IT |
XPC | X Performance Characterization Group | IT |
XPEL | X Protocol Engine Library | IT |
XPG | X/Open Portability Guide | IT |
XPLA | eXtended Programmable Logic Array | IT |
XPT | eXternal Page Table | IT |
XR | indeX Register | IT |
XREF | Cross Reference List | IT |
XRNI | eXtended Rainbow Network Interface | IT |
XSC | eXtended Scientific Calculation | IT |
XSDU | eXpedited transport Service Data Unit | IT |
XSI | X/Open System Interface Specification | IT |
XSL | Extensible Style Language | IT |
XSL | eXtensible Style-sheet Language | IT |
XSL-FO | XSL Flow Objects | IT |
XSLT | eXtensible Style-sheet Language Transformations | IT |
XSMD | eXtended Storage Module Drive | IT |
XSMP | X Session Manager Protocol | IT |
XSS | Cross-Site-Scripting | IT |
XSTX | Transparent Start of Text | IT |
XSYN | Transparent Synchronous Idle | IT |
XT | Crosstalk | IT |
XT | eXtended Technology | IT |
XTAL | Crystal | IT |
XTC | Ecstasy (Droge) | |
XTCLK | eXternal Transmit Clock | IT |
XTI | X/Open Transport | IT |
XTP | XPress Transfer Protocol | IT |
XTTD | Transparent Temporary Text Delay | IT |
XUL | XML-based User interface Language | IT |
XUMA | EXpertensystem Umweltgefährlichkeit von Altlasten | |
XVE | X Visual Extensions | IT |
XVI | XTendbus VMEbus Interface | IT |
XVS | X/Open System V Specification | IT |
XVT | eXtensible Virtual Toolkit | IT |
XWD | X Window Dump | IT |
XWS | X-Window-System | IT |
Y |
Y | Volkseinkommen, Einkommen, Produktion | VWL |
Y2K | Year 2 Kilo (Jahr 2000) | |
YABA | Yet Another Bloody Acronym | IT |
YACC | Yet Another Compiler-Compiler | IT |
YAFIYGI | You Asked For It, You Got It | Usenet |
YAGNI | You Aren't Gonna Need It | Usenet |
YAODL | Yet Another Object Description Language | IT |
YCAGWYW | You Cannot Always Get What You Want | Usenet |
YMCA | Young Men's Christian Association | Organisation |
YMMV | Your Mileage May Vary | |
YP | Yellow Pages | |
YTD | Year To Date | IT |
YUV | Farbmodell (Luminanz Y, Chrominanzwerte U, V) | |
YWCA | Young Women's Christian Association | Organisation |
Z |
Z | Zeichen | |
Z | Zener | |
z.B. | zum Beispiel | |
z.T. | zum Teil | |
ZAB | Zeilenabstand | |
ZAC | Zero Administration Client | IT |
ZAI | Zero Administration Initiative | IT |
ZAK | Zero Administration Kit | IT |
ZAPS | Zentrale Auftragsplanung und -steuerung | |
ZBB | Zero Base Budgeting | |
ZBG | Zentralbankgeld | |
ZBR | Zone Bit Recording (Microsoft) | IT |
ZBT | Zero Bus Turnaround | |
Z-CAV | Zoned Constant Angular Velocity | |
ZCT | Zero Count Table | |
ZDF | Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen | Medien, Deutschland |
ZDG | Zivildienstgesetz | Recht |
ZDH | Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks | |
ZDL | Zero Delay Lockout | |
ZDR | Zeilendrucker | |
ZDR | Zone Density Recording | |
ZDVA | Zentrale Datenverarbeitungsanlage | |
ZE | Zentraleinheit | |
ZEN | Zero Effort Network | |
ZfB | Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft | Zeitschrift |
ZfbF | Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung | Zeitschrift |
ZFD | Ziviler Friedensdienst | |
ZfgSt | Zeitschrift für die gesamte Staatswissenschaft | Zeitschrift |
ZfhF | Zeitschrift für handelswissenschaftliche Forschung | Zeitschrift |
ZfHH | Zeitschrift für Handelswissenschaft und Handelspraxis | Zeitschrift |
ZfO | Zeitschrift für Organisation | Zeitschrift |
ZFS | Zone Field Selection (Novell) | IT |
ZGDV | Zentrum für Graphische Datenverarbeitung | |
ZGS | Zeichengabesystem | |
ZHR | Zero Hop Routing | IT |
ZI | Zentrale Instandhaltung | |
ZIB | Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum für Informationstechnik, Berlin | |
ZIF | Zero Insertion Force | Organisation |
Ziff. | Ziffer | |
ZIP | Zone Improvement Plan | |
ZIP | Zone Information Protocol | |
ZK | Zentralkommitee | |
ZKA | Zentraler Kreditausschuss | |
ZKD | Zentrum für Kommunikationstechnik und Datenverarbeitung, Stuttgart | |
ZKM | Zentrum für Kunst und Medientechnologie, Karlsruhe | |
ZL | Zeile | |
ZNS | Zentralnachweisstelle | Behörde |
ZNS | Zentralnervensystem | Medizin |
ZO | Zeitschrift für Organisation | Zeitschrift |
ZOFF | Zeichenorientierte Fenster-Funktionen | IT |
ZonenRFG | Zonenrandförderungsgesetz | Recht |
ZOPE | Z Object Publishing Environment | IT |
ZPO | Zivilprozeßordnung | Recht |
ZPÜ | Zentralstelle für private Überspielrechte | Organisation |
ZRTP | Z Real-Time Transport Protocol | IT |
ZS | Zeitschlitz | |
ZSL | Zero Slot LAN | IT |
ZSP | Zwischenspeicher | IT |
ZSS | Zentraler Service Switch | IT |
ZTZB | Zentrale Technik Zentraler Betriebslenkung | |
ZUM | Zeitschrift für Urheber- und Medienrecht | Zeitschrift |
zusätzl. | zusätzlich | |
zushg. | zusammenhängend | |
ZV | Zahlungsverkehr | |
ZV | Zeilenvorschub | IT |
ZV | Zoomed Video | |
ZVDFUe | Zahlungsverkehr-Datenfernübertragung (Port) | |
ZVE | Zählervergleichseinrichtung | |
ZVEH | Zentralverband der Deutschen Elektrohandwerke | Organisation |
0-9 |
1GL | 1st Generation Language | IT |
1TR6 | ISDN-Protokoll, national | TK |
2GL | 2nd Generation Language | IT |
2L8 | Too Late (zu spät) | Usenet |
2MS | Strukturierte Monopolleitung 2 Mbit/s | IT |
3D | 3-Dimensional | |
3G | Third Generation | |
3GIO | 3rd Generation I/O | IT |
3GL | 3rd Generation Language | IT |
3GPP | Third Generation Partnership Projekt | |
3PTY | Three Party Service (Dreierkonferenz) | TK |
4 | for | Usenet |
4GL | 4th Generation Language | IT |
5GL | 5th Generation Language | IT |
6GL | 6th Generation Language | IT |
7E1 | Zeichenformat (7 Bits/Zeichen, Parität, 1 Stopbit) | IT |
8N1 | Zeichenformat (8 Bits/Zeichen, keine Parität, 1 Stopbit) | IT |
µ | Micro | |
µC | Micro Controller | IT |
µops | micro operations | IT |
µP | Micro Processor | IT |
µPGA | Micro Pin Grid Array | IT |
µTCA | Micro Telecom Computing Architecture | IT |